path: root/ppapi/generators/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ppapi/generators/')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/ppapi/generators/ b/ppapi/generators/
index 145eff1..3809795 100644
--- a/ppapi/generators/
+++ b/ppapi/generators/
@@ -11,243 +11,537 @@ import os
import sys
from idl_log import ErrOut, InfoOut, WarnOut
-from idl_node import IDLAttribute, IDLAst, IDLNode
+from idl_node import IDLNode
+from idl_ast import IDLAst
from idl_option import GetOption, Option, ParseOptions
-from idl_outfile import IDLOutFile
-from idl_parser import IDLParser, ParseFiles
-# 'C' style parameter and return styles
-# Normal parameters (int8_t, etc...)
-NormalType = {
- 'in': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'inout': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'out': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'store': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'return': '$TYPEREF$'
-# Enum uses the enum's name, except when storing.
-EnumType = {
- 'in': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'inout': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'out': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'store': 'int',
- 'return': '$TYPEREF$'
-# A mem_t is a 'void *' to memory.
-MemPtrType = {
- 'in': 'const void*',
- 'inout': 'void*',
- 'out': 'void*',
- 'store': 'void*',
- 'return': 'void*'
-# A str_t is a string pointer 'char *'.
-CharPtrType = {
- 'in': 'const char*',
- 'inout': 'char*',
- 'out': 'char*',
- 'return': 'char*',
- 'store': 'char*'
-# A function pointer type
-FuncType = {
- 'in': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'inout': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'out': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'return': '$TYPEREF$',
- 'store': '$TYPEREF$'
-# A 'struct' is passed by pointer.
-StructType = {
- 'in': 'const $TYPEREF$*',
- 'inout': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'out': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'return': '$TYPEREF$*',
- 'store': '$TYPEREF$'
-# A 'void' does not have a parameter or storage type.
-VoidType = {
- 'in': None,
- 'inout': None,
- 'out': None,
- 'return': 'void',
- 'store': None
-TypeMap = {
- 'func': FuncType,
- 'enum': EnumType,
- 'mem_t': MemPtrType,
- 'str_t': CharPtrType,
- 'struct': StructType,
- 'void': VoidType
-# Place the individual 'normal' types in the type map.
-for name in ['int8_t', 'int16_t' ,'int32_t', 'int64_t', 'uint8_t', 'uint16_t',
- 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t', 'double_t', 'float_t', 'handle_t', 'bool']:
- TypeMap[name] = NormalType
-# Return the name of the node with suffix/prefix if availible.
-def GetName(node, **keyargs):
- prefix = keyargs.get('prefix','')
- suffix = keyargs.get('suffix', '')
- named = keyargs.get('named', True)
- name =
- if not named: name = ''
- return '%s%s%s' % (prefix, name, suffix)
-# Return the array specification of the object.
-def GetArrayspec(node, name):
- assert(node.cls == 'Array')
- out = ''
- fixed = node.GetProperty('FIXED')
- if fixed:
- out = '%s[%s]' % (name, fixed)
- else:
- out = '*%s' % name
- # Add children
- for child in node.GetListOf('Array'):
- out += GetArrayspec(child, name)
- return out
-# Return the <name>[<size>] form of the node.
-def GetNameArray(node, **keyargs):
- name = GetName(node, **keyargs)
- for child in node.GetListOf('Array'):
- name = GetArrayspec(child, name)
- return name
-def GetRootType(node):
- root = node
- while root.typeinfo:
- typeinfo = root.typeinfo
- if root.GetOneOf('Callspec'):
- return TypeMap['func']
- root = root.typeinfo
- return TypeMap[]
-# Get the passing form of the parameter.
-def GetParamType(node, **keyargs):
- typedata = GetRootType(node)
- if node.GetProperty('in'):
- return node.Replace(typedata['in'])
- if node.GetProperty('out'):
- return node.Replace(typedata['out'])
- if node.GetProperty('inout'):
- return node.Replace(typedata['inout'])
- return node.GetProperty('TYPEREF')
-# GetParam
-# A Param signature is different than that of a Member because a Member is
-# stored in the structure as declared, but the Param's signature is affected
-# by how it gets passed and it's extended attributes like IN, OUT, and INOUT.
-def GetParam(node, **keyargs):
- # This may be a function.
- callnode = node.GetOneOf('Callspec')
- typeref = GetParamType(node, **keyargs)
- name = GetNameArray(node, **keyargs)
- if callnode:
- arglist = GetParamList(callnode, **keyargs)
- return '%s (*%s)(%s)' % (typeref, name, ', '.join(arglist))
- return '%s %s' % (typeref, name)
-# GetParamList
-def GetParamList(node, **keyargs):
- assert(node.cls == 'Callspec')
- out = []
- for child in node.GetListOf('Param'):
- out.append(GetParam(child, **keyargs))
- return out
-# DefineSignature
-def DefineSignature(node, **keyargs):
- # This may be a function.
- callnode = node.GetOneOf('Callspec')
- typeref = node.GetProperty('TYPEREF')
- name = GetNameArray(node, **keyargs)
- if callnode:
- arglist = GetParamList(callnode, **keyargs)
- return '%s (*%s)(%s)' % (typeref, name, ', '.join(arglist))
- return '%s %s' % (typeref, name)
-# Define a Member (or Function) in an interface.
-def DefineMember(node, **keyargs):
- return '%s;\n' % DefineSignature(node, **keyargs)
-# Define an Typedef.
-def DefineTypedef(node, **keyargs):
- return 'typedef %s;\n' % DefineSignature(node, **keyargs)
-# Define an Enum.
-def DefineEnum(node, **keyargs):
- out = 'enum %s {' % GetName(node, **keyargs)
- enumlist = []
- for child in node.GetListOf('EnumItem'):
- value = child.GetProperty('VALUE')
- enumlist.append(' %s = %s' % (GetName(child), value))
- return '%s\n%s\n};\n' % (out, ',\n'.join(enumlist))
-# Define a Struct.
-def DefineStruct(node, **keyargs):
- out = 'struct %s {\n' % (GetName(node, **keyargs))
- # Generate Member Functions
- for child in node.GetListOf('Function'):
- out += ' %s' % DefineMember(child, **keyargs)
- # Generate Member Variables
- for child in node.GetListOf('Member'):
- out += ' %s' % DefineMember(child, **keyargs)
- out += '};'
- return out
-# Define a top level object.
-def Define(node, **keyargs):
- declmap = {
- 'Enum' : DefineEnum,
- 'Interface' : DefineStruct,
- 'Struct' : DefineStruct,
- 'Typedef' : DefineTypedef,
+from idl_parser import ParseFiles
+Option('cgen_debug', 'Debug generate.')
+class CGenError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
+class CGen(object):
+ # TypeMap
+ #
+ # TypeMap modifies how an object is stored or passed, for example pointers
+ # are passed as 'const' if they are 'in' parameters, and structures are
+ # preceeded by the keyword 'struct' as well as using a pointer.
+ #
+ TypeMap = {
+ 'Array': {
+ 'in': 'const %s',
+ 'inout': '%s*',
+ 'out': '%s*',
+ 'store': '%s',
+ 'return': '%s'
+ },
+ 'Callspec': {
+ 'in': '%s',
+ 'inout': '%s',
+ 'out': '%s',
+ 'store': '%s',
+ 'return': '%s'
+ },
+ 'Enum': {
+ 'in': '%s',
+ 'inout': '%s*',
+ 'out': '%s*',
+ 'store': '%s',
+ 'return': '%s'
+ },
+ 'Struct': {
+ 'in': 'const %s*',
+ 'inout': '%s*',
+ 'out': '%s*',
+ 'return': ' %s*',
+ 'store': '%s'
+ },
+ 'mem_t': {
+ 'in': 'const %s',
+ 'inout': '%s',
+ 'out': '%s',
+ 'return': '%s',
+ 'store': '%s'
+ },
+ 'str_t': {
+ 'in': 'const %s',
+ 'inout': '%s',
+ 'out': '%s',
+ 'return': 'const %s',
+ 'store': '%s'
+ },
+ 'TypeValue': {
+ 'in': '%s',
+ 'inout': '%s*',
+ 'out': '%s*',
+ 'return': '%s',
+ 'store': '%s'
+ },
- func = declmap.get(node.cls)
- if not func:
- ErrLog.Log('Failed to define %s named %s' % (node.cls,
- out = func(node, **keyargs)
- tab = ''
- for i in range(keyargs.get('tabs', 0)):
- tab += ' '
- return ('%s\n' % tab).join(out.split('\n')) + '\n'
+ #
+ # RemapName
+ #
+ # A diction array of PPAPI types that are converted to language specific
+ # types before being returned by by the C generator
+ #
+ RemapName = {
+ 'float_t': 'float',
+ 'double_t': 'double',
+ 'handle_t': 'int',
+ 'mem_t': 'void*',
+ 'str_t': 'char*',
+ 'interface_t' : 'const void*'
+ }
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.dbg_depth = 0
+ self.vmin = 0.0
+ self.vmax = 1e100
+ self.release = 'M14'
+ def SetVersionMap(self, node):
+ self.vmin = 0.0
+ self.vmax = 1e100
+ for version in node.GetListOf('LabelItem'):
+ if version.GetName() == GetOption('version'):
+ self.vmin = float(version.GetProperty('VALUE'))
+ self.vmax = float(version.GetProperty('VALUE'))
+ #
+ # Debug Logging functions
+ #
+ def Log(self, txt):
+ if not GetOption('cgen_debug'): return
+ tabs = ''
+ for tab in range(self.dbg_depth): tabs += ' '
+ print '%s%s' % (tabs, txt)
+ def LogEnter(self, txt):
+ if txt: self.Log(txt)
+ self.dbg_depth += 1
+ def LogExit(self, txt):
+ self.dbg_depth -= 1
+ if txt: self.Log(txt)
+ #
+ # Return the array specification of the object.
+ #
+ def GetArraySpec(self, node):
+ assert(node.cls == 'Array')
+ out = ''
+ fixed = node.GetProperty('FIXED')
+ if fixed:
+ return '[%s]' % fixed
+ else:
+ return '[]'
+ #
+ # GetTypeName
+ #
+ # For any valid 'typed' object such as Member or Typedef
+ # the typenode object contains the typename
+ #
+ # For a given node return the type name by passing mode.
+ #
+ def GetTypeName(self, node, prefix=''):
+ self.LogEnter('GetTypeName of %s' % node)
+ # For Members, Params, and Typedef's your want type it refers to
+ if node.IsA('Member', 'Param', 'Typedef'):
+ typeref = node.GetType(self.release)
+ else:
+ typeref = node
+ if typeref is None:
+ raise CGenError('No type for %s' % node)
+ # If the type is a (BuiltIn) Type then return it's name
+ # remapping as needed
+ if typeref.IsA('Type'):
+ name = CGen.RemapName.get(typeref.GetName(), None)
+ if name is None: name = typeref.GetName()
+ name = '%s%s' % (prefix, name)
+ # For structures, preceed with 'struct' or 'union' as appropriate
+ elif typeref.IsA('Interface', 'Struct'):
+ if typeref.GetProperty('union'):
+ name = 'union %s%s' % (prefix, typeref.GetName())
+ else:
+ name = 'struct %s%s' % (prefix, typeref.GetName())
+ # If it's an enum, or typedef then return the Enum's name
+ elif typeref.IsA('Enum', 'Typedef'):
+ name = '%s%s' % (prefix, typeref.GetName())
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Getting name of non-type %s.' % node)
+ self.LogExit('GetTypeName %s is %s' % (node, name))
+ return name
+ #
+ # GetRootType
+ #
+ # For a given node return basic type of that object. This is
+ # either a 'Type', 'Callspec', or 'Array'
+ #
+ def GetRootTypeMode(self, node, mode):
+ self.LogEnter('GetRootType of %s' % node)
+ # If it has an array spec, then treat it as an array regardless of type
+ if node.GetOneOf('Array'):
+ rootType = 'Array'
+ # Or if it has a callspec, treat it as a function
+ elif node.GetOneOf('Callspec'):
+ rootType, mode = self.GetRootTypeMode(node.GetType(self.release),
+ 'return')
+ # If it's a plain typedef, try that object's root type
+ elif node.IsA('Member', 'Param', 'Typedef'):
+ rootType, mode = self.GetRootTypeMode(node.GetType(self.release), mode)
+ # If it's an Enum, then it's normal passing rules
+ elif node.IsA('Enum'):
+ rootType = node.cls
+ # If it's an Interface or Struct, we may be passing by value
+ elif node.IsA('Interface', 'Struct'):
+ if mode == 'return':
+ if node.GetProperty('returnByValue'):
+ rootType = 'TypeValue'
+ else:
+ rootType = node.cls
+ else:
+ if node.GetProperty('passByValue'):
+ rootType = 'TypeValue'
+ else:
+ rootType = node.cls
+ # If it's an Basic Type, check if it's a special type
+ elif node.IsA('Type'):
+ if node.GetName() in CGen.TypeMap:
+ rootType = node.GetName()
+ else:
+ rootType = 'TypeValue'
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Getting root type of non-type %s.' % node)
+ self.LogExit('RootType is "%s"' % rootType)
+ return rootType, mode
+ def GetTypeByMode(self, node, mode):
+ self.LogEnter('GetTypeByMode of %s mode=%s' % (node, mode))
+ name = self.GetTypeName(node)
+ type, mode = self.GetRootTypeMode(node, mode)
+ out = CGen.TypeMap[type][mode] % name
+ self.LogExit('GetTypeByMode %s = %s' % (node, out))
+ return out
+ # Get the passing mode of the object (in, out, inout).
+ def GetParamMode(self, node):
+ self.Log('GetParamMode for %s' % node)
+ if node.GetProperty('in'): return 'in'
+ if node.GetProperty('out'): return 'out'
+ if node.GetProperty('inout'): return 'inout'
+ return 'return'
+ #
+ # GetComponents
+ #
+ # Returns the signature components of an object as a tuple of
+ # (rtype, name, arrays, callspec) where:
+ # rtype - The store or return type of the object.
+ # name - The name of the object.
+ # arrays - A list of array dimensions as [] or [<fixed_num>].
+ # args - None of not a function, otherwise a list of parameters.
+ #
+ def GetComponents(self, node, mode):
+ self.LogEnter('GetComponents mode %s for %s' % (mode, node))
+ # Generate passing type by modifying root type
+ rtype = self.GetTypeByMode(node, mode)
+ if node.IsA('Enum', 'Interface', 'Struct'):
+ rname = node.GetName()
+ else:
+ rname = node.GetType(self.release).GetName()
+ if rname in CGen.RemapName:
+ rname = CGen.RemapName[rname]
+ if '%' in rtype:
+ rtype = rtype % rname
+ name = node.GetName()
+ arrayspec = [self.GetArraySpec(array) for array in node.GetListOf('Array')]
+ callnode = node.GetOneOf('Callspec')
+ if callnode:
+ callspec = []
+ for param in callnode.GetListOf('Param'):
+ mode = self.GetParamMode(param)
+ ptype, pname, parray, pspec = self.GetComponents(param, mode)
+ callspec.append((ptype, pname, parray, pspec))
+ else:
+ callspec = None
+ self.LogExit('GetComponents: %s, %s, %s, %s' %
+ (rtype, name, arrayspec, callspec))
+ return (rtype, name, arrayspec, callspec)
+ def Compose(self, rtype, name, arrayspec, callspec, prefix, func_as_ptr):
+ self.LogEnter('Compose: %s %s' % (rtype, name))
+ arrayspec = ''.join(arrayspec)
+ name = '%s%s%s' % (prefix, name, arrayspec)
+ if callspec is None:
+ out = '%s %s' % (rtype, name)
+ else:
+ params = []
+ for ptype, pname, parray, pspec in callspec:
+ params.append(self.Compose(ptype, pname, parray, pspec, '', True))
+ if func_as_ptr: name = '(*%s)' % name
+ out = '%s %s(%s)' % (rtype, name, ', '.join(params))
+ self.LogExit('Exit Compose: %s' % out)
+ return out
+ #
+ # GetSignature
+ #
+ # Returns the 'C' style signature of the object
+ # prefix - A prefix for the object's name
+ # func_as_ptr - Formats a function as a function pointer
+ #
+ def GetSignature(self, node, mode, prefix='', func_as_ptr=True):
+ self.LogEnter('GetSignature %s %s as func=%s' % (node, mode, func_as_ptr))
+ rtype, name, arrayspec, callspec = self.GetComponents(node, mode)
+ out = self.Compose(rtype, name, arrayspec, callspec, prefix, func_as_ptr)
+ self.LogExit('Exit GetSignature: %s' % out)
+ return out
+ def GetMacro(self, node):
+ name = node.GetName()
+ name = name.upper()
+ return "%s_INTERFACE" % name
+ def GetDefine(self, name, value):
+ out = '#define %s %s' % (name, value)
+ if len(out) > 80:
+ out = '#define %s \\\n %s' % (name, value)
+ return '%s\n' % out
+ # Define an Typedef.
+ def DefineTypedef(self, node, prefix='', comment=False):
+ out = 'typedef %s;\n' % self.GetSignature(node, 'return', prefix, True)
+ self.Log('DefineTypedef: %s' % out)
+ return out
+ # Define an Enum.
+ def DefineEnum(self, node, prefix='', comment=False):
+ self.LogEnter('DefineEnum %s' % node)
+ unnamed = node.GetProperty('unnamed')
+ if unnamed:
+ out = 'enum {'
+ else:
+ out = 'typedef enum {'
+ name = '%s%s' % (prefix, node.GetName())
+ enumlist = []
+ for child in node.GetListOf('EnumItem'):
+ value = child.GetProperty('VALUE')
+ comment_txt = ''
+ if comment:
+ for comment_node in child.GetListOf('Comment'):
+ comment_txt += self.Comment(comment_node, tabs=1)
+ if comment_txt:
+ comment_txt = '%s' % comment_txt
+ if value:
+ item_txt = '%s%s = %s' % (prefix, child.GetName(), value)
+ else:
+ item_txt = '%s%s' % (prefix, child.GetName())
+ enumlist.append('%s %s' % (comment_txt, item_txt))
+ self.LogExit('Exit DefineEnum')
+ if unnamed:
+ out = '%s\n%s\n};\n' % (out, ',\n'.join(enumlist))
+ else:
+ out = '%s\n%s\n} %s;\n' % (out, ',\n'.join(enumlist), name)
+ return out
+ def DefineMember(self, node, prefix='', comment=False):
+ self.LogEnter('DefineMember %s' % node)
+# out = ''
+# if comment:
+# for doc in node.GetListOf('Comment'):
+# out += self.Comment(doc)
+ out = '%s;' % self.GetSignature(node, 'store', '', True)
+ self.LogExit('Exit DefineMember')
+ return out
+ # Define a Struct.
+ def DefineStruct(self, node, prefix='', comment=False):
+ out = ''
+ if node.IsA('Interface'):
+ release = 'M14'
+ name = node.GetName()
+ macro = node.GetProperty('macro')
+ if not macro:
+ macro = self.GetMacro(node)
+ label = node.GetLabel()
+ if label:
+ for vers in label.versions:
+ strver = str(vers).replace('.', '_')
+ out += self.GetDefine('%s_%s' % (macro, strver),
+ '"%s;%s"' % (name, vers))
+ if label.GetRelease(vers) == release:
+ out += self.GetDefine(macro, '%s_%s' % (macro, strver))
+ out += '\n'
+ self.LogEnter('DefineStruct %s' % node)
+ if node.GetProperty('union'):
+ out += 'union %s%s {\n' % (prefix, node.GetName())
+ else:
+ out += 'struct %s%s {\n' % (prefix, node.GetName())
+ # Generate Member Functions
+ members = []
+ for child in node.GetListOf('Member'):
+ member = self.Define(child, tabs=1, comment=comment)
+ if not member:
+ continue
+ members.append(member)
+ out += '%s\n};\n' % '\n'.join(members)
+ self.LogExit('Exit DefineStruct')
+ return out
+ #
+ # Copyright and Comment
+ #
+ # Generate a comment or copyright block
+ #
+ def Copyright(self, node, tabs=0):
+ lines = node.GetName().split('\n')
+ return self.CommentLines(lines, tabs)
+ def Comment(self, node, prefix=None, tabs=0):
+ comment = node.GetName()
+ # Ignore comments that do not have a '*' marker
+# if comment[0] != '*' and not prefix: return ''
+ lines = comment.split('\n')
+ if prefix:
+ prefix = prefix.split('\n')
+ if prefix[0] == '*' and lines[0] == '*':
+ lines = prefix + lines[1:]
+ else:
+ lines = prefix + lines;
+ return self.CommentLines(lines, tabs)
+ def CommentLines(self, lines, tabs=0):
+ tab = ''.join([' ' for i in range(tabs)])
+ if lines[-1] == '':
+ return '%s/*' % tab + ('\n%s *' % tab).join(lines) + '/\n'
+ else:
+ return '%s/*' % tab + ('\n%s *' % tab).join(lines) + ' */\n'
+ # Define a top level object.
+ def Define(self, node, tabs=0, prefix='', comment=False):
+ if True:
+# try:
+ self.LogEnter('Define %s tab=%d prefix="%s"' % (node,tabs,prefix))
+ min = node.GetProperty('version')
+ max = node.GetProperty('deprecate')
+ if min is not None:
+ min = float(min)
+ else:
+ min = 0.0
+ if max is not None:
+ max = float(max)
+ else:
+ max = 1.0e100
+ label = node.GetLabel()
+ if label:
+ lver = label.GetVersion('M14')
+ # Verify that we are in a valid version.
+ if max <= lver: return ''
+ if min > lver: return ''
+ declmap = {
+ 'Enum' : CGen.DefineEnum,
+ 'Function' : CGen.DefineMember,
+ 'Interface' : CGen.DefineStruct,
+ 'Member' : CGen.DefineMember,
+ 'Struct' : CGen.DefineStruct,
+ 'Typedef' : CGen.DefineTypedef,
+ }
+ if node.cls == 'Inline':
+ return node.GetProperty('VALUE')
+ if node.cls == 'Label':
+ return ''
+ out = ''
+ comment_txt = ''
+ if comment:
+ for doc in node.GetListOf('Comment'):
+ comment_txt += self.Comment(doc)
+ func = declmap.get(node.cls)
+ if not func:
+ ErrOut.Log('Failed to define %s named %s' % (node.cls, node.GetName()))
+ define_txt = func(self, node, prefix=prefix, comment=comment)
+ if comment_txt:
+ out += '%s%s' % (comment_txt, define_txt)
+ else:
+ out += define_txt
+ tab = ''
+ for i in range(tabs):
+ tab += ' '
+ lines = []
+ for line in out.split('\n'):
+ # Add indentation
+ line = '%s%s' % (tab, line)
+ if len(line) > 80:
+ left = line.rfind('(') + 1
+ args = line[left:].split(',')
+ max = 0
+ for arg in args:
+ if len(arg) > max: max = len(arg)
+ if left + max >= 80:
+ space = '%s ' % tab
+ args = (',\n%s' % space).join([arg.strip() for arg in args])
+ lines.append('%s\n%s%s' % (line[:left], space, args))
+ else:
+ space = ' '.join(['' for i in range(left)])
+ args = (',\n%s' % space).join(args)
+ lines.append('%s%s' % (line[:left], args))
+ else:
+ lines.append(line.rstrip())
+ # out = tab + ('\n%s' % tab).join(out.split('\n')) + '\n'
+ self.LogExit('Exit Define')
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+# except:
+ if False:
+ node.Error('Failed to resolve.')
+ return ''
# Clean a string representing an object definition and return then string
# as a single space delimited set of tokens.
@@ -259,15 +553,18 @@ def CleanString(instr):
# Test a file, by comparing all it's objects, with their comments.
def TestFile(filenode):
- errors = 0
- for node in filenode.Children()[2:]:
- if GetOption('verbose'):
- node.Dump(0, comments=True)
+ cgen = CGen()
+ errors = 0
+ for node in filenode.GetChildren()[2:]:
instr = node.GetOneOf('Comment')
- instr = CleanString([3:-3]
+ if not instr: continue
+ instr.Dump()
+ instr = CleanString(instr.GetName())
- outstr = Define(node)
+ outstr = cgen.Define(node)
+ if GetOption('verbose'):
+ print outstr + '\n'
outstr = CleanString(outstr)
if instr != outstr:
@@ -277,7 +574,6 @@ def TestFile(filenode):
return errors
# Build and resolve the AST and compare each file individual.
def TestFiles(filenames):
if not filenames:
@@ -286,13 +582,14 @@ def TestFiles(filenames):
filenames = glob.glob(idldir)
filenames = sorted(filenames)
- ast_result = ParseFiles(filenames)
+ ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
total_errs = 0
- for filenode in ast_result.out.GetListOf('File'):
+ for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
errs = TestFile(filenode)
if errs:
- ErrOut.Log('%s test failed with %d error(s).' % (, errs))
+ ErrOut.Log('%s test failed with %d error(s).' %
+ (filenode.GetName(), errs))
total_errs += errs
if total_errs:
@@ -301,10 +598,19 @@ def TestFiles(filenames):
InfoOut.Log('Passed generator test.')
return total_errs
def Main(args):
filenames = ParseOptions(args)
- return TestFiles(filenames)
+ if GetOption('test'):
+ return TestFiles(filenames)
+ ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
+ for f in ast.GetListOf('File'):
+ if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
+ print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
+ continue
+ print DefineDepends(node)
+ for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
+ print Define(node, comment=True, prefix='tst_')
if __name__ == '__main__':