path: root/skia/animator/SkMemberInfo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/animator/SkMemberInfo.h')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/animator/SkMemberInfo.h b/skia/animator/SkMemberInfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00dd7b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/animator/SkMemberInfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+/* libs/graphics/animator/SkMemberInfo.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkMemberInfo_DEFINED
+#define SkMemberInfo_DEFINED
+#elif defined SK_BUILD_FOR_BREW
+ #define SK_USE_CONDENSED_INFO 1 /* required by BREW to handle its lack of writable globals */
+ #define SK_USE_CONDENSED_INFO 0 /* optional, but usually 1 unless Cary is testing something */
+#include "SkDisplayType.h"
+#include "SkScript.h"
+#include "SkString.h"
+#include "SkIntArray.h"
+class SkAnimateMaker;
+class SkDisplayable;
+class SkScriptEngine;
+// temporary hacks until name change is more complete
+#define SkFloat SkScalar
+#define SkInt SkS32
+struct SkMemberInfo {
+ //!!! alternative:
+ // if fCount == 0, record is member property
+ // then fType can be type, so caller doesn't have to check
+ const char* fName; // may be NULL for anonymous functions
+ size_t fOffset; // if negative, is index into member pointer table (for properties and functions)
+ SkDisplayTypes fType;
+ int fCount; // for properties, actual type (count is always assumed to be 1)
+ unsigned char fName;
+ signed char fOffset;
+ unsigned char fType;
+ signed char fCount;
+ SkDisplayTypes arrayType() const {
+ SkASSERT(fType == SkType_Array);
+ return (SkDisplayTypes) fCount; // hack, but worth it?
+ }
+ int functionIndex() const {
+ SkASSERT(fType == SkType_MemberFunction);
+ return (signed) fOffset > 0 ? -1 + (int) fOffset : -1 - (int) fOffset;
+ }
+ bool getArrayValue(const SkDisplayable* displayable, int index, SkOperand* value) const;
+ int getCount() const {
+ return fType == SkType_MemberProperty || fType == SkType_Array ||
+ fType == SkType_MemberFunction ? 1 : fCount;
+ }
+ const SkMemberInfo* getInherited() const;
+ size_t getSize(const SkDisplayable* ) const;
+ void getString(const SkDisplayable* , SkString** string) const;
+ SkDisplayTypes getType() const {
+ return fType == SkType_MemberProperty || fType == SkType_Array ||
+ fType == SkType_MemberFunction ? (SkDisplayTypes) fCount : (SkDisplayTypes) fType;
+ }
+ void getValue(const SkDisplayable* , SkOperand values[], int count) const;
+ bool isEnum() const;
+ const char* mapEnums(const char* match, int* value) const;
+ void* memberData(const SkDisplayable* displayable) const {
+ SkASSERT(fType != SkType_MemberProperty && fType != SkType_MemberFunction);
+ return (void*) ((const char*) displayable + fOffset);
+ }
+ int propertyIndex() const {
+ SkASSERT(fType == SkType_MemberProperty);
+ return (signed) fOffset > 0 ? -1 + (int) fOffset : -1 - (int) fOffset;
+ }
+ SkDisplayTypes propertyType() const {
+ SkASSERT(fType == SkType_MemberProperty || fType == SkType_Array);
+ return (SkDisplayTypes) fCount; // hack, but worth it?
+ }
+ void setMemberData(SkDisplayable* displayable, const void* child, size_t size) const {
+ SkASSERT(fType != SkType_MemberProperty && fType != SkType_MemberFunction);
+ memcpy((char*) displayable + fOffset, child, size);
+ }
+ void setString(SkDisplayable* , SkString* ) const;
+ void setValue(SkDisplayable* , const SkOperand values[], int count) const;
+ bool setValue(SkAnimateMaker& , SkTDOperandArray* storage,
+ int storageOffset, int maxStorage, SkDisplayable* ,
+ SkDisplayTypes outType, const char value[], size_t len) const;
+ bool setValue(SkAnimateMaker& , SkTDOperandArray* storage,
+ int storageOffset, int maxStorage, SkDisplayable* ,
+ SkDisplayTypes outType, SkString& str) const;
+// void setValue(SkDisplayable* , const char value[], const char name[]) const;
+ bool writeValue(SkDisplayable* displayable, SkTDOperandArray* arrayStorage,
+ int storageOffset, int maxStorage, void* untypedStorage, SkDisplayTypes outType,
+ SkScriptValue& scriptValue) const;
+ static const SkMemberInfo* Find(const SkMemberInfo [], int count, int* index);
+ static const SkMemberInfo* Find(const SkMemberInfo [], int count, const char** name);
+ static const SkMemberInfo* Find(SkDisplayTypes type, int* index);
+ static const SkMemberInfo* Find(SkDisplayTypes type, const char** name);
+ static size_t GetSize(SkDisplayTypes type); // size of simple types only
+// static bool SetValue(void* value, const char* name, SkDisplayTypes , int count);
+#define SK_MEMBER(_member, _type) \
+ { #_member, SK_OFFSETOF(BASE_CLASS, _member), SkType_##_type, \
+ sizeof(((BASE_CLASS*) 1)->_member) / sizeof(SkScalar) }
+#define SK_MEMBER_ALIAS(_member, _alias, _type) \
+ { #_member, SK_OFFSETOF(BASE_CLASS, _alias), SkType_##_type, \
+ sizeof(((BASE_CLASS*) 1)->_alias) / sizeof(SkScalar) }
+#define SK_MEMBER_ARRAY(_member, _type) \
+ { #_member, SK_OFFSETOF(BASE_CLASS, _member), SkType_Array, \
+ (int) SkType_##_type }
+ { (const char*) INHERITED::fInfo, 0, SkType_BaseClassInfo, INHERITED::fInfoCount }
+// #define SK_MEMBER_KEY_TYPE(_member, _type)
+// {#_member, (size_t) -1, SkType_##_type, 0}
+#define SK_FUNCTION(_member) \
+ k_##_member##Function
+#define SK_PROPERTY(_member) \
+ k_##_member##Property
+#define SK_MEMBER_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION(_member, _type) \
+ {#_member, (size_t) (+1 + SK_FUNCTION(_member)), SkType_MemberFunction, \
+ (int) SkType_##_type }
+#define SK_MEMBER_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY(_member, _type) \
+ {#_member, (size_t) (1 + SK_PROPERTY(_member)), SkType_MemberProperty, \
+ (int) SkType_##_type }
+#define SK_MEMBER_FUNCTION(_member, _type) \
+ {#_member, (size_t) (-1 - SK_FUNCTION(_member)), SkType_MemberFunction, \
+ (int) SkType_##_type }
+#define SK_MEMBER_PROPERTY(_member, _type) \
+ {#_member, (size_t) (-1 - SK_PROPERTY(_member)), SkType_MemberProperty, \
+ (int) SkType_##_type }
+public: \
+ static const SkMemberInfo fInfo[]; \
+ static const int fInfoCount; \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index); \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]); \
+ typedef Sk##_type BASE_CLASS
+#define DECLARE_MEMBER_INFO(_type) \
+public: \
+ static const SkMemberInfo fInfo[]; \
+ static const int fInfoCount; \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index); \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]); \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; } \
+ typedef Sk##_type BASE_CLASS
+#define DECLARE_DRAW_MEMBER_INFO(_type) \
+public: \
+ static const SkMemberInfo fInfo[]; \
+ static const int fInfoCount; \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index); \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]); \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; } \
+ typedef SkDraw##_type BASE_CLASS
+public: \
+ static const SkMemberInfo fInfo[]; \
+ static const int fInfoCount; \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index); \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]); \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; } \
+ typedef SkDisplay##_type BASE_CLASS
+public: \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; }
+public: \
+ static const SkMemberInfo fInfo[]; \
+ static const int fInfoCount; \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index); \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]); \
+ SkDisplayTypes fType; \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return fType; } \
+ typedef _type BASE_CLASS
+public: \
+ static const SkMemberInfo fInfo[]; \
+ static const int fInfoCount; \
+ typedef Sk##_type BASE_CLASS
+#define DEFINE_GET_MEMBER(_class) \
+ const SkMemberInfo* _class::getMember(int index) { \
+ const SkMemberInfo* result = SkMemberInfo::Find(fInfo, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fInfo), &index); \
+ return result; \
+ } \
+ const SkMemberInfo* _class::getMember(const char name[]) { \
+ const SkMemberInfo* result = SkMemberInfo::Find(fInfo, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fInfo), &name); \
+ return result; \
+ } \
+ const int _class::fInfoCount = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fInfo)
+ const int _class::fInfoCount = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fInfo)
+public: \
+ typedef Sk##_type BASE_CLASS
+#define DECLARE_MEMBER_INFO(_type) \
+public: \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &index); } \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &name); } \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; } \
+ typedef Sk##_type BASE_CLASS
+#define DECLARE_DRAW_MEMBER_INFO(_type) \
+public: \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &index); } \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &name); } \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; } \
+ typedef SkDraw##_type BASE_CLASS
+public: \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &index); } \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &name); } \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return SkType_##_type; } \
+ typedef SkDisplay##_type BASE_CLASS
+public: \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(int index) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, SkType_##_type, &index); } \
+ virtual const SkMemberInfo* getMember(const char name[]) { \
+ return SkDisplayType::GetMember(NULL, fType, &name); } \
+ SkDisplayTypes fType; \
+ virtual SkDisplayTypes getType() const { return fType; } \
+ typedef _type BASE_CLASS
+public: \
+ typedef Sk##_type BASE_CLASS
+#define DEFINE_GET_MEMBER(_class)
+#endif // SkMemberInfo_DEFINED