path: root/third_party/cld/base/callback.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/cld/base/callback.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/cld/base/callback.h b/third_party/cld/base/callback.h
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index d4f4644..0000000
--- a/third_party/cld/base/callback.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Callback classes provides a generic interface for classes requiring
-// callback from other classes.
-// We support callbacks with 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 arguments.
-// Closure -- provides "void Run()"
-// Callback1<T1> -- provides "void Run(T1)"
-// Callback2<T1,T2> -- provides "void Run(T1, T2)"
-// Callback3<T1,T2,T3> -- provides "void Run(T1, T2, T3)"
-// Callback4<T1,T2,T3,T4> -- provides "void Run(T1, T2, T3, T4)"
-// In addition, ResultCallback classes provide a generic interface for
-// callbacks that return a value.
-// ResultCallback<R> -- provides "R Run()"
-// ResultCallback1<R,T1> -- provides "R Run(T1)"
-// ResultCallback2<R,T1,T2> -- provides "R Run(T1, T2)"
-// ResultCallback3<R,T1,T2,T3> -- provides "R Run(T1, T2, T3)"
-// ResultCallback4<R,T1,T2,T3,T4> -- provides "R Run(T1, T2, T3, T4)"
-// We provide a convenient mechanism, NewCallback, for generating one of these
-// callbacks given an object pointer, a pointer to a member
-// function with the appropriate signature in that object's class,
-// and some optional arguments that can be bound into the callback
-// object. The mechanism also works with just a function pointer.
-// Note: there are two types of arguments passed to the callback method:
-// * "pre-bound arguments" - supplied when the callback object is created
-// * "call-time arguments" - supplied when the callback object is invoked
-// These two types correspond to "early binding" and "late
-// binding". An argument whose value is known when the callback is
-// created ("early") can be pre-bound (a.k.a. "Curried"), You can
-// combine pre-bound and call-time arguments in different ways. For
-// example, invoking a callback with 3 pre-bound arguments and 1
-// call-time argument will have the same effect as invoking a callback
-// with 2 pre-bound arguments and 2 call-time arguments, or 4
-// pre-bound arguments and no call-time arguments. This last case is
-// often useful; a callback with no call-time arguments is a Closure;
-// these are used in many places in the Google libraries, e.g., "done"
-// closures. See the examples below.
-// WARNING: In the current implementation (or perhaps with the current
-// compiler) NewCallback() is pickier about the types of pre-bound arguments
-// than you might expect. The types must match exactly, rather than merely
-// being compatible.
-// For example, if you pre-bind an argument with the "const" specifier,
-// make sure that the actual parameter passed to NewCallback also has the
-// const specifier. If you don't you'll get an error about
-// passing a your function "as argument 1 of NewCallback(void (*)())".
-// Using a method or function that has reference arguments among its pre-bound
-// arguments may not always work.
-// Examples:
-// void Call0(Closure* cb) { cb->Run(); }
-// void Call1(Callback1<int>* cb, int a) { cb->Run(a); }
-// void Call2(Callback2<int, float>* cb, int a, float f) { cb->Run(a, f); }
-// float Call3(ResultCallback1<float, int>* cb, int a) { return cb->Run(a); }
-// class Foo {
-// public:
-// void A(int a);
-// void B(int a, float f);
-// void C(const char* label, int a, float f);
-// float D(int a);
-// };
-// void F0(int a);
-// void F1(int a, float f);
-// void F2(const char *label, int a, float f);
-// float F3(int a);
-// float v;
-// // Run stuff immediately
-// // calling a method
-// Foo* foo = new Foo;
-// NewCallback(foo, &Foo::A) ->Run(10); // 0 [pre-bound] + 1 [call-time]
-// == NewCallback(foo, &Foo::A, 10) ->Run(); // 1 + 0
-// == foo->A(10);
-// NewCallback(foo, &Foo::B) ->Run(10, 3.0f); // 0 + 2
-// == NewCallback(foo, &Foo::B, 10) ->Run(3.0f); // 1 + 1
-// == NewCallback(foo, &Foo::B, 10, 3.0f) ->Run(); // 2 + 0
-// == foo->B(10, 3.0f);
-// NewCallback(foo, &Foo::C) ->Run("Y", 10, 3.0f); // 0 + 3
-// == NewCallback(foo, &Foo::C, "Y") ->Run(10, 3.0f); // 1 + 2
-// == NewCallback(foo, &Foo::C, "Y", 10) ->Run(3.0f); // 2 + 1
-// == NewCallback(foo, &Foo::C, "Y", 10, 3.0f) ->Run(); // 3 + 0
-// == foo->C("Y", 10, 3.0f);
-// v = NewCallback(foo, &Foo::D) ->Run(10); == v = foo->D(10)
-// // calling a function
-// NewCallback(F0) ->Run(10); // == F0(10) // 0 + 1
-// NewCallback(F0, 10) ->Run(); // == F0(10) // 1 + 0
-// NewCallback(F1) ->Run(10, 3.0f); // == F1(10, 3.0f)
-// NewCallback(F2, "X") ->Run(10, 3.0f); // == F2("X", 10, 3.0f)
-// NewCallback(F2, "Y") ->Run(10, 3.0f); // == F2("Y", 10, 3.0f)
-// v = NewCallback(F3) ->Run(10); // == v = F3(10)
-// // Pass callback object to somebody else, who runs it.
-// // Calling a method:
-// Call1(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::A), 10); // 0 + 1
-// == Call0(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::A, 10) ); // 1 + 0
-// == foo->A(10)
-// Call2(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::B), 10, 3.0f); // 0 + 2
-// == Call1(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::B, 10), 3.0f); // 1 + 1
-// == Call0(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::B, 10, 30.f) ); // 2 + 0
-// == foo->B(10, 3.0f)
-// Call2(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::C, "X"), 10, 3.0f); == foo->C("X", 10, 3.0f)
-// Call2(NewCallback(foo, &Foo::C, "Y"), 10, 3.0f); == foo->C("Y", 10, 3.0f)
-// // Calling a function:
-// Call1(NewCallback(F0), 10); // 0 + 1
-// == Call0(NewCallback(F0, 10) ); // 1 + 0
-// == F0(10);
-// Call2(NewCallback(F1), 10, 3.0f); // == F1(10, 3.0f)
-// Call2(NewCallback(F2, "X"), 10, 3.0f); // == F2("X", 10, 3.0f)
-// Call2(NewCallback(F2, "Y"), 10, 3.0f); // == F2("Y", 10, 3.0f)
-// v = Call3(NewCallback(F3), 10); // == v = F3(10)
-// Example of a "done" closure:
-// SelectServer ss;
-// Closure* done = NewCallback(&ss, &SelectServer::MakeLoopExit);
-// ProcessMyControlFlow(..., done);
-// ss.Loop();
-// ...
-// The following WILL NOT WORK:
-// NewCallback(F2, (char *) "Y") ->Run(10, 3.0f);
-// It gets the error:
-// passing `void (*)(const char *, int, float)' as argument 1 of
-// `NewCallback(void (*)())'
-// The problem is that "char *" is not an _exact_ match for
-// "const char *", even though it's normally a legal implicit
-// conversion.
-// The callback objects generated by NewCallback are self-deleting:
-// i.e., they call the member function, and then delete themselves.
-// If you want a callback that does not delete itself every time
-// it runs, use "NewPermanentCallback" instead of "NewCallback".
-// All the callback/closure classes also provide
-// virtual void CheckIsRepeatable() const;
-// It crashes if (we know for sure that) the callback's Run method
-// can not be called an arbitrary number of times (including 0).
-// It crashes for all NewCallback() generated callbacks,
-// does not crash for NewPermanentCallback() generated callbacks,
-// and although by default it does not crash for all callback-derived classes,
-// for these new types of callbacks, the callback writer is encouraged to
-// redefine this method appropriately.
-// CAVEAT: Interfaces that accept callback pointers should clearly document
-// if they might call Run methods of those callbacks multiple times
-// (and use "c->CheckIsRepeatable();" as an active precondition check),
-// or if they call the callbacks exactly once or potentially not at all,
-// as well as if they take ownership of the passed callbacks
-// (i.e. might manually deallocate them without calling their Run methods).
-// The clients can then provide properly allocated and behaving callbacks
-// (e.g. choose between NewCallback, NewPermanentCallback, or a custom object).
-// Obviously, one should also be careful to ensure that the data a callback
-// points to and needs for its Run method is still live when
-// the Run method might be called.
-// -------------------------------
-// It frees service providers from depending on service requestors by
-// calling a generic callback other than a callback which depends on
-// the service requestor (typically its member function). As a
-// result, service provider classes can be developed independently.
-// Typical usage: Suppose class A wants class B to do something and
-// notify A when it is done. As part of the notification, it wants
-// to be given a boolean that says what happened.
-// class A {
-// public:
-// void RequestService(B* server) {
-// ...
-// server->StartService(NewCallback(this, &A::ServiceDone), other_args));
-// // the new callback deletes itself after it runs
-// }
-// void ServiceDone(bool status) {...}
-// };
-// Class B {
-// public:
-// void StartService(Callback1<bool>* cb, other_args) : cb_(cb) { ...}
-// void FinishService(bool result) { ...; cb_->Run(result); }
-// private:
-// Callback1<bool>* cb_;
-// };
-// As can be seen, B is completely independent of A. (Of course, they
-// have to agree on callback data type.)
-// The result of NewCallback() is thread-compatible. The result of
-// NewPermanentCallback() is thread-safe if the call its Run() method
-// represents is thread-safe and thread-compatible otherwise.
-// Other modules associated with callbacks may be found in //util/callback
-// ---------------------------------
-// Callbacks generated by NewCallback() automatically propagate trace
-// context. Callbacks generated by NewPermanentCallback() do not. For
-// manually-derived subclasses of Closure and CallbackN, you may decide
-// to propagate TraceContext as follows.
-// struct MyClosure : public Closure {
-// MyClosure()
-// : Closure(TraceContext::THREAD) { }
-// void Run() {
-// TraceContext *tc = TraceContext::Thread();
-// tc->Swap(&trace_context_);
-// DoMyOperation()
-// tc->Swap(&trace_context_);
-// delete this;
-// }
-// };
-#ifndef _CALLBACK_H_
-#define _CALLBACK_H_
-#include <functional>
-// The actual callback classes and various NewCallback() implementations
-// are automatically generated by base/
-// We include that output here.
-#include "base/callback-specializations.h"
-// A new barrier closure executes another closure after it has been
-// invoked N times, and then deletes itself.
-// If "N" is zero, the supplied closure is executed immediately.
-// Barrier closures are thread-safe. They use an atomic operation to
-// guarantee a correct count.
-// REQUIRES N >= 0.
-extern Closure* NewBarrierClosure(int N, Closure* done_closure);
-// Function that does nothing; can be used to make new no-op closures:
-// NewCallback(&DoNothing)
-// NewPermanentCallback(&DoNothing)
-// This is a replacement for the formerly available TheNoopClosure() primitive.
-extern void DoNothing();
-// AutoClosureRunner executes a closure upon deletion. This class
-// is similar to scoped_ptr: it is typically stack-allocated and can be
-// used to perform some type of cleanup upon exiting a block.
-// Note: use of AutoClosureRunner with Closures that must be executed at
-// specific points is discouraged, since the point at which the Closure
-// executes is not explicitly marked. For example, consider a Closure
-// that should execute after a mutex has been released. The following
-// code looks correct, but executes the Closure too early (before release):
-// {
-// MutexLock l(...);
-// AutoClosureRunner r(run_after_unlock);
-// ...
-// }
-// AutoClosureRunner is primarily intended for cleanup operations that
-// are relatively independent from other code.
-// The Reset() method replaces the callback with a new callback. The new
-// callback can be supplied as NULL to disable the AutoClosureRunner. This is
-// intended as part of a strategy to execute a callback at all exit points of a
-// method except where Reset() was called. This method must be used only with
-// non-permanent callbacks. The Release() method disables and returns the
-// callback, instead of deleting it.
-class AutoClosureRunner {
- private:
- Closure* closure_;
- public:
- explicit AutoClosureRunner(Closure* c) : closure_(c) {}
- ~AutoClosureRunner() { if (closure_) closure_->Run(); }
- void Reset(Closure *c) { delete closure_; closure_ = c; }
- Closure* Release() { Closure* c = closure_; closure_ = NULL; return c; }
- private:
-// DeletePointerClosure can be used to create a closure that calls delete
-// on a pointer. Here is an example:
-// thread->Add(DeletePointerClosure(expensive_to_delete));
-template<typename T>
-void DeletePointer(T* p) {
- delete p;
-template<typename T>
-Closure* DeletePointerClosure(T* p) {
- return NewCallback(&DeletePointer<T>, p);
-#endif /* _CALLBACK_H_ */