path: root/o3d/import
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'o3d/import')
2 files changed, 149 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/import/cross/ b/o3d/import/cross/
index 2076921d..cfc64b3 100644
--- a/o3d/import/cross/
+++ b/o3d/import/cross/
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@
#include "import/cross/collada_conditioner.h"
#include "import/cross/collada_zip_archive.h"
#include "import/cross/destination_buffer.h"
+#include "import/cross/file_output_stream_processor.h"
#include "utils/cross/file_path_utils.h"
+#include "third_party/libtxc_dxtn/files/txc_dxtn.h"
#define COLLADA_NAMESPACE "collada"
@@ -1698,7 +1700,147 @@ Texture* Collada::BuildTextureFromImage(FCDImage* image) {
- if (options_.keep_original_data) {
+ bool inserted_original_data = false;
+ bool is_dds = uri.MatchesExtension(UTF8ToFilePathStringType(".dds"));
+ if (is_dds &&
+ options_.convert_dds_to_png &&
+ options_.keep_original_data) {
+ // The Texture stubs used by the converter don't have a working
+ // PlatformSpecificLock, so we need to reload the images using
+ // the Bitmap class. We also need to do the DXTn decompression
+ // on the CPU because D3D wouldn't provide access to the
+ // decompressed data anyway.
+ // These need to match the order of TextureCUBE::CubeFace.
+ static const char* cube_suffixes[6] = {
+ "_posx", "_negx", "_posy", "_negy", "_posz", "_negz"
+ };
+ static const char* cube_prefixes[6] = {
+ "posx_", "negx_", "posy_", "negy_", "posz_", "negz_"
+ };
+ BitmapRefArray bitmaps;
+ bool is_cube_map = false;
+ if (Bitmap::LoadFromFile(service_locator_, file_path,
+ image::UNKNOWN, &bitmaps)) {
+ is_cube_map = bitmaps.size() == 6;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bitmaps.size(); i++) {
+ bool is_compressed =
+ (tex->format() == Texture::DXT1 ||
+ tex->format() == Texture::DXT3 ||
+ tex->format() == Texture::DXT5);
+ Bitmap::Ref src_bitmap = bitmaps[i];
+ int pitch = src_bitmap->GetMipPitch(0);
+ if (is_compressed) {
+ // TODO(kbr): there is a bug somewhere in
+ // Bitmap::GetMipPitch for compressed textures where its
+ // result is off by a factor of two, at least for DXT1
+ // textures. Don't have time to debug it right now.
+ pitch /= 2;
+ }
+ uint8* data = src_bitmap->GetMipData(0);
+ int width = src_bitmap->width();
+ int height = src_bitmap->height();
+ int row_width = width * 4;
+ int decompressed_size = width * height * 4;
+ scoped_array<uint8> decompressed_data(new uint8[decompressed_size]);
+ memset(decompressed_data.get(), 0, decompressed_size);
+ if (is_compressed) {
+ for (int src_y = 0; src_y < height; src_y++) {
+ int dest_y = src_y;
+ if (is_cube_map) {
+ dest_y = height - src_y - 1;
+ }
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ uint8* ptr =
+ &decompressed_data.get()[row_width * dest_y + 4 * x];
+ switch (src_bitmap->format()) {
+ case Texture::DXT1: {
+ fetch_2d_texel_rgba_dxt1(pitch, data, x, src_y, ptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Texture::DXT3: {
+ fetch_2d_texel_rgba_dxt3(pitch, data, x, src_y, ptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Texture::DXT5: {
+ fetch_2d_texel_rgba_dxt5(pitch, data, x, src_y, ptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ DLOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported DDS compressed texture format "
+ << src_bitmap->format();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Need to swap the red and blue channels.
+ std::swap(ptr[0], ptr[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (src_bitmap->format() == Texture::XRGB8 ||
+ src_bitmap->format() == Texture::ARGB8) {
+ for (int src_y = 0; src_y < height; src_y++) {
+ int dest_y = src_y;
+ if (is_cube_map) {
+ dest_y = height - src_y - 1;
+ }
+ memcpy(decompressed_data.get() + row_width * dest_y,
+ data + pitch * src_y,
+ row_width);
+ }
+ } else {
+ DLOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported DDS uncompressed texture format "
+ << src_bitmap->format();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Bitmap::Ref bitmap(new Bitmap(service_locator_));
+ bitmap->Allocate(Texture::ARGB8,
+ width,
+ height,
+ 1,
+ Bitmap::IMAGE);
+ bitmap->SetRect(0, 0, 0, width, height,
+ decompressed_data.get(),
+ row_width);
+ std::vector<uint8> png_data;
+ if (!bitmap->WriteToPNGStream(&png_data)) {
+ DLOG(ERROR) << "Error writing PNG file for cube map";
+ }
+ FilePath png_uri = uri;
+ if (is_cube_map) {
+ png_uri = png_uri.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII(cube_suffixes[i]);
+ }
+ png_uri = png_uri.ReplaceExtension(UTF8ToFilePathStringType(".png"));
+ std::string contents;
+ contents.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&png_data.front()),
+ png_data.size());
+ original_data_map_.AddData(png_uri, contents, service_locator_);
+ inserted_original_data = true;
+ // We need to rewrite the o3d.uri param in the Texture as
+ // well. For cube map textures, we insert six params named
+ // "o3d.negx_uri", etc. and remove the "o3d.uri" param.
+ ParamString* uri_param = NULL;
+ if (is_cube_map) {
+ String name(O3D_STRING_CONSTANT(""));
+ name = name.append(cube_prefixes[i]).append("uri");
+ uri_param = tex->CreateParam<ParamString>(name);
+ } else {
+ uri_param = tex->GetParam<ParamString>(O3D_STRING_CONSTANT("uri"));
+ }
+ DCHECK(uri_param != NULL);
+ uri_param->set_value(FilePathToUTF8(png_uri));
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_cube_map) {
+ ParamString* uri_param =
+ tex->GetParam<ParamString>(O3D_STRING_CONSTANT("uri"));
+ DCHECK(uri_param != NULL);
+ tex->RemoveParam(uri_param);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options_.keep_original_data && !inserted_original_data) {
// Cache the original data by URI so we can recover it later.
std::string contents;
file_util::ReadFileToString(file_path, &contents);
diff --git a/o3d/import/cross/collada.h b/o3d/import/cross/collada.h
index 1bac5ee..e0c1a02 100644
--- a/o3d/import/cross/collada.h
+++ b/o3d/import/cross/collada.h
@@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ class Collada {
up_axis(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
- base_path(FilePath::kCurrentDirectory) {}
+ base_path(FilePath::kCurrentDirectory),
+ convert_dds_to_png(false) {}
// Whether or not to generate mip-maps on the textures we load.
bool generate_mipmaps;
@@ -182,6 +183,10 @@ class Collada {
// A List of paths to search for files in.
std::vector<FilePath> file_paths;
+ // True means convert DDS files to PNGs. For cube map textures, this
+ // implies writing six separate PNGs.
+ bool convert_dds_to_png;
// Collada Param Names.