path: root/sandbox/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 447 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/src/ b/sandbox/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e847908..0000000
--- a/sandbox/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sandbox/src/process_thread_interception.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/crosscall_client.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/ipc_tags.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/policy_params.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/policy_target.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/sandbox_factory.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/sandbox_nt_util.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/sharedmem_ipc_client.h"
-#include "sandbox/src/target_services.h"
-namespace sandbox {
-// Hooks NtOpenThread and proxy the call to the broker if it's trying to
-// open a thread in the same process.
-NTSTATUS WINAPI TargetNtOpenThread(NtOpenThreadFunction orig_OpenThread,
- PHANDLE thread, ACCESS_MASK desired_access,
- POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes,
- PCLIENT_ID client_id) {
- NTSTATUS status = orig_OpenThread(thread, desired_access, object_attributes,
- client_id);
- if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
- return status;
- do {
- if (!SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices()->GetState()->InitCalled())
- break;
- if (!client_id)
- break;
- uint32 thread_id = 0;
- bool should_break = false;
- __try {
- // We support only the calls for the current process
- if (NULL != client_id->UniqueProcess)
- should_break = true;
- // Object attributes should be NULL or empty.
- if (!should_break && NULL != object_attributes) {
- if (0 != object_attributes->Attributes ||
- NULL != object_attributes->ObjectName ||
- NULL != object_attributes->RootDirectory ||
- NULL != object_attributes->SecurityDescriptor ||
- NULL != object_attributes->SecurityQualityOfService) {
- should_break = true;
- }
- }
- thread_id = static_cast<uint32>(
- reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(client_id->UniqueThread));
- break;
- }
- if (should_break)
- break;
- if (!ValidParameter(thread, sizeof(HANDLE), WRITE))
- break;
- void* memory = GetGlobalIPCMemory();
- if (NULL == memory)
- break;
- SharedMemIPCClient ipc(memory);
- CrossCallReturn answer = {0};
- ResultCode code = CrossCall(ipc, IPC_NTOPENTHREAD_TAG, desired_access,
- thread_id, &answer);
- if (SBOX_ALL_OK != code)
- break;
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(answer.nt_status))
- // The nt_status here is most likely STATUS_INVALID_CID because
- // in the broker we set the process id in the CID (client ID) param
- // to be the current process. If you try to open a thread from another
- // process you will get this INVALID_CID error. On the other hand, if you
- // try to open a thread in your own process, it should return success.
- // We don't want to return STATUS_INVALID_CID here, so we return the
- // return of the original open thread status, which is most likely
- break;
- __try {
- // Write the output parameters.
- *thread = answer.handle;
- break;
- }
- return answer.nt_status;
- } while (false);
- return status;
-// Hooks NtOpenProcess and proxy the call to the broker if it's trying to
-// open the current process.
-NTSTATUS WINAPI TargetNtOpenProcess(NtOpenProcessFunction orig_OpenProcess,
- PHANDLE process, ACCESS_MASK desired_access,
- POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes,
- PCLIENT_ID client_id) {
- NTSTATUS status = orig_OpenProcess(process, desired_access, object_attributes,
- client_id);
- if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
- return status;
- do {
- if (!SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices()->GetState()->InitCalled())
- break;
- if (!client_id)
- break;
- uint32 process_id = 0;
- bool should_break = false;
- __try {
- // Object attributes should be NULL or empty.
- if (!should_break && NULL != object_attributes) {
- if (0 != object_attributes->Attributes ||
- NULL != object_attributes->ObjectName ||
- NULL != object_attributes->RootDirectory ||
- NULL != object_attributes->SecurityDescriptor ||
- NULL != object_attributes->SecurityQualityOfService) {
- should_break = true;
- }
- }
- process_id = static_cast<uint32>(
- reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(client_id->UniqueProcess));
- break;
- }
- if (should_break)
- break;
- if (!ValidParameter(process, sizeof(HANDLE), WRITE))
- break;
- void* memory = GetGlobalIPCMemory();
- if (NULL == memory)
- break;
- SharedMemIPCClient ipc(memory);
- CrossCallReturn answer = {0};
- ResultCode code = CrossCall(ipc, IPC_NTOPENPROCESS_TAG, desired_access,
- process_id, &answer);
- if (SBOX_ALL_OK != code)
- break;
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(answer.nt_status))
- return answer.nt_status;
- __try {
- // Write the output parameters.
- *process = answer.handle;
- break;
- }
- return answer.nt_status;
- } while (false);
- return status;
-NTSTATUS WINAPI TargetNtOpenProcessToken(
- NtOpenProcessTokenFunction orig_OpenProcessToken, HANDLE process,
- ACCESS_MASK desired_access, PHANDLE token) {
- NTSTATUS status = orig_OpenProcessToken(process, desired_access, token);
- if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
- return status;
- do {
- if (!SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices()->GetState()->InitCalled())
- break;
- if (CURRENT_PROCESS != process)
- break;
- if (!ValidParameter(token, sizeof(HANDLE), WRITE))
- break;
- void* memory = GetGlobalIPCMemory();
- if (NULL == memory)
- break;
- SharedMemIPCClient ipc(memory);
- CrossCallReturn answer = {0};
- ResultCode code = CrossCall(ipc, IPC_NTOPENPROCESSTOKEN_TAG, process,
- desired_access, &answer);
- if (SBOX_ALL_OK != code)
- break;
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(answer.nt_status))
- return answer.nt_status;
- __try {
- // Write the output parameters.
- *token = answer.handle;
- break;
- }
- return answer.nt_status;
- } while (false);
- return status;
-NTSTATUS WINAPI TargetNtOpenProcessTokenEx(
- NtOpenProcessTokenExFunction orig_OpenProcessTokenEx, HANDLE process,
- ACCESS_MASK desired_access, ULONG handle_attributes, PHANDLE token) {
- NTSTATUS status = orig_OpenProcessTokenEx(process, desired_access,
- handle_attributes, token);
- if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
- return status;
- do {
- if (!SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices()->GetState()->InitCalled())
- break;
- if (CURRENT_PROCESS != process)
- break;
- if (!ValidParameter(token, sizeof(HANDLE), WRITE))
- break;
- void* memory = GetGlobalIPCMemory();
- if (NULL == memory)
- break;
- SharedMemIPCClient ipc(memory);
- CrossCallReturn answer = {0};
- ResultCode code = CrossCall(ipc, IPC_NTOPENPROCESSTOKENEX_TAG, process,
- desired_access, handle_attributes, &answer);
- if (SBOX_ALL_OK != code)
- break;
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(answer.nt_status))
- return answer.nt_status;
- __try {
- // Write the output parameters.
- *token = answer.handle;
- break;
- }
- return answer.nt_status;
- } while (false);
- return status;
-BOOL WINAPI TargetCreateProcessW(CreateProcessWFunction orig_CreateProcessW,
- LPCWSTR application_name, LPWSTR command_line,
- LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES process_attributes,
- LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES thread_attributes,
- BOOL inherit_handles, DWORD flags,
- LPVOID environment, LPCWSTR current_directory,
- LPSTARTUPINFOW startup_info,
- LPPROCESS_INFORMATION process_information) {
- if (orig_CreateProcessW(application_name, command_line, process_attributes,
- thread_attributes, inherit_handles, flags,
- environment, current_directory, startup_info,
- process_information)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- DWORD original_error = ::GetLastError();
- // We don't trust that the IPC can work this early.
- if (!SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices()->GetState()->InitCalled())
- return FALSE;
- do {
- if (!ValidParameter(process_information, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION),
- break;
- void* memory = GetGlobalIPCMemory();
- if (NULL == memory)
- break;
- const wchar_t* cur_dir = NULL;
- wchar_t current_directory[MAX_PATH];
- DWORD result = ::GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, current_directory);
- if (0 != result && result < MAX_PATH)
- cur_dir = current_directory;
- SharedMemIPCClient ipc(memory);
- CrossCallReturn answer = {0};
- InOutCountedBuffer proc_info(process_information,
- ResultCode code = CrossCall(ipc, IPC_CREATEPROCESSW_TAG, application_name,
- command_line, cur_dir, proc_info, &answer);
- if (SBOX_ALL_OK != code)
- break;
- ::SetLastError(answer.win32_result);
- if (ERROR_SUCCESS != answer.win32_result)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- } while (false);
- ::SetLastError(original_error);
- return FALSE;
-BOOL WINAPI TargetCreateProcessA(CreateProcessAFunction orig_CreateProcessA,
- LPCSTR application_name, LPSTR command_line,
- LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES process_attributes,
- LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES thread_attributes,
- BOOL inherit_handles, DWORD flags,
- LPVOID environment, LPCSTR current_directory,
- LPSTARTUPINFOA startup_info,
- LPPROCESS_INFORMATION process_information) {
- if (orig_CreateProcessA(application_name, command_line, process_attributes,
- thread_attributes, inherit_handles, flags,
- environment, current_directory, startup_info,
- process_information)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- DWORD original_error = ::GetLastError();
- // We don't trust that the IPC can work this early.
- if (!SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices()->GetState()->InitCalled())
- return FALSE;
- do {
- if (!ValidParameter(process_information, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION),
- break;
- void* memory = GetGlobalIPCMemory();
- if (NULL == memory)
- break;
- // Convert the input params to unicode.
- UNICODE_STRING *cmd_unicode = NULL;
- UNICODE_STRING *app_unicode = NULL;
- if (command_line) {
- cmd_unicode = AnsiToUnicode(command_line);
- if (!cmd_unicode)
- break;
- }
- if (application_name) {
- app_unicode = AnsiToUnicode(application_name);
- if (!app_unicode) {
- operator delete(cmd_unicode, NT_ALLOC);
- break;
- }
- }
- const wchar_t* cmd_line = cmd_unicode ? cmd_unicode->Buffer : NULL;
- const wchar_t* app_name = app_unicode ? app_unicode->Buffer : NULL;
- const wchar_t* cur_dir = NULL;
- wchar_t current_directory[MAX_PATH];
- DWORD result = ::GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, current_directory);
- if (0 != result && result < MAX_PATH)
- cur_dir = current_directory;
- SharedMemIPCClient ipc(memory);
- CrossCallReturn answer = {0};
- InOutCountedBuffer proc_info(process_information,
- ResultCode code = CrossCall(ipc, IPC_CREATEPROCESSW_TAG, app_name,
- cmd_line, cur_dir, proc_info, &answer);
- operator delete(cmd_unicode, NT_ALLOC);
- operator delete(app_unicode, NT_ALLOC);
- if (SBOX_ALL_OK != code)
- break;
- ::SetLastError(answer.win32_result);
- if (ERROR_SUCCESS != answer.win32_result)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- } while (false);
- ::SetLastError(original_error);
- return FALSE;
-// Creates a thread without registering with CSRSS. This is required if we
-// closed the CSRSS ALPC port after lockdown.
-HANDLE WINAPI TargetCreateThread(CreateThreadFunction orig_CreateThread,
- LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES thread_attributes,
- SIZE_T stack_size,
- PVOID parameter,
- DWORD creation_flags,
- LPDWORD thread_id) {
-// Try the normal CreateThread; switch to RtlCreateUserThread if needed.
- static bool use_create_thread = true;
- HANDLE thread;
- if (use_create_thread) {
- thread = orig_CreateThread(thread_attributes, stack_size, start_address,
- parameter, creation_flags, thread_id);
- if (thread)
- return thread;
- }
- thread_attributes ? thread_attributes->lpSecurityDescriptor : NULL;
- CLIENT_ID client_id;
- NTSTATUS result = g_nt.RtlCreateUserThread(NtCurrentProcess, sd,
- creation_flags & CREATE_SUSPENDED,
- 0, stack_size, 0, start_address,
- parameter, &thread, &client_id);
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(result))
- return 0;
- // CSRSS is closed if we got here, so use RtlCreateUserThread from here on.
- use_create_thread = false;
- if (thread_id)
- *thread_id = HandleToUlong(client_id.UniqueThread);
- return thread;
-// Cache the default LCID to avoid pinging CSRSS after lockdown.
-// TODO(jschuh): This approach will miss a default locale changes after
-// lockdown. In the future we may want to have the broker check instead.
-LCID WINAPI TargetGetUserDefaultLCID(
- GetUserDefaultLCIDFunction orig_GetUserDefaultLCID) {
- static LCID default_lcid = orig_GetUserDefaultLCID();
- return default_lcid;
-} // namespace sandbox