path: root/skia/include/SkEvent.h
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1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/include/SkEvent.h b/skia/include/SkEvent.h
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+++ b/skia/include/SkEvent.h
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+/* include/graphics/SkEvent.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkEvent_DEFINED
+#define SkEvent_DEFINED
+#include "SkDOM.h"
+#include "SkMetaData.h"
+#include "SkString.h"
+//class SkOSWindow;
+/** Unique 32bit id used to identify an instance of SkEventSink. When events are
+ posted, they are posted to a specific sinkID. When it is time to dispatch the
+ event, the sinkID is used to find the specific SkEventSink object. If it is found,
+ its doEvent() method is called with the event.
+typedef uint32_t SkEventSinkID;
+/** \class SkEvent
+ SkEvents are used to communicate type-safe information to SkEventSinks.
+ SkEventSinks (including SkViews) each have a unique ID, which is stored
+ in an event. This ID is used to target the event once it has been "posted".
+class SkEvent {
+ /** Default construct, creating an empty event.
+ */
+ SkEvent();
+ /** Construct a new event with the specified type.
+ */
+ explicit SkEvent(const SkString& type);
+ /** Construct a new event with the specified type.
+ */
+ explicit SkEvent(const char type[]);
+ /** Construct a new event by copying the fields from the src event.
+ */
+ SkEvent(const SkEvent& src);
+ ~SkEvent();
+// /** Return the event's type (will never be null) */
+// const char* getType() const;
+ /** Copy the event's type into the specified SkString parameter */
+ void getType(SkString* str) const;
+ /** Returns true if the event's type matches exactly the specified type (case sensitive) */
+ bool isType(const SkString& str) const;
+ /** Returns true if the event's type matches exactly the specified type (case sensitive) */
+ bool isType(const char type[], size_t len = 0) const;
+ /** Set the event's type to the specified string.
+ In XML, use the "type" attribute.
+ */
+ void setType(const SkString&);
+ /** Set the event's type to the specified string.
+ In XML, use the "type" attribute.
+ */
+ void setType(const char type[], size_t len = 0);
+ /** Return the event's unnamed 32bit field. Default value is 0 */
+ uint32_t getFast32() const { return f32; }
+ /** Set the event's unnamed 32bit field. In XML, use
+ the subelement <data fast32=... />
+ */
+ void setFast32(uint32_t x) { f32 = x; }
+ /** Return true if the event contains the named 32bit field, and return the field
+ in value (if value is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false
+ and ignore the value parameter.
+ */
+ bool findS32(const char name[], int32_t* value = NULL) const { return fMeta.findS32(name, value); }
+ /** Return true if the event contains the named SkScalar field, and return the field
+ in value (if value is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false
+ and ignore the value parameter.
+ */
+ bool findScalar(const char name[], SkScalar* value = NULL) const { return fMeta.findScalar(name, value); }
+ /** Return true if the event contains the named SkScalar field, and return the fields
+ in value[] (if value is non-null), and return the number of SkScalars in count (if count is non-null).
+ If there is no matching named field, return false and ignore the value and count parameters.
+ */
+ const SkScalar* findScalars(const char name[], int* count, SkScalar values[] = NULL) const { return fMeta.findScalars(name, count, values); }
+ /** Return the value of the named string field, or if no matching named field exists, return null.
+ */
+ const char* findString(const char name[]) const { return fMeta.findString(name); }
+ /** Return true if the event contains the named pointer field, and return the field
+ in value (if value is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false
+ and ignore the value parameter.
+ */
+ bool findPtr(const char name[], void** value) const { return fMeta.findPtr(name, value); }
+ bool findBool(const char name[], bool* value) const { return fMeta.findBool(name, value); }
+ /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named 32bit field, and if it equals the specified value */
+ bool hasS32(const char name[], int32_t value) const { return fMeta.hasS32(name, value); }
+ /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named SkScalar field, and if it equals the specified value */
+ bool hasScalar(const char name[], SkScalar value) const { return fMeta.hasScalar(name, value); }
+ /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named string field, and if it equals (using strcmp) the specified value */
+ bool hasString(const char name[], const char value[]) const { return fMeta.hasString(name, value); }
+ /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named pointer field, and if it equals the specified value */
+ bool hasPtr(const char name[], void* value) const { return fMeta.hasPtr(name, value); }
+ bool hasBool(const char name[], bool value) const { return fMeta.hasBool(name, value); }
+ /** Add/replace the named 32bit field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... s32=... /> */
+ void setS32(const char name[], int32_t value) { fMeta.setS32(name, value); }
+ /** Add/replace the named SkScalar field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... scalar=... /> */
+ void setScalar(const char name[], SkScalar value) { fMeta.setScalar(name, value); }
+ /** Add/replace the named SkScalar[] field to the event. */
+ SkScalar* setScalars(const char name[], int count, const SkScalar values[] = NULL) { return fMeta.setScalars(name, count, values); }
+ /** Add/replace the named string field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... string=... */
+ void setString(const char name[], const SkString& value) { fMeta.setString(name, value.c_str()); }
+ /** Add/replace the named string field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... string=... */
+ void setString(const char name[], const char value[]) { fMeta.setString(name, value); }
+ /** Add/replace the named pointer field to the event. There is no XML equivalent for this call */
+ void setPtr(const char name[], void* value) { fMeta.setPtr(name, value); }
+ void setBool(const char name[], bool value) { fMeta.setBool(name, value); }
+ /** Return the underlying metadata object */
+ SkMetaData& getMetaData() { return fMeta; }
+ /** Return the underlying metadata object */
+ const SkMetaData& getMetaData() const { return fMeta; }
+ void tron() { SkDEBUGCODE(fDebugTrace = true;) }
+ void troff() { SkDEBUGCODE(fDebugTrace = false;) }
+ bool isDebugTrace() const
+ {
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ return fDebugTrace;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** Call this to initialize the event from the specified XML node */
+ void inflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*);
+ SkDEBUGCODE(void dump(const char title[] = NULL);)
+ /** Post the specified event to the event queue, targeting the specified eventsink, with an optional
+ delay. The event must be dynamically allocated for this. It cannot be a global or on the stack.
+ After this call, ownership is transfered to the system, so the caller must not retain
+ the event's ptr. Returns false if the event could not be posted (which means it will have been deleted).
+ */
+ static bool Post(SkEvent* evt, SkEventSinkID targetID, SkMSec delay = 0);
+ /** Post the specified event to the event queue, targeting the specified eventsink, to be delivered on/after the
+ specified millisecond time. The event must be dynamically allocated for this. It cannot be a global or on the stack.
+ After this call, ownership is transfered to the system, so the caller must not retain
+ the event's ptr. Returns false if the event could not be posted (which means it will have been deleted).
+ */
+ static bool PostTime(SkEvent* evt, SkEventSinkID targetID, SkMSec time);
+ /** Helper method for calling SkEvent::PostTime(this, ...), where the caller specifies a delay.
+ The real "time" will be computed automatically by sampling the clock and adding its value
+ to delay.
+ */
+ bool post(SkEventSinkID sinkID, SkMSec delay = 0)
+ {
+ return SkEvent::Post(this, sinkID, delay);
+ }
+ void postTime(SkEventSinkID sinkID, SkMSec time)
+ {
+ SkEvent::PostTime(this, sinkID, time);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** Porting layer must call these functions **/
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** Global initialization function for the SkEvent system. Should be called exactly
+ once before any other event method is called, and should be called after the
+ call to SkGraphics::Init().
+ */
+ static void Init();
+ /** Global cleanup function for the SkEvent system. Should be called exactly once after
+ all event methods have been called, and should be called before calling SkGraphics::Term().
+ */
+ static void Term();
+ /** Call this to process one event from the queue. If it returns true, there are more events
+ to process.
+ */
+ static bool ProcessEvent();
+ /** Call this whenever the requested timer has expired (requested by a call to SetQueueTimer).
+ It will post any delayed events whose time as "expired" onto the event queue.
+ It may also call SignalQueueTimer() and SignalNonEmptyQueue().
+ */
+ static void ServiceQueueTimer();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** Porting layer must implement these functions **/
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** Called whenever an SkEvent is posted to an empty queue, so that the OS
+ can be told to later call Dequeue().
+ */
+ static void SignalNonEmptyQueue();
+ /** Called whenever the delay until the next delayed event changes. If zero is
+ passed, then there are no more queued delay events.
+ */
+ static void SignalQueueTimer(SkMSec delay);
+ static bool WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+#elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIXx)
+ static uint32_t HandleTimer(uint32_t, void*);
+ static bool WndProc(Display*, Window, XEvent&);
+ // Don't know yet what this will be
+ //static bool CustomEvent();
+ SkMetaData fMeta;
+ mutable char* fType; // may be characters with low bit set to know that it is not a pointer
+ uint32_t f32;
+ SkDEBUGCODE(bool fDebugTrace;)
+ // these are for our implementation of the event queue
+ SkEventSinkID fTargetID;
+ SkMSec fTime;
+ SkEvent* fNextEvent; // either in the delay or normal event queue
+ void initialize(const char* type, size_t typeLen);
+ static bool Enqueue(SkEvent* evt);
+ static SkMSec EnqueueTime(SkEvent* evt, SkMSec time);
+ static SkEvent* Dequeue(SkEventSinkID* targetID);
+ static bool QHasEvents();