path: root/third_party/gtk+/gtk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/gtk+/gtk/')
1 files changed, 970 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/gtk+/gtk/ b/third_party/gtk+/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fcc9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/gtk+/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#, version 1.3
+# multifunction script that helps manage the compose sequence table in GTK+ (gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c)
+# the script produces statistics and information about the whole process, run with --help for more.
+# You may need to switch your python installation to utf-8, if you get 'ascii' codec errors.
+# Complain to Simos Xenitellis (, for this craft.
+from re import findall, match, split, sub
+from string import atoi
+from unicodedata import normalize
+from urllib import urlretrieve
+from os.path import isfile, getsize
+from copy import copy
+import sys
+import getopt
+# We grab files off the web, left and right.
+URL_COMPOSE = ';a=blob_plain;f=nls/en_US.UTF-8/Compose.pre'
+FILENAME_COMPOSE_SUPPLEMENTARY = 'gtk-compose-lookaside.txt'
+# We currently support keysyms of size 2; once upstream xorg gets sorted,
+# we might produce some tables with size 2 and some with size 4.
+# Current max compose sequence length; in case it gets increased.
+keysymdatabase = {}
+keysymunicodedatabase = {}
+unicodedatabase = {}
+headerfile_start = """/* GTK - The GIMP Tool Kit
+ * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 GNOME Foundation
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * File auto-generated from script found at
+ * using the input files
+ * Input :;a=blob_plain;f=nls/en_US.UTF-8/Compose.pre
+ * Input :
+ * Input :
+ *
+ * This table is optimised for space and requires special handling to access the content.
+ * This table is used solely by
+ *
+ * The resulting file is placed at
+ * This file is described in bug report
+ */
+ * Modified by the GTK+ Team and others 2007, 2008. See the AUTHORS
+ * file for a list of people on the GTK+ Team. See the ChangeLog
+ * files for a list of changes. These files are distributed with
+ * GTK+ at
+ */
+/* === These are the original comments of the file; we keep for historical purposes ===
+ *
+ * The following table was generated from the X compose tables include with
+ * XFree86 4.0 using a set of Perl scripts. Contact Owen Taylor <>
+ * to obtain the relevant perl scripts.
+ *
+ * The following compose letter letter sequences confliced
+ * Dstroke/dstroke and ETH/eth; resolved to Dstroke (Croation, Vietnamese, Lappish), over
+ * ETH (Icelandic, Faroese, old English, IPA) [ D- -D d- -d ]
+ * Amacron/amacron and ordfeminine; resolved to ordfeminine [ _A A_ a_ _a ]
+ * Amacron/amacron and Atilde/atilde; resolved to atilde [ -A A- a- -a ]
+ * Omacron/Omacron and masculine; resolved to masculine [ _O O_ o_ _o ]
+ * Omacron/omacron and Otilde/atilde; resolved to otilde [ -O O- o- -o ]
+ *
+ * [ Amacron and Omacron are in Latin-4 (Baltic). ordfeminine and masculine are used for
+ * spanish. atilde and otilde are used at least for Portuguese ]
+ *
+ * at and Aring; resolved to Aring [ AA ]
+ * guillemotleft and caron; resolved to guillemotleft [ << ]
+ * ogonek and cedilla; resolved to cedilla [ ,, ]
+ *
+ * This probably should be resolved by first checking an additional set of compose tables
+ * that depend on the locale or selected input method.
+ */
+static const guint16 gtk_compose_seqs_compact[] = {"""
+headerfile_end = """};
+#endif /* __GTK_IM_CONTEXT_SIMPLE_SEQS_H__ */
+def stringtohex(str): return atoi(str, 16)
+def factorial(n):
+ if n <= 1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return n * factorial(n-1)
+def uniq(*args) :
+ """ Performs a uniq operation on a list or lists """
+ theInputList = []
+ for theList in args:
+ theInputList += theList
+ theFinalList = []
+ for elem in theInputList:
+ if elem not in theFinalList:
+ theFinalList.append(elem)
+ return theFinalList
+def all_permutations(seq):
+ """ Borrowed from """
+ """ Produces all permutations of the items of a list """
+ if len(seq) <=1:
+ yield seq
+ else:
+ for perm in all_permutations(seq[1:]):
+ for i in range(len(perm)+1):
+ #nb str[0:1] works in both string and list contexts
+ yield perm[:i] + seq[0:1] + perm[i:]
+def usage():
+ print """compose-parse available parameters:
+ -h, --help this craft
+ -s, --statistics show overall statistics (both algorithmic, non-algorithmic)
+ -a, --algorithmic show sequences saved with algorithmic optimisation
+ -g, --gtk show entries that go to GTK+
+ -u, --unicodedatatxt show compose sequences derived from UnicodeData.txt (from
+ -v, --verbose show verbose output
+ -p, --plane1 show plane1 compose sequences
+ -n, --numeric when used with --gtk, create file with numeric values only
+ -e, --gtk-expanded when used with --gtk, create file that repeats first column; not usable in GTK+
+ --all-sequences when used with --gtk, create file with entries rejected by default
+ Default is to show statistics.
+ """
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "pvgashune", ["help", "algorithmic", "statistics", "unicodedatatxt",
+ "stats", "gtk", "verbose", "plane1", "numeric", "gtk-expanded", "all-sequences"])
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+opt_statistics = False
+opt_algorithmic = False
+opt_gtk = False
+opt_unicodedatatxt = False
+opt_verbose = False
+opt_plane1 = False
+opt_numeric = False
+opt_gtkexpanded = False
+opt_allsequences = False
+for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ if o in ("-s", "--statistics"):
+ opt_statistics = True
+ if o in ("-a", "--algorithmic"):
+ opt_algorithmic = True
+ if o in ("-g", "--gtk"):
+ opt_gtk = True
+ if o in ("-u", "--unicodedatatxt"):
+ opt_unicodedatatxt = True
+ if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
+ opt_verbose = True
+ if o in ("-p", "--plane1"):
+ opt_plane1 = True
+ if o in ("-n", "--numeric"):
+ opt_numeric = True
+ if o in ("-e", "--gtk-expanded"):
+ opt_gtkexpanded = True
+ if o == "--all-sequences":
+ opt_allsequences = True
+if not opt_algorithmic and not opt_gtk and not opt_unicodedatatxt:
+ opt_statistics = True
+def download_hook(blocks_transferred, block_size, file_size):
+ """ A download hook to provide some feedback when downloading """
+ if blocks_transferred == 0:
+ if file_size > 0:
+ if opt_verbose:
+ print "Downloading", file_size, "bytes: ",
+ else:
+ if opt_verbose:
+ print "Downloading: ",
+ sys.stdout.write('#')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def download_file(url):
+ """ Downloads a file provided a URL. Returns the filename. """
+ """ Borks on failure """
+ localfilename = url.split('/')[-1]
+ if not isfile(localfilename) or getsize(localfilename) <= 0:
+ if opt_verbose:
+ print "Downloading ", url, "..."
+ try:
+ urlretrieve(url, localfilename, download_hook)
+ except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ except:
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ print " done."
+ else:
+ if opt_verbose:
+ print "Using cached file for ", url
+ return localfilename
+def process_gdkkeysymsh():
+ """ Opens the gdkkeysyms.h file from GTK+/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h """
+ """ Fills up keysymdb with contents """
+ filename_gdkkeysymsh = download_file(URL_GDKKEYSYMSH)
+ try:
+ gdkkeysymsh = open(filename_gdkkeysymsh, 'r')
+ except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ except:
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ """ Parse the gdkkeysyms.h file and place contents in keysymdb """
+ linenum_gdkkeysymsh = 0
+ keysymdb = {}
+ for line in gdkkeysymsh.readlines():
+ linenum_gdkkeysymsh += 1
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line == "" or not match('^#define GDK_KEY_', line):
+ continue
+ components = split('\s+', line)
+ if len(components) < 3:
+ print "Invalid line %(linenum)d in %(filename)s: %(line)s"\
+ % {'linenum': linenum_gdkkeysymsh, 'filename': filename_gdkkeysymsh, 'line': line}
+ print "Was expecting 3 items in the line"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if not match('^GDK_KEY_', components[1]):
+ print "Invalid line %(linenum)d in %(filename)s: %(line)s"\
+ % {'linenum': linenum_gdkkeysymsh, 'filename': filename_gdkkeysymsh, 'line': line}
+ print "Was expecting a keysym starting with GDK_KEY_"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if match('^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$', components[2]):
+ unival = long(components[2][2:], 16)
+ if unival == 0:
+ continue
+ keysymdb[components[1][8:]] = unival
+ else:
+ print "Invalid line %(linenum)d in %(filename)s: %(line)s"\
+ % {'linenum': linenum_gdkkeysymsh, 'filename': filename_gdkkeysymsh, 'line': line}
+ print "Was expecting a hexadecimal number at the end of the line"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ gdkkeysymsh.close()
+ """ Patch up the keysymdb with some of our own stuff """
+ """ This is for a missing keysym from the currently upstream file """
+ keysymdb['dead_stroke'] = 0x338
+ """ This is for a missing keysym from the currently upstream file """
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowring'] = 0x323
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowmacron'] = 0x331
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowcircumflex'] = 0x32d
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowtilde'] = 0x330
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowbreve'] = 0x32e
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowdiaeresis'] = 0x324
+ """ This is^Wwas preferential treatment for Greek """
+ # keysymdb['dead_tilde'] = 0x342
+ """ This is^was preferential treatment for Greek """
+ #keysymdb['combining_tilde'] = 0x342
+ """ Fixing VoidSymbol """
+ keysymdb['VoidSymbol'] = 0xFFFF
+ return keysymdb
+def process_keysymstxt():
+ """ Grabs and opens the keysyms.txt file that Markus Kuhn maintains """
+ """ This file keeps a record between keysyms <-> unicode chars """
+ filename_keysymstxt = download_file(URL_KEYSYMSTXT)
+ try:
+ keysymstxt = open(filename_keysymstxt, 'r')
+ except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ except:
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ """ Parse the keysyms.txt file and place content in keysymdb """
+ linenum_keysymstxt = 0
+ keysymdb = {}
+ for line in keysymstxt.readlines():
+ linenum_keysymstxt += 1
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line == "" or match('^#', line):
+ continue
+ components = split('\s+', line)
+ if len(components) < 5:
+ print "Invalid line %(linenum)d in %(filename)s: %(line)s'"\
+ % {'linenum': linenum_keysymstxt, 'filename': filename_keysymstxt, 'line': line}
+ print "Was expecting 5 items in the line"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if match('^U[0-9a-fA-F]+$', components[1]):
+ unival = long(components[1][1:], 16)
+ if unival == 0:
+ continue
+ keysymdb[components[4]] = unival
+ keysymstxt.close()
+ """ Patch up the keysymdb with some of our own stuff """
+ """ This is for a missing keysym from the currently upstream file """
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowring'] = 0x323
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowmacron'] = 0x331
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowcircumflex'] = 0x32d
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowtilde'] = 0x330
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowbreve'] = 0x32e
+ ###keysymdb['dead_belowdiaeresis'] = 0x324
+ """ This is preferential treatment for Greek """
+ """ => we get more savings if used for Greek """
+ # keysymdb['dead_tilde'] = 0x342
+ """ This is preferential treatment for Greek """
+ # keysymdb['combining_tilde'] = 0x342
+ """ This is for a missing keysym from Markus Kuhn's db """
+ keysymdb['dead_stroke'] = 0x338
+ """ This is for a missing keysym from Markus Kuhn's db """
+ keysymdb['Oslash'] = 0x0d8
+ """ This is for a missing keysym from Markus Kuhn's db """
+ keysymdb['Ssharp'] = 0x1e9e
+ """ This is for a missing (recently added) keysym """
+ keysymdb['dead_psili'] = 0x313
+ """ This is for a missing (recently added) keysym """
+ keysymdb['dead_dasia'] = 0x314
+ """ Allows to import Multi_key sequences """
+ keysymdb['Multi_key'] = 0xff20
+ keysymdb['zerosubscript'] = 0x2080
+ keysymdb['onesubscript'] = 0x2081
+ keysymdb['twosubscript'] = 0x2082
+ keysymdb['threesubscript'] = 0x2083
+ keysymdb['foursubscript'] = 0x2084
+ keysymdb['fivesubscript'] = 0x2085
+ keysymdb['sixsubscript'] = 0x2086
+ keysymdb['sevensubscript'] = 0x2087
+ keysymdb['eightsubscript'] = 0x2088
+ keysymdb['ninesubscript'] = 0x2089
+ keysymdb['dead_doublegrave'] = 0x030F
+ keysymdb['dead_invertedbreve'] = 0x0311
+ return keysymdb
+def keysymvalue(keysym, file = "n/a", linenum = 0):
+ """ Extracts a value from the keysym """
+ """ Find the value of keysym, using the data from keysyms """
+ """ Use file and linenum to when reporting errors """
+ if keysym == "":
+ return 0
+ if keysymdatabase.has_key(keysym):
+ return keysymdatabase[keysym]
+ elif keysym[0] == 'U' and match('[0-9a-fA-F]+$', keysym[1:]):
+ return atoi(keysym[1:], 16)
+ elif keysym[:2] == '0x' and match('[0-9a-fA-F]+$', keysym[2:]):
+ return atoi(keysym[2:], 16)
+ else:
+ print 'keysymvalue: UNKNOWN{%(keysym)s}' % { "keysym": keysym }
+ #return -1
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def keysymunicodevalue(keysym, file = "n/a", linenum = 0):
+ """ Extracts a value from the keysym """
+ """ Find the value of keysym, using the data from keysyms """
+ """ Use file and linenum to when reporting errors """
+ if keysym == "":
+ return 0
+ if keysymunicodedatabase.has_key(keysym):
+ return keysymunicodedatabase[keysym]
+ elif keysym[0] == 'U' and match('[0-9a-fA-F]+$', keysym[1:]):
+ return atoi(keysym[1:], 16)
+ elif keysym[:2] == '0x' and match('[0-9a-fA-F]+$', keysym[2:]):
+ return atoi(keysym[2:], 16)
+ else:
+ print 'keysymunicodevalue: UNKNOWN{%(keysym)s}' % { "keysym": keysym }
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def rename_combining(seq):
+ filtered_sequence = []
+ for ks in seq:
+ if findall('^combining_', ks):
+ ks = sub('^combining_', 'dead_', ks)
+ if ks == 'dead_double_grave':
+ ks = 'dead_doublegrave'
+ if ks == 'dead_inverted_breve':
+ ks = 'dead_invertedbreve'
+ filtered_sequence.append(ks)
+ return filtered_sequence
+keysymunicodedatabase = process_keysymstxt()
+keysymdatabase = process_gdkkeysymsh()
+""" Grab and open the compose file from upstream """
+filename_compose = download_file(URL_COMPOSE)
+ composefile = open(filename_compose, 'r')
+except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+""" Look if there is a lookaside (supplementary) compose file in the current
+ directory, and if so, open, then merge with upstream Compose file.
+xorg_compose_sequences_raw = []
+for seq in composefile.readlines():
+ xorg_compose_sequences_raw.append(seq)
+ composefile_lookaside = open(FILENAME_COMPOSE_SUPPLEMENTARY, 'r')
+ for seq in composefile_lookaside.readlines():
+ xorg_compose_sequences_raw.append(seq)
+except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ if opt_verbose:
+ print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
+ print "Did not find lookaside compose file. Continuing..."
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+""" Parse the compose file in xorg_compose_sequences"""
+xorg_compose_sequences = []
+xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic = []
+linenum_compose = 0
+comment_nest_depth = 0
+for line in xorg_compose_sequences_raw:
+ linenum_compose += 1
+ line = line.strip()
+ if match("^XCOMM", line) or match("^#", line):
+ continue
+ line = sub(r"\/\*([^\*]*|[\*][^/])\*\/", "", line)
+ comment_start = line.find("/*")
+ if comment_start >= 0:
+ if comment_nest_depth == 0:
+ line = line[:comment_start]
+ else:
+ line = ""
+ comment_nest_depth += 1
+ else:
+ comment_end = line.find("*/")
+ if comment_end >= 0:
+ comment_nest_depth -= 1
+ if comment_nest_depth < 0:
+ print "Invalid comment %(linenum_compose)d in %(filename)s: \
+ Closing '*/' without opening '/*'" % { "linenum_compose": linenum_compose, "filename": filename_compose }
+ exit(-1)
+ if comment_nest_depth > 0:
+ line = ""
+ else:
+ line = line[comment_end + 2:]
+ if line is "":
+ continue
+ #line = line[:-1]
+ components = split(':', line)
+ if len(components) != 2:
+ print "Invalid line %(linenum_compose)d in %(filename)s: No sequence\
+ /value pair found" % { "linenum_compose": linenum_compose, "filename": filename_compose }
+ exit(-1)
+ (seq, val ) = split(':', line)
+ seq = seq.strip()
+ val = val.strip()
+ raw_sequence = findall('\w+', seq)
+ values = split('\s+', val)
+ unichar_temp = split('"', values[0])
+ unichar = unichar_temp[1]
+ if len(values) == 1:
+ continue
+ codepointstr = values[1]
+ if values[1] == '#':
+ # No codepoints that are >1 characters yet.
+ continue
+ if raw_sequence[0][0] == 'U' and match('[0-9a-fA-F]+$', raw_sequence[0][1:]):
+ raw_sequence[0] = '0x' + raw_sequence[0][1:]
+ if match('^U[0-9a-fA-F]+$', codepointstr):
+ codepoint = long(codepointstr[1:], 16)
+ elif keysymunicodedatabase.has_key(codepointstr):
+ #if keysymdatabase[codepointstr] != keysymunicodedatabase[codepointstr]:
+ #print "DIFFERENCE: 0x%(a)X 0x%(b)X" % { "a": keysymdatabase[codepointstr], "b": keysymunicodedatabase[codepointstr]},
+ #print raw_sequence, codepointstr
+ codepoint = keysymunicodedatabase[codepointstr]
+ else:
+ print
+ print "Invalid codepoint at line %(linenum_compose)d in %(filename)s:\
+ %(line)s" % { "linenum_compose": linenum_compose, "filename": filename_compose, "line": line }
+ exit(-1)
+ sequence = rename_combining(raw_sequence)
+ reject_this = False
+ for i in sequence:
+ if keysymvalue(i) > 0xFFFF:
+ reject_this = True
+ if opt_plane1:
+ print sequence
+ break
+ if keysymvalue(i) < 0:
+ reject_this = True
+ break
+ if reject_this:
+ continue
+ if "U0342" in sequence or \
+ "U0313" in sequence or \
+ "U0314" in sequence or \
+ "0x0313" in sequence or \
+ "0x0342" in sequence or \
+ "0x0314" in sequence:
+ continue
+ if "dead_belowring" in sequence or\
+ "dead_currency" in sequence or\
+ "dead_belowcomma" in sequence or\
+ "dead_belowmacron" in sequence or\
+ "dead_belowtilde" in sequence or\
+ "dead_belowbreve" in sequence or\
+ "dead_belowdiaeresis" in sequence or\
+ "dead_belowcircumflex" in sequence:
+ continue
+ #for i in range(len(sequence)):
+ # if sequence[i] == "0x0342":
+ # sequence[i] = "dead_tilde"
+ if "Multi_key" not in sequence:
+ """ Ignore for now >0xFFFF keysyms """
+ if codepoint < 0xFFFF:
+ original_sequence = copy(sequence)
+ stats_sequence = copy(sequence)
+ base = sequence.pop()
+ basechar = keysymvalue(base, filename_compose, linenum_compose)
+ if basechar < 0xFFFF:
+ counter = 1
+ unisequence = []
+ not_normalised = True
+ skipping_this = False
+ for i in range(0, len(sequence)):
+ """ If the sequence has dead_tilde and is for Greek, we don't do algorithmically
+ because of lack of dead_perispomeni (i.e. conflict)
+ """
+ bc = basechar
+ """if sequence[-1] == "dead_tilde" and (bc >= 0x370 and bc <= 0x3ff) or (bc >= 0x1f00 and bc <= 0x1fff):
+ skipping_this = True
+ break
+ if sequence[-1] == "dead_horn" and (bc >= 0x370 and bc <= 0x3ff) or (bc >= 0x1f00 and bc <= 0x1fff):
+ skipping_this = True
+ break
+ if sequence[-1] == "dead_ogonek" and (bc >= 0x370 and bc <= 0x3ff) or (bc >= 0x1f00 and bc <= 0x1fff):
+ skipping_this = True
+ break
+ if sequence[-1] == "dead_psili":
+ sequence[i] = "dead_horn"
+ if sequence[-1] == "dead_dasia":
+ sequence[-1] = "dead_ogonek"
+ """
+ unisequence.append(unichr(keysymunicodevalue(sequence.pop(), filename_compose, linenum_compose)))
+ if skipping_this:
+ unisequence = []
+ for perm in all_permutations(unisequence):
+ # print counter, original_sequence, unichr(basechar) + "".join(perm)
+ # print counter, map(unichr, perm)
+ normalized = normalize('NFC', unichr(basechar) + "".join(perm))
+ if len(normalized) == 1:
+ # print 'Base: %(base)s [%(basechar)s], produces [%(unichar)s] (0x%(codepoint)04X)' \
+ # % { "base": base, "basechar": unichr(basechar), "unichar": unichar, "codepoint": codepoint },
+ # print "Normalized: [%(normalized)s] SUCCESS %(c)d" % { "normalized": normalized, "c": counter }
+ stats_sequence_data = map(keysymunicodevalue, stats_sequence)
+ stats_sequence_data.append(normalized)
+ xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic.append(stats_sequence_data)
+ not_normalised = False
+ break;
+ counter += 1
+ if not_normalised or opt_allsequences:
+ original_sequence.append(codepoint)
+ xorg_compose_sequences.append(original_sequence)
+ """ print xorg_compose_sequences[-1] """
+ else:
+ print "Error in base char !?!"
+ exit(-2)
+ else:
+ print "OVER", sequence
+ exit(-1)
+ else:
+ sequence.append(codepoint)
+ xorg_compose_sequences.append(sequence)
+ """ print xorg_compose_sequences[-1] """
+def sequence_cmp(x, y):
+ if keysymvalue(x[0]) > keysymvalue(y[0]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymvalue(x[0]) < keysymvalue(y[0]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) > len(y):
+ return 1
+ elif len(x) < len(y):
+ return -1
+ elif keysymvalue(x[1]) > keysymvalue(y[1]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymvalue(x[1]) < keysymvalue(y[1]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) < 4:
+ return 0
+ elif keysymvalue(x[2]) > keysymvalue(y[2]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymvalue(x[2]) < keysymvalue(y[2]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) < 5:
+ return 0
+ elif keysymvalue(x[3]) > keysymvalue(y[3]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymvalue(x[3]) < keysymvalue(y[3]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) < 6:
+ return 0
+ elif keysymvalue(x[4]) > keysymvalue(y[4]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymvalue(x[4]) < keysymvalue(y[4]):
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def sequence_unicode_cmp(x, y):
+ if keysymunicodevalue(x[0]) > keysymunicodevalue(y[0]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[0]) < keysymunicodevalue(y[0]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) > len(y):
+ return 1
+ elif len(x) < len(y):
+ return -1
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[1]) > keysymunicodevalue(y[1]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[1]) < keysymunicodevalue(y[1]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) < 4:
+ return 0
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[2]) > keysymunicodevalue(y[2]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[2]) < keysymunicodevalue(y[2]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) < 5:
+ return 0
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[3]) > keysymunicodevalue(y[3]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[3]) < keysymunicodevalue(y[3]):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) < 6:
+ return 0
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[4]) > keysymunicodevalue(y[4]):
+ return 1
+ elif keysymunicodevalue(x[4]) < keysymunicodevalue(y[4]):
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def sequence_algorithmic_cmp(x, y):
+ if len(x) < len(y):
+ return -1
+ elif len(x) > len(y):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(x)):
+ if x[i] < y[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif x[i] > y[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+xorg_compose_sequences_uniqued = []
+first_time = True
+item = None
+for next_item in xorg_compose_sequences:
+ if first_time:
+ first_time = False
+ item = next_item
+ if sequence_unicode_cmp(item, next_item) != 0:
+ xorg_compose_sequences_uniqued.append(item)
+ item = next_item
+xorg_compose_sequences = copy(xorg_compose_sequences_uniqued)
+counter_multikey = 0
+for item in xorg_compose_sequences:
+ if findall('Multi_key', "".join(item[:-1])) != []:
+ counter_multikey += 1
+xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic_uniqued = uniq(xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic)
+firstitem = ""
+num_first_keysyms = 0
+zeroes = 0
+num_entries = 0
+num_algorithmic_greek = 0
+for sequence in xorg_compose_sequences:
+ if keysymvalue(firstitem) != keysymvalue(sequence[0]):
+ firstitem = sequence[0]
+ num_first_keysyms += 1
+ zeroes += 6 - len(sequence) + 1
+ num_entries += 1
+for sequence in xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic_uniqued:
+ ch = ord(sequence[-1:][0])
+ if ch >= 0x370 and ch <= 0x3ff or ch >= 0x1f00 and ch <= 0x1fff:
+ num_algorithmic_greek += 1
+if opt_algorithmic:
+ for sequence in xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic_uniqued:
+ letter = "".join(sequence[-1:])
+ print '0x%(cp)04X, %(uni)s, seq: [ <0x%(base)04X>,' % { 'cp': ord(unicode(letter)), 'uni': letter.encode('utf-8'), 'base': sequence[-2] },
+ for elem in sequence[:-2]:
+ print "<0x%(keysym)04X>," % { 'keysym': elem },
+ """ Yeah, verified... We just want to keep the output similar to -u, so we can compare/sort easily """
+ print "], recomposed as", letter.encode('utf-8'), "verified"
+def num_of_keysyms(seq):
+ return len(seq) - 1
+def convert_UnotationToHex(arg):
+ if isinstance(arg, str):
+ if match('^U[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]$', arg):
+ return sub('^U', '0x', arg)
+ return arg
+def addprefix_GDK(arg):
+ if match('^0x', arg):
+ return '%(arg)s, ' % { 'arg': arg }
+ else:
+ return 'GDK_KEY_%(arg)s, ' % { 'arg': arg }
+if opt_gtk:
+ first_keysym = ""
+ sequence = []
+ compose_table = []
+ ct_second_part = []
+ ct_sequence_width = 2
+ start_offset = num_first_keysyms * (WIDTHOFCOMPOSETABLE+1)
+ we_finished = False
+ counter = 0
+ sequence_iterator = iter(xorg_compose_sequences)
+ sequence =
+ while True:
+ first_keysym = sequence[0] # Set the first keysym
+ compose_table.append([first_keysym, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ while sequence[0] == first_keysym:
+ compose_table[counter][num_of_keysyms(sequence)-1] += 1
+ try:
+ sequence =
+ except StopIteration:
+ we_finished = True
+ break
+ if we_finished:
+ break
+ counter += 1
+ ct_index = start_offset
+ for line_num in range(len(compose_table)):
+ for i in range(WIDTHOFCOMPOSETABLE):
+ occurences = compose_table[line_num][i+1]
+ compose_table[line_num][i+1] = ct_index
+ ct_index += occurences * (i+2)
+ for sequence in xorg_compose_sequences:
+ ct_second_part.append(map(convert_UnotationToHex, sequence))
+ print headerfile_start
+ for i in compose_table:
+ if opt_gtkexpanded:
+ print "0x%(ks)04X," % { "ks": keysymvalue(i[0]) },
+ print '%(str)s' % { 'str': "".join(map(lambda x : str(x) + ", ", i[1:])) }
+ elif not match('^0x', i[0]):
+ print 'GDK_KEY_%(str)s' % { 'str': "".join(map(lambda x : str(x) + ", ", i)) }
+ else:
+ print '%(str)s' % { 'str': "".join(map(lambda x : str(x) + ", ", i)) }
+ for i in ct_second_part:
+ if opt_numeric:
+ for ks in i[1:][:-1]:
+ print '0x%(seq)04X, ' % { 'seq': keysymvalue(ks) },
+ print '0x%(cp)04X, ' % { 'cp':i[-1] }
+ """
+ for ks in i[:-1]:
+ print '0x%(seq)04X, ' % { 'seq': keysymvalue(ks) },
+ print '0x%(cp)04X, ' % { 'cp':i[-1] }
+ """
+ elif opt_gtkexpanded:
+ print '%(seq)s0x%(cp)04X, ' % { 'seq': "".join(map(addprefix_GDK, i[:-1])), 'cp':i[-1] }
+ else:
+ print '%(seq)s0x%(cp)04X, ' % { 'seq': "".join(map(addprefix_GDK, i[:-1][1:])), 'cp':i[-1] }
+ print headerfile_end
+def redecompose(codepoint):
+ (name, decomposition, combiningclass) = unicodedatabase[codepoint]
+ if decomposition[0] == '' or decomposition[0] == '0':
+ return [codepoint]
+ if match('<\w+>', decomposition[0]):
+ numdecomposition = map(stringtohex, decomposition[1:])
+ return map(redecompose, numdecomposition)
+ numdecomposition = map(stringtohex, decomposition)
+ return map(redecompose, numdecomposition)
+def process_unicodedata_file(verbose = False):
+ """ Grab from wget """
+ filename_unicodedatatxt = download_file(URL_UNICODEDATATXT)
+ try:
+ unicodedatatxt = open(filename_unicodedatatxt, 'r')
+ except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ except:
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ for line in unicodedatatxt.readlines():
+ if line[0] == "" or line[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ line = line[:-1]
+ uniproperties = split(';', line)
+ codepoint = stringtohex(uniproperties[0])
+ """ We don't do Plane 1 or CJK blocks. The latter require reading additional files. """
+ if codepoint > 0xFFFF or (codepoint >= 0x4E00 and codepoint <= 0x9FFF) or (codepoint >= 0xF900 and codepoint <= 0xFAFF):
+ continue
+ name = uniproperties[1]
+ category = uniproperties[2]
+ combiningclass = uniproperties[3]
+ decomposition = uniproperties[5]
+ unicodedatabase[codepoint] = [name, split('\s+', decomposition), combiningclass]
+ counter_combinations = 0
+ counter_combinations_greek = 0
+ counter_entries = 0
+ counter_entries_greek = 0
+ for item in unicodedatabase.keys():
+ (name, decomposition, combiningclass) = unicodedatabase[item]
+ if decomposition[0] == '':
+ continue
+ print name, "is empty"
+ elif match('<\w+>', decomposition[0]):
+ continue
+ print name, "has weird", decomposition[0]
+ else:
+ sequence = map(stringtohex, decomposition)
+ chrsequence = map(unichr, sequence)
+ normalized = normalize('NFC', "".join(chrsequence))
+ """ print name, sequence, "Combining: ", "".join(chrsequence), normalized, len(normalized), """
+ decomposedsequence = []
+ for subseq in map(redecompose, sequence):
+ for seqitem in subseq:
+ if isinstance(seqitem, list):
+ for i in seqitem:
+ if isinstance(i, list):
+ for j in i:
+ decomposedsequence.append(j)
+ else:
+ decomposedsequence.append(i)
+ else:
+ decomposedsequence.append(seqitem)
+ recomposedchar = normalize('NFC', "".join(map(unichr, decomposedsequence)))
+ if len(recomposedchar) == 1 and len(decomposedsequence) > 1:
+ counter_entries += 1
+ counter_combinations += factorial(len(decomposedsequence)-1)
+ ch = item
+ if ch >= 0x370 and ch <= 0x3ff or ch >= 0x1f00 and ch <= 0x1fff:
+ counter_entries_greek += 1
+ counter_combinations_greek += factorial(len(decomposedsequence)-1)
+ if verbose:
+ print "0x%(cp)04X, %(uni)c, seq:" % { 'cp':item, 'uni':unichr(item) },
+ print "[",
+ for elem in decomposedsequence:
+ print '<0x%(hex)04X>,' % { 'hex': elem },
+ print "], recomposed as", recomposedchar,
+ if unichr(item) == recomposedchar:
+ print "verified"
+ if verbose == False:
+ print "Unicode statistics from UnicodeData.txt"
+ print "Number of entries that can be algorithmically produced :", counter_entries
+ print " of which are for Greek :", counter_entries_greek
+ print "Number of compose sequence combinations requiring :", counter_combinations
+ print " of which are for Greek :", counter_combinations_greek
+ print "Note: We do not include partial compositions, "
+ print "thus the slight discrepancy in the figures"
+ print
+if opt_unicodedatatxt:
+ process_unicodedata_file(True)
+if opt_statistics:
+ print
+ print "Total number of compose sequences (from file) :", len(xorg_compose_sequences) + len(xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic)
+ print " of which can be expressed algorithmically :", len(xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic)
+ print " of which cannot be expressed algorithmically :", len(xorg_compose_sequences)
+ print " of which have Multi_key :", counter_multikey
+ print
+ print "Algorithmic (stats for Xorg Compose file)"
+ print "Number of sequences off due to algo from file (len(array)) :", len(xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic)
+ print "Number of sequences off due to algo (uniq(sort(array))) :", len(xorg_compose_sequences_algorithmic_uniqued)
+ print " of which are for Greek :", num_algorithmic_greek
+ print
+ process_unicodedata_file()
+ print "Not algorithmic (stats from Xorg Compose file)"
+ print "Number of sequences :", len(xorg_compose_sequences)
+ print "Flat array looks like :", len(xorg_compose_sequences), "rows of 6 integers (2 bytes per int, or 12 bytes per row)"
+ print "Flat array would have taken up (in bytes) :", num_entries * 2 * 6, "bytes from the GTK+ library"
+ print "Number of items in flat array :", len(xorg_compose_sequences) * 6
+ print " of which are zeroes :", zeroes, "or ", (100 * zeroes) / (len(xorg_compose_sequences) * 6), " per cent"
+ print "Number of different first items :", num_first_keysyms
+ print "Number of max bytes (if using flat array) :", num_entries * 2 * 6
+ print "Number of savings :", zeroes * 2 - num_first_keysyms * 2 * 5
+ print
+ print "Memory needs if both algorithmic+optimised table in latest Xorg compose file"
+ print " :", num_entries * 2 * 6 - zeroes * 2 + num_first_keysyms * 2 * 5
+ print
+ print "Existing (old) implementation in GTK+"
+ print "Number of sequences in old gtkimcontextsimple.c :", 691
+ print "The existing (old) implementation in GTK+ takes up :", 691 * 2 * 12, "bytes"