path: root/skia/include/SkView.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/include/SkView.h')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/include/SkView.h b/skia/include/SkView.h
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index 0000000..feb186d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/include/SkView.h
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+/* include/graphics/SkView.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkView_DEFINED
+#define SkView_DEFINED
+#include "SkEventSink.h"
+#include "SkRect.h"
+#include "SkDOM.h"
+#include "SkTDict.h"
+class SkCanvas;
+class SkLayerView;
+/** \class SkView
+ SkView is the base class for screen management. All widgets and controls inherit
+ from SkView.
+class SkView : public SkEventSink {
+ enum Flag_Shift {
+ kVisible_Shift,
+ kEnabled_Shift,
+ kFocusable_Shift,
+ kFlexH_Shift,
+ kFlexV_Shift,
+ kFlagShiftCount
+ };
+ enum Flag_Mask {
+ kVisible_Mask = 1 << kVisible_Shift, //!< set if the view is visible
+ kEnabled_Mask = 1 << kEnabled_Shift, //!< set if the view is enabled
+ kFocusable_Mask = 1 << kFocusable_Shift, //!< set if the view can receive focus
+ kFlexH_Mask = 1 << kFlexH_Shift, //!< set if the view's width is stretchable
+ kFlexV_Mask = 1 << kFlexV_Shift, //!< set if the view's height is stretchable
+ kAllFlagMasks = (uint32_t)(0 - 1) >> (32 - kFlagShiftCount)
+ };
+ SkView(uint32_t flags = 0);
+ virtual ~SkView();
+ /** Return the flags associated with the view
+ */
+ uint32_t getFlags() const { return fFlags; }
+ /** Set the flags associated with the view
+ */
+ void setFlags(uint32_t flags);
+ /** Helper that returns non-zero if the kVisible_Mask bit is set in the view's flags
+ */
+ int isVisible() const { return fFlags & kVisible_Mask; }
+ int isEnabled() const { return fFlags & kEnabled_Mask; }
+ int isFocusable() const { return fFlags & kFocusable_Mask; }
+ /** Helper to set/clear the view's kVisible_Mask flag */
+ void setVisibleP(bool);
+ void setEnabledP(bool);
+ void setFocusableP(bool);
+ /** Return the view's width */
+ SkScalar width() const { return fWidth; }
+ /** Return the view's height */
+ SkScalar height() const { return fHeight; }
+ /** Set the view's width and height. These must both be >= 0. This does not affect the view's loc */
+ void setSize(SkScalar width, SkScalar height);
+ void setSize(const SkPoint& size) { this->setSize(size.fX, size.fY); }
+ void setWidth(SkScalar width) { this->setSize(width, fHeight); }
+ void setHeight(SkScalar height) { this->setSize(fWidth, height); }
+ /** Return a rectangle set to [0, 0, width, height] */
+ void getLocalBounds(SkRect* bounds) const;
+ /** Return the view's left edge */
+ SkScalar locX() const { return fLoc.fX; }
+ /** Return the view's top edge */
+ SkScalar locY() const { return fLoc.fY; }
+ /** Set the view's left and top edge. This does not affect the view's size */
+ void setLoc(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
+ void setLoc(const SkPoint& loc) { this->setLoc(loc.fX, loc.fY); }
+ void setLocX(SkScalar x) { this->setLoc(x, fLoc.fY); }
+ void setLocY(SkScalar y) { this->setLoc(fLoc.fX, y); }
+ /** Offset (move) the view by the specified dx and dy. This does not affect the view's size */
+ void offset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
+ /** Call this to have the view draw into the specified canvas. */
+ void draw(SkCanvas* canvas);
+ /** Call this to invalidate part of all of a view, requesting that the view's
+ draw method be called. The rectangle parameter specifies the part of the view
+ that should be redrawn. If it is null, it specifies the entire view bounds.
+ */
+ void inval(SkRect* rectOrNull);
+ // Focus management
+ SkView* getFocusView() const;
+ bool hasFocus() const;
+ enum FocusDirection {
+ kNext_FocusDirection,
+ kPrev_FocusDirection,
+ kFocusDirectionCount
+ };
+ bool acceptFocus();
+ SkView* moveFocus(FocusDirection);
+ // Click handling
+ class Click {
+ public:
+ Click(SkView* target);
+ virtual ~Click();
+ const char* getType() const { return fType; }
+ bool isType(const char type[]) const;
+ void setType(const char type[]); // does NOT make a copy of the string
+ void copyType(const char type[]); // makes a copy of the string
+ enum State {
+ kDown_State,
+ kMoved_State,
+ kUp_State
+ };
+ SkPoint fOrig, fPrev, fCurr;
+ SkIPoint fIOrig, fIPrev, fICurr;
+ State fState;
+ private:
+ SkEventSinkID fTargetID;
+ char* fType;
+ bool fWeOwnTheType;
+ void resetType();
+ friend class SkView;
+ };
+ Click* findClickHandler(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
+ static void DoClickDown(Click*, int x, int y);
+ static void DoClickMoved(Click*, int x, int y);
+ static void DoClickUp(Click*, int x, int y);
+ /** Send the event to the view's parent, and its parent etc. until one of them
+ returns true from its onEvent call. This view is returned. If no parent handles
+ the event, null is returned.
+ */
+ SkView* sendEventToParents(const SkEvent&);
+ /** Depricated helper function. Just call event->post(sinkID, delay);
+ */
+ bool postEvent(SkEvent* evt, SkEventSinkID sinkID, SkMSec delay) { return evt->post(sinkID, delay); }
+ // View hierarchy management
+ /** Return the view's parent, or null if it has none. This does not affect the parent's reference count. */
+ SkView* getParent() const { return fParent; }
+ SkView* attachChildToFront(SkView* child);
+ /** Attach the child view to this view, and increment the child's reference count. The child view is added
+ such that it will be drawn before all other child views.
+ The child view parameter is returned.
+ */
+ SkView* attachChildToBack(SkView* child);
+ /** If the view has a parent, detach the view from its parent and decrement the view's reference count.
+ If the parent was the only owner of the view, this will cause the view to be deleted.
+ */
+ void detachFromParent();
+ /** Attach the child view to this view, and increment the child's reference count. The child view is added
+ such that it will be drawn after all other child views.
+ The child view parameter is returned.
+ */
+ /** Detach all child views from this view. */
+ void detachAllChildren();
+ /** Convert the specified point from global coordinates into view-local coordinates
+ */
+ void globalToLocal(SkPoint* pt) const { if (pt) this->globalToLocal(pt->fX, pt->fY, pt); }
+ /** Convert the specified x,y from global coordinates into view-local coordinates, returning
+ the answer in the local parameter.
+ */
+ void globalToLocal(SkScalar globalX, SkScalar globalY, SkPoint* local) const;
+ /** \class F2BIter
+ Iterator that will return each of this view's children, in
+ front-to-back order (the order used for clicking). The first
+ call to next() returns the front-most child view. When
+ next() returns null, there are no more child views.
+ */
+ class F2BIter {
+ public:
+ F2BIter(const SkView* parent);
+ SkView* next();
+ private:
+ SkView* fFirstChild, *fChild;
+ };
+ /** \class B2FIter
+ Iterator that will return each of this view's children, in
+ back-to-front order (the order they are drawn). The first
+ call to next() returns the back-most child view. When
+ next() returns null, there are no more child views.
+ */
+ class B2FIter {
+ public:
+ B2FIter(const SkView* parent);
+ SkView* next();
+ private:
+ SkView* fFirstChild, *fChild;
+ };
+ /** \class Artist
+ Install a subclass of this in a view (calling setArtist()), and then the
+ default implementation of that view's onDraw() will invoke this object
+ automatically.
+ */
+ class Artist : public SkRefCnt {
+ public:
+ void draw(SkView*, SkCanvas*);
+ void inflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*);
+ protected:
+ virtual void onDraw(SkView*, SkCanvas*) = 0;
+ virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*);
+ };
+ /** Return the artist attached to this view (or null). The artist's reference
+ count is not affected.
+ */
+ Artist* getArtist() const;
+ /** Attach the specified artist (or null) to the view, replacing any existing
+ artist. If the new artist is not null, its reference count is incremented.
+ The artist parameter is returned.
+ */
+ Artist* setArtist(Artist* artist);
+ /** \class Layout
+ Install a subclass of this in a view (calling setLayout()), and then the
+ default implementation of that view's onLayoutChildren() will invoke
+ this object automatically.
+ */
+ class Layout : public SkRefCnt {
+ public:
+ void layoutChildren(SkView* parent);
+ void inflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*);
+ protected:
+ virtual void onLayoutChildren(SkView* parent) = 0;
+ virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*);
+ };
+ /** Return the layout attached to this view (or null). The layout's reference
+ count is not affected.
+ */
+ Layout* getLayout() const;
+ /** Attach the specified layout (or null) to the view, replacing any existing
+ layout. If the new layout is not null, its reference count is incremented.
+ The layout parameter is returned.
+ */
+ Layout* setLayout(Layout*, bool invokeLayoutNow = true);
+ /** If a layout is attached to this view, call its layoutChildren() method
+ */
+ void invokeLayout();
+ /** Call this to initialize this view based on the specified XML node
+ */
+ void inflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
+ /** After a view hierarchy is inflated, this may be called with a dictionary
+ containing pairs of <name, view*>, where the name string was the view's
+ "id" attribute when it was inflated.
+ This will call the virtual onPostInflate for this view, and the recursively
+ call postInflate on all of the view's children.
+ */
+ void postInflate(const SkTDict<SkView*>& ids);
+ SkDEBUGCODE(void dump(bool recurse) const;)
+ /** Override this to draw inside the view. Be sure to call the inherited version too */
+ virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
+ /** Override this to be notified when the view's size changes. Be sure to call the inherited version too */
+ virtual void onSizeChange();
+ /** Override this if you want to handle an inval request from this view or one of its children.
+ Tyically this is only overridden by the by the "window". If your subclass does handle the
+ request, return true so the request will not continue to propogate to the parent.
+ */
+ virtual bool handleInval(const SkRect&);
+ virtual SkCanvas* beforeChildren(SkCanvas* c) { return c; }
+ virtual void afterChildren(SkCanvas* orig) {}
+ /** Override this if you might handle the click
+ */
+ virtual Click* onFindClickHandler(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
+ /** Override this to track clicks, returning true as long as you want to track
+ the pen/mouse.
+ */
+ virtual bool onClick(Click*);
+ /** Override this to initialize your subclass from the XML node. Be sure to call the inherited version too */
+ virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
+ /** Override this if you want to perform post initialization work based on the ID dictionary built
+ during XML parsing. Be sure to call the inherited version too.
+ */
+ virtual void onPostInflate(const SkTDict<SkView*>&);
+ // default action is to inval the view
+ virtual void onFocusChange(bool gainFocusP);
+ // override these if you're acting as a layer/host
+ virtual bool onGetFocusView(SkView**) const { return false; }
+ virtual bool onSetFocusView(SkView*) { return false; }
+ SkScalar fWidth, fHeight;
+ SkPoint fLoc;
+ SkView* fParent;
+ SkView* fFirstChild;
+ SkView* fNextSibling;
+ SkView* fPrevSibling;
+ uint8_t fFlags;
+ uint8_t fContainsFocus;
+ friend class B2FIter;
+ friend class F2BIter;
+ friend class SkLayerView;
+ bool setFocusView(SkView* fvOrNull);
+ SkView* acceptFocus(FocusDirection);
+ void detachFromParent_NoLayout();