path: root/third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h')
1 files changed, 651 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h b/third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h
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index 0000000..79cfab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h
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+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef _GPSD_GPS_H_
+#define _GPSD_GPS_H_
+/* gps.h -- interface of the libgps library */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <inttypes.h> /* stdint.h would be smaller but not all have it */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#ifndef S_SPLINT_S
+#include <pthread.h> /* pacifies OpenBSD's compiler */
+#define MAXTAGLEN 8 /* maximum length of sentence tag name */
+#define MAXCHANNELS 20 /* maximum GPS channels (*not* satellites!) */
+#define SIRF_CHANNELS 12 /* max channels allowed in SiRF format */
+#define GPS_PRNMAX 32 /* above this number are SBAS satellites */
+ * The structure describing an uncertainty volume in kinematic space.
+ * This is what GPSes are meant to produce; all the other info is
+ * technical impedimenta.
+ *
+ * All double values use NAN to indicate data not available.
+ *
+ * Usually all the information in this structure was considered valid
+ * by the GPS at the time of update. This will be so if you are using
+ * a GPS chipset that speaks SiRF binary, Garmin binary, or Zodiac binary.
+ * This covers over 80% of GPS products in early 2005.
+ *
+ * If you are using a chipset that speaks NMEA, this structure is updated
+ * in bits by GPRMC (lat/lon, track, speed), GPGGA (alt, climb), GPGLL
+ * (lat/lon), and GPGSA (eph, epv). Most NMEA GPSes take a single fix
+ * at the beginning of a 1-second cycle and report the same timestamp in
+ * GPRMC, GPGGA, and GPGLL; for these, all info is guaranteed correctly
+ * synced to the time member, but you'll get different stages of the same
+ * update depending on where in the cycle you poll. A very few GPSes,
+ * like the Garmin 48, take a new fix before more than one of of
+ * GPRMC/GPGGA/GPGLL during a single cycle; thus, they may have different
+ * timestamps and some data in this structure can be up to 1 cycle (usually
+ * 1 second) older than the fix time.
+ *
+ * Error estimates are at 95% confidence.
+ */
+struct gps_fix_t {
+ double time; /* Time of update, seconds since Unix epoch */
+ int mode; /* Mode of fix */
+#define MODE_NOT_SEEN 0 /* mode update not seen yet */
+#define MODE_NO_FIX 1 /* none */
+#define MODE_2D 2 /* good for latitude/longitude */
+#define MODE_3D 3 /* good for altitude/climb too */
+ double ept; /* Expected time uncertainty */
+ double latitude; /* Latitude in degrees (valid if mode >= 2) */
+ double longitude; /* Longitude in degrees (valid if mode >= 2) */
+ double eph; /* Horizontal position uncertainty, meters */
+ double altitude; /* Altitude in meters (valid if mode == 3) */
+ double epv; /* Vertical position uncertainty, meters */
+ double track; /* Course made good (relative to true north) */
+ double epd; /* Track uncertainty, degrees */
+ double speed; /* Speed over ground, meters/sec */
+ double eps; /* Speed uncertainty, meters/sec */
+ double climb; /* Vertical speed, meters/sec */
+ double epc; /* Vertical speed uncertainty */
+ * From the RCTM104 2.x standard:
+ *
+ * "The 30 bit words (as opposed to 32 bit words) coupled with a 50 Hz
+ * transmission rate provides a convenient timing capability where the
+ * times of word boundaries are a rational multiple of 0.6 seconds."
+ *
+ * "Each frame is N+2 words long, where N is the number of message data
+ * words. For example, a filler message (type 6 or 34) with no message
+ * data will have N=0, and will consist only of two header words. The
+ * maximum number of data words allowed by the format is 31, so that
+ * the longest possible message will have a total of 33 words."
+ */
+#define RTCM2_WORDS_MAX 33
+#define MAXCORRECTIONS 18 /* max correction count in type 1 or 9 */
+#define MAXSTATIONS 10 /* maximum stations in almanac, type 5 */
+/* RTCM104 doesn't specify this, so give it the largest reasonable value */
+#ifndef S_SPLINT_S
+ * A nominally 30-bit word (24 bits of data, 6 bits of parity)
+ * used both in the GPS downlink protocol described in IS-GPS-200
+ * and in the format for DGPS corrections used in RTCM-104v2.
+ */
+typedef /*@unsignedintegraltype@*/ uint32_t isgps30bits_t;
+#endif /* S_SPLINT_S */
+ typedef enum {gps, glonass, galileo, unknown} navsystem;
+struct rtcm2_t {
+ /* header contents */
+ unsigned type; /* RTCM message type */
+ unsigned length; /* length (words) */
+ double zcount; /* time within hour: GPS time, no leap secs */
+ unsigned refstaid; /* reference station ID */
+ unsigned seqnum; /* message sequence number (modulo 8) */
+ unsigned stathlth; /* station health */
+ /* message data in decoded form */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int nentries;
+ struct rangesat_t { /* data from messages 1 & 9 */
+ unsigned ident; /* satellite ID */
+ unsigned udre; /* user diff. range error */
+ unsigned issuedata; /* issue of data */
+ double rangerr; /* range error */
+ double rangerate; /* range error rate */
+ } ranges;
+ struct { /* data for type 3 messages */
+ bool valid; /* is message well-formed? */
+ double x, y, z;
+ } ecef;
+ struct { /* data from type 4 messages */
+ bool valid; /* is message well-formed? */
+ navsystem system;
+ enum {local, global, invalid} sense;
+ char datum[6];
+ double dx, dy, dz;
+ } reference;
+ struct { /* data from type 5 messages */
+ unsigned int nentries;
+ struct consat_t {
+ unsigned ident; /* satellite ID */
+ bool iodl; /* issue of data */
+ unsigned int health; /* is satellite healthy? */
+#define HEALTH_NORMAL (0) /* Radiobeacon operation normal */
+#define HEALTH_UNMONITORED (1) /* No integrity monitor operating */
+#define HEALTH_NOINFO (2) /* No information available */
+#define HEALTH_DONOTUSE (3) /* Do not use this radiobeacon */
+ int snr; /* signal-to-noise ratio, dB */
+#define SNR_BAD -1 /* not reported */
+ unsigned int health_en; /* health enabled */
+ bool new_data; /* new data? */
+ bool los_warning; /* line-of-sight warning */
+ unsigned int tou; /* time to unhealth, seconds */
+ } sat[MAXHEALTH];
+ } conhealth;
+ struct { /* data from type 7 messages */
+ unsigned int nentries;
+ struct station_t {
+ double latitude, longitude; /* location */
+ unsigned int range; /* range in km */
+ double frequency; /* broadcast freq */
+ unsigned int health; /* station health */
+ unsigned int station_id; /* of the transmitter */
+ unsigned int bitrate; /* of station transmissions */
+ } station[MAXSTATIONS];
+ } almanac;
+ /* data from type 16 messages */
+ char message[(RTCM2_WORDS_MAX-2) * sizeof(isgps30bits_t)];
+ /* data from messages of unknown type */
+ isgps30bits_t words[RTCM2_WORDS_MAX-2];
+ } msg_data;
+/* RTCM3 report structures begin here */
+struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr { /* header data from 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 */
+ /* Used for both GPS and GLONASS, but their timebases differ */
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ time_t tow; /* GPS Epoch Time (TOW) in ms,
+ or GLONASS Epoch Time in ms */
+ bool sync; /* Synchronous GNSS Message Flag */
+ ushort satcount; /* # Satellite Signals Processed */
+ bool smoothing; /* Divergence-free Smoothing Indicator */
+ ushort interval; /* Smoothing Interval */
+struct rtcm3_basic_rtk {
+ unsigned char indicator; /* Indicator */
+ unsigned char channel; /* Satellite Frequency Channel Number
+ (GLONASS only) */
+ double pseudorange; /* Pseudorange */
+ double rangediff; /* PhaseRange – Pseudorange in meters */
+ unsigned char locktime; /* Lock time Indicator */
+struct rtcm3_extended_rtk {
+ unsigned char indicator; /* Indicator */
+ unsigned char channel; /* Satellite Frequency Channel Number
+ (GLONASS only) */
+ double pseudorange; /* Pseudorange */
+ double rangediff; /* PhaseRange – L1 Pseudorange */
+ unsigned char locktime; /* Lock time Indicator */
+ unsigned char ambiguity; /* Integer Pseudorange
+ Modulus Ambiguity */
+ double CNR; /* Carrier-to-Noise Ratio */
+struct rtcm3_network_rtk_header {
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int network_id; /* Network ID */
+ unsigned int subnetwork_id; /* Subnetwork ID */
+ time_t time; /* GPS Epoch Time (TOW) in ms */
+ bool multimesg; /* GPS Multiple Message Indicator */
+ unsigned master_id; /* Master Reference Station ID */
+ unsigned aux_id; /* Auxilary Reference Station ID */
+ unsigned char satcount; /* count of GPS satellites */
+struct rtcm3_correction_diff {
+ unsigned char ident; /* satellite ID */
+ enum {reserved, correct, widelane, uncertain} ambiguity;
+ unsigned char nonsync;
+ double geometric_diff; /* Geometric Carrier Phase
+ Correction Difference (1016, 1017) */
+ unsigned char iode; /* GPS IODE (1016, 1017) */
+ double ionospheric_diff; /* Ionospheric Carrier Phase
+ Correction Difference (1015, 1017) */
+struct rtcm3_t {
+ /* header contents */
+ unsigned type; /* RTCM 3.x message type */
+ unsigned length; /* payload length, inclusive of checksum */
+ union {
+ /* 1001-1013 were present in the 3.0 version */
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_basic_rtk L1;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1001;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L1;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1002;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_basic_rtk L1;
+ struct rtcm3_basic_rtk L2;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1003;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L1;
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L2;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1004;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ navsystem system; /* Which system is it? */
+ bool reference_station; /* Reference-station indicator */
+ bool single_receiver; /* Single Receiver Oscillator */
+ double ecef_x, ecef_y, ecef_z; /* ECEF antenna location */
+ } rtcm3_1005;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ navsystem system; /* Which system is it? */
+ bool reference_station; /* Reference-station indicator */
+ bool single_receiver; /* Single Receiver Oscillator */
+ double ecef_x, ecef_y, ecef_z; /* ECEF antenna location */
+ double height; /* Antenna height */
+ } rtcm3_1006;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ char descriptor[RTCM3_MAX_DESCRIPTOR+1]; /* Description string */
+ unsigned char setup_id;
+ } rtcm3_1007;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ char descriptor[RTCM3_MAX_DESCRIPTOR+1]; /* Description string */
+ unsigned char setup_id;
+ char serial[RTCM3_MAX_DESCRIPTOR+1]; /* Serial # string */
+ } rtcm3_1008;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_basic_rtk L1;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1009;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L1;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1010;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L1;
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L2;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1011;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_rtk_hdr header;
+ struct {
+ unsigned ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L1;
+ struct rtcm3_extended_rtk L2;
+ } rtk_data[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1012;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ unsigned short mjd; /* Modified Julian Day (MJD) Number */
+ unsigned int sod; /* Seconds of Day (UTC) */
+ unsigned char leapsecs; /* Leap Seconds, GPS-UTC */
+ unsigned char ncount; /* Count of announcements to follow */
+ struct {
+ unsigned short id;
+ bool sync;
+ unsigned short interval;
+ } announcements[RTCM3_MAX_ANNOUNCEMENTS];
+ } rtcm3_1013;
+ /* 1014-1017 were added in the 3.1 version */
+ struct {
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int network_id; /* Network ID */
+ unsigned int subnetwork_id; /* Subnetwork ID */
+ unsigned char stationcount; /* # auxiliary stations transmitted */
+ unsigned int master_id; /* Master Reference Station ID */
+ unsigned int aux_id; /* Auxilary Reference Station ID */
+ double d_lat, d_lon, d_alt; /* Aux-master location delta */
+ } rtcm3_1014;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_network_rtk_header header;
+ struct rtcm3_correction_diff corrections[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1015;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_network_rtk_header header;
+ struct rtcm3_correction_diff corrections[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1016;
+ struct {
+ struct rtcm3_network_rtk_header header;
+ struct rtcm3_correction_diff corrections[RTCM3_MAX_SATELLITES];
+ } rtcm3_1017;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ unsigned int week; /* GPS Week Number */
+ unsigned char sv_accuracy; /* GPS SV ACCURACY */
+ enum {reserved_code, p, ca, l2c} code;
+ double idot;
+ unsigned char iode;
+ /* ephemeris fields, not scaled */
+ unsigned int t_sub_oc;
+ signed int a_sub_f2;
+ signed int a_sub_f1;
+ signed int a_sub_f0;
+ unsigned int iodc;
+ signed int C_sub_rs;
+ signed int delta_sub_n;
+ signed int M_sub_0;
+ signed int C_sub_uc;
+ unsigned int e;
+ signed int C_sub_us;
+ unsigned int sqrt_sub_A;
+ unsigned int t_sub_oe;
+ signed int C_sub_ic;
+ signed int OMEGA_sub_0;
+ signed int C_sub_is;
+ signed int i_sub_0;
+ signed int C_sub_rc;
+ signed int argument_of_perigee;
+ signed int omegadot;
+ signed int t_sub_GD;
+ unsigned char sv_health;
+ bool p_data;
+ bool fit_interval;
+ } rtcm3_1019;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int ident; /* Satellite ID */
+ unsigned short channel; /* Satellite Frequency Channel Number */
+ /* ephemeris fields, not scaled */
+ bool C_sub_n;
+ bool health_avAilability_indicator;
+ unsigned char P1;
+ unsigned short t_sub_k;
+ bool msb_of_B_sub_n;
+ bool P2;
+ bool t_sub_b;
+ signed int x_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b_prime;
+ signed int x_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b;
+ signed int x_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b_prime_prime;
+ signed int y_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b_prime;
+ signed int y_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b;
+ signed int y_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b_prime_prime;
+ signed int z_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b_prime;
+ signed int z_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b;
+ signed int z_sub_n_t_of_t_sub_b_prime_prime;
+ bool P3;
+ signed int gamma_sub_n_of_t_sub_b;
+ unsigned char MP;
+ bool Ml_n;
+ signed int tau_n_of_t_sub_b;
+ signed int M_delta_tau_sub_n;
+ unsigned int E_sub_n;
+ bool MP4;
+ unsigned char MF_sub_T;
+ unsigned char MN_sub_T;
+ unsigned char MM;
+ bool additioinal_data_availability;
+ unsigned int N_sup_A;
+ unsigned int tau_sub_c;
+ unsigned int M_N_sub_4;
+ signed int M_tau_sub_GPS;
+ bool M_l_sub_n;
+ } rtcm3_1020;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int msgnum; /* Message number */
+ unsigned int station_id; /* Reference Station ID */
+ unsigned short mjd; /* Modified Julian Day (MJD) Number */
+ unsigned int sod; /* Seconds of Day (UTC) */
+ unsigned char len; /* # Chars to follow */
+ unsigned char unicode_units;
+ unsigned char text[128];
+ } rtcm3_1029;
+ } rtcmtypes;
+typedef /*@unsignedintegraltype@*/ unsigned int gps_mask_t;
+struct gps_data_t {
+ gps_mask_t set; /* has field been set since this was last cleared? */
+#define ONLINE_SET 0x00000001u
+#define TIME_SET 0x00000002u
+#define TIMERR_SET 0x00000004u
+#define LATLON_SET 0x00000008u
+#define ALTITUDE_SET 0x00000010u
+#define SPEED_SET 0x00000020u
+#define TRACK_SET 0x00000040u
+#define CLIMB_SET 0x00000080u
+#define STATUS_SET 0x00000100u
+#define MODE_SET 0x00000200u
+#define HDOP_SET 0x00000400u
+#define VDOP_SET 0x00000800u
+#define PDOP_SET 0x00001000u
+#define TDOP_SET 0x00002000u
+#define GDOP_SET 0x00004000u
+#define HERR_SET 0x00008000u
+#define VERR_SET 0x00010000u
+#define PERR_SET 0x00020000u
+#define SATELLITE_SET 0x00040000u
+#define PSEUDORANGE_SET 0x00080000u
+#define USED_SET 0x00100000u
+#define SPEEDERR_SET 0x00200000u
+#define TRACKERR_SET 0x00400000u
+#define CLIMBERR_SET 0x00800000u
+#define DEVICE_SET 0x01000000u
+#define DEVICELIST_SET 0x02000000u
+#define DEVICEID_SET 0x04000000u
+#define ERROR_SET 0x08000000u
+#define CYCLE_START_SET 0x10000000u
+#define RTCM2_SET 0x20000000u
+#define RTCM3_SET 0x40000000u
+ double online; /* NZ if GPS is on line, 0 if not.
+ *
+ * Note: gpsd clears this flag when sentences
+ * fail to show up within the GPS's normal
+ * send cycle time. If the host-to-GPS
+ * link is lossy enough to drop entire
+ * sentences, this flag will be
+ * prone to false negatives.
+ */
+ struct gps_fix_t fix; /* accumulated PVT data */
+ double separation; /* Geoidal separation, MSL - WGS84 (Meters) */
+ /* GPS status -- always valid */
+ int status; /* Do we have a fix? */
+#define STATUS_NO_FIX 0 /* no */
+#define STATUS_FIX 1 /* yes, without DGPS */
+#define STATUS_DGPS_FIX 2 /* yes, with DGPS */
+ /* precision of fix -- valid if satellites_used > 0 */
+ int satellites_used; /* Number of satellites used in solution */
+ int used[MAXCHANNELS]; /* PRNs of satellites used in solution */
+ double pdop, hdop, vdop, tdop, gdop; /* Dilution of precision */
+ /* redundant with the estimate elments in the fix structure */
+ double epe; /* spherical position error, 95% confidence (meters) */
+ /* satellite status -- valid when satellites > 0 */
+ int satellites; /* # of satellites in view */
+ int PRN[MAXCHANNELS]; /* PRNs of satellite */
+ int elevation[MAXCHANNELS]; /* elevation of satellite */
+ int azimuth[MAXCHANNELS]; /* azimuth */
+ int ss[MAXCHANNELS]; /* signal-to-noise ratio (dB) */
+#if 0 /* not yet used or filled in */
+ /* measurement data */
+ double pseudorange[MAXCHANNELS]; /* meters */
+ double deltarange[MAXCHANNELS]; /* meters/sec */
+ double doppler[MAXCHANNELS]; /* Hz */
+ unsigned satstat[MAXCHANNELS]; /* tracking status */
+#define SAT_ACQUIRED 0x01 /* satellite acquired */
+#define SAT_CODE_TRACK 0x02 /* code-tracking loop acquired */
+#define SAT_CARR_TRACK 0x04 /* carrier-tracking loop acquired */
+#define SAT_DATA_SYNC 0x08 /* data-bit synchronization done */
+#define SAT_FRAME_SYNC 0x10 /* frame synchronization done */
+#define SAT_EPHEMERIS 0x20 /* ephemeris collected */
+#define SAT_FIX_USED 0x40 /* used for position fix */
+#if defined(TNT_ENABLE) || defined(OCEANSERVER_ENABLE)
+ /* compass status -- TrueNorth (and any similar) devices only */
+ char headingStatus;
+ char pitchStatus;
+ char rollStatus;
+ double horzField; /* Magnitude of horizontal magnetic field */
+ double magnetic_length; /* unitvector sqrt(x^2 + y^2 +z^2) */
+ double magnetic_field_x;
+ double magnetic_field_y;
+ double magnetic_field_z;
+ double acceleration_length; /* unitvector sqrt(x^2 + y^2 +z^2) */
+ double acceleration_field_x;
+ double acceleration_field_y;
+ double acceleration_field_z;
+ double gyro_output_x;
+ double gyro_output_y;
+ double temperature;
+ /* where and what gpsd thinks the device is */
+ char gps_device[PATH_MAX]; /* only valid if non-null. */
+ char *gps_id; /* only valid if non-null. */
+ unsigned int baudrate, parity, stopbits; /* RS232 link parameters */
+ unsigned int driver_mode; /* whether driver is in native mode or not */
+ /* RTCM-104 data */
+ struct rtcm2_t rtcm2;
+ struct rtcm3_t rtcm3;
+ /* device list */
+ int ndevices; /* count of available devices */
+ char **devicelist; /* list of pathnames */
+ /* profiling data for last sentence */
+ bool profiling; /* profiling enabled? */
+ char tag[MAXTAGLEN+1]; /* tag of last sentence processed */
+ size_t sentence_length; /* character count of last sentence */
+ double sentence_time; /* sentence timestamp */
+ double d_xmit_time; /* beginning of sentence transmission */
+ double d_recv_time; /* daemon receipt time (-> E1+T1) */
+ double d_decode_time; /* daemon end-of-decode time (-> D1) */
+ double poll_time; /* daemon poll time (-> W) */
+ double emit_time; /* emission time (-> E2) */
+ double c_recv_time; /* client receipt time (-> T2) */
+ double c_decode_time; /* client end-of-decode time (-> D2) */
+ double cycle, mincycle; /* refresh cycle time in seconds */
+ /* these members are private */
+ int gps_fd; /* socket or file descriptor to GPS */
+ void (*raw_hook)(struct gps_data_t *, char *, size_t len, int level);/* Raw-mode hook for GPS data. */
+ void (*thread_hook)(struct gps_data_t *, char *, size_t len, int level);/* Thread-callback hook for GPS data. */
+extern /*@null@*/ struct gps_data_t *gps_open(const char *host, const char *port);
+int gps_close(struct gps_data_t *);
+int gps_query(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, const char *fmt, ... );
+int gps_poll(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata);
+void gps_set_raw_hook(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, void (*hook)(struct gps_data_t *sentence, char *buf, size_t len, int level));
+int gps_set_callback(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, void (*callback)(struct gps_data_t *sentence, char *buf, size_t len, int level), pthread_t *handler);
+int gps_del_callback(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, pthread_t *handler);
+enum unit {unspecified, imperial, nautical, metric};
+enum unit gpsd_units(void);
+enum deg_str_type { deg_dd, deg_ddmm, deg_ddmmss };
+extern /*@observer@*/ char *deg_to_str( enum deg_str_type type, double f);
+extern void gps_clear_fix(/*@ out @*/struct gps_fix_t *);
+extern void gps_merge_fix(/*@ out @*/struct gps_fix_t *,
+ gps_mask_t,
+ /*@ in @*/struct gps_fix_t *);
+extern unsigned int gps_valid_fields(/*@ in @*/struct gps_fix_t *);
+extern char *gps_show_transfer(int);
+extern time_t mkgmtime(register struct tm *);
+extern double timestamp(void);
+extern double iso8601_to_unix(char *);
+extern /*@observer@*/char *unix_to_iso8601(double t, /*@ out @*/char[], size_t len);
+extern double gpstime_to_unix(int, double);
+extern void unix_to_gpstime(double, /*@out@*/int *, /*@out@*/double *);
+extern double earth_distance(double, double, double, double);
+extern double wgs84_separation(double, double);
+/* some multipliers for interpreting GPS output */
+#define METERS_TO_FEET 3.2808399 /* Meters to U.S./British feet */
+#define METERS_TO_MILES 0.00062137119 /* Meters to miles */
+#define KNOTS_TO_MPH 1.1507794 /* Knots to miles per hour */
+#define KNOTS_TO_KPH 1.852 /* Knots to kilometers per hour */
+#define KNOTS_TO_MPS 0.51444444 /* Knots to meters per second */
+#define MPS_TO_KPH 3.6 /* Meters per second to klicks/hr */
+#define MPS_TO_MPH 2.2369363 /* Meters/second to miles per hour */
+#define MPS_TO_KNOTS 1.9438445 /* Meters per second to knots */
+/* miles and knots are both the international standard versions of the units */
+/* angle conversion multipliers */
+#define GPS_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
+#define RAD_2_DEG 57.2957795130823208767981548141051703
+#define DEG_2_RAD 0.0174532925199432957692369076848861271
+/* gps_open() errno return values */
+#define NL_NOSERVICE -1 /* can't get service entry */
+#define NL_NOHOST -2 /* can't get host entry */
+#define NL_NOPROTO -3 /* can't get protocol entry */
+#define NL_NOSOCK -4 /* can't create socket */
+#define NL_NOCONNECT -6 /* can't connect to host */
+#define DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT "2947" /* IANA assignment */
+#define DEFAULT_RTCM_PORT "2101" /* IANA assignment */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* End of the 'extern "C"' block */
+/* gps.h ends here */
+#endif /* _GPSD_GPS_H_ */