path: root/sync/engine/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sync/engine/')
1 files changed, 961 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sync/engine/ b/sync/engine/
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index 0000000..87b5647
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+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "sync/engine/non_blocking_type_processor_core.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "sync/engine/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
+#include "sync/engine/non_blocking_type_commit_contribution.h"
+#include "sync/engine/non_blocking_type_processor_interface.h"
+#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
+#include "sync/sessions/status_controller.h"
+#include "sync/syncable/syncable_util.h"
+#include "sync/util/time.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
+static const std::string kTypeParentId = "PrefsRootNodeID";
+namespace syncer {
+class NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest;
+namespace {
+class MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor : public NonBlockingTypeProcessorInterface {
+ public:
+ MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest* parent);
+ virtual ~MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor();
+ virtual void ReceiveCommitResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const CommitResponseDataList& response_list) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void ReceiveUpdateResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest* parent_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor);
+} // namespace
+// Tests the NonBlockingTypeProcessorCore.
+// This class passes messages between the model thread and sync server.
+// As such, its code is subject to lots of different race conditions. This
+// test harness lets us exhaustively test all possible races. We try to
+// focus on just a few interesting cases.
+// Inputs:
+// - Initial data type state from the model thread.
+// - Commit requests from the model thread.
+// - Update responses from the server.
+// - Commit responses from the server.
+// Outputs:
+// - Commit requests to the server.
+// - Commit responses to the model thread.
+// - Update responses to the model thread.
+// - Nudges to the sync scheduler.
+// We use the MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor to stub out all communication
+// with the model thread. That interface is synchronous, which makes it
+// much easier to test races.
+// The interface with the server is built around "pulling" data from this
+// class, so we don't have to mock out any of it. We wrap it with some
+// convenience functions to we can emulate server behavior.
+class NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest();
+ virtual ~NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest();
+ // One of these Initialize functions should be called at the beginning of
+ // each test.
+ // Initializes with no data type state. We will be unable to perform any
+ // significant server action until we receive an update response that
+ // contains the type root node for this type.
+ void FirstInitialize();
+ // Initializes with some existing data type state. Allows us to start
+ // committing items right away.
+ void NormalInitialize();
+ // Initialize with a custom initial DataTypeState.
+ void InitializeWithState(const DataTypeState& state);
+ // Modifications on the model thread that get sent to the core under test.
+ void CommitRequest(const std::string& tag, const std::string& value);
+ void DeleteRequest(const std::string& tag);
+ // Pretends to receive update messages from the server.
+ void TriggerTypeRootUpdateFromServer();
+ void TriggerUpdateFromServer(int64 version_offset,
+ const std::string& tag,
+ const std::string& value);
+ void TriggerTombstoneFromServer(int64 version_offset, const std::string& tag);
+ // Callbacks from the mock processor. Called when the |core_| tries to send
+ // messages to its associated processor on the model thread.
+ void OnModelThreadReceivedCommitResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const CommitResponseDataList& response_list);
+ void OnModelThreadReceivedUpdateResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list);
+ // By default, this harness behaves as if all tasks posted to the model
+ // thread are executed immediately. However, this is not necessarily true.
+ // The model's TaskRunner has a queue, and the tasks we post to it could
+ // linger there for a while. In the meantime, the model thread could
+ // continue posting tasks to the core based on its stale state.
+ //
+ // If you want to test those race cases, then these functions are for you.
+ void SetModelThreadIsSynchronous(bool is_synchronous);
+ void PumpModelThread();
+ // Returns true if the |core_| is ready to commit something.
+ bool WillCommit();
+ // Pretend to successfully commit all outstanding unsynced items.
+ // It is safe to call this only if WillCommit() returns true.
+ void DoSuccessfulCommit();
+ // Read commit messages the core_ sent to the emulated server.
+ size_t GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer() const;
+ sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage GetNthCommitMessageOnServer(size_t n) const;
+ // Read the latest version of sync entities committed to the emulated server.
+ bool HasCommitEntityOnServer(const std::string& tag) const;
+ sync_pb::SyncEntity GetLatestCommitEntityOnServer(
+ const std::string& tag) const;
+ // Read the latest update messages received on the model thread.
+ // Note that if the model thread is in non-blocking mode, this data will not
+ // be updated until the response is actually processed by the model thread.
+ size_t GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses() const;
+ UpdateResponseDataList GetNthModelThreadUpdateResponse(size_t n) const;
+ DataTypeState GetNthModelThreadUpdateState(size_t n) const;
+ // Reads the latest update response datas on the model thread.
+ // Note that if the model thread is in non-blocking mode, this data will not
+ // be updated until the response is actually processed by the model thread.
+ bool HasUpdateResponseOnModelThread(const std::string& tag) const;
+ UpdateResponseData GetUpdateResponseOnModelThread(
+ const std::string& tag) const;
+ // Read the latest commit messages received on the model thread.
+ // Note that if the model thread is in non-blocking mode, this data will not
+ // be updated until the response is actually processed by the model thread.
+ size_t GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses() const;
+ CommitResponseDataList GetNthModelThreadCommitResponse(size_t n) const;
+ DataTypeState GetNthModelThreadCommitState(size_t n) const;
+ // Reads the latest commit response datas on the model thread.
+ // Note that if the model thread is in non-blocking mode, this data will not
+ // be updated until the response is actually processed by the model thread.
+ bool HasCommitResponseOnModelThread(const std::string& tag) const;
+ CommitResponseData GetCommitResponseOnModelThread(
+ const std::string& tag) const;
+ // Helpers for building various messages and structures.
+ static std::string GenerateId(const std::string& tag_hash);
+ static std::string GenerateTagHash(const std::string& tag);
+ static sync_pb::EntitySpecifics GenerateSpecifics(const std::string& tag,
+ const std::string& value);
+ private:
+ // Get and set our emulated server state.
+ int64 GetServerVersion(const std::string& tag_hash);
+ void SetServerVersion(const std::string& tag_hash, int64 version);
+ // Get and set our emulated model thread state.
+ int64 GetCurrentSequenceNumber(const std::string& tag_hash) const;
+ int64 GetNextSequenceNumber(const std::string& tag_hash);
+ int64 GetModelVersion(const std::string& tag_hash) const;
+ void SetModelVersion(const std::string& tag_hash, int64 version);
+ // Receive a commit response in the emulated model thread.
+ //
+ // Kept in a separate Impl method so we can emulate deferred task processing.
+ // See SetModelThreadIsSynchronous() for details.
+ void ModelThreadReceiveCommitResponseImpl(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const CommitResponseDataList& response_list);
+ // Receive an update response in the emulated model thread.
+ //
+ // Kept in a separate Impl method so we can emulate deferred task processing.
+ // See SetModelThreadIsSynchronous() for details.
+ void ModelThreadReceiveUpdateResponseImpl(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list);
+ // Builds a fake progress marker for our response.
+ sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker GenerateResponseProgressMarker() const;
+ scoped_ptr<NonBlockingTypeProcessorCore> core_;
+ MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor* mock_processor_;
+ // Model thread state maps.
+ std::map<const std::string, int64> model_sequence_numbers_;
+ std::map<const std::string, int64> model_base_versions_;
+ // Server state maps.
+ std::map<const std::string, int64> server_versions_;
+ // Logs of messages sent to the server. Used in assertions.
+ std::map<const std::string, sync_pb::SyncEntity> committed_items_;
+ std::vector<sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage> commit_messages_;
+ // State related to emulation of the model thread's task queue. Used to
+ // defer model thread work to simulate a full model thread task runner queue.
+ bool model_thread_is_synchronous_;
+ std::vector<base::Closure> model_thread_tasks_;
+ // A cache of messages sent to the model thread.
+ std::vector<CommitResponseDataList> commit_responses_to_model_thread_;
+ std::vector<UpdateResponseDataList> updates_responses_to_model_thread_;
+ std::vector<DataTypeState> updates_states_to_model_thread_;
+ std::vector<DataTypeState> commit_states_to_model_thread_;
+ // A cache of the latest responses on the model thread, by client tag.
+ std::map<const std::string, CommitResponseData>
+ model_thread_commit_response_items_;
+ std::map<const std::string, UpdateResponseData>
+ model_thread_update_response_items_;
+// These had to wait until the class definition of
+// NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest
+ NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest* parent)
+ : parent_(parent) {
+MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor::~MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor() {
+void MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor::ReceiveCommitResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const CommitResponseDataList& response_list) {
+ parent_->OnModelThreadReceivedCommitResponse(type_state, response_list);
+void MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor::ReceiveUpdateResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list) {
+ parent_->OnModelThreadReceivedUpdateResponse(type_state, response_list);
+ : model_thread_is_synchronous_(true) {
+NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::~NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest() {
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::FirstInitialize() {
+ DataTypeState initial_state;
+ initial_state.progress_marker.set_data_type_id(
+ GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(PREFERENCES));
+ initial_state.next_client_id = 0;
+ InitializeWithState(initial_state);
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::NormalInitialize() {
+ DataTypeState initial_state;
+ initial_state.progress_marker.set_data_type_id(
+ GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(PREFERENCES));
+ initial_state.progress_marker.set_token("some_saved_progress_token");
+ initial_state.next_client_id = 10;
+ initial_state.type_root_id = kTypeParentId;
+ initial_state.initial_sync_done = true;
+ InitializeWithState(initial_state);
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::InitializeWithState(
+ const DataTypeState& state) {
+ DCHECK(!core_);
+ // We don't get to own this interace. The |core_| keeps a scoped_ptr to it.
+ mock_processor_ = new MockNonBlockingTypeProcessor(this);
+ scoped_ptr<NonBlockingTypeProcessorInterface> interface(mock_processor_);
+ core_.reset(
+ new NonBlockingTypeProcessorCore(PREFERENCES, state, interface.Pass()));
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::CommitRequest(const std::string& tag,
+ const std::string& value) {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ const int64 base_version = GetModelVersion(tag_hash);
+ CommitRequestData data;
+ // Initial commits don't have IDs. Everything else does.
+ if (base_version > kUncommittedVersion) {
+ = GenerateId(tag_hash);
+ }
+ data.client_tag_hash = tag_hash;
+ data.sequence_number = GetNextSequenceNumber(tag_hash);
+ data.base_version = base_version;
+ data.ctime = base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
+ data.mtime = data.ctime + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(base_version);
+ data.non_unique_name = tag;
+ data.deleted = false;
+ data.specifics = GenerateSpecifics(tag, value);
+ CommitRequestDataList list;
+ list.push_back(data);
+ core_->EnqueueForCommit(list);
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::DeleteRequest(const std::string& tag) {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ const int64 base_version = GetModelVersion(tag_hash);
+ CommitRequestData data;
+ // Requests to commit server-unknown items don't have IDs.
+ // We'll never send a deletion for a server-unknown item, but the model is
+ // allowed to request that we do.
+ if (base_version > kUncommittedVersion) {
+ = GenerateId(tag_hash);
+ }
+ data.client_tag_hash = tag_hash;
+ data.sequence_number = GetNextSequenceNumber(tag_hash);
+ data.base_version = base_version;
+ data.ctime = base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
+ data.client_tag_hash = tag_hash;
+ data.mtime = data.ctime + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(base_version);
+ data.deleted = true;
+ CommitRequestDataList list;
+ list.push_back(data);
+ core_->EnqueueForCommit(list);
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::TriggerTypeRootUpdateFromServer() {
+ sync_pb::SyncEntity entity;
+ entity.set_id_string(kTypeParentId);
+ entity.set_parent_id_string("r");
+ entity.set_version(1000);
+ entity.set_ctime(TimeToProtoTime(base::Time::UnixEpoch()));
+ entity.set_mtime(TimeToProtoTime(base::Time::UnixEpoch()));
+ entity.set_server_defined_unique_tag(ModelTypeToRootTag(PREFERENCES));
+ entity.set_deleted(false);
+ AddDefaultFieldValue(PREFERENCES, entity.mutable_specifics());
+ const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress =
+ GenerateResponseProgressMarker();
+ const sync_pb::DataTypeContext blank_context;
+ sessions::StatusController dummy_status;
+ SyncEntityList entity_list;
+ entity_list.push_back(&entity);
+ core_->ProcessGetUpdatesResponse(
+ progress, blank_context, entity_list, &dummy_status);
+ core_->ApplyUpdates(&dummy_status);
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::TriggerUpdateFromServer(
+ int64 version_offset,
+ const std::string& tag,
+ const std::string& value) {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ int64 old_version = GetServerVersion(tag_hash);
+ int64 version = old_version + version_offset;
+ if (version > old_version) {
+ SetServerVersion(tag_hash, version);
+ }
+ sync_pb::SyncEntity entity;
+ entity.set_id_string(GenerateId(tag_hash));
+ entity.set_parent_id_string(kTypeParentId);
+ entity.set_version(version);
+ base::Time ctime = base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
+ base::Time mtime = ctime + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(version);
+ entity.set_ctime(TimeToProtoTime(ctime));
+ entity.set_mtime(TimeToProtoTime(mtime));
+ entity.set_name(tag);
+ entity.set_client_defined_unique_tag(GenerateTagHash(tag));
+ entity.set_deleted(false);
+ entity.mutable_specifics()->CopyFrom(GenerateSpecifics(tag, value));
+ SyncEntityList entity_list;
+ entity_list.push_back(&entity);
+ const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress =
+ GenerateResponseProgressMarker();
+ const sync_pb::DataTypeContext blank_context;
+ sessions::StatusController dummy_status;
+ core_->ProcessGetUpdatesResponse(
+ progress, blank_context, entity_list, &dummy_status);
+ core_->ApplyUpdates(&dummy_status);
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::TriggerTombstoneFromServer(
+ int64 version_offset,
+ const std::string& tag) {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ int64 old_version = GetServerVersion(tag_hash);
+ int64 version = old_version + version_offset;
+ if (version > old_version) {
+ SetServerVersion(tag_hash, version);
+ }
+ UpdateResponseData data;
+ = GenerateId(tag_hash);
+ data.client_tag_hash = tag_hash;
+ data.response_version = version;
+ data.ctime = base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
+ data.mtime = data.ctime + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(version);
+ data.non_unique_name = tag;
+ data.deleted = true;
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::OnModelThreadReceivedCommitResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const CommitResponseDataList& response_list) {
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::ModelThreadReceiveCommitResponseImpl,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ type_state,
+ response_list);
+ model_thread_tasks_.push_back(task);
+ if (model_thread_is_synchronous_)
+ PumpModelThread();
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::OnModelThreadReceivedUpdateResponse(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list) {
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::ModelThreadReceiveUpdateResponseImpl,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ type_state,
+ response_list);
+ model_thread_tasks_.push_back(task);
+ if (model_thread_is_synchronous_)
+ PumpModelThread();
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::SetModelThreadIsSynchronous(
+ bool is_synchronous) {
+ model_thread_is_synchronous_ = is_synchronous;
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::PumpModelThread() {
+ for (std::vector<base::Closure>::iterator it = model_thread_tasks_.begin();
+ it != model_thread_tasks_.end();
+ ++it) {
+ it->Run();
+ }
+ model_thread_tasks_.clear();
+bool NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::WillCommit() {
+ scoped_ptr<CommitContribution> contribution(core_->GetContribution(INT_MAX));
+ if (contribution) {
+ contribution->CleanUp(); // Gracefully abort the commit.
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+// Conveniently, this is all one big synchronous operation. The sync thread
+// remains blocked while the commit is in progress, so we don't need to worry
+// about other tasks being run between the time when the commit request is
+// issued and the time when the commit response is received.
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::DoSuccessfulCommit() {
+ DCHECK(WillCommit());
+ scoped_ptr<CommitContribution> contribution(core_->GetContribution(INT_MAX));
+ sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage message;
+ contribution->AddToCommitMessage(&message);
+ commit_messages_.push_back(message);
+ sync_pb::ClientToServerResponse response;
+ sync_pb::CommitResponse* commit_response = response.mutable_commit();
+ const RepeatedPtrField<sync_pb::SyncEntity>& entries =
+ message.commit().entries();
+ for (RepeatedPtrField<sync_pb::SyncEntity>::const_iterator it =
+ entries.begin();
+ it != entries.end();
+ ++it) {
+ const std::string tag_hash = it->client_defined_unique_tag();
+ committed_items_[tag_hash] = *it;
+ // Every commit increments the version number.
+ int64 version = GetServerVersion(tag_hash);
+ version++;
+ SetServerVersion(tag_hash, version);
+ sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse* entryresponse =
+ commit_response->add_entryresponse();
+ entryresponse->set_response_type(sync_pb::CommitResponse::SUCCESS);
+ entryresponse->set_id_string(GenerateId(tag_hash));
+ entryresponse->set_parent_id_string(it->parent_id_string());
+ entryresponse->set_version(version);
+ entryresponse->set_name(it->name());
+ entryresponse->set_mtime(it->mtime());
+ }
+ sessions::StatusController dummy_status;
+ contribution->ProcessCommitResponse(response, &dummy_status);
+ contribution->CleanUp();
+size_t NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer() const {
+ return commit_messages_.size();
+NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNthCommitMessageOnServer(size_t n) const {
+ DCHECK_LT(n, GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer());
+ return commit_messages_[n];
+bool NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::HasCommitEntityOnServer(
+ const std::string& tag) const {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ std::map<const std::string, sync_pb::SyncEntity>::const_iterator it =
+ committed_items_.find(tag_hash);
+ return it != committed_items_.end();
+ const std::string& tag) const {
+ DCHECK(HasCommitEntityOnServer(tag));
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ std::map<const std::string, sync_pb::SyncEntity>::const_iterator it =
+ committed_items_.find(tag_hash);
+ return it->second;
+size_t NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses()
+ const {
+ return updates_responses_to_model_thread_.size();
+ size_t n) const {
+ DCHECK(GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses());
+ return updates_responses_to_model_thread_[n];
+DataTypeState NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNthModelThreadUpdateState(
+ size_t n) const {
+ DCHECK(GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses());
+ return updates_states_to_model_thread_[n];
+bool NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::HasUpdateResponseOnModelThread(
+ const std::string& tag) const {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ std::map<const std::string, UpdateResponseData>::const_iterator it =
+ model_thread_update_response_items_.find(tag_hash);
+ return it != model_thread_update_response_items_.end();
+ const std::string& tag) const {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ DCHECK(HasUpdateResponseOnModelThread(tag));
+ std::map<const std::string, UpdateResponseData>::const_iterator it =
+ model_thread_update_response_items_.find(tag_hash);
+ return it->second;
+size_t NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses()
+ const {
+ return commit_responses_to_model_thread_.size();
+ size_t n) const {
+ DCHECK(GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses());
+ return commit_responses_to_model_thread_[n];
+DataTypeState NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNthModelThreadCommitState(
+ size_t n) const {
+ DCHECK(GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses());
+ return commit_states_to_model_thread_[n];
+bool NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::HasCommitResponseOnModelThread(
+ const std::string& tag) const {
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ std::map<const std::string, CommitResponseData>::const_iterator it =
+ model_thread_commit_response_items_.find(tag_hash);
+ return it != model_thread_commit_response_items_.end();
+ const std::string& tag) const {
+ DCHECK(HasCommitResponseOnModelThread(tag));
+ const std::string tag_hash = GenerateTagHash(tag);
+ std::map<const std::string, CommitResponseData>::const_iterator it =
+ model_thread_commit_response_items_.find(tag_hash);
+ return it->second;
+std::string NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GenerateId(
+ const std::string& tag_hash) {
+ return "FakeId:" + tag_hash;
+std::string NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GenerateTagHash(
+ const std::string& tag) {
+ const std::string& client_tag_hash =
+ syncable::GenerateSyncableHash(PREFERENCES, tag);
+ return client_tag_hash;
+sync_pb::EntitySpecifics NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GenerateSpecifics(
+ const std::string& tag,
+ const std::string& value) {
+ sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
+ specifics.mutable_preference()->set_name(tag);
+ specifics.mutable_preference()->set_value(value);
+ return specifics;
+int64 NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetServerVersion(
+ const std::string& tag_hash) {
+ std::map<const std::string, int64>::const_iterator it;
+ it = server_versions_.find(tag_hash);
+ // Server versions do not necessarily start at 1 or 0.
+ if (it == server_versions_.end()) {
+ return 2048;
+ } else {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::SetServerVersion(
+ const std::string& tag_hash,
+ int64 version) {
+ server_versions_[tag_hash] = version;
+// Fetches the sequence number as of the most recent update request.
+int64 NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetCurrentSequenceNumber(
+ const std::string& tag_hash) const {
+ std::map<const std::string, int64>::const_iterator it =
+ model_sequence_numbers_.find(tag_hash);
+ if (it == model_sequence_numbers_.end()) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+// The model thread should be sending us items with strictly increasing
+// sequence numbers. Here's where we emulate that behavior.
+int64 NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetNextSequenceNumber(
+ const std::string& tag_hash) {
+ int64 sequence_number = GetCurrentSequenceNumber(tag_hash);
+ sequence_number++;
+ model_sequence_numbers_[tag_hash] = sequence_number;
+ return sequence_number;
+// Fetches the model's base version.
+int64 NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GetModelVersion(
+ const std::string& tag_hash) const {
+ std::map<const std::string, int64>::const_iterator it =
+ model_base_versions_.find(tag_hash);
+ if (it == model_base_versions_.end()) {
+ return kUncommittedVersion;
+ } else {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::SetModelVersion(
+ const std::string& tag_hash,
+ int64 version) {
+ model_base_versions_[tag_hash] = version;
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::ModelThreadReceiveCommitResponseImpl(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const CommitResponseDataList& response_list) {
+ commit_responses_to_model_thread_.push_back(response_list);
+ commit_states_to_model_thread_.push_back(type_state);
+ for (CommitResponseDataList::const_iterator it = response_list.begin();
+ it != response_list.end();
+ ++it) {
+ model_thread_commit_response_items_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(it->client_tag_hash, *it));
+ // Server wins. Set the model's base version.
+ SetModelVersion(it->client_tag_hash, it->response_version);
+ }
+void NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::ModelThreadReceiveUpdateResponseImpl(
+ const DataTypeState& type_state,
+ const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list) {
+ updates_responses_to_model_thread_.push_back(response_list);
+ updates_states_to_model_thread_.push_back(type_state);
+ for (UpdateResponseDataList::const_iterator it = response_list.begin();
+ it != response_list.end();
+ ++it) {
+ model_thread_update_response_items_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(it->client_tag_hash, *it));
+ // Server wins. Set the model's base version.
+ SetModelVersion(it->client_tag_hash, it->response_version);
+ }
+NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest::GenerateResponseProgressMarker() const {
+ sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker progress;
+ progress.set_data_type_id(PREFERENCES);
+ progress.set_token("non_null_progress_token");
+ return progress;
+// Requests a commit and verifies the messages sent to the client and server as
+// a result.
+// This test performs sanity checks on most of the fields in these messages.
+// For the most part this is checking that the test code behaves as expected
+// and the |core_| doesn't mess up its simple task of moving around these
+// values. It makes sense to have one or two tests that are this thorough, but
+// we shouldn't be this verbose in all tests.
+TEST_F(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest, SimpleCommit) {
+ NormalInitialize();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(WillCommit());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses());
+ CommitRequest("tag1", "value1");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WillCommit());
+ DoSuccessfulCommit();
+ const std::string& client_tag_hash = GenerateTagHash("tag1");
+ // Exhaustively verify the SyncEntity sent in the commit message.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNthCommitMessageOnServer(0).commit().entries_size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitEntityOnServer("tag1"));
+ const sync_pb::SyncEntity& entity = GetLatestCommitEntityOnServer("tag1");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entity.id_string().empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kTypeParentId, entity.parent_id_string());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kUncommittedVersion, entity.version());
+ EXPECT_NE(0, entity.mtime());
+ EXPECT_NE(0, entity.ctime());
+ EXPECT_EQ("tag1",;
+ EXPECT_EQ(client_tag_hash, entity.client_defined_unique_tag());
+ EXPECT_EQ("tag1", entity.specifics().preference().name());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entity.deleted());
+ EXPECT_EQ("value1", entity.specifics().preference().value());
+ // Exhaustively verify the commit response returned to the model thread.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, GetNthModelThreadCommitResponse(0).size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitResponseOnModelThread("tag1"));
+ const CommitResponseData& commit_response =
+ GetCommitResponseOnModelThread("tag1");
+ // The ID changes in a commit response to initial commit.
+ EXPECT_NE(entity.id_string(),;
+ EXPECT_EQ(client_tag_hash, commit_response.client_tag_hash);
+ EXPECT_LT(0, commit_response.response_version);
+TEST_F(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest, SimpleDelete) {
+ NormalInitialize();
+ // We can't delete an entity that was never committed.
+ // Step 1 is to create and commit a new entity.
+ CommitRequest("tag1", "value1");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WillCommit());
+ DoSuccessfulCommit();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitResponseOnModelThread("tag1"));
+ const CommitResponseData& initial_commit_response =
+ GetCommitResponseOnModelThread("tag1");
+ int64 base_version = initial_commit_response.response_version;
+ // Now that we have an entity, we can delete it.
+ DeleteRequest("tag1");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WillCommit());
+ DoSuccessfulCommit();
+ // Verify the SyncEntity sent in the commit message.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNthCommitMessageOnServer(1).commit().entries_size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitEntityOnServer("tag1"));
+ const sync_pb::SyncEntity& entity = GetLatestCommitEntityOnServer("tag1");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entity.id_string().empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GenerateTagHash("tag1"), entity.client_defined_unique_tag());
+ EXPECT_EQ(base_version, entity.version());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entity.deleted());
+ // Deletions should contain enough specifics to identify the type.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entity.has_specifics());
+ EXPECT_EQ(PREFERENCES, GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(entity.specifics()));
+ // Verify the commit response returned to the model thread.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, GetNthModelThreadCommitResponse(1).size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitResponseOnModelThread("tag1"));
+ const CommitResponseData& commit_response =
+ GetCommitResponseOnModelThread("tag1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(entity.id_string(),;
+ EXPECT_EQ(entity.client_defined_unique_tag(),
+ commit_response.client_tag_hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entity.version(), commit_response.response_version);
+// The server doesn't like it when we try to delete an entity it's never heard
+// of before. This test helps ensure we avoid that scenario.
+TEST_F(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest, NoDeleteUncommitted) {
+ NormalInitialize();
+ // Request the commit of a new, never-before-seen item.
+ CommitRequest("tag1", "value1");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(WillCommit());
+ // Request a deletion of that item before we've had a chance to commit it.
+ DeleteRequest("tag1");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(WillCommit());
+// Verifies the sending of an "initial sync done" signal.
+TEST_F(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest, SendInitialSyncDone) {
+ FirstInitialize(); // Initialize with no saved sync state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses());
+ // Receive an update response that contains only the type root node.
+ TriggerTypeRootUpdateFromServer();
+ // Two updates:
+ // - One triggered by process updates to forward the type root ID.
+ // - One triggered by apply updates, which the core interprets to mean
+ // "initial sync done". This triggers a model thread update, too.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses());
+ // The type root and initial sync done updates both contain no entities.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, GetNthModelThreadUpdateResponse(0).size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, GetNthModelThreadUpdateResponse(1).size());
+ const DataTypeState& state = GetNthModelThreadUpdateState(1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(state.progress_marker.token().empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(state.type_root_id.empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state.initial_sync_done);
+// Commit two new entities in two separate commit messages.
+TEST_F(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest, TwoNewItemsCommittedSeparately) {
+ NormalInitialize();
+ // Commit the first of two entities.
+ CommitRequest("tag1", "value1");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WillCommit());
+ DoSuccessfulCommit();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNthCommitMessageOnServer(0).commit().entries_size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitEntityOnServer("tag1"));
+ const sync_pb::SyncEntity& tag1_entity =
+ GetLatestCommitEntityOnServer("tag1");
+ // Commit the second of two entities.
+ CommitRequest("tag2", "value2");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WillCommit());
+ DoSuccessfulCommit();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, GetNumCommitMessagesOnServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNthCommitMessageOnServer(1).commit().entries_size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasCommitEntityOnServer("tag2"));
+ const sync_pb::SyncEntity& tag2_entity =
+ GetLatestCommitEntityOnServer("tag2");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(WillCommit());
+ // The IDs assigned by the |core_| should be unique.
+ EXPECT_NE(tag1_entity.id_string(), tag2_entity.id_string());
+ // Check that the committed specifics values are sane.
+ EXPECT_EQ(tag1_entity.specifics().preference().value(), "value1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(tag2_entity.specifics().preference().value(), "value2");
+ // There should have been two separate commit responses sent to the model
+ // thread. They should be uninteresting, so we don't bother inspecting them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, GetNumModelThreadCommitResponses());
+TEST_F(NonBlockingTypeProcessorCoreTest, ReceiveUpdates) {
+ NormalInitialize();
+ const std::string& tag_hash = GenerateTagHash("tag1");
+ TriggerUpdateFromServer(10, "tag1", "value1");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, GetNumModelThreadUpdateResponses());
+ UpdateResponseDataList updates_list = GetNthModelThreadUpdateResponse(0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, updates_list.size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(HasUpdateResponseOnModelThread("tag1"));
+ UpdateResponseData update = GetUpdateResponseOnModelThread("tag1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(tag_hash, update.client_tag_hash);
+ EXPECT_LT(0, update.response_version);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update.ctime.is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update.mtime.is_null());
+ EXPECT_EQ("tag1", update.non_unique_name);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update.deleted);
+ EXPECT_EQ("tag1", update.specifics.preference().name());
+ EXPECT_EQ("value1", update.specifics.preference().value());
+} // namespace syncer