path: root/pdf/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pdf/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pdf/ b/pdf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88270dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "pdf/draw_utils.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+namespace chrome_pdf {
+inline uint8 GetBlue(const uint32& pixel) {
+ return static_cast<uint8>(pixel & 0xFF);
+inline uint8 GetGreen(const uint32& pixel) {
+ return static_cast<uint8>((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF);
+inline uint8 GetRed(const uint32& pixel) {
+ return static_cast<uint8>((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF);
+inline uint8 GetAlpha(const uint32& pixel) {
+ return static_cast<uint8>((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF);
+inline uint32_t MakePixel(uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue, uint8 alpha) {
+ return (static_cast<uint32_t>(alpha) << 24) |
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(red) << 16) |
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(green) << 8) |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(blue);
+inline uint8 GradientChannel(uint8 start, uint8 end, double ratio) {
+ double new_channel = start - (static_cast<double>(start) - end) * ratio;
+ if (new_channel < 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (new_channel > 255)
+ return 255;
+ return static_cast<uint8>(new_channel + 0.5);
+inline uint8 ProcessColor(uint8 src_color, uint8 dest_color, uint8 alpha) {
+ uint32 processed = static_cast<uint32>(src_color) * alpha +
+ static_cast<uint32>(dest_color) * (0xFF - alpha);
+ return static_cast<uint8>((processed / 0xFF) & 0xFF);
+bool AlphaBlend(const pp::ImageData& src, const pp::Rect& src_rc,
+ pp::ImageData* dest, const pp::Point& dest_origin,
+ uint8 alpha_adjustment) {
+ const uint32_t* src_origin_pixel = src.GetAddr32(src_rc.point());
+ uint32_t* dest_origin_pixel = dest->GetAddr32(dest_origin);
+ int height = src_rc.height();
+ int width = src_rc.width();
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ const uint32_t* src_pixel = src_origin_pixel;
+ uint32_t* dest_pixel = dest_origin_pixel;
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ uint8 alpha = static_cast<uint8>(static_cast<uint32_t>(alpha_adjustment) *
+ GetAlpha(*src_pixel) / 0xFF);
+ uint8 red = ProcessColor(GetRed(*src_pixel), GetRed(*dest_pixel), alpha);
+ uint8 green = ProcessColor(GetGreen(*src_pixel),
+ GetGreen(*dest_pixel), alpha);
+ uint8 blue = ProcessColor(GetBlue(*src_pixel),
+ GetBlue(*dest_pixel), alpha);
+ *dest_pixel = MakePixel(red, green, blue, GetAlpha(*dest_pixel));
+ src_pixel++;
+ dest_pixel++;
+ }
+ src_origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src_origin_pixel) + src.stride());
+ dest_origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest_origin_pixel) + dest->stride());
+ }
+ return true;
+void GradientFill(pp::ImageData* image, const pp::Rect& rc,
+ uint32 start_color, uint32 end_color, bool horizontal) {
+ std::vector<uint32> colors;
+ colors.resize(horizontal ? rc.width() : rc.height());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < colors.size(); ++i) {
+ double ratio = static_cast<double>(i) / colors.size();
+ colors[i] = MakePixel(
+ GradientChannel(GetRed(start_color), GetRed(end_color), ratio),
+ GradientChannel(GetGreen(start_color), GetGreen(end_color), ratio),
+ GradientChannel(GetBlue(start_color), GetBlue(end_color), ratio),
+ GradientChannel(GetAlpha(start_color), GetAlpha(end_color), ratio));
+ }
+ if (horizontal) {
+ const void* data = &(colors[0]);
+ size_t size = colors.size() * 4;
+ uint32_t* origin_pixel = image->GetAddr32(rc.point());
+ for (int y = 0; y < rc.height(); y++) {
+ memcpy(origin_pixel, data, size);
+ origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(origin_pixel) + image->stride());
+ }
+ } else {
+ uint32_t* origin_pixel = image->GetAddr32(rc.point());
+ for (int y = 0; y < rc.height(); y++) {
+ uint32_t* pixel = origin_pixel;
+ for (int x = 0; x < rc.width(); x++) {
+ *pixel = colors[y];
+ pixel++;
+ }
+ origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(origin_pixel) + image->stride());
+ }
+ }
+void GradientFill(pp::Instance* instance,
+ pp::ImageData* image,
+ const pp::Rect& dirty_rc,
+ const pp::Rect& gradient_rc,
+ uint32 start_color,
+ uint32 end_color,
+ bool horizontal,
+ uint8 transparency) {
+ pp::Rect draw_rc = gradient_rc.Intersect(dirty_rc);
+ if (draw_rc.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ pp::ImageData gradient(instance, PP_IMAGEDATAFORMAT_BGRA_PREMUL,
+ gradient_rc.size(), false);
+ GradientFill(&gradient, pp::Rect(pp::Point(), gradient_rc.size()),
+ start_color, end_color, horizontal);
+ pp::Rect copy_rc(draw_rc);
+ copy_rc.Offset(-gradient_rc.x(), -gradient_rc.y());
+ AlphaBlend(gradient, copy_rc, image, draw_rc.point(), transparency);
+void CopyImage(const pp::ImageData& src, const pp::Rect& src_rc,
+ pp::ImageData* dest, const pp::Rect& dest_rc,
+ bool stretch) {
+ DCHECK(src_rc.width() <= dest_rc.width() &&
+ src_rc.height() <= dest_rc.height());
+ const uint32_t* src_origin_pixel = src.GetAddr32(src_rc.point());
+ uint32_t* dest_origin_pixel = dest->GetAddr32(dest_rc.point());
+ if (stretch) {
+ double x_ratio = static_cast<double>(src_rc.width()) / dest_rc.width();
+ double y_ratio = static_cast<double>(src_rc.height()) / dest_rc.height();
+ int height = dest_rc.height();
+ int width = dest_rc.width();
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ uint32_t* dest_pixel = dest_origin_pixel;
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ uint32 src_x = static_cast<uint32>(x * x_ratio);
+ uint32 src_y = static_cast<uint32>(y * y_ratio);
+ const uint32_t* src_pixel = src.GetAddr32(
+ pp::Point(src_rc.x() + src_x, src_rc.y() + src_y));
+ *dest_pixel = *src_pixel;
+ dest_pixel++;
+ }
+ dest_origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest_origin_pixel) + dest->stride());
+ }
+ } else {
+ int height = src_rc.height();
+ int width_bytes = src_rc.width() * 4;
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ memcpy(dest_origin_pixel, src_origin_pixel, width_bytes);
+ src_origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src_origin_pixel) + src.stride());
+ dest_origin_pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest_origin_pixel) + dest->stride());
+ }
+ }
+void FillRect(pp::ImageData* image, const pp::Rect& rc, uint32 color) {
+ int height = rc.height();
+ if (height == 0)
+ return;
+ // Fill in first row.
+ uint32_t* top_line = image->GetAddr32(rc.point());
+ int width = rc.width();
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ top_line[x] = color;
+ // Fill in the rest of the rectangle.
+ int byte_width = width * 4;
+ uint32_t* cur_line = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(top_line) + image->stride());
+ for (int y = 1; y < height; y++) {
+ memcpy(cur_line, top_line, byte_width);
+ cur_line = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(cur_line) + image->stride());
+ }
+ShadowMatrix::ShadowMatrix(uint32 depth, double factor, uint32 background)
+ : depth_(depth), factor_(factor), background_(background) {
+ DCHECK(depth_ > 0);
+ matrix_.resize(depth_ * depth_);
+ // pv - is a rounding power factor for smoothing corners.
+ // pv = 2.0 will make corners completely round.
+ const double pv = 4.0;
+ // pow_pv - cache to avoid recalculating pow(x, pv) every time.
+ std::vector<double> pow_pv(depth_, 0.0);
+ double r = static_cast<double>(depth_);
+ double coef = 256.0 / pow(r, factor);
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < depth_; y++) {
+ // Since matrix is symmetrical, we can reduce the number of calculations
+ // by mirroring results.
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x <= y; x++) {
+ // Fill cache if needed.
+ if (pow_pv[x] == 0.0)
+ pow_pv[x] = pow(x, pv);
+ if (pow_pv[y] == 0.0)
+ pow_pv[y] = pow(y, pv);
+ // v - is a value for the smoothing function.
+ // If x == 0 simplify calculations.
+ double v = (x == 0) ? y : pow(pow_pv[x] + pow_pv[y], 1 / pv);
+ // Smoothing function.
+ // If factor == 1, smoothing will be linear from 0 to the end,
+ // if 0 < factor < 1, smoothing will drop faster near 0.
+ // if factor > 1, smoothing will drop faster near the end (depth).
+ double f = 256.0 - coef * pow(v, factor);
+ uint8 alpha = 0;
+ if (f > kOpaqueAlpha)
+ alpha = kOpaqueAlpha;
+ else if (f < kTransparentAlpha)
+ alpha = kTransparentAlpha;
+ else
+ alpha = static_cast<uint8>(f);
+ uint8 red = ProcessColor(0, GetRed(background), alpha);
+ uint8 green = ProcessColor(0, GetGreen(background), alpha);
+ uint8 blue = ProcessColor(0, GetBlue(background), alpha);
+ uint32 pixel = MakePixel(red, green, blue, GetAlpha(background));
+ // Mirror matrix.
+ matrix_[y * depth_ + x] = pixel;
+ matrix_[x * depth_ + y] = pixel;
+ }
+ }
+ShadowMatrix::~ShadowMatrix() {
+void PaintShadow(pp::ImageData* image,
+ const pp::Rect& clip_rc,
+ const pp::Rect& shadow_rc,
+ const ShadowMatrix& matrix) {
+ pp::Rect draw_rc = shadow_rc.Intersect(clip_rc);
+ if (draw_rc.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ int32 depth = static_cast<int32>(matrix.depth());
+ for (int32_t y = draw_rc.y(); y < draw_rc.bottom(); y++) {
+ for (int32_t x = draw_rc.x(); x < draw_rc.right(); x++) {
+ int32_t matrix_x = std::max(depth + shadow_rc.x() - x - 1,
+ depth - shadow_rc.right() + x);
+ int32_t matrix_y = std::max(depth + shadow_rc.y() - y - 1,
+ depth - shadow_rc.bottom() + y);
+ uint32_t* pixel = image->GetAddr32(pp::Point(x, y));
+ if (matrix_x < 0)
+ matrix_x = 0;
+ else if (matrix_x >= static_cast<int32>(depth))
+ matrix_x = depth - 1;
+ if (matrix_y < 0)
+ matrix_y = 0;
+ else if (matrix_y >= static_cast<int32>(depth))
+ matrix_y = depth - 1;
+ *pixel = matrix.GetValue(matrix_x, matrix_y);
+ }
+ }
+void DrawShadow(pp::ImageData* image,
+ const pp::Rect& shadow_rc,
+ const pp::Rect& object_rc,
+ const pp::Rect& clip_rc,
+ const ShadowMatrix& matrix) {
+ if (shadow_rc == object_rc)
+ return; // Nothing to paint.
+ // Fill top part.
+ pp::Rect rc(shadow_rc.point(),
+ pp::Size(shadow_rc.width(), object_rc.y() - shadow_rc.y()));
+ PaintShadow(image, rc.Intersect(clip_rc), shadow_rc, matrix);
+ // Fill bottom part.
+ rc = pp::Rect(shadow_rc.x(), object_rc.bottom(),
+ shadow_rc.width(), shadow_rc.bottom() - object_rc.bottom());
+ PaintShadow(image, rc.Intersect(clip_rc), shadow_rc, matrix);
+ // Fill left part.
+ rc = pp::Rect(shadow_rc.x(), object_rc.y(),
+ object_rc.x() - shadow_rc.x(), object_rc.height());
+ PaintShadow(image, rc.Intersect(clip_rc), shadow_rc, matrix);
+ // Fill right part.
+ rc = pp::Rect(object_rc.right(), object_rc.y(),
+ shadow_rc.right() - object_rc.right(), object_rc.height());
+ PaintShadow(image, rc.Intersect(clip_rc), shadow_rc, matrix);
+} // namespace chrome_pdf