path: root/remoting/ios/ui/scene_view.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'remoting/ios/ui/scene_view.h')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/ios/ui/scene_view.h b/remoting/ios/ui/scene_view.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f082ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remoting/ios/ui/scene_view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <GLKit/GLKit.h>
+#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_geometry.h"
+typedef struct {
+ bool left;
+ bool right;
+ bool top;
+ bool bottom;
+} AnchorPosition;
+typedef struct {
+ int left;
+ int right;
+ int top;
+ int bottom;
+} MarginQuad;
+typedef struct {
+ CGPoint geometryVertex;
+ CGPoint textureVertex;
+} TexturedVertex;
+typedef struct {
+ TexturedVertex bl;
+ TexturedVertex br;
+ TexturedVertex tl;
+ TexturedVertex tr;
+} TexturedQuad;
+@interface SceneView : NSObject {
+ @private
+ // GL name
+ GLuint _textureId;
+ GLKMatrix4 _projectionMatrix;
+ GLKMatrix4 _modelViewMatrix;
+ // The draw surface is a triangle strip (triangles defined by the intersecting
+ // vertexes) to create a rectangle surface.
+ // 1****3
+ // | / |
+ // | / |
+ // 2****4
+ // This also determines the resolution of our surface, being a unit (NxN) grid
+ // with finite divisions. For our surface N = 1, and the number of divisions
+ // respects the CLIENT's desktop resolution.
+ TexturedQuad _glQuad;
+ // Cache of the CLIENT's desktop resolution.
+ webrtc::DesktopSize _contentSize;
+ // Cache of the HOST's desktop resolution.
+ webrtc::DesktopSize _frameSize;
+ // Location of the mouse according to the CLIENT in the prospective of the
+ // HOST resolution
+ webrtc::DesktopVector _mousePosition;
+ // When a user pans they expect the view to experience acceleration after
+ // they release the pan gesture. We track that velocity vector as a position
+ // delta factored over the frame rate of the GL Context. Velocity is
+ // accounted as a float.
+ CGPoint _panVelocity;
+// The position of the scene is tracked in the prospective of the CLIENT
+// resolution. The Z-axis is used to track the scale of the render, our scene
+// never changes position on the Z-axis.
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) GLKVector3 position;
+// Space around border consumed by non-scene elements, we can not draw here
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) MarginQuad margin;
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) AnchorPosition anchored;
+- (const GLKMatrix4&)projectionMatrix;
+// calculate and return the current model view matrix
+- (const GLKMatrix4&)modelViewMatrix;
+- (const webrtc::DesktopSize&)contentSize;
+// Update the CLIENT resolution and draw scene size, accounting for margins
+- (void)setContentSize:(const CGSize&)size;
+- (const webrtc::DesktopSize&)frameSize;
+// Update the HOST resolution and reinitialize the scene positioning
+- (void)setFrameSize:(const webrtc::DesktopSize&)size;
+- (const webrtc::DesktopVector&)mousePosition;
+- (void)setPanVelocity:(const CGPoint&)delta;
+- (void)setMarginsFromLeft:(int)left
+ right:(int)right
+ top:(int)top
+ bottom:(int)bottom;
+// Draws to a GL Context
+- (void)draw;
+- (BOOL)containsTouchPoint:(CGPoint)point;
+// Applies translation and zoom. Translation is bounded to screen edges.
+// Zooming is bounded on the lower side to the maximum of width and height, and
+// on the upper side by a constant, experimentally chosen.
+- (void)panAndZoom:(CGPoint)translation scaleBy:(float)scale;
+// Mouse is tracked in the perspective of the HOST desktop, but the projection
+// to the user is in the perspective of the CLIENT resolution. Find the HOST
+// position that is the center of the current CLIENT view. If the mouse is in
+// the half of the CLIENT screen that is closest to an anchor, then move the
+// mouse, otherwise the mouse should be centered.
+- (void)updateMousePositionAndAnchorsWithTranslation:(CGPoint)translation
+ scale:(float)scale;
+// When zoom is changed the scene is translated to keep an anchored point
+// (an anchored edge, or the spot the user is touching) at the same place in the
+// User's perspective. Return the delta of the position of the lower endpoint
+// of the axis
++ (float)positionDeltaFromScaling:(float)ratio
+ position:(float)position
+ length:(float)length
+ anchor:(float)anchor;
+// Return the delta of the position of the lower endpoint of the axis
++ (int)positionDeltaFromTranslation:(int)translation
+ position:(int)position
+ freeSpace:(int)freeSpace
+ scaleingPositionDelta:(int)scaleingPositionDelta
+ isAnchoredLow:(BOOL)isAnchoredLow
+ isAnchoredHigh:(BOOL)isAnchoredHigh;
+// |position + delta| is snapped to the bounds, return the delta in respect to
+// the bounding.
++ (int)boundDeltaFromPosition:(float)position
+ delta:(int)delta
+ lowerBound:(int)lowerBound
+ upperBound:(int)upperBound;
+// Return |nextPosition| when it is anchored and still in the respective 1/2 of
+// the screen. When |nextPosition| is outside scene's edge, snap to edge.
+// Otherwise return |centerPosition|
++ (int)boundMouseGivenNextPosition:(int)nextPosition
+ maxPosition:(int)maxPosition
+ centerPosition:(int)centerPosition
+ isAnchoredLow:(BOOL)isAnchoredLow
+ isAnchoredHigh:(BOOL)isAnchoredHigh;
+// If the mouse is at an edge return zero, otherwise return |velocity|
++ (float)boundVelocity:(float)velocity
+ axisLength:(int)axisLength
+ mousePosition:(int)mousePosition;
+// Update the scene acceleration vector.
+// Returns true if velocity before 'ticking' is non-zero.
+- (BOOL)tickPanVelocity;
+#endif // REMOTING_IOS_UI_SCENE_VIEW_H_ \ No newline at end of file