path: root/sync/syncable/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sync/syncable/')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sync/syncable/ b/sync/syncable/
index f58f54f..6b6b8a2 100644
--- a/sync/syncable/
+++ b/sync/syncable/
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ DirOpenResult SyncableDirectoryTest::ReopenDirectory() {
DirOpenResult open_result =
dir_->Open(kDirectoryName, &delegate_, NullTransactionObserver());
+ if (open_result != OPENED) {
+ dir_.reset();
+ }
return open_result;
@@ -1221,6 +1226,38 @@ TEST_F(SyncableDirectoryTest, PositionWithNullSurvivesSaveAndReload) {
+// Any item with BOOKMARKS in their local specifics should have a valid local
+// unique position. If there is an item in the loaded DB that does not match
+// this criteria, we consider the whole DB to be corrupt.
+TEST_F(SyncableDirectoryTest, BadPositionCountsAsCorruption) {
+ TestIdFactory id_factory;
+ {
+ WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
+ MutableEntry parent(&trans, CREATE, BOOKMARKS, id_factory.root(), "parent");
+ parent.PutIsDir(true);
+ parent.PutIsUnsynced(true);
+ // The code is littered with DCHECKs that try to stop us from doing what
+ // we're about to do. Our work-around is to create a bookmark based on
+ // a server update, then update its local specifics without updating its
+ // local unique position.
+ MutableEntry child(
+ &trans, CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM, id_factory.MakeServer("child"));
+ sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
+ AddDefaultFieldValue(BOOKMARKS, &specifics);
+ child.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
+ child.PutSpecifics(specifics);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child.ShouldMaintainPosition());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!child.GetUniquePosition().IsValid());
+ }
TEST_F(SyncableDirectoryTest, General) {
int64 written_metahandle;
const Id id = TestIdFactory::FromNumber(99);