path: root/skia/animator/SkDisplayXMLParser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/animator/SkDisplayXMLParser.cpp')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/animator/SkDisplayXMLParser.cpp b/skia/animator/SkDisplayXMLParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c4a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/animator/SkDisplayXMLParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+/* libs/graphics/animator/SkDisplayXMLParser.cpp
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#include "SkDisplayXMLParser.h"
+#include "SkAnimateMaker.h"
+#include "SkDisplayApply.h"
+#include "SkUtils.h"
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+#include "SkTime.h"
+static char const* const gErrorStrings[] = {
+ "unknown error ",
+ "apply scopes itself",
+ "display tree too deep (circular reference?) ",
+ "element missing parent ",
+ "element type not allowed in parent ",
+ "error adding <data> to <post> ",
+ "error adding to <matrix> ",
+ "error adding to <paint> ",
+ "error adding to <path> ",
+ "error in attribute value ",
+ "error in script ",
+ "expected movie in sink attribute ",
+ "field not in target ",
+ "number of offsets in gradient must match number of colors",
+ "no offset in gradient may be greater than one",
+ "last offset in gradient must be one",
+ "offsets in gradient must be increasing",
+ "first offset in gradient must be zero",
+ "gradient attribute \"points\" must have length of four",
+ "in include ",
+ "in movie ",
+ "include name unknown or missing ",
+ "index out of range ",
+ "movie name unknown or missing ",
+ "no parent available to resolve sink attribute ",
+ "parent element can't contain ",
+ "saveLayer must specify a bounds",
+ "target id not found ",
+ "unexpected type "
+SkDisplayXMLParserError::~SkDisplayXMLParserError() {
+void SkDisplayXMLParserError::getErrorString(SkString* str) const {
+ if (fCode > kUnknownError)
+ str->set(gErrorStrings[fCode - kUnknownError]);
+ else
+ str->reset();
+ INHERITED::getErrorString(str);
+void SkDisplayXMLParserError::setInnerError(SkAnimateMaker* parent, const SkString& src) {
+ SkString inner;
+ getErrorString(&inner);
+ inner.prepend(": ");
+ inner.prependS32(getLineNumber());
+ inner.prepend(", line ");
+ inner.prepend(src);
+ parent->setErrorNoun(inner);
+SkDisplayXMLParser::SkDisplayXMLParser(SkAnimateMaker& maker)
+ : INHERITED(&maker.fError), fMaker(maker), fInInclude(maker.fInInclude),
+ fInSkia(maker.fInInclude), fCurrDisplayable(NULL)
+SkDisplayXMLParser::~SkDisplayXMLParser() {
+ if (fCurrDisplayable && fMaker.fChildren.find(fCurrDisplayable) < 0)
+ delete fCurrDisplayable;
+ for (Parent* parPtr = fParents.begin() + 1; parPtr < fParents.end(); parPtr++) {
+ SkDisplayable* displayable = parPtr->fDisplayable;
+ if (displayable == fCurrDisplayable)
+ continue;
+ SkASSERT(fMaker.fChildren.find(displayable) < 0);
+ if (fMaker.fHelpers.find(displayable) < 0)
+ delete displayable;
+ }
+bool SkDisplayXMLParser::onAddAttribute(const char name[], const char value[]) {
+ return onAddAttributeLen(name, value, strlen(value));
+bool SkDisplayXMLParser::onAddAttributeLen(const char attrName[], const char attrValue[],
+ size_t attrValueLen)
+ if (fCurrDisplayable == NULL) // this signals we should ignore attributes for this element
+ return strncmp(attrName, "xmlns", sizeof("xmlns") - 1) != 0;
+ SkDisplayable* displayable = fCurrDisplayable;
+ SkDisplayTypes type = fCurrType;
+ if (strcmp(attrName, "id") == 0) {
+ if (fMaker.find(attrValue, attrValueLen, NULL)) {
+ fError->setNoun(attrValue, attrValueLen);
+ fError->setCode(SkXMLParserError::kDuplicateIDs);
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ displayable->_id.set(attrValue, attrValueLen);
+ displayable->id = displayable->_id.c_str();
+ fMaker.idsSet(attrValue, attrValueLen, displayable);
+ int parentIndex = fParents.count() - 1;
+ if (parentIndex > 0) {
+ SkDisplayable* parent = fParents[parentIndex - 1].fDisplayable;
+ parent->setChildHasID();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const char* name = attrName;
+ const SkMemberInfo* info = SkDisplayType::GetMember(&fMaker, type, &name);
+ if (info == NULL) {
+ fError->setNoun(name);
+ fError->setCode(SkXMLParserError::kUnknownAttributeName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (info->setValue(fMaker, NULL, 0, info->getCount(), displayable, info->getType(), attrValue,
+ attrValueLen))
+ return false;
+ if (fMaker.fError.hasError()) {
+ fError->setNoun(attrValue, attrValueLen);
+ return true;
+ }
+ SkDisplayable* ref = NULL;
+ if (fMaker.find(attrValue, attrValueLen, &ref) == false) {
+ ref = fMaker.createInstance(attrValue, attrValueLen);
+ if (ref == NULL) {
+ fError->setNoun(attrValue, attrValueLen);
+ fError->setCode(SkXMLParserError::kErrorInAttributeValue);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ fMaker.helperAdd(ref);
+ }
+ if (info->fType != SkType_MemberProperty) {
+ fError->setNoun(name);
+ fError->setCode(SkXMLParserError::kUnknownAttributeName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ SkScriptValue scriptValue;
+ scriptValue.fOperand.fDisplayable = ref;
+ scriptValue.fType = ref->getType();
+ displayable->setProperty(info->propertyIndex(), scriptValue);
+ return false;
+bool SkDisplayXMLParser::onEndElement(const char elem[])
+ int parentIndex = fParents.count() - 1;
+ if (parentIndex >= 0) {
+ Parent& container = fParents[parentIndex];
+ SkDisplayable* displayable = container.fDisplayable;
+ fMaker.fEndDepth = parentIndex;
+ displayable->onEndElement(fMaker);
+ if (fMaker.fError.hasError())
+ return true;
+ if (parentIndex > 0) {
+ SkDisplayable* parent = fParents[parentIndex - 1].fDisplayable;
+ bool result = parent->add(fMaker, displayable);
+ if (fMaker.hasError())
+ return true;
+ if (result == false) {
+ int infoCount;
+ const SkMemberInfo* info =
+ SkDisplayType::GetMembers(&fMaker, fParents[parentIndex - 1].fType, &infoCount);
+ const SkMemberInfo* foundInfo;
+ if ((foundInfo = searchContainer(info, infoCount)) != NULL) {
+ parent->setReference(foundInfo, displayable);
+ // if (displayable->isHelper() == false)
+ fMaker.helperAdd(displayable);
+ } else {
+ fMaker.setErrorCode(SkDisplayXMLParserError::kElementTypeNotAllowedInParent);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parent->childrenNeedDisposing())
+ delete displayable;
+ }
+ fParents.remove(parentIndex);
+ }
+ fCurrDisplayable = NULL;
+ if (fInInclude == false && strcasecmp(elem, "screenplay") == 0) {
+ if (fMaker.fInMovie == false) {
+ fMaker.fEnableTime = fMaker.getAppTime();
+#if defined SK_DEBUG && defined SK_DEBUG_ANIMATION_TIMING
+ if (fMaker.fDebugTimeBase == (SkMSec) -1)
+ fMaker.fDebugTimeBase = fMaker.fEnableTime;
+ SkString debugOut;
+ SkMSec time = fMaker.getAppTime();
+ debugOut.appendS32(time - fMaker.fDebugTimeBase);
+ debugOut.append(" onLoad enable=");
+ debugOut.appendS32(fMaker.fEnableTime - fMaker.fDebugTimeBase);
+ SkDebugf("%s\n", debugOut.c_str());
+ fMaker.fEvents.doEvent(fMaker, SkDisplayEvent::kOnload, NULL);
+ if (fMaker.fError.hasError())
+ return true;
+ fMaker.fEvents.removeEvent(SkDisplayEvent::kOnload, NULL);
+ }
+ fInSkia = false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool SkDisplayXMLParser::onStartElement(const char name[])
+ return onStartElementLen(name, strlen(name));
+bool SkDisplayXMLParser::onStartElementLen(const char name[], size_t len) {
+ fCurrDisplayable = NULL; // init so we'll ignore attributes if we exit early
+ if (strncasecmp(name, "screenplay", len) == 0) {
+ fInSkia = true;
+ if (fInInclude == false)
+ fMaker.idsSet(name, len, &fMaker.fScreenplay);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (fInSkia == false)
+ return false;
+ SkDisplayable* displayable = fMaker.createInstance(name, len);
+ if (displayable == NULL) {
+ fError->setNoun(name, len);
+ fError->setCode(SkXMLParserError::kUnknownElement);
+ return true;
+ }
+ SkDisplayTypes type = displayable->getType();
+ Parent record = { displayable, type };
+ *fParents.append() = record;
+ if (fParents.count() == 1)
+ fMaker.childrenAdd(displayable);
+ else {
+ Parent* parent = fParents.end() - 2;
+ if (displayable->setParent(parent->fDisplayable)) {
+ fError->setNoun(name, len);
+ getError()->setCode(SkDisplayXMLParserError::kParentElementCantContain);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // set these for subsequent calls to addAttribute()
+ fCurrDisplayable = displayable;
+ fCurrType = type;
+ return false;
+const SkMemberInfo* SkDisplayXMLParser::searchContainer(const SkMemberInfo* infoBase,
+ int infoCount) {
+ const SkMemberInfo* bestDisplayable = NULL;
+ const SkMemberInfo* lastResort = NULL;
+ for (int index = 0; index < infoCount; index++) {
+ const SkMemberInfo* info = &infoBase[index];
+ if (info->fType == SkType_BaseClassInfo) {
+ const SkMemberInfo* inherited = info->getInherited();
+ const SkMemberInfo* result = searchContainer(inherited, info->fCount);
+ if (result != NULL)
+ return result;
+ continue;
+ }
+ Parent* container = fParents.end() - 1;
+ SkDisplayTypes type = (SkDisplayTypes) info->fType;
+ if (type == SkType_MemberProperty)
+ type = info->propertyType();
+ SkDisplayTypes containerType = container->fType;
+ if (type == containerType && (type == SkType_Rect || type == SkType_Polygon ||
+ type == SkType_Array || type == SkType_Int || type == SkType_Bitmap))
+ goto rectNext;
+ while (type != containerType) {
+ if (containerType == SkType_Displayable)
+ goto next;
+ containerType = SkDisplayType::GetParent(&fMaker, containerType);
+ if (containerType == SkType_Unknown)
+ goto next;
+ }
+ return info;
+ if (type == SkType_Drawable || type == SkType_Displayable &&
+ container->fDisplayable->isDrawable()) {
+ if (fParents.count() > 1) {
+ Parent* parent = fParents.end() - 2;
+ if (info == parent->fDisplayable->preferredChild(type))
+ bestDisplayable = info;
+ else
+ lastResort = info;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestDisplayable)
+ return bestDisplayable;
+ if (lastResort)
+ return lastResort;
+ return NULL;