path: root/skia/include/SkAnimator.h
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1 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/include/SkAnimator.h b/skia/include/SkAnimator.h
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+/* include/graphics/SkAnimator.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkAnimator_DEFINED
+#define SkAnimator_DEFINED
+#include "SkScalar.h"
+#include "SkKey.h"
+#include "SkEventSink.h"
+class SkAnimateMaker;
+class SkCanvas;
+class SkDisplayable;
+class SkEvent;
+class SkExtras;
+struct SkMemberInfo;
+class SkPaint;
+struct SkRect;
+class SkStream;
+class SkTypedArray;
+class SkXMLParserError;
+class SkDOM;
+struct SkDOMNode;
+/** SkElementType is the type of element: a rectangle, a color, an animator, and so on.
+ This enum is incomplete and will be fleshed out in a future release */
+enum SkElementType {
+ kElementDummyType
+/** SkFieldType is the type of field: a scalar, a string, an integer, a boolean, and so on.
+ This enum is incomplete and will be fleshed out in a future release */
+enum SkFieldType {
+ kFieldDummyType
+/** \class SkAnimator
+ The SkAnimator class decodes an XML stream into a display list. The
+ display list can be drawn statically as a picture, or can drawn
+ different elements at different times to form a moving animation.
+ SkAnimator does not read the system time on its own; it relies on the
+ caller to pass the current time. The caller can pause, speed up, or
+ reverse the animation by varying the time passed in.
+ The XML describing the display list must conform to the schema
+ described by SkAnimateSchema.xsd.
+ The XML must contain an <event> element to draw. Usually, it contains
+ an <event kind="onload" /> block to add some drawing elements to the
+ display list when the document is first decoded.
+ Here's an "Hello World" XML sample:
+ <screenplay>
+ <event kind="onload" >
+ <text text="Hello World" y="20" />
+ </event>
+ </screenplay>
+ To read and draw this sample:
+ // choose one of these two
+ SkAnimator animator; // declare an animator instance on the stack
+ // SkAnimator* animator = new SkAnimator() // or one could instantiate the class
+ // choose one of these three
+ animator.decodeMemory(buffer, size); // to read from RAM
+ animator.decodeStream(stream); // to read from a user-defined stream (e.g., a zip file)
+ animator.decodeURI(filename); // to read from a web location, or from a local text file
+ // to draw to the current window:
+ SkCanvas canvas(getBitmap()); // create a canvas
+ animator.draw(canvas, &paint, 0); // draw the scene
+class SkAnimator : public SkEventSink {
+ SkAnimator();
+ virtual ~SkAnimator();
+ /** Add a drawable extension to the graphics engine. Experimental.
+ @param extras A derived class that implements methods that identify and instantiate the class
+ */
+ void addExtras(SkExtras* extras);
+ /** Read in XML from a stream, and append it to the current
+ animator. Returns false if an error was encountered.
+ Error diagnostics are stored in fErrorCode and fLineNumber.
+ @param stream The stream to append.
+ @return true if the XML was parsed successfully.
+ */
+ bool appendStream(SkStream* stream);
+ /** Read in XML from memory. Returns true if the file can be
+ read without error. Returns false if an error was encountered.
+ Error diagnostics are stored in fErrorCode and fLineNumber.
+ @param buffer The XML text as UTF-8 characters.
+ @param size The XML text length in bytes.
+ @return true if the XML was parsed successfully.
+ */
+ bool decodeMemory(const void* buffer, size_t size);
+ /** Read in XML from a stream. Returns true if the file can be
+ read without error. Returns false if an error was encountered.
+ Error diagnostics are stored in fErrorCode and fLineNumber.
+ @param stream The stream containg the XML text as UTF-8 characters.
+ @return true if the XML was parsed successfully.
+ */
+ virtual bool decodeStream(SkStream* stream);
+ /** Parse the DOM tree starting at the specified node. Returns true if it can be
+ parsed without error. Returns false if an error was encountered.
+ Error diagnostics are stored in fErrorCode and fLineNumber.
+ @return true if the DOM was parsed successfully.
+ */
+ virtual bool decodeDOM(const SkDOM&, const SkDOMNode*);
+ /** Read in XML from a URI. Returns true if the file can be
+ read without error. Returns false if an error was encountered.
+ Error diagnostics are stored in fErrorCode and fLineNumber.
+ @param uri The complete url path to be read (either ftp, http or https).
+ @return true if the XML was parsed successfully.
+ */
+ bool decodeURI(const char uri[]);
+ /** Pass a char event, usually a keyboard symbol, to the animator.
+ This triggers events of the form <event kind="keyChar" key="... />
+ @param ch The character to match against <event> element "key"
+ attributes.
+ @return true if the event was dispatched successfully.
+ */
+ bool doCharEvent(SkUnichar ch);
+ /** Experimental:
+ Pass a mouse click event along with the mouse coordinates to
+ the animator. This triggers events of the form <event kind="mouseDown" ... />
+ and other mouse events.
+ @param state The mouse state, described by SkView::Click::State : values are
+ down == 0, moved == 1, up == 2
+ @param x The x-position of the mouse
+ @param y The y-position of the mouse
+ @return true if the event was dispatched successfully.
+ */
+ bool doClickEvent(int state, SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
+ /** Pass a meta-key event, such as an arrow , to the animator.
+ This triggers events of the form <event kind="keyPress" code="... />
+ @param code The key to match against <event> element "code"
+ attributes.
+ @return true if the event was dispatched successfully.
+ */
+ bool doKeyEvent(SkKey code);
+ bool doKeyUpEvent(SkKey code);
+ /** Send an event to the animator. The animator's clock is set
+ relative to the current time.
+ @return true if the event was dispatched successfully.
+ */
+ bool doUserEvent(const SkEvent& evt);
+ /** The possible results from the draw function.
+ */
+ enum DifferenceType {
+ kNotDifferent,
+ kDifferent,
+ kPartiallyDifferent
+ };
+ /** Draws one frame of the animation. The first call to draw always
+ draws the initial frame of the animation. Subsequent calls draw
+ the offset into the animation by
+ subtracting the initial time from the current time.
+ @param canvas The canvas to draw into.
+ @param paint The paint to draw with.
+ @param time The offset into the current animation.
+ @return kNotDifferent if there are no active animations; kDifferent if there are active animations; and
+ kPartiallyDifferent if the document contains an active <bounds> element that specifies a minimal
+ redraw area.
+ */
+ DifferenceType draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkPaint* paint, SkMSec time);
+ /** Draws one frame of the animation, using a new Paint each time.
+ The first call to draw always
+ draws the initial frame of the animation. Subsequent calls draw
+ the offset into the animation by
+ subtracting the initial time from the current time.
+ @param canvas The canvas to draw into.
+ @param time The offset into the current animation.
+ @return kNotDifferent if there are no active animations; kDifferent if there are active animations; and
+ kPartiallyDifferent if the document contains an active <bounds> element that specifies a minimal
+ redraw area.
+ */
+ DifferenceType draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkMSec time);
+ /** Experimental:
+ Helper to choose whether to return a SkView::Click handler.
+ @param x ignored
+ @param y ignored
+ @return true if a mouseDown event handler is enabled.
+ */
+ bool findClickEvent(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
+ /** Get the nested animator associated with this element, if any.
+ Use this to access a movie's event sink, to send events to movies.
+ @param element the value returned by getElement
+ @return the internal animator.
+ */
+ const SkAnimator* getAnimator(const SkDisplayable* element) const;
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute[index]
+ @param element the value returned by getElement
+ @param field the value returned by getField
+ @param index the array entry
+ @return the integer value to retrieve, or SK_NaN32 if unsuccessful
+ */
+ int32_t getArrayInt(const SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, int index);
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute[index]
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param index the array entry
+ @return the integer value to retrieve, or SK_NaN32 if unsuccessful
+ */
+ int32_t getArrayInt(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, int index);
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute[index]
+ @param element the value returned by getElement
+ @param field the value returned by getField
+ @param index the array entry
+ @return the scalar value to retrieve, or SK_ScalarNaN if unsuccessful
+ */
+ SkScalar getArrayScalar(const SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, int index);
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute[index]
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param index the array entry
+ @return the scalar value to retrieve, or SK_ScalarNaN if unsuccessful
+ */
+ SkScalar getArrayScalar(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, int index);
+ /** Returns the string value of the specified element's attribute[index]
+ @param element is a value returned by getElement
+ @param field is a value returned by getField
+ @param index the array entry
+ @return the string value to retrieve, or null if unsuccessful
+ */
+ const char* getArrayString(const SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, int index);
+ /** Returns the string value of the specified element's attribute[index]
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param index the array entry
+ @return the string value to retrieve, or null if unsuccessful
+ */
+ const char* getArrayString(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, int index);
+ /** Returns the XML element corresponding to the given ID.
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @return the element matching the ID, or null if the element can't be found
+ */
+ const SkDisplayable* getElement(const char* elementID);
+ /** Returns the element type corresponding to the XML element.
+ The element type matches the element name; for instance, <line> returns kElement_LineType
+ @param element is a value returned by getElement
+ @return element type, or 0 if the element can't be found
+ */
+ SkElementType getElementType(const SkDisplayable* element);
+ /** Returns the element type corresponding to the given ID.
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @return element type, or 0 if the element can't be found
+ */
+ SkElementType getElementType(const char* elementID);
+ /** Returns the XML field of the named attribute in the XML element.
+ @param element is a value returned by getElement
+ @param fieldName is the attribute to return
+ @return the attribute matching the fieldName, or null if the element can't be found
+ */
+ const SkMemberInfo* getField(const SkDisplayable* element, const char* fieldName);
+ /** Returns the XML field of the named attribute in the XML element matching the elementID.
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName is the attribute to return
+ @return the attribute matching the fieldName, or null if the element can't be found
+ */
+ const SkMemberInfo* getField(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName);
+ /** Returns the value type coresponding to the element's attribute.
+ The value type matches the XML schema: and may be kField_BooleanType, kField_ScalarType, etc.
+ @param field is a value returned by getField
+ @return the attribute type, or 0 if the element can't be found
+ */
+ SkFieldType getFieldType(const SkMemberInfo* field);
+ /** Returns the value type coresponding to the element's attribute.
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @return the attribute type, or 0 if the element can't be found
+ */
+ SkFieldType getFieldType(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName);
+ /** Returns the recommended animation interval. Returns zero if no
+ interval is specified.
+ */
+ SkMSec getInterval();
+ /** Returns the partial rectangle to invalidate after drawing. Call after draw() returns
+ kIsPartiallyDifferent to do a mimimal inval(). */
+ void getInvalBounds(SkRect* inval);
+ /** Returns the details of any error encountered while parsing the XML.
+ */
+ const SkXMLParserError* getParserError();
+ /** Returns the details of any error encountered while parsing the XML as string.
+ */
+ const char* getParserErrorString();
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param element is a value returned by getElement
+ @param field is a value returned by getField
+ @return the integer value to retrieve, or SK_NaN32 if not found
+ */
+ int32_t getInt(const SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field);
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @return the integer value to retrieve, or SK_NaN32 if not found
+ */
+ int32_t getInt(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName);
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param element is a value returned by getElement
+ @param field is a value returned by getField
+ @return the scalar value to retrieve, or SK_ScalarNaN if not found
+ */
+ SkScalar getScalar(const SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field);
+ /** Returns the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @return the scalar value to retrieve, or SK_ScalarNaN if not found
+ */
+ SkScalar getScalar(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName);
+ /** Returns the string value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param element is a value returned by getElement
+ @param field is a value returned by getField
+ @return the string value to retrieve, or null if not found
+ */
+ const char* getString(const SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field);
+ /** Returns the string value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @return the string value to retrieve, or null if not found
+ */
+ const char* getString(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName);
+ /** Gets the file default directory of the URL base path set explicitly or by reading the last URL. */
+ const char* getURIBase();
+ /** Resets the animator to a newly created state with no animation data. */
+ void initialize();
+ /** Experimental. Resets any active animations so that the next time passed is treated as
+ time zero. */
+ void reset();
+ /** Sets the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param array is the c-style array of integers
+ @param count is the length of the array
+ @return true if the value was set successfully
+ */
+ bool setArrayInt(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, const int* array, int count);
+ /** Sets the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param array is the c-style array of strings
+ @param count is the length of the array
+ @return true if the value was set successfully
+ */
+ bool setArrayString(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, const char** array, int count);
+ /** Sets the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param data the integer value to set
+ @return true if the value was set successfully
+ */
+ bool setInt(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, int32_t data);
+ /** Sets the scalar value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param data the scalar value to set
+ @return true if the value was set successfully
+ */
+ bool setScalar(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, SkScalar data);
+ /** Sets the string value of the specified element's attribute
+ @param elementID is the value of the id attribute in the XML of this element
+ @param fieldName specifies the name of the attribute
+ @param data the string value to set
+ @return true if the value was set successfully
+ */
+ bool setString(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, const char* data);
+ /** Sets the file default directory of the URL base path
+ @param path the directory path
+ */
+ void setURIBase(const char* path);
+ typedef void* Handler;
+ // This guy needs to be exported to java, so don't make it virtual
+ void setHostHandler(Handler handler) {
+ this->onSetHostHandler(handler);
+ }
+ /** \class Timeline
+ Returns current time to animator. To return a custom timeline, create a child
+ class and override the getMSecs method.
+ */
+ class Timeline {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Timeline() {}
+ /** Returns the current time in milliseconds */
+ virtual SkMSec getMSecs() const = 0;
+ };
+ /** Sets a user class to return the current time to the animator.
+ Optional; if not called, the system clock will be used by calling SkTime::GetMSecs instead.
+ @param callBack the time function
+ */
+ void setTimeline(const Timeline& );
+ static void Init(bool runUnitTests);
+ static void Term();
+ /** The event sink events generated by the animation are posted to.
+ Screenplay also posts an inval event to this event sink after processing an
+ event to force a redraw.
+ @param target the event sink id
+ */
+ void setHostEventSinkID(SkEventSinkID hostID);
+ SkEventSinkID getHostEventSinkID() const;
+ // helper
+ void setHostEventSink(SkEventSink* sink) {
+ this->setHostEventSinkID(sink ? sink->getSinkID() : 0);
+ }
+ virtual void setJavaOwner(Handler owner);
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ virtual void eventDone(const SkEvent& evt);
+ virtual bool isTrackingEvents();
+ static bool NoLeaks();
+ virtual void onSetHostHandler(Handler handler);
+ virtual void onEventPost(SkEvent*, SkEventSinkID);
+ virtual void onEventPostTime(SkEvent*, SkEventSinkID, SkMSec time);
+// helper functions for setters
+ bool setArray(SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, SkTypedArray array);
+ bool setArray(const char* elementID, const char* fieldName, SkTypedArray array);
+ bool setInt(SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, int32_t data);
+ bool setScalar(SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, SkScalar data);
+ bool setString(SkDisplayable* element, const SkMemberInfo* field, const char* data);
+ virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
+ SkAnimateMaker* fMaker;
+ friend class SkAnimateMaker;
+ friend class SkAnimatorScript;
+ friend class SkAnimatorScript2;
+ friend class SkApply;
+ friend class SkDisplayMovie;
+ friend class SkDisplayType;
+ friend class SkPost;
+ friend class SkXMLAnimatorWriter;