path: root/testing/gmock/test/
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1 files changed, 112 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/testing/gmock/test/ b/testing/gmock/test/
index e770901..3541eef 100644
--- a/testing/gmock/test/
+++ b/testing/gmock/test/
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ bool SkipPrefix(const char* prefix, const char** pstr);
namespace gmock_matchers_test {
using std::stringstream;
+using std::tr1::make_tuple;
using testing::A;
+using testing::AllArgs;
using testing::AllOf;
using testing::An;
using testing::AnyOf;
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ using testing::StrEq;
using testing::StrNe;
using testing::Truly;
using testing::TypedEq;
+using testing::Value;
using testing::_;
using testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher;
using testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescriptionSyntaxError;
@@ -1333,7 +1336,7 @@ TEST(Eq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
// Tests that Eq() describes itself properly.
TEST(Eq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Eq();
- EXPECT_EQ("argument #0 is equal to argument #1", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair (x, y) where x == y", Describe(m));
// Tests that Ge() matches a 2-tuple where the first field >= the
@@ -1348,8 +1351,7 @@ TEST(Ge2Test, MatchesGreaterThanOrEqualArguments) {
// Tests that Ge() describes itself properly.
TEST(Ge2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ge();
- EXPECT_EQ("argument #0 is greater than or equal to argument #1",
- Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair (x, y) where x >= y", Describe(m));
// Tests that Gt() matches a 2-tuple where the first field > the
@@ -1364,7 +1366,7 @@ TEST(Gt2Test, MatchesGreaterThanArguments) {
// Tests that Gt() describes itself properly.
TEST(Gt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Gt();
- EXPECT_EQ("argument #0 is greater than argument #1", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair (x, y) where x > y", Describe(m));
// Tests that Le() matches a 2-tuple where the first field <= the
@@ -1379,8 +1381,7 @@ TEST(Le2Test, MatchesLessThanOrEqualArguments) {
// Tests that Le() describes itself properly.
TEST(Le2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Le();
- EXPECT_EQ("argument #0 is less than or equal to argument #1",
- Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair (x, y) where x <= y", Describe(m));
// Tests that Lt() matches a 2-tuple where the first field < the
@@ -1395,7 +1396,7 @@ TEST(Lt2Test, MatchesLessThanArguments) {
// Tests that Lt() describes itself properly.
TEST(Lt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Lt();
- EXPECT_EQ("argument #0 is less than argument #1", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair (x, y) where x < y", Describe(m));
// Tests that Ne() matches a 2-tuple where the first field != the
@@ -1410,7 +1411,7 @@ TEST(Ne2Test, MatchesUnequalArguments) {
// Tests that Ne() describes itself properly.
TEST(Ne2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ne();
- EXPECT_EQ("argument #0 is not equal to argument #1", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair (x, y) where x != y", Describe(m));
// Tests that Not(m) matches any value that doesn't match m.
@@ -1670,6 +1671,54 @@ TEST(MatchesTest, WorksWithMatcherOnNonRefType) {
+// Tests Value(value, matcher). Since Value() is a simple wrapper for
+// Matches(), which has been tested already, we don't spend a lot of
+// effort on testing Value().
+TEST(ValueTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Value("hi", StartsWith("h")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Value(5, Gt(10)));
+TEST(ValueTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
+ const Matcher<int> is_zero = Eq(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Value(0, is_zero));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Value('a', is_zero));
+ int n = 0;
+ const Matcher<const int&> ref_n = Ref(n);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Value(n, ref_n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Value(1, ref_n));
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksForTuple) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(1, 2L), AllArgs(Lt()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(2L, 1), Not(AllArgs(Lt())));
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksForNonTuple) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(42, AllArgs(Gt(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT('a', Not(AllArgs(Eq('b'))));
+class AllArgsHelper {
+ public:
+ MOCK_METHOD2(Helper, int(char x, int y));
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksInWithClause) {
+ AllArgsHelper helper;
+ ON_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _))
+ .With(AllArgs(Lt()))
+ .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _))
+ .With(AllArgs(Gt()))
+ .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, helper.Helper('\1', 2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, helper.Helper('a', 1));
// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
// matches the matcher.
TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsSatisfied) {
@@ -2765,9 +2814,7 @@ TEST(ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableValueInMatchers) {
// different element types.
template <typename T>
-class ContainerEqTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
+class ContainerEqTest : public testing::Test {};
typedef testing::Types<
@@ -2901,6 +2948,60 @@ TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForMaps) {
Explain(m, test_map));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ int a1[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ int a2[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ int b[] = { 1, 2, 4 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ContainerEq(a2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, Not(ContainerEq(b)));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ const char a1[][3] = { "hi", "lo" };
+ const char a2[][3] = { "hi", "lo" };
+ const char b[][3] = { "lo", "hi" };
+ // Tests using ContainerEq() in the first dimension.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ContainerEq(a2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, Not(ContainerEq(b)));
+ // Tests using ContainerEq() in the second dimension.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ElementsAre(ContainerEq(a2[0]), ContainerEq(a2[1])));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ElementsAre(Not(ContainerEq(b[0])), ContainerEq(a2[1])));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a1[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ const int a2[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ const int b[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
+ const int* const p1 = a1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(p1, 3), ContainerEq(a2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(p1, 3), Not(ContainerEq(b)));
+ const int c[] = { 1, 3, 2 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(p1, 3), Not(ContainerEq(c)));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, CopiesNativeArrayParameter) {
+ std::string a1[][3] = {
+ { "hi", "hello", "ciao" },
+ { "bye", "see you", "ciao" }
+ };
+ std::string a2[][3] = {
+ { "hi", "hello", "ciao" },
+ { "bye", "see you", "ciao" }
+ };
+ const Matcher<const std::string(&)[2][3]> m = ContainerEq(a2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, m);
+ a2[0][0] = "ha";
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, m);
// Tests GetParamIndex().
TEST(GetParamIndexTest, WorksForEmptyParamList) {