path: root/o3d/plugin/mac
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'o3d/plugin/mac')
6 files changed, 560 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
index e5673b8..96701df 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "plugin/cross/plugin_metrics.h"
#include "plugin_mac.h"
+namespace o3d {
// Trivial little functions to check for the OS version boundaries we care about
// and keep the result cached so they are cheap to call repeatedly.
@@ -328,3 +329,5 @@ bool GetUserAgentMetrics(NPP npp) {
return true;
+} // namespace o3d
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h b/o3d/plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h
index 9c4cee5..710e683 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <AGL/agl.h>
+namespace o3d {
void SlideWindowToRect(WindowRef the_window,
CGRect destination_rect,
double transition_duration_seconds);
@@ -53,4 +55,6 @@ CGRect Rect2CGRect(const Rect &inRect);
void PaintRoundedCGRect(CGContextRef context, CGRect rect,
float radius, bool fill);
+} // namespace o3d
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
index 88af452..4b8b45f90 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
#include "plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h"
+namespace o3d {
// Slide a window to a different rect, asynchronously, over a period of time.
void SlideWindowToRect(WindowRef the_window,
CGRect destination_rect,
@@ -128,3 +130,5 @@ void PaintRoundedCGRect(CGContextRef context,
+} // namespace o3d
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
index 45491a7..3427505 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
@@ -54,9 +54,10 @@
#include "plugin/mac/plugin_mac.h"
#include "plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h"
+#if !defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
o3d::PluginLogging* g_logger = NULL;
bool g_logging_initialized = false;
using glue::_o3d::PluginObject;
using glue::StreamManager;
@@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ namespace {
// plugin, that's not possible, so we allocate it dynamically and
// destroy it explicitly.
scoped_ptr<base::AtExitManager> g_at_exit_manager;
-} // end anonymous namespace
// if defined, in AGL mode we do double buffered drawing
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ scoped_ptr<base::AtExitManager> g_at_exit_manager;
-static void DrawPlugin(PluginObject* obj) {
+void DrawPlugin(PluginObject* obj) {
// In AGL mode, we have to call aglSwapBuffers to guarantee that our
@@ -91,16 +91,12 @@ static void DrawPlugin(PluginObject* obj) {
-void RenderOnDemandCallbackHandler::Run() {
- obj_->SetWantsRedraw(true);
-static unsigned char GetMacEventKeyChar(const EventRecord *the_event) {
+unsigned char GetMacEventKeyChar(const EventRecord *the_event) {
unsigned char the_char = the_event->message & charCodeMask;
return the_char;
-static unsigned char GetMacEventKeyCode(const EventRecord *the_event) {
+unsigned char GetMacEventKeyCode(const EventRecord *the_event) {
unsigned char the_key_code = (the_event->message & keyCodeMask) >> 8;
return the_key_code;
@@ -111,7 +107,7 @@ static unsigned char GetMacEventKeyCode(const EventRecord *the_event) {
// These values are defined in NSEvent.h.
// Map the ones we care about to the more commonly understood values in
// the Mac system header Events.h, eg kUpArrowCharCode is 30.
-static int TranslateMacUnicodeControlChar(int theChar) {
+int TranslateMacUnicodeControlChar(int theChar) {
switch(theChar) {
case NSUpArrowFunctionKey:
return kUpArrowCharCode;
@@ -130,7 +126,7 @@ static int TranslateMacUnicodeControlChar(int theChar) {
// web standard.
// Also in the browser world the enter key gets mapped to be the same as the
// return key.
-static int TranslateMacControlCharToWebChar(int theChar) {
+int TranslateMacControlCharToWebChar(int theChar) {
switch(theChar) {
case kUpArrowCharCode:
return 38;
@@ -150,11 +146,11 @@ static int TranslateMacControlCharToWebChar(int theChar) {
// Given an instance, and some event data, calls Javascript methods
// placed on the object tag so that the keystrokes can be handled in
// Javascript.
-static void DispatchKeyboardEvent(PluginObject* obj,
- EventKind kind,
- int theChar,
- int theKeyCode,
- EventModifiers mods) {
+void DispatchKeyboardEvent(PluginObject* obj,
+ EventKind kind,
+ int theChar,
+ int theKeyCode,
+ EventModifiers mods) {
theChar = TranslateMacUnicodeControlChar(theChar);
theChar = TranslateMacControlCharToWebChar(theChar);
int upperChar = (theChar >= 'a' && theChar <='z') ? theChar - 32 : theChar;
@@ -212,8 +208,8 @@ static void DispatchKeyboardEvent(PluginObject* obj,
// Given an instance, and a MacOS keyboard event, calls Javascript methods
// placed on the object tag so that the keystrokes can be handled in
// Javascript.
-static void DispatchMacKeyboardEvent(PluginObject* obj,
- EventRecord* the_event) {
+void DispatchMacKeyboardEvent(PluginObject* obj,
+ EventRecord* the_event) {
@@ -223,8 +219,8 @@ static void DispatchMacKeyboardEvent(PluginObject* obj,
-static void HandleMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
- EventRecord* the_event) {
+void HandleMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
+ EventRecord* the_event) {
int screen_x = the_event->where.h;
@@ -305,8 +301,8 @@ static void HandleMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
// These events come from the new Cocoa revision of the NPAPI spec,
// currently implemented only in Safari.
// See
-static void HandleCocoaMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
- NPCocoaEvent* the_event) {
+void HandleCocoaMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
+ NPCocoaEvent* the_event) {
int screen_x = the_event->data.mouse.pluginX;
@@ -376,7 +372,7 @@ static void HandleCocoaMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
if ((the_event->type == NPCocoaEventMouseDown) ||
(the_event->type == NPCocoaEventMouseUp)) {
- MacOSMouseButtonNumberToO3DButton(
+ o3d::MacOSMouseButtonNumberToO3DButton(
@@ -396,7 +392,7 @@ static void HandleCocoaMouseEvent(PluginObject* obj,
// Not all bits have a representation in the target type, eg NSFunctionKeyMask
// but we just need to convert the basic modifiers that need to be passed on
// to Javascript.
-static EventModifiers CocoaToEventRecordModifiers(NSUInteger inMods) {
+EventModifiers CocoaToEventRecordModifiers(NSUInteger inMods) {
EventModifiers outMods = 0;
// NSEvent distinuishes between the shift key being down and the capslock key,
@@ -507,6 +503,225 @@ enum nsPluginEventType {
nsPluginEventType_Idle = 0
+NPError InitializePlugin() {
+#if !defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
+ if (!o3d::SetupOutOfMemoryHandler())
+ o3d::InitializeBreakpad();
+#ifdef CFTIMER
+ o3d::gRenderTimer.Start();
+#endif // CFTIMER
+ // Initialize the AtExitManager so that base singletons can be
+ // destroyed properly.
+ g_at_exit_manager.reset(new base::AtExitManager());
+ // Turn on the logging.
+ CommandLine::Init(0, NULL);
+ InitLogging("debug.log",
+ logging::DONT_LOCK_LOG_FILE,
+ DLOG(INFO) << "NP_Initialize";
+ o3d::SetupOutOfMemoryHandler();
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+// Negotiates the best plugin event model, sets the browser to use that,
+// and updates the PluginObject so we can remember which one we chose.
+// We favor the newer Cocoa-based model, but can cope with browsers that
+// only support the original event model, or indeed can't even understand
+// what we are asking for.
+// However, right at the minute, we shun the Cocoa event model because its
+// NPP_SetWindow messages don't contain a WindowRef or NSWindow so we would
+// not get enough info to create our AGL context. We'll go back to
+// preferring Cocoa once we have worked out how to deal with that.
+// Cannot actually fail -
+void Mac_SetBestEventModel(NPP instance, PluginObject* obj) {
+ NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ NPEventModel event_model = NPEventModelCarbon;
+ NPBool supportsCocoaEventModel = FALSE;
+ NPBool supportsCarbonEventModel = FALSE;
+ // See if browser supports Cocoa event model.
+ err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
+ NPNVsupportsCocoaBool,
+ &supportsCocoaEventModel);
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
+ supportsCocoaEventModel = FALSE;
+ err = NPERR_NO_ERROR; // browser doesn't support switchable event models
+ }
+ // See if browser supports Carbon event model.
+ err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
+ NPNVsupportsCarbonBool,
+ &supportsCarbonEventModel);
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
+ supportsCarbonEventModel = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Now we've collected our data, the decision phase begins.
+ // If we didn't successfully get TRUE for either question, the browser
+ // just does not know about the new switchable event models, so must only
+ // support the old Carbon event model.
+ if (!(supportsCocoaEventModel || supportsCarbonEventModel)) {
+ supportsCarbonEventModel = TRUE;
+ obj->event_model_ = NPEventModelCarbon;
+ }
+ // Default to Carbon event model, because the new version of the
+ // Cocoa event model spec does not supply sufficient window
+ // information in its Cocoa NPP_SetWindow calls for us to bind an
+ // AGL context to the browser window.
+ NPEventModel model_to_use =
+ (supportsCarbonEventModel) ? NPEventModelCarbon : NPEventModelCocoa;
+ NPN_SetValue(instance, NPPVpluginEventModel,
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(model_to_use));
+ obj->event_model_ = model_to_use;
+// Negotiates the best plugin drawing model, sets the browser to use that,
+// and updates the PluginObject so we can remember which one we chose.
+// Returns NPERR_NO_ERROR (0) if successful, otherwise an NPError code.
+NPError Mac_SetBestDrawingModel(NPP instance, PluginObject* obj) {
+ NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ NPBool supportsCoreGraphics = FALSE;
+ NPBool supportsOpenGL = FALSE;
+ NPBool supportsQuickDraw = FALSE;
+ NPDrawingModel drawing_model = NPDrawingModelQuickDraw;
+ // test for direct OpenGL support
+ err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
+ NPNVsupportsOpenGLBool,
+ &supportsOpenGL);
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
+ supportsOpenGL = FALSE;
+ // test for QuickDraw support
+ err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
+ NPNVsupportsQuickDrawBool,
+ &supportsQuickDraw);
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
+ supportsQuickDraw = FALSE;
+ // Test for Core Graphics support
+ err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
+ NPNVsupportsCoreGraphicsBool,
+ &supportsCoreGraphics);
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
+ supportsCoreGraphics = FALSE;
+ // In order of preference. Preference is now determined by compatibility,
+ // not by modernity, and so is the opposite of the order I first used.
+ if (supportsQuickDraw && !(obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa)) {
+ drawing_model = NPDrawingModelQuickDraw;
+ } else if (supportsCoreGraphics) {
+ drawing_model = NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics;
+ } else if (supportsOpenGL) {
+ drawing_model = NPDrawingModelOpenGL;
+ } else {
+ // This case is for browsers that didn't even understand the question
+ // eg FF2, so drawing models are not supported, just assume QuickDraw.
+ obj->drawing_model_ = NPDrawingModelQuickDraw;
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ err = NPN_SetValue(instance, NPPVpluginDrawingModel,
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(drawing_model));
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
+ return err;
+ obj->drawing_model_ = drawing_model;
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+} // end anonymous namespace
+#if defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
+namespace o3d {
+extern "C" {
+NPError OSCALL NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* browserFuncs) {
+ NPError retval = InitializeNPNApi(browserFuncs);
+ if (retval != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return retval;
+ return InitializePlugin();
+#if !defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
+// Wrapper that discards the return value to match the expected type of
+// NPP_ShutdownUPP.
+void NPP_ShutdownWrapper() {
+ NP_Shutdown();
+// This code is needed to support browsers based on a slightly dated version
+// of the NPAPI such as Firefox 2, and Camino 1.6. These browsers expect there
+// to be a main() to call to do basic setup.
+int main(NPNetscapeFuncs* browserFuncs,
+ NPPluginFuncs* pluginFuncs,
+ NPP_ShutdownUPP* shutdownProc) {
+ NPError error = NP_Initialize(browserFuncs);
+ if (error == NPERR_NO_ERROR)
+ error = NP_GetEntryPoints(pluginFuncs);
+ *shutdownProc = NPP_ShutdownWrapper;
+ return error;
+NPError OSCALL NP_Shutdown(void) {
+#if !defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
+ DLOG(INFO) << "NP_Shutdown";
+ if (g_logger) {
+ // Do a last sweep to aggregate metrics before we shut down
+ g_logger->ProcessMetrics(true, false);
+ delete g_logger;
+ g_logger = NULL;
+ g_logging_initialized = false;
+ stats_report::g_global_metrics.Uninitialize();
+ }
+ CommandLine::Terminate();
+#ifdef CFTIMER
+ o3d::gRenderTimer.Stop();
+ // Force all base singletons to be destroyed.
+ g_at_exit_manager.reset(NULL);
+ o3d::ShutdownBreakpad();
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+} // namespace o3d / extern "C"
+namespace o3d {
+NPError PlatformNPPGetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value) {
bool HandleMacEvent(EventRecord* the_event, NPP instance) {
PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
@@ -594,332 +809,136 @@ bool HandleMacEvent(EventRecord* the_event, NPP instance) {
return handled;
-NPError PlatformNPPGetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value) {
+void RenderOnDemandCallbackHandler::Run() {
+ obj_->SetWantsRedraw(true);
-extern "C" {
- NPError InitializePlugin() {
- if (!o3d::SetupOutOfMemoryHandler())
- InitializeBreakpad();
-#ifdef CFTIMER
- gRenderTimer.Start();
-#endif // CFTIMER
- // Initialize the AtExitManager so that base singletons can be
- // destroyed properly.
- g_at_exit_manager.reset(new base::AtExitManager());
- // Turn on the logging.
- CommandLine::Init(0, NULL);
- InitLogging("debug.log",
- logging::DONT_LOCK_LOG_FILE,
+NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc,
+ char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved) {
- DLOG(INFO) << "NP_Initialize";
+ NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- o3d::SetupOutOfMemoryHandler();
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- NPError OSCALL NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* browserFuncs) {
- NPError retval = InitializeNPNApi(browserFuncs);
- if (retval != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return retval;
- return InitializePlugin();
+#if !defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
+ if (!g_logging_initialized) {
+ GetUserAgentMetrics(instance);
+ GetUserConfigMetrics();
+ // Create usage stats logs object
+ g_logger = o3d::PluginLogging::InitializeUsageStatsLogging();
+ g_logging_initialized = true;
+ PluginObject* pluginObject = glue::_o3d::PluginObject::Create(
+ instance);
+ instance->pdata = pluginObject;
+ glue::_o3d::InitializeGlue(instance);
+ pluginObject->Init(argc, argn, argv);
+ Mac_SetBestEventModel(instance,
+ static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata));
+ err = Mac_SetBestDrawingModel(
+ instance, static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata));
+ if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
+ return err;
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- // Wrapper that discards the return value to match the expected type of
- // NPP_ShutdownUPP.
- void NPP_ShutdownWrapper() {
- NP_Shutdown();
- }
- // This code is needed to support browsers based on a slightly dated version
- // of the NPAPI such as Firefox 2, and Camino 1.6. These browsers expect there
- // to be a main() to call to do basic setup.
- int main(NPNetscapeFuncs* browserFuncs,
- NPPluginFuncs* pluginFuncs,
- NPP_ShutdownUPP* shutdownProc) {
- NPError error = NP_Initialize(browserFuncs);
- if (error == NPERR_NO_ERROR)
- error = NP_GetEntryPoints(pluginFuncs);
- *shutdownProc = NPP_ShutdownWrapper;
- return error;
- }
- NPError OSCALL NP_Shutdown(void) {
- DLOG(INFO) << "NP_Shutdown";
- if (g_logger) {
- // Do a last sweep to aggregate metrics before we shut down
- g_logger->ProcessMetrics(true, false);
- delete g_logger;
- g_logger = NULL;
- g_logging_initialized = false;
- stats_report::g_global_metrics.Uninitialize();
- }
- CommandLine::Terminate();
-#ifdef CFTIMER
- gRenderTimer.Stop();
+NPError NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save) {
+ PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
+ if (obj) {
+#if defined(CFTIMER)
+ o3d::gRenderTimer.RemoveInstance(instance);
- // Force all base singletons to be destroyed.
- g_at_exit_manager.reset(NULL);
- ShutdownBreakpad();
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ obj->TearDown();
+ NPN_ReleaseObject(obj);
+ instance->pdata = NULL;
- // Negotiates the best plugin event model, sets the browser to use that,
- // and updates the PluginObject so we can remember which one we chose.
- // We favor the newer Cocoa-based model, but can cope with browsers that
- // only support the original event model, or indeed can't even understand
- // what we are asking for.
- // However, right at the minute, we shun the Cocoa event model because its
- // NPP_SetWindow messages don't contain a WindowRef or NSWindow so we would
- // not get enough info to create our AGL context. We'll go back to
- // preferring Cocoa once we have worked out how to deal with that.
- // Cannot actually fail -
- static void Mac_SetBestEventModel(NPP instance, PluginObject* obj) {
- NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- NPEventModel event_model = NPEventModelCarbon;
- NPBool supportsCocoaEventModel = FALSE;
- NPBool supportsCarbonEventModel = FALSE;
- // See if browser supports Cocoa event model.
- err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
- NPNVsupportsCocoaBool,
- &supportsCocoaEventModel);
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
- supportsCocoaEventModel = FALSE;
- err = NPERR_NO_ERROR; // browser doesn't support switchable event models
- }
- // See if browser supports Carbon event model.
- err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
- NPNVsupportsCarbonBool,
- &supportsCarbonEventModel);
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
- supportsCarbonEventModel = FALSE;
- }
- // Now we've collected our data, the decision phase begins.
- // If we didn't successfully get TRUE for either question, the browser
- // just does not know about the new switchable event models, so must only
- // support the old Carbon event model.
- if (!(supportsCocoaEventModel || supportsCarbonEventModel)) {
- supportsCarbonEventModel = TRUE;
- obj->event_model_ = NPEventModelCarbon;
- }
- // Default to Carbon event model, because the new version of the
- // Cocoa event model spec does not supply sufficient window
- // information in its Cocoa NPP_SetWindow calls for us to bind an
- // AGL context to the browser window.
- NPEventModel model_to_use =
- (supportsCarbonEventModel) ? NPEventModelCarbon : NPEventModelCocoa;
- NPN_SetValue(instance, NPPVpluginEventModel,
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(model_to_use));
- obj->event_model_ = model_to_use;
- }
- // Negotiates the best plugin drawing model, sets the browser to use that,
- // and updates the PluginObject so we can remember which one we chose.
- // Returns NPERR_NO_ERROR (0) if successful, otherwise an NPError code.
- static NPError Mac_SetBestDrawingModel(NPP instance, PluginObject* obj) {
- NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- NPBool supportsCoreGraphics = FALSE;
- NPBool supportsOpenGL = FALSE;
- NPBool supportsQuickDraw = FALSE;
- NPDrawingModel drawing_model = NPDrawingModelQuickDraw;
- // test for direct OpenGL support
- err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
- NPNVsupportsOpenGLBool,
- &supportsOpenGL);
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
- supportsOpenGL = FALSE;
- // test for QuickDraw support
- err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
- NPNVsupportsQuickDrawBool,
- &supportsQuickDraw);
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
- supportsQuickDraw = FALSE;
- // Test for Core Graphics support
- err = NPN_GetValue(instance,
- NPNVsupportsCoreGraphicsBool,
- &supportsCoreGraphics);
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
- supportsCoreGraphics = FALSE;
- // In order of preference. Preference is now determined by compatibility,
- // not by modernity, and so is the opposite of the order I first used.
- if (supportsQuickDraw && !(obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa)) {
- drawing_model = NPDrawingModelQuickDraw;
- } else if (supportsCoreGraphics) {
- drawing_model = NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics;
- } else if (supportsOpenGL) {
- drawing_model = NPDrawingModelOpenGL;
- } else {
- // This case is for browsers that didn't even understand the question
- // eg FF2, so drawing models are not supported, just assume QuickDraw.
- obj->drawing_model_ = NPDrawingModelQuickDraw;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- err = NPN_SetValue(instance, NPPVpluginDrawingModel,
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(drawing_model));
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
- return err;
- obj->drawing_model_ = drawing_model;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc,
- char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved) {
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+bool CheckForAGLError() {
+ return aglGetError() != AGL_NO_ERROR;
- if (!g_logging_initialized) {
- GetUserAgentMetrics(instance);
- GetUserConfigMetrics();
- // Create usage stats logs object
- g_logger = o3d::PluginLogging::InitializeUsageStatsLogging();
- g_logging_initialized = true;
- }
- PluginObject* pluginObject = glue::_o3d::PluginObject::Create(
- instance);
- instance->pdata = pluginObject;
- glue::_o3d::InitializeGlue(instance);
- pluginObject->Init(argc, argn, argv);
+NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window) {
+ PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
+ WindowRef new_window = NULL;
- Mac_SetBestEventModel(instance,
- static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata));
+ assert(window != NULL);
- err = Mac_SetBestDrawingModel(
- instance, static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata));
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
- return err;
+ if (window->window == NULL)
- }
- NPError NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save) {
- PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
- if (obj) {
-#if defined(CFTIMER)
- gRenderTimer.RemoveInstance(instance);
+ obj->last_plugin_loc_.h = window->x;
+ obj->last_plugin_loc_.v = window->y;
- obj->TearDown();
- NPN_ReleaseObject(obj);
- instance->pdata = NULL;
+ switch (obj->drawing_model_) {
+ case NPDrawingModelOpenGL: {
+ NP_GLContext* np_gl = reinterpret_cast<NP_GLContext*>(window->window);
+ if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa) {
+ NSWindow * ns_window = reinterpret_cast<NSWindow*>(np_gl->window);
+ new_window = reinterpret_cast<WindowRef>([ns_window windowRef]);
+ } else {
+ new_window = np_gl->window;
+ }
+ obj->mac_2d_context_ = NULL;
+ obj->mac_cgl_context_ = np_gl->context;
+ break;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- static bool CheckForAGLError() {
- return aglGetError() != AGL_NO_ERROR;
- }
- NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window) {
- PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
- WindowRef new_window = NULL;
- assert(window != NULL);
- if (window->window == NULL)
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- obj->last_plugin_loc_.h = window->x;
- obj->last_plugin_loc_.v = window->y;
- switch (obj->drawing_model_) {
- case NPDrawingModelOpenGL: {
- NP_GLContext* np_gl = reinterpret_cast<NP_GLContext*>(window->window);
+ case NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics: {
+ // Safari 4 sets window->window to NULL when in Cocoa event mode.
+ if (window->window != NULL) {
+ NP_CGContext* np_cg = reinterpret_cast<NP_CGContext*>(window->window);
if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa) {
- NSWindow * ns_window = reinterpret_cast<NSWindow*>(np_gl->window);
+ NSWindow * ns_window = reinterpret_cast<NSWindow*>(np_cg->window);
new_window = reinterpret_cast<WindowRef>([ns_window windowRef]);
} else {
- new_window = np_gl->window;
- }
- obj->mac_2d_context_ = NULL;
- obj->mac_cgl_context_ = np_gl->context;
- break;
- }
- case NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics: {
- // Safari 4 sets window->window to NULL when in Cocoa event mode.
- if (window->window != NULL) {
- NP_CGContext* np_cg = reinterpret_cast<NP_CGContext*>(window->window);
- if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa) {
- NSWindow * ns_window = reinterpret_cast<NSWindow*>(np_cg->window);
- new_window = reinterpret_cast<WindowRef>([ns_window windowRef]);
- } else {
- new_window = np_cg->window;
- }
- obj->mac_2d_context_ = np_cg->context;
+ new_window = np_cg->window;
- break;
+ obj->mac_2d_context_ = np_cg->context;
- case NPDrawingModelQuickDraw: {
- NP_Port* np_qd = reinterpret_cast<NP_Port*>(window->window);
- obj->mac_2d_context_ = np_qd->port;
- if (np_qd->port)
- new_window = GetWindowFromPort(np_qd->port);
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
+ break;
+ case NPDrawingModelQuickDraw: {
+ NP_Port* np_qd = reinterpret_cast<NP_Port*>(window->window);
+ obj->mac_2d_context_ = np_qd->port;
+ if (np_qd->port)
+ new_window = GetWindowFromPort(np_qd->port);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
- // Whether the target window has changed.
- bool window_changed = new_window != obj->mac_window_;
+ // Whether the target window has changed.
+ bool window_changed = new_window != obj->mac_window_;
- // Whether we already had a window before this call.
- bool had_a_window = obj->mac_window_ != NULL;
+ // Whether we already had a window before this call.
+ bool had_a_window = obj->mac_window_ != NULL;
- obj->mac_window_ = new_window;
+ obj->mac_window_ = new_window;
- if (obj->drawing_model_ == NPDrawingModelOpenGL) {
- CGLSetCurrentContext(obj->mac_cgl_context_);
- } else if (!had_a_window && obj->mac_agl_context_ == NULL) { // setup AGL context
- AGLPixelFormat myAGLPixelFormat = NULL;
+ if (obj->drawing_model_ == NPDrawingModelOpenGL) {
+ CGLSetCurrentContext(obj->mac_cgl_context_);
+ } else if (!had_a_window && obj->mac_agl_context_ == NULL) { // setup AGL context
+ AGLPixelFormat myAGLPixelFormat = NULL;
- // We need to spec out a few similar but different sets of renderer
- // specifications - define some macros to lessen the duplication.
+ // We need to spec out a few similar but different sets of renderer
+ // specifications - define some macros to lessen the duplication.
#define O3D_END AGL_NONE
@@ -928,229 +947,230 @@ extern "C" {
- if (!UseSoftwareRenderer()) {
- // Try to create a hardware context with the following
- // specification
- GLint attributes[] = {
+ if (!UseSoftwareRenderer()) {
+ // Try to create a hardware context with the following
+ // specification
+ GLint attributes[] = {
+ };
+ myAGLPixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat(NULL,
+ 0,
+ attributes);
+ // If this fails, then don't try to be as ambitious
+ // (so don't ask for multi-sampling), but still require hardware
+ if (myAGLPixelFormat == NULL) {
+ GLint low_end_attributes[] = {
myAGLPixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat(NULL,
- attributes);
- // If this fails, then don't try to be as ambitious
- // (so don't ask for multi-sampling), but still require hardware
- if (myAGLPixelFormat == NULL) {
- GLint low_end_attributes[] = {
- };
- myAGLPixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat(NULL,
- 0,
- low_end_attributes);
- }
+ low_end_attributes);
+ }
- if (myAGLPixelFormat == NULL) {
- // Fallback to software renderer either if the vendorID/gpuID
- // is known to be problematic, or if the hardware context failed
- // to get created
- //
- // Note that we don't request multisampling since it's too slow.
- GLint software_renderer_attributes[] = {
- };
- myAGLPixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat(NULL,
- 0,
- software_renderer_attributes);
- obj->SetRendererIsSoftware(true);
- }
+ if (myAGLPixelFormat == NULL) {
+ // Fallback to software renderer either if the vendorID/gpuID
+ // is known to be problematic, or if the hardware context failed
+ // to get created
+ //
+ // Note that we don't request multisampling since it's too slow.
+ GLint software_renderer_attributes[] = {
+ };
+ myAGLPixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat(NULL,
+ 0,
+ software_renderer_attributes);
+ obj->SetRendererIsSoftware(true);
+ }
- if (myAGLPixelFormat == NULL || CheckForAGLError())
+ if (myAGLPixelFormat == NULL || CheckForAGLError())
- obj->mac_agl_context_ = aglCreateContext(myAGLPixelFormat, NULL);
+ obj->mac_agl_context_ = aglCreateContext(myAGLPixelFormat, NULL);
- if (CheckForAGLError())
+ if (CheckForAGLError())
- aglDestroyPixelFormat(myAGLPixelFormat);
+ aglDestroyPixelFormat(myAGLPixelFormat);
- if (!SetWindowForAGLContext(obj->mac_agl_context_, obj->mac_window_))
+ if (!SetWindowForAGLContext(obj->mac_agl_context_, obj->mac_window_))
- aglSetCurrentContext(obj->mac_agl_context_);
+ aglSetCurrentContext(obj->mac_agl_context_);
- GetOpenGLMetrics();
+ GetOpenGLMetrics();
- GLint swapInterval = 1; // request synchronization
- aglSetInteger(obj->mac_agl_context_, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &swapInterval);
+ GLint swapInterval = 1; // request synchronization
+ aglSetInteger(obj->mac_agl_context_, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &swapInterval);
- }
- int clipHeight = window->clipRect.bottom - window->;
- int clipWidth = window->clipRect.right - window->clipRect.left;
- int x_offset = window->clipRect.left - window->x;
- int y_offset = window-> - window->y;
- int gl_x_origin = x_offset;
- int gl_y_origin = window->clipRect.bottom - (window->y + window->height);
- // Firefox calls us with an empty cliprect all the time, toggling our
- // cliprect back and forth between empty and the normal value, particularly
- // during scrolling.
- // As we need to make our AGL surface track the clip rect, honoring all of
- // these calls would result in spectacular flashing.
- // The goal here is to try to spot the calls we can safely ignore.
- // The bogus empty cliprects always have left and top of the real clip.
- // A null cliprect should always be honored ({0,0,0,0} means a hidden tab),
- // as should the first ever call to this function,
- // or an attempt to change the window.
- // The call at the end of a scroll step is also honored.
- // Otherwise, skip this change and do not hide our context.
- bool is_empty_cliprect = (clipHeight <= 0 || clipWidth <= 0);
- bool is_null_cliprect = (window->clipRect.bottom == 0 &&
- window-> == 0 &&
- window->clipRect.left == 0 &&
- window->clipRect.right == 0);
- if (is_empty_cliprect && (!is_null_cliprect) &&
- had_a_window && (!window_changed) && !obj->ScrollIsInProgress()) {
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
+ }
- // Workaround - the Apple software renderer crashes if you set the drawing
- // area to 0x0, so use 1x1.
- if (is_empty_cliprect && obj->RendererIsSoftware())
- clipWidth = clipHeight = 1;
+ int clipHeight = window->clipRect.bottom - window->;
+ int clipWidth = window->clipRect.right - window->clipRect.left;
+ int x_offset = window->clipRect.left - window->x;
+ int y_offset = window-> - window->y;
+ int gl_x_origin = x_offset;
+ int gl_y_origin = window->clipRect.bottom - (window->y + window->height);
+ // Firefox calls us with an empty cliprect all the time, toggling our
+ // cliprect back and forth between empty and the normal value, particularly
+ // during scrolling.
+ // As we need to make our AGL surface track the clip rect, honoring all of
+ // these calls would result in spectacular flashing.
+ // The goal here is to try to spot the calls we can safely ignore.
+ // The bogus empty cliprects always have left and top of the real clip.
+ // A null cliprect should always be honored ({0,0,0,0} means a hidden tab),
+ // as should the first ever call to this function,
+ // or an attempt to change the window.
+ // The call at the end of a scroll step is also honored.
+ // Otherwise, skip this change and do not hide our context.
+ bool is_empty_cliprect = (clipHeight <= 0 || clipWidth <= 0);
+ bool is_null_cliprect = (window->clipRect.bottom == 0 &&
+ window-> == 0 &&
+ window->clipRect.left == 0 &&
+ window->clipRect.right == 0);
+ if (is_empty_cliprect && (!is_null_cliprect) &&
+ had_a_window && (!window_changed) && !obj->ScrollIsInProgress()) {
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ }
- // update size and location of the agl context
- if (obj->mac_agl_context_) {
+ // Workaround - the Apple software renderer crashes if you set the drawing
+ // area to 0x0, so use 1x1.
+ if (is_empty_cliprect && obj->RendererIsSoftware())
+ clipWidth = clipHeight = 1;
+ // update size and location of the agl context
+ if (obj->mac_agl_context_) {
+ // We already had a window, and now we've got a different window -
+ // this can happen when the user drags out a tab in Safari into its own
+ // window.
+ if (had_a_window && window_changed)
+ SetWindowForAGLContext(obj->mac_agl_context_, obj->mac_window_);
+ aglSetCurrentContext(obj->mac_agl_context_);
+ Rect windowRect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ if (obj->drawing_model_ == NPDrawingModelQuickDraw)
+ GetWindowBounds(obj->mac_window_, kWindowContentRgn, &windowRect);
+ else
+ GetWindowBounds(obj->mac_window_, kWindowStructureRgn, &windowRect);
+ int windowHeight = windowRect.bottom -;
+ // These are in window coords, the weird bit being that agl wants the
+ // location of the bottom of the GL context in y flipped coords,
+ // eg 100 would mean the bottom of the GL context was 100 up from the
+ // bottom of the window.
+ obj->last_buffer_rect_[0] = window->x + x_offset;
+ obj->last_buffer_rect_[1] = (windowHeight - (window->y + clipHeight))
+ - y_offset; // this param is y flipped
+ obj->last_buffer_rect_[2] = clipWidth;
+ obj->last_buffer_rect_[3] = clipHeight;
+ obj->mac_surface_hidden_ = false;
+ // If in fullscreen, just remember the desired change in geometry so
+ // we restore to the right rectangle.
+ if (obj->GetFullscreenMacWindow() != NULL)
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- // We already had a window, and now we've got a different window -
- // this can happen when the user drags out a tab in Safari into its own
- // window.
- if (had_a_window && window_changed)
- SetWindowForAGLContext(obj->mac_agl_context_, obj->mac_window_);
- aglSetCurrentContext(obj->mac_agl_context_);
- Rect windowRect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- if (obj->drawing_model_ == NPDrawingModelQuickDraw)
- GetWindowBounds(obj->mac_window_, kWindowContentRgn, &windowRect);
- else
- GetWindowBounds(obj->mac_window_, kWindowStructureRgn, &windowRect);
- int windowHeight = windowRect.bottom -;
- // These are in window coords, the weird bit being that agl wants the
- // location of the bottom of the GL context in y flipped coords,
- // eg 100 would mean the bottom of the GL context was 100 up from the
- // bottom of the window.
- obj->last_buffer_rect_[0] = window->x + x_offset;
- obj->last_buffer_rect_[1] = (windowHeight - (window->y + clipHeight))
- - y_offset; // this param is y flipped
- obj->last_buffer_rect_[2] = clipWidth;
- obj->last_buffer_rect_[3] = clipHeight;
- obj->mac_surface_hidden_ = false;
- // If in fullscreen, just remember the desired change in geometry so
- // we restore to the right rectangle.
- if (obj->GetFullscreenMacWindow() != NULL)
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- aglSetInteger(obj->mac_agl_context_, AGL_BUFFER_RECT,
- obj->last_buffer_rect_);
- aglEnable(obj->mac_agl_context_, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
- }
+ aglSetInteger(obj->mac_agl_context_, AGL_BUFFER_RECT,
+ obj->last_buffer_rect_);
+ aglEnable(obj->mac_agl_context_, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
+ }
- // Renderer is already initialized from a previous call to this function,
- // just update size and position and return.
- if (had_a_window) {
- if (obj->renderer()) {
- obj->renderer()->SetClientOriginOffset(gl_x_origin, gl_y_origin);
- obj->Resize(window->width, window->height);
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ // Renderer is already initialized from a previous call to this function,
+ // just update size and position and return.
+ if (had_a_window) {
+ if (obj->renderer()) {
+ obj->renderer()->SetClientOriginOffset(gl_x_origin, gl_y_origin);
+ obj->Resize(window->width, window->height);
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ }
- // Create and assign the graphics context.
- o3d::DisplayWindowMac default_display;
- default_display.set_agl_context(obj->mac_agl_context_);
- default_display.set_cgl_context(obj->mac_cgl_context_);
+ // Create and assign the graphics context.
+ o3d::DisplayWindowMac default_display;
+ default_display.set_agl_context(obj->mac_agl_context_);
+ default_display.set_cgl_context(obj->mac_cgl_context_);
- obj->CreateRenderer(default_display);
+ obj->CreateRenderer(default_display);
- // if the renderer cannot be created (maybe the features are not supported)
- // then we can proceed no further
- if (!obj->renderer()) {
- if (obj->mac_agl_context_) {
- ::aglDestroyContext(obj->mac_agl_context_);
- obj->mac_agl_context_ = NULL;
- }
+ // if the renderer cannot be created (maybe the features are not supported)
+ // then we can proceed no further
+ if (!obj->renderer()) {
+ if (obj->mac_agl_context_) {
+ ::aglDestroyContext(obj->mac_agl_context_);
+ obj->mac_agl_context_ = NULL;
+ }
- obj->client()->Init();
- obj->client()->SetRenderOnDemandCallback(
- new RenderOnDemandCallbackHandler(obj));
+ obj->client()->Init();
+ obj->client()->SetRenderOnDemandCallback(
+ new RenderOnDemandCallbackHandler(obj));
- if (obj->renderer()) {
- obj->renderer()->SetClientOriginOffset(gl_x_origin, gl_y_origin);
- obj->Resize(window->width, window->height);
+ if (obj->renderer()) {
+ obj->renderer()->SetClientOriginOffset(gl_x_origin, gl_y_origin);
+ obj->Resize(window->width, window->height);
#ifdef CFTIMER
- // now that the grahics context is setup, add this instance to the timer
- // list so it gets drawn repeatedly
- gRenderTimer.AddInstance(instance);
+ // now that the grahics context is setup, add this instance to the timer
+ // list so it gets drawn repeatedly
+ gRenderTimer.AddInstance(instance);
#endif // CFTIMER
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- // Called when the browser has finished attempting to stream data to
- // a file as requested. If fname == NULL the attempt was not successful.
- void NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname) {
- PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
- StreamManager* stream_manager = obj->stream_manager();
- // Some browsers give us an absolute HFS path in fname, some give us an
- // absolute Posix path, so convert to Posix if needed.
- if ((!fname) || (fname[0] == '/') || !fname[0]) {
- stream_manager->SetStreamFile(stream, fname);
- } else {
- const char* converted_fname = CreatePosixFilePathFromHFSFilePath(fname);
- if (converted_fname == NULL)
- return; // TODO should also log error if we ever get here
- stream_manager->SetStreamFile(stream, converted_fname);
- delete converted_fname;
- }
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+// Called when the browser has finished attempting to stream data to
+// a file as requested. If fname == NULL the attempt was not successful.
+void NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname) {
+ PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
+ StreamManager* stream_manager = obj->stream_manager();
+ // Some browsers give us an absolute HFS path in fname, some give us an
+ // absolute Posix path, so convert to Posix if needed.
+ if ((!fname) || (fname[0] == '/') || !fname[0]) {
+ stream_manager->SetStreamFile(stream, fname);
+ } else {
+ const char* converted_fname = CreatePosixFilePathFromHFSFilePath(fname);
+ if (converted_fname == NULL)
+ return; // TODO should also log error if we ever get here
+ stream_manager->SetStreamFile(stream, converted_fname);
+ delete converted_fname;
- int16 NPP_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event) {
- PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
- if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCarbon) {
- EventRecord* theEvent = static_cast<EventRecord*>(event);
- return HandleMacEvent(theEvent, instance) ? 1 : 0;
- } else if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa){
- return HandleCocoaEvent(instance, (NPCocoaEvent*)event) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- return 0;
+int16 NPP_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event) {
+ PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
+ if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCarbon) {
+ EventRecord* theEvent = static_cast<EventRecord*>(event);
+ return HandleMacEvent(theEvent, instance) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (obj->event_model_ == NPEventModelCocoa){
+ return HandleCocoaEvent(instance, (NPCocoaEvent*)event) ? 1 : 0;
-}; // end extern "C"
+ return 0;
+} // namespace o3d
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/plugin_mac.h b/o3d/plugin/mac/plugin_mac.h
index 1e9efe5..85d7c85 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/plugin_mac.h
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/plugin_mac.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
// Just for o3d::Event::Button at the moment.
#include "core/cross/event.h"
+namespace o3d {
// RenderTimer maintains an animation timer (nominally running at 60fps)
@@ -101,4 +102,6 @@ bool GetBrowserVersionInfo(int *returned_major,
bool UseSoftwareRenderer();
+} // namespace o3d
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
index 9a70d1d..459f116 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
@@ -40,11 +40,18 @@
#include "core/mac/display_window_mac.h"
#include "plugin/mac/graphics_utils_mac.h"
+#if !defined(O3D_INTERNAL_PLUGIN)
BreakpadRef gBreakpadRef = NULL;
using glue::_o3d::PluginObject;
using o3d::DisplayWindowMac;
+@interface NSWindowController (plugin_hack)
+- (id)selectedTab;
+namespace o3d {
// Returns the version number of the running Mac browser, as parsed from
// the short version string in the plist of the app's bundle.
@@ -104,10 +111,6 @@ bool GetBrowserVersionInfo(int *returned_major,
// only care whether the value changes or not.
-@interface NSWindowController (plugin_hack)
-- (id)selectedTab;
void ReleaseSafariBrowserWindow(void* browserWindow) {
NSWindow* cocoaWindow = (NSWindow*) browserWindow;
[cocoaWindow release];
@@ -890,13 +893,13 @@ void PluginObject::GetDisplayModes(std::vector<o3d::DisplayMode> *modes) {
int refresh_rate = 0;
int bpp = 0;
- if (ExtractDisplayModeData([mac_modes objectAtIndex:i],
+ if (o3d::ExtractDisplayModeData([mac_modes objectAtIndex:i],
&bpp) && bpp == 32)
modes_found.push_back(o3d::DisplayMode(width, height, refresh_rate,
- i + kO3D_MODE_OFFSET));
+ i + o3d::kO3D_MODE_OFFSET));
@@ -949,13 +952,14 @@ bool PluginObject::RequestFullscreenDisplay() {
mac_fullscreen_state_ = NULL;
- SetFullscreenMacWindow(CreateFullscreenWindow(NULL,
- this,
- fullscreen_region_mode_id_));
+ SetFullscreenMacWindow(o3d::CreateFullscreenWindow(
+ this,
+ fullscreen_region_mode_id_));
Rect bounds = {0,0,0,0};
GetWindowBounds(GetFullscreenMacWindow(), kWindowContentRgn, &bounds);
- SetWindowForAGLContext(mac_agl_context_, GetFullscreenMacWindow());
+ o3d::SetWindowForAGLContext(mac_agl_context_, GetFullscreenMacWindow());
aglDisable(mac_agl_context_, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
renderer()->SetClientOriginOffset(0, 0);
renderer_->Resize(bounds.right - bounds.left, bounds.bottom -;
@@ -963,11 +967,11 @@ bool PluginObject::RequestFullscreenDisplay() {
fullscreen_ = true;
client()->SendResizeEvent(renderer_->width(), renderer_->height(), true);
- SetFullscreenOverlayMacWindow(CreateOverlayWindow());
+ SetFullscreenOverlayMacWindow(o3d::CreateOverlayWindow());
- SlideWindowToRect(mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_,
- Rect2CGRect(GetOverlayWindowRect(true)),
- kTransitionTime);
+ o3d::SlideWindowToRect(mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_,
+ o3d::Rect2CGRect(o3d::GetOverlayWindowRect(true)),
+ kTransitionTime);
// Hide the overlay text 4 seconds from now.
time_to_hide_overlay_ = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] + 4.0;
@@ -980,9 +984,9 @@ void PluginObject::CancelFullscreenDisplay() {
if (!GetFullscreenMacWindow())
- SetWindowForAGLContext(mac_agl_context_, mac_window_);
+ o3d::SetWindowForAGLContext(mac_agl_context_, mac_window_);
- CleanupFullscreenWindow(this);
+ o3d::CleanupFullscreenWindow(this);
renderer_->Resize(prev_width_, prev_height_);
aglSetInteger(mac_agl_context_, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, last_buffer_rect_);
@@ -1013,9 +1017,10 @@ void PluginObject::FullscreenIdle() {
(time_to_hide_overlay_ != 0.0) &&
(time_to_hide_overlay_ < [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate])) {
time_to_hide_overlay_ = 0.0;
- SlideWindowToRect(mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_,
- Rect2CGRect(GetOverlayWindowRect(false)),
- kTransitionTime);
+ o3d::SlideWindowToRect(mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_,
+ o3d::Rect2CGRect(o3d::GetOverlayWindowRect(false)),
+ kTransitionTime);
+} // namespace o3d