path: root/o3d/samples/o3djs/manipulators.js
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1 files changed, 458 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/samples/o3djs/manipulators.js b/o3d/samples/o3djs/manipulators.js
index cade671..c38089c 100644
--- a/o3d/samples/o3djs/manipulators.js
+++ b/o3d/samples/o3djs/manipulators.js
@@ -96,28 +96,26 @@ o3djs.manipulators.createManager = function(pack,
* closest-point operations.
* @constructor
* @private
- * @param {o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_direction The direction of the
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_direction The direction of the
* line. Does not need to be normalized but must not be the zero
* vector. Defaults to [1, 0, 0] if not specified.
- * @param {o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_point A point through which the
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_point A point through which the
* line goes. Defaults to [0, 0, 0] if not specified.
o3djs.manipulators.Line_ = function(opt_direction,
opt_point) {
- if (opt_direction) {
- this.direction_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_direction);
- } else {
- this.direction_ = [1, 0, 0];
- }
- if (opt_point) {
- this.point_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_point);
- } else {
- this.point_ = [0, 0, 0];
- }
- // Helper for computing projections along the line
- this.alongVec_ = [0, 0, 0];
+ /**
+ * The direction of the line.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
+ this.direction_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_direction || [1, 0, 0]);
+ /**
+ * A point through which the line goes.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
+ this.point_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_point || [0, 0, 0]);
@@ -177,9 +175,25 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.projectPoint = function(point) {
+ * A threshold / error tolerance for determining if a number should be
+ * considered zero.
+ * @type {!number}
+ */
o3djs.manipulators.EPSILON = 0.00001;
+ * A unit vector pointing along the positive X-axis.
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
o3djs.manipulators.X_AXIS = [1, 0, 0];
+ * A unit vector pointing along the positive Z-axis.
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Z_AXIS = [0, 0, 1];
* Returns the closest point on this line to the given ray, which is
@@ -264,8 +278,14 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.closestPointToRay = function(startPoint,
o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.recalc_ = function() {
var denom = o3djs.math.lengthSquared(this.direction_);
if (denom == 0.0) {
- throw 'Line_.recalc: ERROR: direction was the zero vector (not allowed)';
+ throw 'Line_.recalc_: ERROR: direction was the zero vector (not allowed)';
+ /**
+ * Helper (internal cache) for computing projections along the line.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
this.alongVec_ =
@@ -274,9 +294,148 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.recalc_ = function() {
+ * A vector with 4 entries, the R,G,B, and A components of the default color
+ * for manipulators (used when not highlighted).
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector4}
+ */
o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0];
+ * A vector with 4 entries, the R,G,B, and A components of the color used
+ * for manipulators when they are highlighted.
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector4}
+ */
o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR = [0.9, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0];
+ * Creates a new Plane object.
+ * @constructor
+ * @private
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_normal The normal of the
+ * plane. Does not need to be unit length, but must not be the zero
+ * vector. Defaults to [0, 1, 0] if not specified.
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_point A point through which the
+ * plane passes. Defaults to [0, 0, 0] if not specified.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_ = function(opt_normal,
+ opt_point) {
+ /**
+ * A point through which the plane passes.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
+ this.point_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_point || [0, 0, 0]);
+ this.setNormal(opt_normal || [0, 1, 0]);
+ * Sets the normal of this plane.
+ * @private
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} normal The new normal of the
+ * plane. Does not need to be unit length, but must not be the zero
+ * vector.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.setNormal = function(normal) {
+ // Make sure the normal isn't zero.
+ var denom = o3djs.math.lengthSquared(normal);
+ if (denom == 0.0) {
+ throw 'Plane_.setNormal: ERROR: normal was the zero vector (not allowed)';
+ }
+ /**
+ * The normal to the plane. Normalized, cannot be zero.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
+ this.normal_ = o3djs.math.normalize(normal); // Makes copy.
+ this.recalc_();
+ * Gets the normal of this plane, as a unit vector.
+ * @private
+ * @return {!o3djs.math.Vector3} The (normalized) normal of the plane.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.getNormal = function() {
+ return this.normal_;
+ * Sets one point through which this plane passes.
+ * @private
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} point A point through which the plane passes.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.setPoint = function(point) {
+ this.point_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(point);
+ this.recalc_();
+ * Gets one point through which this plane passes.
+ * @private
+ * @return {!o3djs.math.Vector3} A point which through the plane passes.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.getPoint = function() {
+ return this.point_;
+ * Projects a point onto the plane.
+ * @private
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} point Point to be projected.
+ * @return {!o3djs.math.Vector3} Point on the plane closest to the
+ * passed point.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.projectPoint = function(point) {
+ var distFromPlane =
+, point) - this.normalDotPoint_;
+ return o3djs.math.subVector(point,
+ o3djs.math.mulScalarVector(distFromPlane,
+ this.normal_));
+ * Intersects a ray with the plane. Returns the point of intersection.
+ * This is a two-sided ray cast. If the ray is parallel to the plane,
+ * returns null.
+ * @private
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} rayStart Start point of ray.
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} rayDirection Direction vector of ray.
+ * Does not need to be normalized, but must not be the zero vector.
+ * @return {o3djs.math.Vector3} The point of intersection of the ray
+ * with the plane, or null if the ray is parallel to the plane.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.intersectRay = function(rayStart,
+ rayDirection) {
+ var distFromPlane =
+ this.normalDotPoint_ -, rayStart);
+ var denom =, rayDirection);
+ if (denom == 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var t = distFromPlane / denom;
+ return o3djs.math.addVector(rayStart,
+ o3djs.math.mulScalarVector(t, rayDirection));
+ * Performs internal recalculations when the parameters of the plane change.
+ * @private
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Plane_.prototype.recalc_ = function() {
+ /**
+ * Helper (internal cache) for computing projections into the plane.
+ * The dot product between normal_ and point_.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!number}
+ */
+ this.normalDotPoint_ =, this.point_);
* Constructs a new manipulator manager. Do not call this directly;
* use o3djs.manipulators.createManager instead.
@@ -297,24 +456,64 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manager = function(pack,
renderNodePriority) {
+ /**
+ * Pack in which manipulators' geometry and materials are created.
+ * @type {!o3d.Pack}
+ */
this.pack = pack;
+ /**
+ * The draw list against which internal materials are created.
+ * @type {!o3d.DrawList}
+ */
this.drawList = drawList;
+ /**
+ * The parent transform under which the manipulators' geometry
+ * shall be parented.
+ * @type {!o3d.Transform}
+ */
this.parentTransform = parentTransform;
+ /**
+ * The parent render node under which the manipulators' draw elements
+ * shall be placed.
+ * @type {!o3d.RenderNode}
+ */
this.parentRenderNode = parentRenderNode;
+ /**
+ * The priority that the manipulators' geometry should use for rendering.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
this.renderNodePriority = renderNodePriority;
+ /**
+ * The light position used by the manipulators' shader.
+ * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3}
+ */
this.lightPosition = [10, 10, 10];
- // Create the default and highlighted materials.
+ /**
+ * The default material for manipulators (used when not highlighted).
+ * @type {!o3d.Material}
+ */
this.defaultMaterial =
+ /**
+ * The material used for manipulators when they are highlighted.
+ * (TODO(simonrad): This is not currently used; only defaultMaterial is used. Remove this?)
+ * @type {!o3d.Material}
+ */
this.highlightedMaterial =
- // This is a map from the manip's parent Transform clientId to the manip.
+ /**
+ * A map from the manip's parent Transform clientId to the manip.
+ * @type {!Array.<!o3djs.manipulators.Manip>}
+ */
this.manipsByClientId = [];
- // Presumably we need a TransformInfo for the parentTransform.
+ /**
+ * Presumably we need a TransformInfo for the parentTransform.
+ * @type {!o3djs.picking.TransformInfo}
+ */
this.transformInfo =
o3djs.picking.createTransformInfo(this.parentTransform, null);
@@ -372,6 +571,17 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.createTranslate1 = function() {
+ * Creates a new Translate2 manipulator. A Translate2 moves around the
+ * XY plane in its local coordinate system.
+ * @return {!o3djs.manipulators.Translate2} A new Translate2 manipulator.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.createTranslate2 = function() {
+ var manip = new o3djs.manipulators.Translate2(this);
+ this.add_(manip);
+ return manip;
* Adds a manipulator to this manager's set.
* @private
* @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manip} manip The manipulator to add.
@@ -556,41 +766,68 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.updateInactiveManipulators = function() {
* manipulator.
o3djs.manipulators.Manip = function(manager) {
+ /**
+ * The manager of this manipulator.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager}
+ */
this.manager_ = manager;
var pack = manager.pack;
- // This transform holds the local transformation of the manipulator,
- // which is either applied to the transform to which it is attached,
- // or (see below) consumed by the user in the manipulator's
- // callbacks. After each interaction, if there is an attached
- // transform, this local transform is added in to it and reset to
- // the identity.
- // TODO(kbr): add support for user callbacks on manipulators.
+ /**
+ * This transform holds the local transformation of the manipulator,
+ * which is either applied to the transform to which it is attached,
+ * or (see below) consumed by the user in the manipulator's
+ * callbacks. After each interaction, if there is an attached
+ * transform, this local transform is added in to it and reset to
+ * the identity.
+ * TODO(kbr): add support for user callbacks on manipulators.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3d.Transform}
+ */
this.localTransform_ = pack.createObject('Transform');
- // This transform provides an offset, if desired, between the
- // manipulator's geometry and the transform (and, implicitly, the
- // shape) to which it is attached. This allows the manipulator to be
- // easily placed below an object, for example.
+ /**
+ * This transform provides an offset, if desired, between the
+ * manipulator's geometry and the transform (and, implicitly, the
+ * shape) to which it is attached. This allows the manipulator to be
+ * easily placed below an object, for example.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3d.Transform}
+ */
this.offsetTransform_ = pack.createObject('Transform');
- // This transform is the one which is actually parented to the
- // manager's parentTransform. It is used to place the manipulator in
- // world space, regardless of the world space location of the
- // parentTransform supplied to the manager. If this manipulator is
- // attached to a given transform, then upon completion of a
- // particular drag interaction, this transform is adjusted to take
- // into account the attached transform's new value.
+ /**
+ * This transform is the one which is actually parented to the
+ * manager's parentTransform. It is used to place the manipulator in
+ * world space, regardless of the world space location of the
+ * parentTransform supplied to the manager. If this manipulator is
+ * attached to a given transform, then upon completion of a
+ * particular drag interaction, this transform is adjusted to take
+ * into account the attached transform's new value.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3d.Transform}
+ */
this.baseTransform_ = pack.createObject('Transform');
// Hook up these transforms
this.localTransform_.parent = this.offsetTransform_;
this.offsetTransform_.parent = this.baseTransform_;
- // This is the transform in the scene graph to which this
- // manipulator is conceptually "attached", and whose local transform
- // we are modifying.
+ /**
+ * This is the transform in the scene graph to which this
+ * manipulator is conceptually "attached", and whose local transform
+ * we are modifying.
+ * @private
+ * @type {o3d.Transform}
+ */
this.attachedTransform_ = null;
+ /**
+ * Whether this manipulator is active (ie being dragged).
+ * @private
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
this.active_ = false;
@@ -647,10 +884,9 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.getTransform = function() {
o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setOffsetTranslation =
function(translation) {
- this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix =
+ this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix =
@@ -662,10 +898,9 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setOffsetTranslation =
o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setOffsetRotation = function(quaternion) {
var rot = o3djs.quaternions.quaternionToRotation(quaternion);
- this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix =
+ this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix =
@@ -676,10 +911,9 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setOffsetRotation = function(quaternion) {
* this manipulator.
o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setTranslation = function(translation) {
- this.getTransform().localMatrix =
+ this.getTransform().localMatrix =
@@ -690,10 +924,9 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setTranslation = function(translation) {
o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setRotation = function(quaternion) {
var rot = o3djs.quaternions.quaternionToRotation(quaternion);
- this.getTransform().localMatrix =
+ this.getTransform().localMatrix =
@@ -746,7 +979,7 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.makeInactive = function() {
* Drags this manipulator according to the world-space ray specified
* by startPoint and endPoint. makeActive must already have been
* called with the initial pick result causing this manipulator to
- * become active. This method exists only to be overridden.
+ * become active.
* @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} startPoint Start point of the
* world-space ray through the current mouse position.
* @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} endPoint End point of the world-space
@@ -798,7 +1031,7 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_ =
var base = this.baseTransform_.worldMatrix;
var local = this.localTransform_.localMatrix;
var xlate = o3djs.math.matrix4.getTranslation(local);
- var transformedXlate =
+ var transformedXlate =
@@ -823,7 +1056,10 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_ =
* Sets the material of the given shape's draw elements.
+ * TODO(simonrad): This function is not used, remove it?
* @private
+ * @param {!o3d.Shape} shape Shape to modify the material of.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material Material to set.
o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setMaterial_ = function(shape, material) {
var elements = shape.elements;
@@ -837,7 +1073,10 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setMaterial_ = function(shape, material) {
* Sets the materials of the given shapes' draw elements.
+ * TODO(simonrad): This function is not used, remove it?
* @private
+ * @param {!Array.<!o3d.Shape>} shapes Array of shapes to modify the materials of.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material Material to set.
o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setMaterials_ = function(shapes, material) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < shapes.length; ii++) {
@@ -845,6 +1084,45 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setMaterials_ = function(shapes, material) {
+ * Create the geometry for a double-ended arrow going from
+ * (0, -1, 0) to (0, 1, 0), transformed by the given matrix.
+ * @private
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} matrix A matrix by which to multiply
+ * all the vertices.
+ * @return {!o3djs.primitives.VertexInfo} The created vertices.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.createArrowVertices_ = function(matrix) {
+ var matrix4 = o3djs.math.matrix4;
+ var verts = o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedConeVertices(
+ 0.15, // Bottom radius.
+ 0.0, // Top radius.
+ 0.3, // Height.
+ 4, // Number of radial subdivisions.
+ 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions.
+ matrix4.mul(matrix4.translation([0, 0.85, 0]), matrix));
+ verts.append(o3djs.primitives.createCylinderVertices(
+ 0.06, // Radius.
+ 1.4, // Height.
+ 4, // Number of radial subdivisions.
+ 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions.
+ matrix));
+ verts.append(o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedConeVertices(
+ 0.0, // Bottom radius.
+ 0.15, // Top radius.
+ 0.3, // Height.
+ 4, // Number of radial subdivisions.
+ 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions.
+ matrix4.mul(matrix4.translation([0, -0.85, 0]), matrix)));
+ return verts;
* A manipulator allowing an object to be dragged along a line.
* @constructor
@@ -862,34 +1140,10 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Translate1 = function(manager) {
if (!shape) {
// Create the geometry for the manipulator, which looks like a
// two-way arrow going from (-1, 0, 0) to (1, 0, 0).
- var matrix4 = o3djs.math.matrix4;
- var zRot = matrix4.rotationZ(Math.PI / 2);
- var verts = o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedConeVertices(
- 0.15, // Bottom radius.
- 0.0, // Top radius.
- 0.3, // Height.
- 4, // Number of radial subdivisions.
- 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions.
- matrix4.mul(matrix4.translation([0, 0.85, 0]), zRot));
- verts.append(o3djs.primitives.createCylinderVertices(
- 0.06, // Radius.
- 1.4, // Height.
- 4, // Number of radial subdivisions.
- 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions.
- zRot));
- verts.append(o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedConeVertices(
- 0.0, // Bottom radius.
- 0.15, // Top radius.
- 0.3, // Height.
- 4, // Number of radial subdivisions.
- 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions.
- matrix4.mul(matrix4.translation([0, -0.85, 0]), zRot)));
+ var verts = o3djs.manipulators.createArrowVertices_(
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.rotationZ(Math.PI / 2));
shape = verts.createShape(pack, material);
- manager.translate1Shape_ = shape;
+ manager.translate1Shape_ = shape;
this.addShapes_([ shape ]);
@@ -897,13 +1151,21 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Translate1 = function(manager) {
this.transformInfo = o3djs.picking.createTransformInfo(this.getTransform(),
- // Add a parameter to our transform to be able to change the
- // material's color for highlighting.
- this.colorParam = this.getTransform().createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4');
+ /**
+ * A parameter added to our transform to be able to change the
+ * material's color for highlighting.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3d.ParamFloat4}
+ */
+ this.colorParam_ = this.getTransform().createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4');
- /** Dragging state */
- this.dragLine = new o3djs.manipulators.Line_();
+ /**
+ * Line along which we are dragging.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.manipulators.Line_}
+ */
+ this.dragLine_ = new o3djs.manipulators.Line_();
o3djs.base.inherit(o3djs.manipulators.Translate1, o3djs.manipulators.Manip);
@@ -912,21 +1174,21 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.highlight = function(pickResult) {
// We can use instanced geometry for the entire Translate1 since its
// entire color changes during highlighting.
// TODO(kbr): support custom user geometry and associated callbacks.
- this.colorParam.value = o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR;
+ this.colorParam_.value = o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR;
o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.clearHighlight = function() {
- this.colorParam.value = o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ this.colorParam_.value = o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR;
o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.makeActive = function(pickResult) {, pickResult);
var worldMatrix = this.getTransform().worldMatrix;
- this.dragLine.setDirection(
+ this.dragLine_.setDirection(
- this.dragLine.setPoint(pickResult.worldIntersectionPosition);
+ this.dragLine_.setPoint(pickResult.worldIntersectionPosition);
o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.makeInactive = function() {
@@ -938,11 +1200,11 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.makeInactive = function() {
o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.drag = function(startPoint,
endPoint) {
- // Algorithm: Find closest point of ray to dragLine. Subtract this
+ // Algorithm: Find closest point of ray to dragLine_. Subtract this
// point from the line's point to find difference vector; transform
// from world to local coordinates to find new local offset of
// manipulator.
- var closestPoint = this.dragLine.closestPointToRay(startPoint, endPoint);
+ var closestPoint = this.dragLine_.closestPointToRay(startPoint, endPoint);
if (closestPoint == null) {
// Drag axis is parallel to ray. Punt.
@@ -950,12 +1212,117 @@ o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.drag = function(startPoint,
// Need to do a world-to-local transformation on the difference vector.
// Note that we also incorporate the translation portion of the matrix.
var diffVector =
- o3djs.math.subVector(closestPoint, this.dragLine.getPoint());
+ o3djs.math.subVector(closestPoint, this.dragLine_.getPoint());
+ var worldToLocal =
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.inverse(this.getTransform().worldMatrix);
+ this.getTransform().localMatrix =
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.setTranslation(
+ this.getTransform().localMatrix,
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.transformDirection(worldToLocal,
+ diffVector));
+ this.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_();
+ * A manipulator allowing an object to be dragged around a plane.
+ * @constructor
+ * @extends {o3djs.manipulators.Manip}
+ * @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager} manager The manager for the
+ * new Translate2 manipulator.
+ */
+o3djs.manipulators.Translate2 = function(manager) {
+, manager);
+ var pack = manager.pack;
+ var material = manager.defaultMaterial;
+ var shape = manager.Translate2Shape_;
+ if (!shape) {
+ // Create the geometry for the manipulator, which looks like
+ // a two-way arrow going from (-1, 0, 0) to (1, 0, 0),
+ // and another one going from (0, -1, 0) to (0, 1, 0).
+ var verts = o3djs.manipulators.createArrowVertices_(
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.rotationZ(Math.PI / 2));
+ verts.append(o3djs.manipulators.createArrowVertices_(
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.rotationZ(0)));
+ shape = verts.createShape(pack, material);
+ manager.Translate2Shape_ = shape;
+ }
+ this.addShapes_([ shape ]);
+ this.transformInfo = o3djs.picking.createTransformInfo(this.getTransform(),
+ manager.transformInfo);
+ /**
+ * A parameter added to our transform to be able to change the
+ * material's color for highlighting.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3d.ParamFloat4}
+ */
+ this.colorParam_ = this.getTransform().createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4');
+ this.clearHighlight();
+ /**
+ * Plane through which we are dragging.
+ * @private
+ * @type {!o3djs.manipulators.Plane_}
+ */
+ this.dragPlane_ = new o3djs.manipulators.Plane_();
+o3djs.base.inherit(o3djs.manipulators.Translate2, o3djs.manipulators.Manip);
+o3djs.manipulators.Translate2.prototype.highlight = function(pickResult) {
+ // We can use instanced geometry for the entire Translate2 since its
+ // entire color changes during highlighting.
+ // TODO(kbr): support custom user geometry and associated callbacks.
+ this.colorParam_.value = o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR;
+o3djs.manipulators.Translate2.prototype.clearHighlight = function() {
+ this.colorParam_.value = o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+o3djs.manipulators.Translate2.prototype.makeActive = function(pickResult) {
+, pickResult);
+ this.highlight(pickResult);
+ var worldMatrix = this.getTransform().worldMatrix;
+ this.dragPlane_.setNormal(
+ o3djs.math.matrix4.transformDirection(worldMatrix,
+ o3djs.manipulators.Z_AXIS));
+ this.dragPlane_.setPoint(pickResult.worldIntersectionPosition);
+o3djs.manipulators.Translate2.prototype.makeInactive = function() {
+ this.clearHighlight();
+ this.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_();
+ this.updateBaseTransformFromAttachedTransform_();
+o3djs.manipulators.Translate2.prototype.drag = function(startPoint,
+ endPoint) {
+ // Algorithm: Find intersection of ray with dragPlane_. Subtract this
+ // point from the plane's point to find difference vector; transform
+ // from world to local coordinates to find new local offset of
+ // manipulator.
+ var intersectPoint = this.dragPlane_.intersectRay(startPoint,
+ o3djs.math.subVector(endPoint, startPoint));
+ if (intersectPoint == null) {
+ // Drag plane is parallel to ray. Punt.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Need to do a world-to-local transformation on the difference vector.
+ // Note that we also incorporate the translation portion of the matrix.
+ var diffVector =
+ o3djs.math.subVector(intersectPoint, this.dragPlane_.getPoint());
var worldToLocal =
this.getTransform().localMatrix =
- this.getTransform().localMatrix,
+ this.getTransform().localMatrix,