path: root/net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h b/net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h
index 1b81781..2c51761 100644
--- a/net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h
+++ b/net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h
@@ -10,18 +10,9 @@
#pragma once
-#include <map>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "base/template_util.h"
-#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
-#include "net/base/cert_database.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
-#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool_histograms.h"
class GURL;
@@ -32,26 +23,15 @@ class Value;
namespace net {
class BoundNetLog;
-class CertVerifier;
-class ClientSocketFactory;
class ClientSocketHandle;
-class ClientSocketPoolHistograms;
-class DnsCertProvenanceChecker;
-class DnsRRResolver;
-class HttpNetworkSession;
-class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HostPortPair;
+class HttpNetworkSession;
class HttpProxyClientSocketPool;
-class HostResolver;
-class NetLog;
-class OriginBoundCertService;
+class HttpRequestHeaders;
class ProxyInfo;
-class ProxyService;
+class TransportClientSocketPool;
class SOCKSClientSocketPool;
class SSLClientSocketPool;
-class SSLConfigService;
-class SSLHostInfoFactory;
-class TransportClientSocketPool;
struct SSLConfig;
@@ -59,177 +39,87 @@ struct SSLConfig;
// really offer much flexiblity in exporting contants.
enum DefaultMaxValues { kDefaultMaxSocketsPerProxyServer = 32 };
-namespace internal {
-// A helper class for auto-deleting Values in the destructor.
-template <typename Key, typename Value>
-class OwnedPoolMap : public std::map<Key, Value> {
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ClientSocketPoolManager {
- OwnedPoolMap() {
- COMPILE_ASSERT(base::is_pointer<Value>::value,
- value_must_be_a_pointer);
- }
- ~OwnedPoolMap() {
- STLDeleteValues(this);
- }
-} // namespace internal
-class ClientSocketPoolManager : public base::NonThreadSafe,
- public CertDatabase::Observer {
- public:
- ClientSocketPoolManager(NetLog* net_log,
- ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory,
- HostResolver* host_resolver,
- CertVerifier* cert_verifier,
- OriginBoundCertService* origin_bound_cert_service,
- DnsRRResolver* dnsrr_resolver,
- DnsCertProvenanceChecker* dns_cert_checker,
- SSLHostInfoFactory* ssl_host_info_factory,
- ProxyService* proxy_service,
- SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service);
+ ClientSocketPoolManager();
virtual ~ClientSocketPoolManager();
- void FlushSocketPools();
- void CloseIdleSockets();
- TransportClientSocketPool* transport_socket_pool() {
- return transport_socket_pool_.get();
- }
- SSLClientSocketPool* ssl_socket_pool() { return ssl_socket_pool_.get(); }
- SOCKSClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForSOCKSProxy(
- const HostPortPair& socks_proxy);
- HttpProxyClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForHTTPProxy(
- const HostPortPair& http_proxy);
- SSLClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForSSLWithProxy(
- const HostPortPair& proxy_server);
// The setter methods below affect only newly created socket pools after the
// methods are called. Normally they should be called at program startup
- // before any ClientSocketPoolManager is created.
- NET_EXPORT static void set_max_sockets_per_pool(int socket_count);
- NET_EXPORT static int max_sockets_per_group();
- NET_EXPORT static void set_max_sockets_per_group(int socket_count);
- NET_EXPORT static void set_max_sockets_per_proxy_server(int socket_count);
- // A helper method that uses the passed in proxy information to initialize a
- // ClientSocketHandle with the relevant socket pool. Use this method for
- // HTTP/HTTPS requests. |ssl_config_for_origin| is only used if the request
- // uses SSL and |ssl_config_for_proxy| is used if the proxy server is HTTPS.
- static int InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest(
- const GURL& request_url,
- const HttpRequestHeaders& request_extra_headers,
- int request_load_flags,
- RequestPriority request_priority,
- HttpNetworkSession* session,
- const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
- bool force_spdy_over_ssl,
- bool want_spdy_over_npn,
- const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
- const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
- const BoundNetLog& net_log,
- ClientSocketHandle* socket_handle,
- OldCompletionCallback* callback);
- // A helper method that uses the passed in proxy information to initialize a
- // ClientSocketHandle with the relevant socket pool. Use this method for
- // a raw socket connection to a host-port pair (that needs to tunnel through
- // the proxies).
- NET_EXPORT static int InitSocketHandleForRawConnect(
- const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
- HttpNetworkSession* session,
- const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
- const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
- const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
- const BoundNetLog& net_log,
- ClientSocketHandle* socket_handle,
- OldCompletionCallback* callback);
- // Similar to InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest except that it initiates the
- // desired number of preconnect streams from the relevant socket pool.
- static int PreconnectSocketsForHttpRequest(
- const GURL& request_url,
- const HttpRequestHeaders& request_extra_headers,
- int request_load_flags,
- RequestPriority request_priority,
- HttpNetworkSession* session,
- const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
- bool force_spdy_over_ssl,
- bool want_spdy_over_npn,
- const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
- const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
- const BoundNetLog& net_log,
- int num_preconnect_streams);
+ // before any ClientSocketPoolManagerImpl is created.
+ static int max_sockets_per_pool();
+ static void set_max_sockets_per_pool(int socket_count);
+ static int max_sockets_per_group();
+ static void set_max_sockets_per_group(int socket_count);
+ static int max_sockets_per_proxy_server();
+ static void set_max_sockets_per_proxy_server(int socket_count);
+ virtual void FlushSocketPools() = 0;
+ virtual void CloseIdleSockets() = 0;
+ virtual TransportClientSocketPool* GetTransportSocketPool() = 0;
+ virtual SSLClientSocketPool* GetSSLSocketPool() = 0;
+ virtual SOCKSClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForSOCKSProxy(
+ const HostPortPair& socks_proxy) = 0;
+ virtual HttpProxyClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForHTTPProxy(
+ const HostPortPair& http_proxy) = 0;
+ virtual SSLClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForSSLWithProxy(
+ const HostPortPair& proxy_server) = 0;
// Creates a Value summary of the state of the socket pools. The caller is
// responsible for deleting the returned value.
- base::Value* SocketPoolInfoToValue() const;
- // CertDatabase::Observer methods:
- virtual void OnUserCertAdded(const X509Certificate* cert) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void OnCertTrustChanged(const X509Certificate* cert) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- friend class HttpNetworkSessionPeer;
- typedef internal::OwnedPoolMap<HostPortPair, TransportClientSocketPool*>
- TransportSocketPoolMap;
- typedef internal::OwnedPoolMap<HostPortPair, SOCKSClientSocketPool*>
- SOCKSSocketPoolMap;
- typedef internal::OwnedPoolMap<HostPortPair, HttpProxyClientSocketPool*>
- HTTPProxySocketPoolMap;
- typedef internal::OwnedPoolMap<HostPortPair, SSLClientSocketPool*>
- SSLSocketPoolMap;
- NetLog* const net_log_;
- ClientSocketFactory* const socket_factory_;
- HostResolver* const host_resolver_;
- CertVerifier* const cert_verifier_;
- OriginBoundCertService* const origin_bound_cert_service_;
- DnsRRResolver* const dnsrr_resolver_;
- DnsCertProvenanceChecker* const dns_cert_checker_;
- SSLHostInfoFactory* const ssl_host_info_factory_;
- ProxyService* const proxy_service_;
- const scoped_refptr<SSLConfigService> ssl_config_service_;
- // Note: this ordering is important.
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms transport_pool_histograms_;
- scoped_ptr<TransportClientSocketPool> transport_socket_pool_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms ssl_pool_histograms_;
- scoped_ptr<SSLClientSocketPool> ssl_socket_pool_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms transport_for_socks_pool_histograms_;
- TransportSocketPoolMap transport_socket_pools_for_socks_proxies_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms socks_pool_histograms_;
- SOCKSSocketPoolMap socks_socket_pools_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms transport_for_http_proxy_pool_histograms_;
- TransportSocketPoolMap transport_socket_pools_for_http_proxies_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms transport_for_https_proxy_pool_histograms_;
- TransportSocketPoolMap transport_socket_pools_for_https_proxies_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms ssl_for_https_proxy_pool_histograms_;
- SSLSocketPoolMap ssl_socket_pools_for_https_proxies_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms http_proxy_pool_histograms_;
- HTTPProxySocketPoolMap http_proxy_socket_pools_;
- ClientSocketPoolHistograms ssl_socket_pool_for_proxies_histograms_;
- SSLSocketPoolMap ssl_socket_pools_for_proxies_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClientSocketPoolManager);
+ virtual base::Value* SocketPoolInfoToValue() const = 0;
+// A helper method that uses the passed in proxy information to initialize a
+// ClientSocketHandle with the relevant socket pool. Use this method for
+// HTTP/HTTPS requests. |ssl_config_for_origin| is only used if the request
+// uses SSL and |ssl_config_for_proxy| is used if the proxy server is HTTPS.
+int InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest(
+ const GURL& request_url,
+ const HttpRequestHeaders& request_extra_headers,
+ int request_load_flags,
+ RequestPriority request_priority,
+ HttpNetworkSession* session,
+ const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
+ bool force_spdy_over_ssl,
+ bool want_spdy_over_npn,
+ const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
+ const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log,
+ ClientSocketHandle* socket_handle,
+ OldCompletionCallback* callback);
+// A helper method that uses the passed in proxy information to initialize a
+// ClientSocketHandle with the relevant socket pool. Use this method for
+// a raw socket connection to a host-port pair (that needs to tunnel through
+// the proxies).
+NET_EXPORT int InitSocketHandleForRawConnect(
+ const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
+ HttpNetworkSession* session,
+ const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
+ const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
+ const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log,
+ ClientSocketHandle* socket_handle,
+ OldCompletionCallback* callback);
+// Similar to InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest except that it initiates the
+// desired number of preconnect streams from the relevant socket pool.
+int PreconnectSocketsForHttpRequest(
+ const GURL& request_url,
+ const HttpRequestHeaders& request_extra_headers,
+ int request_load_flags,
+ RequestPriority request_priority,
+ HttpNetworkSession* session,
+ const ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
+ bool force_spdy_over_ssl,
+ bool want_spdy_over_npn,
+ const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_origin,
+ const SSLConfig& ssl_config_for_proxy,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log,
+ int num_preconnect_streams);
} // namespace net