path: root/third_party/sqlite/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/sqlite/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/sqlite/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl b/third_party/sqlite/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0590487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/sqlite/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# This script builds a single C code file holding all of FTS3 code.
+# The name of the output file is fts3amal.c. To build this file,
+# first do:
+# make target_source
+# The make target above moves all of the source code files into
+# a subdirectory named "tsrc". (This script expects to find the files
+# there and will not work if they are not found.)
+# After the "tsrc" directory has been created and populated, run
+# this script:
+# tclsh mkfts3amal.tcl
+# The amalgamated FTS3 code will be written into fts3amal.c
+# Open the output file and write a header comment at the beginning
+# of the file.
+set out [open fts3amal.c w]
+set today [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC" -gmt 1]
+puts $out [subst \
+** This file is an amalgamation of separate C source files from the SQLite
+** Full Text Search extension 2 (fts3). By combining all the individual C
+** code files into this single large file, the entire code can be compiled
+** as a one translation unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations
+** that would not be possible if the files were compiled separately. It also
+** makes the code easier to import into other projects.
+** This amalgamation was generated on $today.
+# These are the header files used by FTS3. The first time any of these
+# files are seen in a #include statement in the C code, include the complete
+# text of the file in-line. The file only needs to be included once.
+foreach hdr {
+ fts3.h
+ fts3_hash.h
+ fts3_tokenizer.h
+ sqlite3.h
+ sqlite3ext.h
+} {
+ set available_hdr($hdr) 1
+# 78 stars used for comment formatting.
+set s78 \
+# Insert a comment into the code
+proc section_comment {text} {
+ global out s78
+ set n [string length $text]
+ set nstar [expr {60 - $n}]
+ set stars [string range $s78 0 $nstar]
+ puts $out "/************** $text $stars/"
+# Read the source file named $filename and write it into the
+# sqlite3.c output file. If any #include statements are seen,
+# process them approprately.
+proc copy_file {filename} {
+ global seen_hdr available_hdr out
+ set tail [file tail $filename]
+ section_comment "Begin file $tail"
+ set in [open $filename r]
+ while {![eof $in]} {
+ set line [gets $in]
+ if {[regexp {^#\s*include\s+["<]([^">]+)[">]} $line all hdr]} {
+ if {[info exists available_hdr($hdr)]} {
+ if {$available_hdr($hdr)} {
+ section_comment "Include $hdr in the middle of $tail"
+ copy_file tsrc/$hdr
+ section_comment "Continuing where we left off in $tail"
+ }
+ } elseif {![info exists seen_hdr($hdr)]} {
+ set seen_hdr($hdr) 1
+ puts $out $line
+ }
+ } elseif {[regexp {^#ifdef __cplusplus} $line]} {
+ puts $out "#if 0"
+ } elseif {[regexp {^#line} $line]} {
+ # Skip #line directives.
+ } else {
+ puts $out $line
+ }
+ }
+ close $in
+ section_comment "End of $tail"
+# Process the source files. Process files containing commonly
+# used subroutines first in order to help the compiler find
+# inlining opportunities.
+foreach file {
+ fts3.c
+ fts3_hash.c
+ fts3_porter.c
+ fts3_tokenizer.c
+ fts3_tokenizer1.c
+} {
+ copy_file tsrc/$file
+close $out