path: root/net/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/tools')
3 files changed, 20 insertions, 586 deletions
diff --git a/net/tools/testserver/ b/net/tools/testserver/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0e0398..0000000
--- a/net/tools/testserver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This file implements very minimal ASN.1, DER serialization.
-import types
-def ToDER(obj):
- '''ToDER converts the given object into DER encoding'''
- if type(obj) == types.NoneType:
- # None turns into NULL
- return TagAndLength(5, 0)
- if type(obj) == types.StringType:
- return TagAndLength(19, len(obj)) + obj
- if type(obj) == types.BooleanType:
- val = "\x00"
- if obj:
- val = "\xff"
- return TagAndLength(1, 1) + val
- if type(obj) == types.IntType or type(obj) == types.LongType:
- big_endian = []
- val = obj
- while val != 0:
- big_endian.append(val & 0xff)
- val >>= 8
- if len(big_endian) == 0 or big_endian[-1] >= 128:
- big_endian.append(0)
- big_endian.reverse()
- return TagAndLength(2, len(big_endian)) + ToBytes(big_endian)
- return obj.ToDER()
-def ToBytes(array_of_bytes):
- '''ToBytes converts the array of byte values into a binary string'''
- return ''.join([chr(x) for x in array_of_bytes])
-def TagAndLength(tag, length):
- der = [tag]
- if length < 128:
- der.append(length)
- elif length < 256:
- der.append(0x81)
- der.append(length)
- elif length < 65535:
- der.append(0x82)
- der.append(length >> 8)
- der.append(length & 0xff)
- else:
- assert False
- return ToBytes(der)
-class Raw(object):
- '''Raw contains raw DER encoded bytes that are used verbatim'''
- def __init__(self, der):
- self.der = der
- def ToDER(self):
- return self.der
-class Explicit(object):
- '''Explicit prepends an explicit tag'''
- def __init__(self, tag, child):
- self.tag = tag
- self.child = child
- def ToDER(self):
- der = ToDER(self.child)
- tag = self.tag
- tag |= 0x80 # content specific
- tag |= 0x20 # complex
- return TagAndLength(tag, len(der)) + der
-class ENUMERATED(object):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def ToDER(self):
- return TagAndLength(10, 1) + chr(self.value)
-class SEQUENCE(object):
- def __init__(self, children):
- self.children = children
- def ToDER(self):
- der = ''.join([ToDER(x) for x in self.children])
- return TagAndLength(0x30, len(der)) + der
-class SET(object):
- def __init__(self, children):
- self.children = children
- def ToDER(self):
- der = ''.join([ToDER(x) for x in self.children])
- return TagAndLength(0x31, len(der)) + der
-class OCTETSTRING(object):
- def __init__(self, val):
- self.val = val
- def ToDER(self):
- return TagAndLength(4, len(self.val)) + self.val
-class OID(object):
- def __init__(self, parts):
- = parts
- def ToDER(self):
- if len( < 2 or[0] > 6 or[1] >= 40:
- assert False
- der = [[0]*40 +[1]]
- for x in[2:]:
- if x == 0:
- der.append(0)
- else:
- octets = []
- while x != 0:
- v = x & 0x7f
- if len(octets) > 0:
- v |= 0x80
- octets.append(v)
- x >>= 7
- octets.reverse()
- der = der + octets
- return TagAndLength(6, len(der)) + ToBytes(der)
-class UTCTime(object):
- def __init__(self, time_str):
- self.time_str = time_str
- def ToDER(self):
- return TagAndLength(23, len(self.time_str)) + self.time_str
-class GeneralizedTime(object):
- def __init__(self, time_str):
- self.time_str = time_str
- def ToDER(self):
- return TagAndLength(24, len(self.time_str)) + self.time_str
-class BitString(object):
- def __init__(self, bits):
- self.bits = bits
- def ToDER(self):
- return TagAndLength(3, 1 + len(self.bits)) + "\x00" + self.bits
diff --git a/net/tools/testserver/ b/net/tools/testserver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9824fd0..0000000
--- a/net/tools/testserver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import asn1
-import hashlib
-import os
-# This file implements very minimal certificate and OCSP generation. It's
-# designed to test revocation checking.
-def RandomNumber(length_in_bytes):
- '''RandomNumber returns a random number of length 8*|length_in_bytes| bits'''
- rand = os.urandom(length_in_bytes)
- n = 0
- for x in rand:
- n <<= 8
- n |= ord(x)
- return n
-def ModExp(n, e, p):
- '''ModExp returns n^e mod p'''
- r = 1
- while e != 0:
- if e & 1:
- r = (r*n) % p
- e >>= 1
- n = (n*n) % p
- return r
-# PKCS1v15_SHA1_PREFIX is the ASN.1 prefix for a SHA1 signature.
-PKCS1v15_SHA1_PREFIX = '3021300906052b0e03021a05000414'.decode('hex')
-class RSA(object):
- def __init__(self, modulus, e, d):
- self.m = modulus
- self.e = e
- self.d = d
- self.modlen = 0
- m = modulus
- while m != 0:
- self.modlen += 1
- m >>= 8
- def Sign(self, message):
- digest = hashlib.sha1(message).digest()
- prefix = PKCS1v15_SHA1_PREFIX
- em = ['\xff'] * (self.modlen - 1 - len(prefix) - len(digest))
- em[0] = '\x00'
- em[1] = '\x01'
- em += "\x00" + prefix + digest
- n = 0
- for x in em:
- n <<= 8
- n |= ord(x)
- s = ModExp(n, self.d, self.m)
- out = []
- while s != 0:
- out.append(s & 0xff)
- s >>= 8
- out.reverse()
- return '\x00' * (self.modlen - len(out)) + asn1.ToBytes(out)
- def ToDER(self):
- return asn1.ToDER(asn1.SEQUENCE([self.m, self.e]))
-def Name(cn = None, c = None, o = None):
- names = asn1.SEQUENCE([])
- if cn is not None:
- names.children.append(
- asn1.SET([
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- ])
- ])
- )
- if c is not None:
- names.children.append(
- asn1.SET([
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- ])
- ])
- )
- if o is not None:
- names.children.append(
- asn1.SET([
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- ])
- ])
- )
- return names
-# The private key and root certificate name are hard coded here:
-# This is the private key
-KEY = RSA(0x00a71998f2930bfe73d031a87f133d2f378eeeeed52a77e44d0fc9ff6f07ff32cbf3da999de4ed65832afcb0807f98787506539d258a0ce3c2c77967653099a9034a9b115a876c39a8c4e4ed4acd0c64095946fb39eeeb47a0704dbb018acf48c3a1c4b895fc409fb4a340a986b1afc45519ab9eca47c30185c771c64aa5ecf07d,
- 3,
- 0x6f6665f70cb2a9a28acbc5aa0cd374cfb49f49e371a542de0a86aa4a0554cc87f7e71113edf399021ca875aaffbafaf8aee268c3b15ded2c84fb9a4375bbc6011d841e57833bc6f998d25daf6fa7f166b233e3e54a4bae7a5aaaba21431324967d5ff3e1d4f413827994262115ca54396e7068d0afa7af787a5782bc7040e6d3)
-# And the same thing in PEM format
-# Root certificate CN
-ISSUER_CN = "Testing CA"
-# All certificates are issued under this policy OID, in the Google arc:
-CERT_POLICY_OID = asn1.OID([1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 11129, 2, 4, 1])
-# These result in the following root certificate:
-# BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBiwAwgYcCgYEApxmY8pML/nPQMah/Ez0vN47u7tUqd+RND8n/bwf/Msvz
-# 2pmd5O1lgyr8sIB/mHh1BlOdJYoM48LHeWdlMJmpA0qbEVqHbDmoxOTtSs0MZAlZRvs57utHoHBN
-# uwGKz0jDocS4lfxAn7SjQKmGsa/EVRmrnspHwwGFx3HGSqXs8H0CAQOjMzAxMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQI
-# STb40A6D+93jMfLGQzXc997IsaJZdoPt7tYa8PqGJBL62EiTj+erd/H5pDZx/2/bcpOG4m9J56yg
-# wOohbllw2TM+oeEd8syzV6X+1SIPnGI56JRrm3UXcHYx1Rq5loM9WKAiz/WmIWmskljsEQ7+542p
-# q0pkHjs8nuXovSkUYA==
-# -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-# If you update any of the above, you can generate a new root with the
-# following line:
-# print DERToPEM(MakeCertificate(ISSUER_CN, ISSUER_CN, 1, KEY, KEY, None))
-# Various OIDs
-AIA_OCSP = asn1.OID([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1])
-AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS = asn1.OID([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 1])
-BASIC_CONSTRAINTS = asn1.OID([2, 5, 29, 19])
-CERT_POLICIES = asn1.OID([2, 5, 29, 32])
-COMMON_NAME = asn1.OID([2, 5, 4, 3])
-COUNTRY = asn1.OID([2, 5, 4, 6])
-HASH_SHA1 = asn1.OID([1, 3, 14, 3, 2, 26])
-OCSP_TYPE_BASIC = asn1.OID([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1, 1])
-ORGANIZATION = asn1.OID([2, 5, 4, 10])
-PUBLIC_KEY_RSA = asn1.OID([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1])
-SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = asn1.OID([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 5])
-def MakeCertificate(
- issuer_cn, subject_cn, serial, pubkey, privkey, ocsp_url = None):
- '''MakeCertificate returns a DER encoded certificate, signed by privkey.'''
- extensions = asn1.SEQUENCE([])
- # Default subject name fields
- c = "XX"
- o = "Testing Org"
- if issuer_cn == subject_cn:
- # Root certificate.
- c = None
- o = None
- extensions.children.append(
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- basic_constraints,
- True,
- True, # IsCA
- 0, # Path len
- ]))),
- ]))
- if ocsp_url is not None:
- extensions.children.append(
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- False,
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.Raw(asn1.TagAndLength(0x86, len(ocsp_url)) + ocsp_url),
- ]),
- ]))),
- ]))
- extensions.children.append(
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- False,
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # PolicyInformation
- ]),
- ]))),
- ])
- )
- tbsCert = asn1.ToDER(asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.Explicit(0, 2), # Version
- serial,
- asn1.SEQUENCE([SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION, None]), # SignatureAlgorithm
- Name(cn = issuer_cn), # Issuer
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # Validity
- asn1.UTCTime("100101060000Z"), # NotBefore
- asn1.UTCTime("321201060000Z"), # NotAfter
- ]),
- Name(cn = subject_cn, c = c, o = o), # Subject
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # Algorithm
- None,
- ]),
- asn1.BitString(asn1.ToDER(pubkey)),
- ]),
- asn1.Explicit(3, extensions),
- ]))
- return asn1.ToDER(asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.Raw(tbsCert),
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- None,
- ]),
- asn1.BitString(privkey.Sign(tbsCert)),
- ]))
-def MakeOCSPResponse(issuer_cn, issuer_key, serial, revoked):
- #
- issuer_name_hash = asn1.OCTETSTRING(
- hashlib.sha1(asn1.ToDER(Name(cn = issuer_cn))).digest())
- issuer_key_hash = asn1.OCTETSTRING(
- hashlib.sha1(asn1.ToDER(issuer_key)).digest())
- cert_status = None
- if revoked:
- cert_status = asn1.Explicit(1, asn1.GeneralizedTime("20100101060000Z"))
- else:
- cert_status = asn1.Raw(asn1.TagAndLength(0x80 | 0, 0))
- basic_resp_data_der = asn1.ToDER(asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.Explicit(2, issuer_key_hash),
- asn1.GeneralizedTime("20100101060000Z"), # producedAt
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # SingleResponse
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # CertID
- asn1.SEQUENCE([ # hashAlgorithm
- None,
- ]),
- issuer_name_hash,
- issuer_key_hash,
- serial,
- ]),
- cert_status,
- asn1.GeneralizedTime("20100101060000Z"), # thisUpdate
- asn1.Explicit(0, asn1.GeneralizedTime("20300101060000Z")), # nextUpdate
- ]),
- ]),
- ]))
- basic_resp = asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.Raw(basic_resp_data_der),
- asn1.SEQUENCE([
- None,
- ]),
- asn1.BitString(issuer_key.Sign(basic_resp_data_der)),
- ])
- resp = asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.ENUMERATED(0),
- asn1.Explicit(0, asn1.SEQUENCE([
- asn1.OCTETSTRING(asn1.ToDER(basic_resp)),
- ]))
- ])
- return asn1.ToDER(resp)
-def DERToPEM(der):
- pem = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n'
- pem += der.encode('base64')
- pem += '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n'
- return pem
-def GenerateCertKeyAndOCSP(subject = "",
- ocsp_url = "",
- ocsp_revoked = False):
- '''GenerateCertKeyAndOCSP returns a (cert_and_key_pem, ocsp_der) where:
- * cert_and_key_pem contains a certificate and private key in PEM format
- with the given subject common name and OCSP URL.
- * ocsp_der contains a DER encoded OCSP response or None if ocsp_url is
- None'''
- serial = RandomNumber(16)
- cert_der = MakeCertificate(ISSUER_CN, subject, serial, KEY, KEY, ocsp_url)
- cert_pem = DERToPEM(cert_der)
- ocsp_der = None
- if ocsp_url is not None:
- ocsp_der = MakeOCSPResponse(ISSUER_CN, KEY, serial, ocsp_revoked)
- return (cert_pem + KEY_PEM, ocsp_der)
diff --git a/net/tools/testserver/ b/net/tools/testserver/
index 6461997..ff20c0f 100755
--- a/net/tools/testserver/
+++ b/net/tools/testserver/
@@ -19,17 +19,15 @@ import BaseHTTPServer
import cgi
import errno
import httplib
-import minica
import optparse
import os
import random
import re
import select
-import socket
import SocketServer
-import struct
+import socket
import sys
-import threading
+import struct
import time
import urllib
import urlparse
@@ -107,35 +105,25 @@ class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
class HTTPServer(ClientRestrictingServerMixIn, StoppableHTTPServer):
- """This is a specialization of StoppableHTTPServer that adds client
+ """This is a specialization of StoppableHTTPerver that adds client
-class OCSPServer(ClientRestrictingServerMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
- """This is a specialization of HTTPServer that serves an
- OCSP response"""
- def serve_forever_on_thread(self):
- self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.serve_forever,
- name = "OCSPServerThread")
- self.thread.start()
- def stop_serving(self):
- self.shutdown()
- self.thread.join()
class HTTPSServer(tlslite.api.TLSSocketServerMixIn,
- """This is a specialization of StoppableHTTPServer that add https support and
+ """This is a specialization of StoppableHTTPerver that add https support and
client verification."""
- def __init__(self, server_address, request_hander_class, pem_cert_and_key,
+ def __init__(self, server_address, request_hander_class, cert_path,
ssl_client_auth, ssl_client_cas, ssl_bulk_ciphers,
- self.cert_chain = tlslite.api.X509CertChain().parseChain(pem_cert_and_key)
- self.private_key = tlslite.api.parsePEMKey(pem_cert_and_key, private=True)
+ s = open(cert_path).read()
+ self.cert_chain = tlslite.api.X509CertChain().parseChain(s)
+ s = open(cert_path).read()
+ self.private_key = tlslite.api.parsePEMKey(s, private=True)
self.ssl_client_auth = ssl_client_auth
self.ssl_client_cas = []
for ca_file in ssl_client_cas:
@@ -1901,20 +1889,6 @@ def MakeDataDir():
return my_data_dir
-class OCSPHandler(BasePageHandler):
- def __init__(self, request, client_address, socket_server):
- handlers = [self.OCSPResponse]
- self.ocsp_response = socket_server.ocsp_response
- BasePageHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, socket_server,
- [], handlers, [], handlers, [])
- def OCSPResponse(self):
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/ocsp-response')
- self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(self.ocsp_response)))
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(self.ocsp_response)
class TCPEchoHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
"""The RequestHandler class for TCP echo server.
@@ -1995,55 +1969,19 @@ def main(options, args):
server_data = {}
server_data['host'] = host
- ocsp_server = None
if options.server_type == SERVER_HTTP:
- if options.https:
- pem_cert_and_key = None
- if options.cert_and_key_file:
- if not os.path.isfile(options.cert_and_key_file):
- print ('specified server cert file not found: ' +
- options.cert_and_key_file + ' exiting...')
- return
- pem_cert_and_key = file(options.cert_and_key_file, 'r').read()
- else:
- # generate a new certificate and run an OCSP server for it.
- ocsp_server = OCSPServer((host, 0), OCSPHandler)
- print ('OCSP server started on %s:%d...' %
- (host, ocsp_server.server_port))
- ocsp_der = None
- ocsp_revoked = False
- ocsp_invalid = False
- if options.ocsp == 'ok':
- pass
- elif options.ocsp == 'revoked':
- ocsp_revoked = True
- elif options.ocsp == 'invalid':
- ocsp_invalid = True
- else:
- print 'unknown OCSP status: ' + options.ocsp_status
- return
- (pem_cert_and_key, ocsp_der) = \
- minica.GenerateCertKeyAndOCSP(
- subject = "",
- ocsp_url = ("http://%s:%d/ocsp" %
- (host, ocsp_server.server_port)),
- ocsp_revoked = ocsp_revoked)
- if ocsp_invalid:
- ocsp_der = '3'
- ocsp_server.ocsp_response = ocsp_der
+ if options.cert:
+ # let's make sure the cert file exists.
+ if not os.path.isfile(options.cert):
+ print 'specified server cert file not found: ' + options.cert + \
+ ' exiting...'
+ return
for ca_cert in options.ssl_client_ca:
if not os.path.isfile(ca_cert):
print 'specified trusted client CA file not found: ' + ca_cert + \
' exiting...'
- server = HTTPSServer((host, port), TestPageHandler, pem_cert_and_key,
+ server = HTTPSServer((host, port), TestPageHandler, options.cert,
options.ssl_client_auth, options.ssl_client_ca,
options.ssl_bulk_cipher, options.record_resume)
print 'HTTPS server started on %s:%d...' % (host, server.server_port)
@@ -2123,15 +2061,10 @@ def main(options, args):
- if ocsp_server is not None:
- ocsp_server.serve_forever_on_thread()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print 'shutting down server'
- if ocsp_server is not None:
- ocsp_server.stop_serving()
server.stop = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -2162,16 +2095,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'server will listen on an ephemeral port.')
option_parser.add_option('', '--data-dir', dest='data_dir',
help='Directory from which to read the files.')
- option_parser.add_option('', '--https', action='store_true', dest='https',
- help='Specify that https should be used.')
- option_parser.add_option('', '--cert-and-key-file', dest='cert_and_key_file',
- help='specify the path to the file containing the '
- 'certificate and private key for the server in PEM '
- 'format')
- option_parser.add_option('', '--ocsp', dest='ocsp', default='ok',
- help='The type of OCSP response generated for the '
- 'automatically generated certificate. One of '
- '[ok,revoked,invalid]')
+ option_parser.add_option('', '--https', dest='cert',
+ help='Specify that https should be used, specify '
+ 'the path to the cert containing the private key '
+ 'the server should use.')
option_parser.add_option('', '--https-record-resume', dest='record_resume',
const=True, default=False, action='store_const',
help='Record resumption cache events rather than'