path: root/skia/animator/SkDisplayApply.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/animator/SkDisplayApply.cpp')
1 files changed, 814 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/animator/SkDisplayApply.cpp b/skia/animator/SkDisplayApply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8926299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/animator/SkDisplayApply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
+/* libs/graphics/animator/SkDisplayApply.cpp
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#include "SkDisplayApply.h"
+#include "SkAnimateActive.h"
+#include "SkAnimateMaker.h"
+#include "SkAnimateSet.h"
+#include "SkAnimatorScript.h"
+#include "SkDisplayType.h"
+#include "SkDrawGroup.h"
+#include "SkParse.h"
+#include "SkScript.h"
+#include "SkSystemEventTypes.h"
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+#include "SkTime.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+enum SkApply_Properties {
+ SK_PROPERTY(animator),
+ SK_PROPERTY(step),
+ SK_PROPERTY(steps),
+// if no attibutes, enclosed displayable is both scope & target
+// only if both scope & target are specified, or if target and enclosed displayable, are scope and target different
+const SkMemberInfo SkApply::fInfo[] = {
+ SK_MEMBER_PROPERTY(animator, Animate),
+ SK_MEMBER(begin, MSec),
+ SK_MEMBER(dontDraw, Boolean),
+ SK_MEMBER(dynamicScope, String),
+ SK_MEMBER(interval, MSec), // recommended redraw interval
+ SK_MEMBER(mode, ApplyMode),
+#if 0
+ SK_MEMBER(pickup, Boolean),
+ SK_MEMBER(restore, Boolean),
+ SK_MEMBER(scope, Drawable), // thing that scopes animation (unnamed enclosed displayable goes here)
+ SK_MEMBER(transition, ApplyTransition)
+SkApply::SkApply() : begin(0), dontDraw(false), interval((SkMSec) -1), mode((Mode) -1), /*pickup(false), */
+ restore(false), scope(NULL), steps(-1), transition((Transition) -1), fActive(NULL), /*fCurrentScope(NULL),*/
+ fLastTime(0), fAppended(false), fContainsScope(false), fDeleteScope(false), fEmbedded(false),
+ fEnabled(false), fEnabling(false) {
+SkApply::~SkApply() {
+ for (SkDrawable** curPtr = fScopes.begin(); curPtr < fScopes.end(); curPtr++)
+ delete *curPtr;
+ if (fDeleteScope)
+ delete scope;
+ // !!! caller must call maker.removeActive(fActive)
+ delete fActive;
+void SkApply::activate(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ if (fActive != NULL) {
+ if (fActive->fDrawIndex == 0 && fActive->fDrawMax == 0)
+ return; // if only one use, nothing more to do
+ if (restore == false)
+ return; // all share same state, regardless of instance number
+ bool save = fActive->initializeSave();
+ fActive->fixInterpolator(save);
+ } else {
+ fActive = new SkActive(*this, maker);
+ fActive->init();
+ maker.appendActive(fActive);
+ if (restore) {
+ fActive->initializeSave();
+ int animators = fAnimators.count();
+ for (int index = 0; index < animators; index++)
+ fActive->saveInterpolatorValues(index);
+ }
+ }
+void SkApply::append(SkApply* apply) {
+ if (fActive == NULL)
+ return;
+ int oldCount = fActive->fAnimators.count();
+ fActive->append(apply);
+ if (restore) {
+ fActive->appendSave(oldCount);
+ int newCount = fActive->fAnimators.count();
+ for (int index = oldCount; index < newCount; index++)
+ fActive->saveInterpolatorValues(index);
+ }
+void SkApply::applyValues(int animatorIndex, SkOperand* values, int count,
+ SkDisplayTypes valuesType, SkMSec time)
+ SkAnimateBase* animator = fActive->fAnimators[animatorIndex];
+ const SkMemberInfo * info = animator->fFieldInfo;
+ SkASSERT(animator);
+ SkASSERT(info != NULL);
+ SkDisplayTypes type = (SkDisplayTypes) info->fType;
+ SkDisplayable* target = getTarget(animator);
+ if (animator->hasExecute() || type == SkType_MemberFunction || type == SkType_MemberProperty) {
+ SkDisplayable* executor = animator->hasExecute() ? animator : target;
+ if (type != SkType_MemberProperty) {
+ SkTDArray<SkScriptValue> typedValues;
+ for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
+ SkScriptValue temp;
+ temp.fType = valuesType;
+ temp.fOperand = values[index];
+ *typedValues.append() = temp;
+ }
+ executor->executeFunction(target, info->functionIndex(), typedValues, info->getType(), NULL);
+ } else {
+ SkScriptValue scriptValue;
+ scriptValue.fOperand = values[0];
+ scriptValue.fType = info->getType();
+ target->setProperty(info->propertyIndex(), scriptValue);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SkTypedArray converted;
+ if (type == SkType_ARGB) {
+ if (count == 4) {
+ // !!! assert that it is SkType_Float ?
+ animator->packARGB(&values->fScalar, count, &converted);
+ values = converted.begin();
+ count = converted.count();
+ } else
+ SkASSERT(count == 1);
+ }
+// SkASSERT(type == SkType_ARGB || type == SkType_String ||info->isSettable());
+ if (type == SkType_String || type == SkType_DynamicString)
+ info->setString(target, values->fString);
+ else if (type == SkType_Drawable || type == SkType_Displayable)
+ target->setReference(info, values->fDisplayable);
+ else
+ info->setValue(target, values, count);
+ }
+bool SkApply::contains(SkDisplayable* child) {
+ for (SkDrawable** curPtr = fScopes.begin(); curPtr < fScopes.end(); curPtr++) {
+ if (*curPtr == child || (*curPtr)->contains(child))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return fDeleteScope && scope == child;
+SkDisplayable* SkApply::deepCopy(SkAnimateMaker* maker) {
+ SkDrawable* saveScope = scope;
+ scope = NULL;
+ SkApply* result = (SkApply*) INHERITED::deepCopy(maker);
+ result->scope = scope = saveScope;
+ SkAnimateBase** end = fAnimators.end();
+ for (SkAnimateBase** animPtr = fAnimators.begin(); animPtr < end; animPtr++) {
+ SkAnimateBase* anim = (SkAnimateBase*) (*animPtr)->deepCopy(maker);
+ *result->fAnimators.append() = anim;
+ maker->helperAdd(anim);
+ }
+ return result;
+void SkApply::disable() {
+ //!!! this is the right thing to do, but has bad side effects because of other problems
+ // currently, if an apply is in a g and scopes a statement in another g, it ends up as members
+ // of both containers. The disabling here incorrectly disables both instances
+ // maybe the fEnabled flag needs to be moved to the fActive data so that both
+ // instances are not affected.
+// fEnabled = false;
+bool SkApply::draw(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ if (scope ==NULL)
+ return false;
+ if (scope->isApply() || scope->isDrawable() == false)
+ return false;
+ if (fEnabled == false)
+ enable(maker);
+ SkASSERT(scope);
+ activate(maker);
+ if (mode == kMode_immediate)
+ return fActive->draw();
+ bool result = interpolate(maker, maker.getInTime());
+ if (dontDraw == false) {
+// if (scope->isDrawable())
+ result |= scope->draw(maker);
+ }
+ if (restore) {
+ for (int index = 0; index < fActive->fAnimators.count(); index++)
+ endSave(index);
+ fActive->advance();
+ }
+ return result;
+void SkApply::dump(SkAnimateMaker* maker) {
+ dumpBase(maker);
+ if (dynamicScope.isEmpty() == false)
+ SkDebugf("dynamicScope=\"%s\" ", dynamicScope.c_str());
+ if (dontDraw)
+ SkDebugf("dontDraw=\"true\" ");
+ if (begin != 0) //perhaps we want this no matter what?
+ SkDebugf("begin=\"%g\" ", (float) begin/1000.0f); //is this correct?
+ if (interval != (SkMSec) -1)
+ SkDebugf("interval=\"%g\" ", (float) interval/1000.0f);
+ if (steps != -1)
+ SkDebugf("steps=\"%d\" ", steps);
+ if (restore)
+ SkDebugf("restore=\"true\" ");
+ if (transition == kTransition_reverse)
+ SkDebugf("transition=\"reverse\" ");
+ if (mode == kMode_immediate) {
+ SkDebugf("mode=\"immediate\" ");
+ }
+ else if (mode == kMode_create) {
+ SkDebugf("mode=\"create\" ");
+ }
+ bool closedYet = false;
+ SkDisplayList::fIndent += 4;
+ int save = SkDisplayList::fDumpIndex;
+ if (scope) {
+ if (closedYet == false) {
+ SkDebugf(">\n");
+ closedYet = true;
+ }
+ scope->dump(maker);
+ }
+ int index;
+// if (fActive) {
+ for (index = 0; index < fAnimators.count(); index++) {
+ if (closedYet == false) {
+ SkDebugf(">\n");
+ closedYet = true;
+ }
+ SkAnimateBase* animator = fAnimators[index];
+ animator->dump(maker);
+// }
+ }
+ SkDisplayList::fIndent -= 4;
+ SkDisplayList::fDumpIndex = save;
+ if (closedYet)
+ dumpEnd(maker);
+ else
+ SkDebugf("/>\n");
+bool SkApply::enable(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ fEnabled = true;
+ bool initialized = fActive != NULL;
+ if (dynamicScope.size() > 0)
+ enableDynamic(maker);
+ if (maker.fError.hasError())
+ return false;
+ int animators = fAnimators.count();
+ int index;
+ for (index = 0; index < animators; index++) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animator = fAnimators[index];
+ animator->fStart = maker.fEnableTime;
+ animator->fResetPending = animator->fReset;
+ }
+ if (scope && scope->isApply())
+ ((SkApply*) scope)->setEmbedded();
+/* if (mode == kMode_once) {
+ if (scope) {
+ activate(maker);
+ interpolate(maker, maker.fEnableTime);
+ inactivate(maker);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }*/
+ if ((mode == kMode_immediate || mode == kMode_create) && scope == NULL)
+ return false; // !!! error?
+ bool enableMe = scope && (scope->hasEnable() || scope->isApply() || scope->isDrawable() == false);
+ if (mode == kMode_immediate && enableMe || mode == kMode_create)
+ activate(maker); // for non-drawables like post, prime them here
+ if (mode == kMode_immediate && enableMe)
+ fActive->enable();
+ if (mode == kMode_create && scope != NULL) {
+ enableCreate(maker);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mode == kMode_immediate) {
+ return scope->isApply() || scope->isDrawable() == false;
+ }
+ refresh(maker);
+ SkDisplayList& displayList = maker.fDisplayList;
+ SkDrawable* drawable;
+#if defined SK_DEBUG && defined SK_DEBUG_ANIMATION_TIMING
+ SkString debugOut;
+ SkMSec time = maker.getAppTime();
+ debugOut.appendS32(time - maker.fDebugTimeBase);
+ debugOut.append(" apply enable id=");
+ debugOut.append(_id);
+ debugOut.append("; start=");
+ debugOut.appendS32(maker.fEnableTime - maker.fDebugTimeBase);
+ SkDebugf("%s\n", debugOut.c_str());
+ if (scope == NULL || scope->isApply() || scope->getType() == SkType_Movie || scope->isDrawable() == false) {
+ activate(maker); // for non-drawables like post, prime them here
+ if (initialized) {
+ append(this);
+ }
+ fEnabling = true;
+ interpolate(maker, maker.fEnableTime);
+ fEnabling = false;
+ if (scope != NULL && dontDraw == false)
+ scope->enable(maker);
+ return true;
+ } else if (initialized && restore == false)
+ append(this);
+#if 0
+ bool wasActive = inactivate(maker); // start fresh
+ if (wasActive) {
+ activate(maker);
+ interpolate(maker, maker.fEnableTime);
+ return true;
+ }
+// start here;
+ // now that one apply might embed another, only the parent apply should replace the scope
+ // or get appended to the display list
+ // similarly, an apply added by an add immediate has already been located in the display list
+ // and should not get moved or added again here
+ if (fEmbedded) {
+ return false; // already added to display list by embedder
+ }
+ drawable = (SkDrawable*) scope;
+ SkTDDrawableArray* parentList;
+ SkTDDrawableArray* grandList;
+ SkGroup* parentGroup;
+ SkGroup* thisGroup;
+ int old = displayList.findGroup(drawable, &parentList, &parentGroup, &thisGroup, &grandList);
+ if (old < 0)
+ goto append;
+ else if (fContainsScope) {
+ if ((*parentList)[old] != this || restore == true) {
+ if (parentGroup)
+ parentGroup->markCopySize(old);
+ if (parentList->count() < 10000) {
+ fAppended = true;
+ *parentList->append() = this;
+ } else
+ maker.setErrorCode(SkDisplayXMLParserError::kDisplayTreeTooDeep);
+ old = -1;
+ } else
+ reset();
+ } else {
+ SkASSERT(old < parentList->count());
+ if ((*parentList)[old]->isApply()) {
+ SkApply* apply = (SkApply*) (*parentList)[old];
+ if (apply != this && apply->fActive == NULL)
+ apply->activate(maker);
+ apply->append(this);
+ parentGroup = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (parentGroup)
+ parentGroup->markCopySize(old);
+ SkDrawable** newApplyLocation = &(*parentList)[old];
+ SkGroup* pGroup;
+ int oldApply = displayList.findGroup(this, &parentList, &pGroup, &thisGroup, &grandList);
+ if (oldApply >= 0) {
+ (*parentList)[oldApply] = (SkDrawable*) SkDisplayType::CreateInstance(&maker, SkType_Apply);
+ parentGroup = NULL;
+ fDeleteScope = true;
+ }
+ *newApplyLocation = this;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parentGroup) {
+ parentGroup->markCopySet(old);
+ fDeleteScope = dynamicScope.size() == 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+void SkApply::enableCreate(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ SkString newID;
+ for (int step = 0; step <= steps; step++) {
+ fLastTime = step * SK_MSec1;
+ bool success = maker.computeID(scope, this, &newID);
+ if (success == false)
+ return;
+ if (maker.find(newID.c_str(), NULL))
+ continue;
+ SkApply* copy = (SkApply*) deepCopy(&maker); // work on copy of animator state
+ if (mode == kMode_create)
+ copy->mode = (Mode) -1;
+ SkDrawable* copyScope = copy->scope = (SkDrawable*) scope->deepCopy(&maker);
+ *fScopes.append() = copyScope;
+ if (copyScope->resolveIDs(maker, scope, this)) {
+ step = steps; // quit
+ goto next; // resolveIDs failed
+ }
+ if (newID.size() > 0)
+ maker.setID(copyScope, newID);
+ if (copy->resolveIDs(maker, this, this)) { // fix up all fields, including target
+ step = steps; // quit
+ goto next; // resolveIDs failed
+ }
+ copy->activate(maker);
+ copy->interpolate(maker, step * SK_MSec1);
+ maker.removeActive(copy->fActive);
+ next:
+ delete copy;
+ }
+void SkApply::enableDynamic(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ SkASSERT(mode != kMode_create); // create + dynamic are not currently compatible
+ SkDisplayable* newScope;
+ bool success = SkAnimatorScript::EvaluateDisplayable(maker, this, dynamicScope.c_str(),
+ &newScope);
+ if (success && scope != newScope) {
+ SkTDDrawableArray* pList, * gList;
+ SkGroup* pGroup = NULL, * found = NULL;
+ int old = maker.fDisplayList.findGroup(scope, &pList, &pGroup, &found, &gList);
+ if (pList && old >= 0 && (*pList)[old]->isApply() && (*pList)[old] != this) {
+ if (fAppended == false) {
+ if (found != NULL) {
+ SkDisplayable* oldChild = (*pList)[old];
+ if (oldChild->isApply() && found->copySet(old)) {
+ found->markCopyClear(old);
+ // delete oldChild;
+ }
+ }
+ (*pList)[old] = scope;
+ } else
+ pList->remove(old);
+ }
+ scope = (SkDrawable*) newScope;
+ onEndElement(maker);
+ }
+ maker.removeActive(fActive);
+ delete fActive;
+ fActive = NULL;
+void SkApply::endSave(int index) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animate = fActive->fAnimators[index];
+ const SkMemberInfo* info = animate->fFieldInfo;
+ SkDisplayTypes type = (SkDisplayTypes) info->fType;
+ if (type == SkType_MemberFunction)
+ return;
+ SkDisplayable* target = getTarget(animate);
+ size_t size = info->getSize(target);
+ int count = (int) (size / sizeof(SkScalar));
+ int activeIndex = fActive->fDrawIndex + index;
+ SkOperand* last = new SkOperand[count];
+ SkAutoTDelete<SkOperand> autoLast(last);
+ if (type != SkType_MemberProperty) {
+ info->getValue(target, last, count);
+ SkOperand* saveOperand = fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex];
+ if (saveOperand)
+ info->setValue(target, fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex], count);
+ } else {
+ SkScriptValue scriptValue;
+ bool success = target->getProperty(info->propertyIndex(), &scriptValue);
+ SkASSERT(success = true);
+ last[0] = scriptValue.fOperand;
+ scriptValue.fOperand = fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex][0];
+ target->setProperty(info->propertyIndex(), scriptValue);
+ }
+ SkOperand* save = fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex];
+ if (save)
+ memcpy(save, last, count * sizeof(SkOperand));
+bool SkApply::getProperty(int index, SkScriptValue* value) const {
+ switch (index) {
+ case SK_PROPERTY(step):
+ value->fType = SkType_Int;
+ value->fOperand.fS32 = fLastTime / SK_MSec1;
+ break;
+ case SK_PROPERTY(steps):
+ value->fType = SkType_Int;
+ value->fOperand.fS32 = steps;
+ break;
+ case SK_PROPERTY(time):
+ value->fType = SkType_MSec;
+ value->fOperand.fS32 = fLastTime;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // SkASSERT(0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void SkApply::getStep(SkScriptValue* value) {
+ getProperty(SK_PROPERTY(step), value);
+SkDrawable* SkApply::getTarget(SkAnimateBase* animate) {
+ if (animate->fTargetIsScope == false || mode != kMode_create)
+ return animate->fTarget;
+ return scope;
+bool SkApply::hasDelayedAnimator() const {
+ SkAnimateBase** animEnd = fAnimators.end();
+ for (SkAnimateBase** animPtr = fAnimators.begin(); animPtr < animEnd; animPtr++) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animator = *animPtr;
+ if (animator->fDelayed)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool SkApply::hasEnable() const {
+ return true;
+bool SkApply::inactivate(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ if (fActive == NULL)
+ return false;
+ maker.removeActive(fActive);
+ delete fActive;
+ fActive = NULL;
+ return true;
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+SkMSec lastTime = (SkMSec) -1;
+bool SkApply::interpolate(SkAnimateMaker& maker, SkMSec rawTime) {
+ if (fActive == NULL)
+ return false;
+ bool result = false;
+#if defined SK_DEBUG && defined SK_DEBUG_ANIMATION_TIMING
+ SkMSec time = maker.getAppTime();
+ if (lastTime == (SkMSec) -1)
+ lastTime = rawTime - 1;
+ if (fActive != NULL &&
+ strcmp(id, "a3") == 0 && rawTime > lastTime) {
+ lastTime += 1000;
+ SkString debugOut;
+ debugOut.appendS32(time - maker.fDebugTimeBase);
+ debugOut.append(" apply id=");
+ debugOut.append(_id);
+ debugOut.append("; ");
+ debugOut.append(fActive->fAnimators[0]->_id);
+ debugOut.append("=");
+ debugOut.appendS32(rawTime - fActive->fState[0].fStartTime);
+ debugOut.append(")");
+ SkDebugf("%s\n", debugOut.c_str());
+ }
+ fActive->start();
+ if (restore)
+ fActive->initializeSave();
+ int animators = fActive->fAnimators.count();
+ for (int inner = 0; inner < animators; inner++) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animate = fActive->fAnimators[inner];
+ if (animate->fChanged) {
+ animate->fChanged = false;
+ animate->fStart = rawTime;
+ // SkTypedArray values;
+ // int count = animate->fValues.count();
+ // values.setCount(count);
+ // memcpy(values.begin(), animate->fValues.begin(), sizeof(SkOperand) * count);
+ animate->onEndElement(maker);
+ // if (memcmp(values.begin(), animate->fValues.begin(), sizeof(SkOperand) * count) != 0) {
+ fActive->append(this);
+ fActive->start();
+ // }
+ }
+ SkMSec time = fActive->getTime(rawTime, inner);
+ SkActive::SkState& state = fActive->fState[inner];
+ if (SkMSec_LT(rawTime, state.fStartTime)) {
+ if (fEnabling) {
+ animate->fDelayed = true;
+ maker.delayEnable(this, state.fStartTime);
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else
+ animate->fDelayed = false;
+ SkMSec innerTime = fLastTime = state.getRelativeTime(time);
+ if (restore)
+ fActive->restoreInterpolatorValues(inner);
+ if (animate->fReset) {
+ if (transition != SkApply::kTransition_reverse) {
+ if (SkMSec_LT(state.fBegin + state.fDuration, innerTime)) {
+ if (animate->fResetPending) {
+ innerTime = 0;
+ animate->fResetPending = false;
+ } else
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (innerTime == 0) {
+ if (animate->fResetPending) {
+ innerTime = state.fBegin + state.fDuration;
+ animate->fResetPending = false;
+ } else
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ int count = animate->components();
+ SkAutoSTMalloc<16, SkOperand> values(count);
+ SkInterpolatorBase::Result interpResult = fActive->fInterpolators[inner]->timeToValues(
+ innerTime, values.get());
+ result |= (interpResult != SkInterpolatorBase::kFreezeEnd_Result);
+ if ((transition != SkApply::kTransition_reverse && interpResult == SkInterpolatorBase::kFreezeEnd_Result ||
+ transition == SkApply::kTransition_reverse && fLastTime == 0) && state.fUnpostedEndEvent) {
+// SkDEBUGF(("interpolate: post on end\n"));
+ state.fUnpostedEndEvent = false;
+ maker.postOnEnd(animate, state.fBegin + state.fDuration);
+ maker.fAdjustedStart = 0; // !!! left over from synchronizing animation days, undoubtably out of date (and broken)
+ }
+ if (animate->formula.size() > 0) {
+ if (fLastTime > animate->dur)
+ fLastTime = animate->dur;
+ SkTypedArray formulaValues;
+ formulaValues.setCount(count);
+ bool success = animate->fFieldInfo->setValue(maker, &formulaValues, 0, 0, NULL,
+ animate->getValuesType(), animate->formula);
+ SkASSERT(success);
+ if (restore)
+ save(inner); // save existing value
+ applyValues(inner, formulaValues.begin(), count, animate->getValuesType(), innerTime);
+ } else {
+ if (restore)
+ save(inner); // save existing value
+ applyValues(inner, values.get(), count, animate->getValuesType(), innerTime);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void SkApply::initialize() {
+ if (scope == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (scope->isApply() || scope->isDrawable() == false)
+ return;
+ scope->initialize();
+void SkApply::onEndElement(SkAnimateMaker& maker)
+ SkDrawable* scopePtr = scope;
+ while (scopePtr && scopePtr->isApply()) {
+ SkApply* scopedApply = (SkApply*) scopePtr;
+ if (scopedApply->scope == this) {
+ maker.setErrorCode(SkDisplayXMLParserError::kApplyScopesItself);
+ return;
+ }
+ scopePtr = scopedApply->scope;
+ }
+ if (mode == kMode_create)
+ return;
+ if (scope != NULL && steps >= 0 && scope->isApply() == false && scope->isDrawable())
+ scope->setSteps(steps);
+ for (SkAnimateBase** animPtr = fAnimators.begin(); animPtr < fAnimators.end(); animPtr++) {
+ SkAnimateBase* anim = *animPtr;
+ //for reusing apply statements with dynamic scope
+ if (anim->fTarget == NULL || anim->fTargetIsScope) {
+ anim->fTargetIsScope = true;
+ if (scope)
+ anim->fTarget = scope;
+ else
+ anim->setTarget(maker);
+ anim->onEndElement(maker); // allows animate->fFieldInfo to be set
+ }
+ if (scope != NULL && steps >= 0 && anim->fTarget != scope && anim->fTarget->isDrawable())
+ anim->fTarget->setSteps(steps);
+ }
+const SkMemberInfo* SkApply::preferredChild(SkDisplayTypes type) {
+ SkASSERT(SkDisplayType::IsAnimate(type) == false);
+ fContainsScope = true;
+ return getMember("scope"); // !!! cwap! need to refer to member through enum like kScope instead
+void SkApply::refresh(SkAnimateMaker& maker) {
+ for (SkAnimateBase** animPtr = fAnimators.begin(); animPtr < fAnimators.end(); animPtr++) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animate = *animPtr;
+ animate->onEndElement(maker);
+ }
+ if (fActive)
+ fActive->resetInterpolators();
+void SkApply::reset() {
+ if (fActive)
+ fActive->resetState();
+bool SkApply::resolveIDs(SkAnimateMaker& maker, SkDisplayable* original, SkApply* apply) { // replace to/formula strings in animators of the form xxx.step with the step value, if xxx.step is in scope
+ if (resolveField(maker, apply, &dynamicScope) == false)
+ return true; // failed
+ SkAnimateBase** endPtr = fAnimators.end();
+ SkAnimateBase** origPtr = ((SkApply*) original)->fAnimators.begin();
+ for (SkAnimateBase** animPtr = fAnimators.begin(); animPtr < endPtr; ) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animator = *animPtr++;
+ maker.resolveID(animator, *origPtr++);
+ if (resolveField(maker, this, &animator->target) == false)
+ return true;
+ if (resolveField(maker, this, &animator->from) == false)
+ return true;
+ if (resolveField(maker, this, &animator->to) == false)
+ return true;
+ if (resolveField(maker, this, &animator->formula) == false)
+ return true;
+ }
+// setEmbedded();
+ onEndElement(maker);
+ return false; // succeeded
+bool SkApply::resolveField(SkAnimateMaker& maker, SkDisplayable* parent, SkString* str) {
+ const char* script = str->c_str();
+ if (str->startsWith("#string:") == false)
+ return true;
+ script += sizeof("#string:") - 1;
+ return SkAnimatorScript::EvaluateString(maker, this, parent, script, str);
+void SkApply::save(int index) {
+ SkAnimateBase* animate = fActive->fAnimators[index];
+ const SkMemberInfo * info = animate->fFieldInfo;
+ SkDisplayable* target = getTarget(animate);
+// if (animate->hasExecute())
+// info = animate->getResolvedInfo();
+ SkDisplayTypes type = (SkDisplayTypes) info->fType;
+ if (type == SkType_MemberFunction)
+ return; // nothing to save
+ size_t size = info->getSize(target);
+ int count = (int) (size / sizeof(SkScalar));
+ bool useLast = true;
+// !!! this all may be unneeded, at least in the dynamic case ??
+ int activeIndex = fActive->fDrawIndex + index;
+ SkTDOperandArray last;
+ if (fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex] == NULL) {
+ fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex] = new SkOperand[count];
+ useLast = false;
+ } else {
+ last.setCount(count);
+ memcpy(last.begin(), fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex], count * sizeof(SkOperand));
+ }
+ if (type != SkType_MemberProperty) {
+ info->getValue(target, fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex], count);
+ if (useLast)
+ info->setValue(target, last.begin(), count);
+ } else {
+ SkScriptValue scriptValue;
+ bool success = target->getProperty(info->propertyIndex(), &scriptValue);
+ SkASSERT(success == true);
+ SkASSERT(scriptValue.fType == SkType_Float);
+ fActive->fSaveRestore[activeIndex][0] = scriptValue.fOperand;
+ if (useLast) {
+ SkScriptValue scriptValue;
+ scriptValue.fType = type;
+ scriptValue.fOperand = last[0];
+ target->setProperty(info->propertyIndex(), scriptValue);
+ }
+ }
+// !!! end of unneeded
+bool SkApply::setProperty(int index, SkScriptValue& scriptValue) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case SK_PROPERTY(animator): {
+ SkAnimateBase* animate = (SkAnimateBase*) scriptValue.fOperand.fDisplayable;
+ SkASSERT(animate->isAnimate());
+ *fAnimators.append() = animate;
+ return true;
+ }
+ case SK_PROPERTY(steps):
+ steps = scriptValue.fOperand.fS32;
+ if (fActive)
+ fActive->setSteps(steps);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void SkApply::setSteps(int _steps) {
+ steps = _steps;
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+void SkApply::validate() {
+ if (fActive)
+ fActive->validate();