path: root/skia/include/SkWidgetViews.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/include/SkWidgetViews.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/skia/include/SkWidgetViews.h b/skia/include/SkWidgetViews.h
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index 4dd8866..0000000
--- a/skia/include/SkWidgetViews.h
+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef SkWidgetViews_DEFINED
-#define SkWidgetViews_DEFINED
-#include "SkView.h"
-enum SkWidgetEnum {
- kBorder_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-border>
- kButton_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-button>
- kImage_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-image>
- kList_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-list>
- kProgress_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-progress>
- kScroll_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-scroll>
- kText_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-text>
- kWidgetEnumCount
-//determines which skin to use
-enum SkinEnum {
- kBorder_SkinEnum,
- kButton_SkinEnum,
- kProgress_SkinEnum,
- kScroll_SkinEnum,
- kStaticText_SkinEnum,
- kSkinEnumCount
-#include "SkAnimator.h"
-//used for inflates
-const char* get_skin_enum_path(SkinEnum se);
-void init_skin_anim(const char path[], SkAnimator* anim);
-void init_skin_anim(SkinEnum se, SkAnimator* anim);
-void init_skin_paint(SkinEnum se, SkPaint* paint);
-void inflate_paint(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node, SkPaint* paint);
-/** Given an enum value, return an instance of the specified widget.
- If the enum is out of range, returns null
-SkView* SkWidgetFactory(SkWidgetEnum);
-/** Given the inflate/element name of a widget, return an instance of
- the specified widget, or null if name does not match any known
- widget type.
-SkView* SkWidgetFactory(const char name[]);
-class SkWidgetView : public SkView {
- SkWidgetView();
- const char* getLabel() const;
- void getLabel(SkString* label) const;
- void setLabel(const char[]);
- void setLabel(const char[], size_t len);
- void setLabel(const SkString&);
- SkEvent& event() { return fEvent; }
- const SkEvent& event() const { return fEvent; }
- /** Returns true if the widget can post its event to its listeners.
- */
- bool postWidgetEvent();
- /** Returns the sinkID of the widgetview that posted the event, or 0
- */
- static SkEventSinkID GetWidgetEventSinkID(const SkEvent&);
- /** called when the label changes. override in subclasses. default action invals the view's bounds.
- called with the old and new labels, before the label has actually changed.
- */
- virtual void onLabelChange(const char oldLabel[], const char newLabel[]);
- /** called before posting the event to our listeners. Override to add slots to the event
- before posting. Return true to proceed with posting, or false to not post the event to any
- listener. Note: the event passed in may not be the same as calling this->event().
- Be sure to call your INHERITED method as well, so that all classes in the hierarchy get a shot
- at modifying the event (and possibly returning false to abort).
- */
- virtual bool onPrepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent* evt);
- // overrides
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- SkString fLabel;
- SkEvent fEvent;
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkButtonView : public SkWidgetView {
- // inflate: "sk-button"
- // overrides
- virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
-class SkCheckButtonView : public SkWidgetView {
- SkCheckButtonView();
- // inflate: "sk-checkbutton"
- enum CheckState {
- kOff_CheckState, //!< inflate: check-state="off"
- kOn_CheckState, //!< inflate: check-state="on"
- kUnknown_CheckState //!< inflate: check-state="unknown"
- };
- CheckState getCheckState() const { return (CheckState)fCheckState; }
- void setCheckState(CheckState);
- /** use this to extract the CheckState from an event (i.e. one that as posted
- by a SkCheckButtonView). Returns true if the proper slot was present in the event,
- and sets state to that value. If no proper slot is found, returns false and does not
- modify state.
- */
- static bool GetWidgetEventCheckState(const SkEvent&, CheckState* state);
- // called when the check-state is about to change, but before it actually has
- virtual void onCheckStateChange(CheckState oldState, CheckState newState);
- // overrides
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- virtual bool onPrepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent* evt);
- uint8_t fCheckState;
- typedef SkWidgetView INHERITED;
-#include "SkTextBox.h"
-class SkStaticTextView : public SkView {
- SkStaticTextView();
- virtual ~SkStaticTextView();
- enum Mode {
- kFixedSize_Mode,
- kAutoWidth_Mode,
- kAutoHeight_Mode,
- kModeCount
- };
- Mode getMode() const { return (Mode)fMode; }
- void setMode(Mode);
- SkTextBox::SpacingAlign getSpacingAlign() const { return (SkTextBox::SpacingAlign)fSpacingAlign; }
- void setSpacingAlign(SkTextBox::SpacingAlign);
- void getMargin(SkPoint* margin) const;
- void setMargin(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
- size_t getText(SkString* text = NULL) const;
- size_t getText(char text[] = NULL) const;
- void setText(const SkString&);
- void setText(const char text[]);
- void setText(const char text[], size_t len);
- void getPaint(SkPaint*) const;
- void setPaint(const SkPaint&);
- // overrides
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- SkPoint fMargin;
- SkString fText;
- SkPaint fPaint;
- uint8_t fMode;
- uint8_t fSpacingAlign;
- void computeSize();
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkAnimator;
-class SkListSource;
-class SkScrollBarView;
-class SkListView : public SkWidgetView {
- SkListView();
- virtual ~SkListView();
- bool hasScrollBar() const { return fScrollBar != NULL; }
- void setHasScrollBar(bool);
- /** Return the number of visible rows
- */
- int getVisibleRowCount() const { return fVisibleRowCount; }
- /** Return the index of the selected row, or -1 if none
- */
- int getSelection() const { return fCurrIndex; }
- /** Set the index of the selected row, or -1 for none
- */
- void setSelection(int);
- /** If possible, move the selection up and return true,
- else do nothing and return false
- If nothing is selected, select the last item (unless there are no items).
- */
- bool moveSelectionUp();
- /** If possible, move the selection down and return true,
- else do nothing and return false.
- If nothing is selected, select the first item (unless there are no items).
- */
- bool moveSelectionDown();
- SkListSource* getListSource() const { return fSource; }
- SkListSource* setListSource(SkListSource*);
- /** Call this in your event handler. If the specified event is from a SkListView,
- then it returns the index of the selected item in this list, otherwise it
- returns -1
- */
- static int GetWidgetEventListIndex(const SkEvent&);
- // overrides
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onSizeChange();
- virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
- virtual bool onPrepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent*);
- enum DirtyFlags {
- kAnimCount_DirtyFlag = 0x01,
- kAnimContent_DirtyFlag = 0x02
- };
- void dirtyCache(unsigned dirtyFlags);
- bool ensureCache();
- int logicalToVisualIndex(int index) const { return index - fScrollIndex; }
- void invalSelection();
- SkScalar getContentWidth() const;
- bool getRowRect(int index, SkRect*) const;
- void ensureSelectionIsVisible();
- void ensureVisibleRowCount();
- struct BindingRec;
- enum Heights {
- kNormal_Height,
- kSelected_Height
- };
- SkListSource* fSource;
- SkScrollBarView* fScrollBar;
- SkAnimator* fAnims;
- BindingRec* fBindings;
- SkString fSkinName;
- SkScalar fHeights[2];
- int16_t fScrollIndex, fCurrIndex;
- uint16_t fVisibleRowCount, fBindingCount;
- SkBool8 fAnimContentDirty;
- SkBool8 fAnimFocusDirty;
- typedef SkWidgetView INHERITED;
-class SkListSource : public SkRefCnt {
- virtual int countFields();
- virtual void getFieldName(int index, SkString* field);
- /** Return the index of the named field, or -1 if not found */
- virtual int findFieldIndex(const char field[]);
- virtual int countRecords();
- virtual void getRecord(int rowIndex, int fieldIndex, SkString* data);
- virtual bool prepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent*, int rowIndex);
- static SkListSource* Factory(const char name[]);