path: root/skia/include/SkRefCnt.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/include/SkRefCnt.h')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/include/SkRefCnt.h b/skia/include/SkRefCnt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a5abbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/include/SkRefCnt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+/* include/graphics/SkRefCnt.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkRefCnt_DEFINED
+#define SkRefCnt_DEFINED
+#include "SkThread.h"
+/** \class SkRefCnt
+ SkRefCnt is the base class for objects that may be shared by multiple
+ objects. When a new owner wants a reference, it calls ref(). When an owner
+ wants to release its reference, it calls unref(). When the shared object's
+ reference count goes to zero as the result of an unref() call, its (virtual)
+ destructor is called. It is an error for the destructor to be called
+ explicitly (or via the object going out of scope on the stack or calling
+ delete) if getRefCnt() > 1.
+class SkRefCnt : SkNoncopyable {
+ /** Default construct, initializing the reference count to 1.
+ */
+ SkRefCnt() : fRefCnt(1) {}
+ /** Destruct, asserting that the reference count is 1.
+ */
+ virtual ~SkRefCnt() { SkASSERT(fRefCnt == 1); }
+ /** Return the reference count.
+ */
+ int32_t getRefCnt() const { return fRefCnt; }
+ /** Increment the reference count. Must be balanced by a call to unref().
+ */
+ void ref() const {
+ SkASSERT(fRefCnt > 0);
+ sk_atomic_inc(&fRefCnt);
+ }
+ /** Decrement the reference count. If the reference count is 1 before the
+ decrement, then call delete on the object. Note that if this is the
+ case, then the object needs to have been allocated via new, and not on
+ the stack.
+ */
+ void unref() const {
+ SkASSERT(fRefCnt > 0);
+ if (sk_atomic_dec(&fRefCnt) == 1) {
+ fRefCnt = 1; // so our destructor won't complain
+ SkDELETE(this);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Helper version of ref(), that first checks to see if this is not null.
+ If this is null, then do nothing.
+ */
+ void safeRef() const {
+ if (this) {
+ this->ref();
+ }
+ }
+ /** Helper version of unref(), that first checks to see if this is not null.
+ If this is null, then do nothing.
+ */
+ void safeUnref() const {
+ if (this) {
+ this->unref();
+ }
+ }
+ mutable int32_t fRefCnt;
+/** \class SkAutoUnref
+ SkAutoUnref is a stack-helper class that will automatically call unref() on
+ the object it points to when the SkAutoUnref object goes out of scope.
+ If obj is null, do nothing.
+class SkAutoUnref : SkNoncopyable {
+ SkAutoUnref(SkRefCnt* obj) : fObj(obj) {}
+ ~SkAutoUnref();
+ SkRefCnt* get() const { return fObj; }
+ /** If the hosted object is null, do nothing and return false, else call
+ ref() on it and return true
+ */
+ bool ref();
+ /** If the hosted object is null, do nothing and return false, else call
+ unref() on it, set its reference to null, and return true
+ */
+ bool unref();
+ /** If the hosted object is null, do nothing and return NULL, else call
+ unref() on it, set its reference to null, and return the object
+ */
+ SkRefCnt* detach();
+ SkRefCnt* fObj;
+/** Helper macro to safely assign one SkRefCnt[TS]* to another, checking for
+ null in on each side of the assignment, and ensuring that ref() is called
+ before unref(), in case the two pointers point to the same object.
+#define SkRefCnt_SafeAssign(dst, src) \
+ do { \
+ if (src) src->ref(); \
+ if (dst) dst->unref(); \
+ dst = src; \
+ } while (0)