path: root/skia/include/SkShader.h
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1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/include/SkShader.h b/skia/include/SkShader.h
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index 0000000..69ae15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/include/SkShader.h
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+/* include/graphics/SkShader.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkShader_DEFINED
+#define SkShader_DEFINED
+#include "SkBitmap.h"
+#include "SkFlattenable.h"
+#include "SkMask.h"
+#include "SkMatrix.h"
+#include "SkPaint.h"
+class SkPath;
+/** \class SkShader
+ SkShader is the based class for objects that return horizontal spans of colors during drawing.
+ A subclass of SkShader is installed in a SkPaint calling paint.setShader(shader). After that
+ any object (other than a bitmap) that is drawn with that paint will get its color(s) from the
+ shader.
+class SkShader : public SkFlattenable {
+ SkShader();
+ virtual ~SkShader();
+ /** Return true if the shader has a non-identity local matrix.
+ @param localM Optional: If not null, return the shader's local matrix
+ @return true if the shader has a non-identity local matrix.
+ */
+ bool getLocalMatrix(SkMatrix* localM) const;
+ /** Set the shader's local matrix.
+ @param localM The shader's new local matrix.
+ */
+ void setLocalMatrix(const SkMatrix& localM);
+ /** Reset the shader's local matrix to identity.
+ */
+ void resetLocalMatrix();
+ enum TileMode {
+ kClamp_TileMode, //!< replicate the edge color if the shader draws outside of its original bounds
+ kRepeat_TileMode, //!< repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically
+ kMirror_TileMode, //!< repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically, alternating mirror images so that adjacent images always seam
+ kTileModeCount
+ };
+ // override these in your subclass
+ enum Flags {
+ //!< set if all of the colors will be opaque
+ kOpaqueAlpha_Flag = 0x01,
+ //! set if this shader's shadeSpan16() method can be called
+ kHasSpan16_Flag = 0x02,
+ /** Set this bit if the shader's native data type is instrinsically 16
+ bit, meaning that calling the 32bit shadeSpan() entry point will
+ mean the the impl has to up-sample 16bit data into 32bit. Used as a
+ a means of clearing a dither request if the it will have no effect
+ */
+ kIntrinsicly16_Flag = 0x04
+ };
+ /** Called sometimes before drawing with this shader.
+ Return the type of alpha your shader will return.
+ The default implementation returns 0. Your subclass should override if it can
+ (even sometimes) report a non-zero value, since that will enable various blitters
+ to perform faster.
+ */
+ virtual uint32_t getFlags() { return 0; }
+ /** Return the alpha associated with the data returned by shadeSpan16(). If
+ kHasSpan16_Flag is not set, this value is meaningless.
+ */
+ virtual uint8_t getSpan16Alpha() const { return fPaintAlpha; }
+ /** Called once before drawing, with the current paint and
+ device matrix. Return true if your shader supports these
+ parameters, or false if not. If false is returned, nothing
+ will be drawn.
+ */
+ virtual bool setContext( const SkBitmap& device,
+ const SkPaint& paint,
+ const SkMatrix& matrix);
+ /** Called for each span of the object being drawn. Your subclass
+ should set the appropriate colors (with premultiplied alpha) that
+ correspond to the specified device coordinates.
+ */
+ virtual void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor[], int count) = 0;
+ /** Called only for 16bit devices when getFlags() returns kOpaqueAlphaFlag | kHasSpan16_Flag
+ */
+ virtual void shadeSpan16(int x, int y, uint16_t[], int count);
+ /** Similar to shadeSpan, but only returns the alpha-channel for a span.
+ The default implementation calls shadeSpan() and then extracts the alpha
+ values from the returned colors.
+ */
+ virtual void shadeSpanAlpha(int x, int y, uint8_t alpha[], int count);
+ /** Helper function that returns true if this shader's shadeSpan16() method can
+ be called.
+ */
+ bool canCallShadeSpan16()
+ {
+ return SkShader::CanCallShadeSpan16(this->getFlags());
+ }
+ /** Helper to check the flags to know if it is legal to call shadeSpan16()
+ */
+ static bool CanCallShadeSpan16(uint32_t flags) {
+ return (flags & kHasSpan16_Flag) != 0;
+ }
+ /** Called before a session using the shader begins. Some shaders override
+ this to defer some of their work (like calling bitmap.lockPixels()).
+ Must be balanced by a call to endSession.
+ */
+ virtual void beginSession();
+ virtual void endSession();
+ /** Optional methods for shaders that can pretend to be a bitmap/texture
+ to play along with opengl. Default just returns false and ignores
+ the out parameters.
+ */
+ virtual bool asABitmap(SkBitmap* outTexture, SkMatrix* outMatrix,
+ TileMode xy[2]);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Factory methods for stock shaders
+ /** Call this to create a new shader that will draw with the specified bitmap.
+ @param src The bitmap to use inside the shader
+ @param tmx The tiling mode to use when sampling the bitmap in the x-direction.
+ @param tmy The tiling mode to use when sampling the bitmap in the y-direction.
+ @return Returns a new shader object. Note: this function never returns null.
+ */
+ static SkShader* CreateBitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src,
+ TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy);
+ virtual void flatten(SkFlattenableWriteBuffer& );
+ enum MatrixClass {
+ kLinear_MatrixClass, // no perspective
+ kFixedStepInX_MatrixClass, // fast perspective, need to call fixedStepInX() each scanline
+ kPerspective_MatrixClass // slow perspective, need to mappoints each pixel
+ };
+ static MatrixClass ComputeMatrixClass(const SkMatrix&);
+ // These can be called by your subclass after setContext() has been called
+ uint8_t getPaintAlpha() const { return fPaintAlpha; }
+ SkBitmap::Config getDeviceConfig() const { return (SkBitmap::Config)fDeviceConfig; }
+ const SkMatrix& getTotalInverse() const { return fTotalInverse; }
+ MatrixClass getInverseClass() const { return (MatrixClass)fTotalInverseClass; }
+ SkShader(SkFlattenableReadBuffer& );
+ SkMatrix* fLocalMatrix;
+ SkMatrix fTotalInverse;
+ uint8_t fPaintAlpha;
+ uint8_t fDeviceConfig;
+ uint8_t fTotalInverseClass;
+ SkDEBUGCODE(SkBool8 fInSession;)
+ static SkShader* CreateBitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src,
+ TileMode, TileMode,
+ void* storage, size_t storageSize);
+ friend class SkAutoBitmapShaderInstall;
+ typedef SkFlattenable INHERITED;