path: root/net/spdy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net/spdy/')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bed7031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+namespace net {
+// Chop a frame into an array of MockWrites.
+// |data| is the frame to chop.
+// |length| is the length of the frame to chop.
+// |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
+MockWrite* ChopFrame(const char* data, int length, int num_chunks) {
+ MockWrite* chunks = new MockWrite[num_chunks];
+ int chunk_size = length / num_chunks;
+ for (int index = 0; index < num_chunks; index++) {
+ const char* ptr = data + (index * chunk_size);
+ if (index == num_chunks - 1)
+ chunk_size += length % chunk_size; // The last chunk takes the remainder.
+ chunks[index] = MockWrite(true, ptr, chunk_size);
+ }
+ return chunks;
+// Chop a SpdyFrame into an array of MockWrites.
+// |frame| is the frame to chop.
+// |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
+MockWrite* ChopFrame(const spdy::SpdyFrame* frame, int num_chunks) {
+ return ChopFrame(frame->data(),
+ frame->length() + spdy::SpdyFrame::size(),
+ num_chunks);
+// Adds headers and values to a map.
+// |extra_headers| is an array of { name, value } pairs, arranged as strings
+// where the even entries are the header names, and the odd entries are the
+// header values.
+// |headers| gets filled in from |extra_headers|.
+void AppendHeadersToSpdyFrame(const char* const extra_headers[],
+ int extra_header_count,
+ spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock* headers) {
+ std::string this_header;
+ std::string this_value;
+ if (!extra_header_count)
+ return;
+ // Sanity check: Non-NULL header list.
+ DCHECK(NULL != extra_headers) << "NULL header value pair list";
+ // Sanity check: Non-NULL header map.
+ DCHECK(NULL != headers) << "NULL header map";
+ // Copy in the headers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < extra_header_count; i++) {
+ // Sanity check: Non-empty header.
+ DCHECK_NE('\0', *extra_headers[i * 2]) << "Empty header value pair";
+ this_header = extra_headers[i * 2];
+ std::string::size_type header_len = this_header.length();
+ if (!header_len)
+ continue;
+ this_value = extra_headers[1 + (i * 2)];
+ std::string new_value;
+ if (headers->find(this_header) != headers->end()) {
+ // More than one entry in the header.
+ // Don't add the header again, just the append to the value,
+ // separated by a NULL character.
+ // Adjust the value.
+ new_value = (*headers)[this_header];
+ // Put in a NULL separator.
+ new_value.append(1, '\0');
+ // Append the new value.
+ new_value += this_value;
+ } else {
+ // Not a duplicate, just write the value.
+ new_value = this_value;
+ }
+ (*headers)[this_header] = new_value;
+ }
+// Writes |val| to a location of size |len|, in big-endian format.
+// in the buffer pointed to by |buffer_handle|.
+// Updates the |*buffer_handle| pointer by |len|
+// Returns the number of bytes written
+int AppendToBuffer(int val,
+ int len,
+ unsigned char** buffer_handle,
+ int* buffer_len_remaining) {
+ if (len <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ DCHECK((size_t) len <= sizeof(len)) << "Data length too long for data type";
+ DCHECK(NULL != buffer_handle) << "NULL buffer handle";
+ DCHECK(NULL != *buffer_handle) << "NULL pointer";
+ DCHECK(NULL != buffer_len_remaining)
+ << "NULL buffer remainder length pointer";
+ DCHECK_GE(*buffer_len_remaining, len) << "Insufficient buffer size";
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ int shift = (8 * (len - (i + 1)));
+ unsigned char val_chunk = (val >> shift) & 0x0FF;
+ *(*buffer_handle)++ = val_chunk;
+ *buffer_len_remaining += 1;
+ }
+ return len;
+// Construct a SPDY packet.
+// |head| is the start of the packet, up to but not including
+// the header value pairs.
+// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
+// will vary the most between calls.
+// |tail| is any (relatively constant) header-value pairs to add.
+// |buffer| is the buffer we're filling in.
+// Returns a SpdyFrame.
+spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPacket(const SpdyHeaderInfo* header_info,
+ const char* const extra_headers[],
+ int extra_header_count,
+ const char* const tail[],
+ int tail_header_count) {
+ spdy::SpdyFramer framer;
+ spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock headers;
+ // Copy in the extra headers to our map.
+ AppendHeadersToSpdyFrame(extra_headers, extra_header_count, &headers);
+ // Copy in the tail headers to our map.
+ if (tail && tail_header_count)
+ AppendHeadersToSpdyFrame(tail, tail_header_count, &headers);
+ spdy::SpdyFrame* frame = NULL;
+ switch (header_info->kind) {
+ case spdy::SYN_STREAM:
+ frame = framer.CreateSynStream(header_info->id, header_info->assoc_id,
+ header_info->priority,
+ header_info->control_flags,
+ header_info->compressed, &headers);
+ break;
+ case spdy::SYN_REPLY:
+ frame = framer.CreateSynReply(header_info->id, header_info->control_flags,
+ header_info->compressed, &headers);
+ break;
+ case spdy::RST_STREAM:
+ frame = framer.CreateRstStream(header_info->id, header_info->status);
+ break;
+ default:
+ frame = framer.CreateDataFrame(header_info->id, header_info->data,
+ header_info->data_length,
+ header_info->data_flags);
+ break;
+ }
+ return frame;
+// Construct an expected SPDY SETTINGS frame.
+// |settings| are the settings to set.
+// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
+spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdySettings(spdy::SpdySettings settings) {
+ spdy::SpdyFramer framer;
+ return framer.CreateSettings(settings);
+// Construct a single SPDY header entry, for validation.
+// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs.
+// |buffer| is the buffer we're filling in.
+// |index| is the index of the header we want.
+// Returns the number of bytes written into |buffer|.
+int ConstructSpdyHeader(const char* const extra_headers[],
+ int extra_header_count,
+ char* buffer,
+ int buffer_length,
+ int index) {
+ const char* this_header = NULL;
+ const char* this_value = NULL;
+ if (!buffer || !buffer_length)
+ return 0;
+ *buffer = '\0';
+ // Sanity check: Non-empty header list.
+ DCHECK(NULL != extra_headers) << "NULL extra headers pointer";
+ // Sanity check: Index out of range.
+ DCHECK((index >= 0) && (index < extra_header_count))
+ << "Index " << index
+ << " out of range [0, " << extra_header_count << ")";
+ this_header = extra_headers[index * 2];
+ // Sanity check: Non-empty header.
+ if (!*this_header)
+ return 0;
+ std::string::size_type header_len = strlen(this_header);
+ if (!header_len)
+ return 0;
+ this_value = extra_headers[1 + (index * 2)];
+ // Sanity check: Non-empty value.
+ if (!*this_value)
+ this_value = "";
+ int n = base::snprintf(buffer,
+ buffer_length,
+ "%s: %s\r\n",
+ this_header,
+ this_value);
+ return n;
+// Constructs a standard SPDY GET packet.
+// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
+// will vary the most between calls.
+// Returns a SpdyFrame.
+spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGet(const char* const extra_headers[],
+ int extra_header_count) {
+ SpdyHeaderInfo SynStartHeader = {
+ spdy::SYN_STREAM, // Kind = Syn
+ 1, // Stream ID
+ 0, // Associated stream ID
+ spdy::CONTROL_FLAG_FIN, // Control Flags
+ false, // Compressed
+ spdy::INVALID, // Status
+ NULL, // Data
+ 0, // Length
+ spdy::DATA_FLAG_NONE // Data Flags
+ };
+ static const char* const kStandardGetHeaders[] = {
+ "method",
+ "GET",
+ "url",
+ "",
+ "version",
+ "HTTP/1.1"
+ };
+ return ConstructSpdyPacket(
+ &SynStartHeader,
+ extra_headers,
+ extra_header_count,
+ kStandardGetHeaders,
+ arraysize(kStandardGetHeaders) / 2);
+// Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_REPLY packet to match the SPDY GET.
+// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
+// will vary the most between calls.
+// Returns a SpdyFrame.
+spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGetSynReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
+ int extra_header_count) {
+ SpdyHeaderInfo SynStartHeader = {
+ spdy::SYN_REPLY, // Kind = SynReply
+ 1, // Stream ID
+ 0, // Associated stream ID
+ spdy::CONTROL_FLAG_NONE, // Control Flags
+ false, // Compressed
+ spdy::INVALID, // Status
+ NULL, // Data
+ 0, // Length
+ spdy::DATA_FLAG_NONE // Data Flags
+ };
+ static const char* const kStandardGetHeaders[] = {
+ "hello",
+ "bye",
+ "status",
+ "200",
+ "url",
+ "/index.php",
+ "version",
+ "HTTP/1.1"
+ };
+ return ConstructSpdyPacket(
+ &SynStartHeader,
+ extra_headers,
+ extra_header_count,
+ kStandardGetHeaders,
+ arraysize(kStandardGetHeaders) / 2);
+// Construct an expected SPDY reply string.
+// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
+// will vary the most between calls.
+// |buffer| is the buffer we're filling in.
+// Returns the number of bytes written into |buffer|.
+int ConstructSpdyReplyString(const char* const extra_headers[],
+ int extra_header_count,
+ char* buffer,
+ int buffer_length) {
+ int packet_size = 0;
+ int header_count = 0;
+ char* buffer_write = buffer;
+ int buffer_left = buffer_length;
+ spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock headers;
+ if (!buffer || !buffer_length)
+ return 0;
+ // Copy in the extra headers.
+ AppendHeadersToSpdyFrame(extra_headers, extra_header_count, &headers);
+ header_count = headers.size();
+ // The iterator gets us the list of header/value pairs in sorted order.
+ spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock::iterator next = headers.begin();
+ spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock::iterator last = headers.end();
+ for ( ; next != last; ++next) {
+ // Write the header.
+ int value_len, current_len, offset;
+ const char* header_string = next->first.c_str();
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer(header_string,
+ next->first.length(),
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer(": ",
+ strlen(": "),
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ // Write the value(s).
+ const char* value_string = next->second.c_str();
+ // Check if it's split among two or more values.
+ value_len = next->second.length();
+ current_len = strlen(value_string);
+ offset = 0;
+ // Handle the first N-1 values.
+ while (current_len < value_len) {
+ // Finish this line -- write the current value.
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer(value_string + offset,
+ current_len - offset,
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer("\n",
+ strlen("\n"),
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ // Advance to next value.
+ offset = current_len + 1;
+ current_len += 1 + strlen(value_string + offset);
+ // Start another line -- add the header again.
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer(header_string,
+ next->first.length(),
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer(": ",
+ strlen(": "),
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_len, current_len);
+ // Copy the last (or only) value.
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer(value_string + offset,
+ value_len - offset,
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ packet_size += AppendToBuffer("\n",
+ strlen("\n"),
+ &buffer_write,
+ &buffer_left);
+ }
+ return packet_size;
+// Create a MockWrite from the given SpdyFrame.
+MockWrite CreateMockWrite(spdy::SpdyFrame* req) {
+ return MockWrite(
+ true, req->data(), req->length() + spdy::SpdyFrame::size());
+// Create a MockRead from the given SpdyFrame.
+MockRead CreateMockRead(spdy::SpdyFrame* resp) {
+ return MockRead(
+ true, resp->data(), resp->length() + spdy::SpdyFrame::size());
+// Create a MockRead from the given SpdyFrame and sequence number.
+MockRead CreateMockRead(spdy::SpdyFrame* resp, int seq) {
+ return MockRead(
+ true, resp->data(), resp->length() + spdy::SpdyFrame::size(), seq);
+} // namespace net