path: root/third_party/sqlite/test/tclsqlite.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/sqlite/test/tclsqlite.test')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/sqlite/test/tclsqlite.test b/third_party/sqlite/test/tclsqlite.test
index c4c9c37..e752aa9 100644
--- a/third_party/sqlite/test/tclsqlite.test
+++ b/third_party/sqlite/test/tclsqlite.test
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# interface is pretty well tested. This file contains some addition
# tests for fringe issues that the main test suite does not cover.
-# $Id: tclsqlite.test,v 1.65 2008/07/10 17:52:49 danielk1977 Exp $
+# $Id: tclsqlite.test,v 1.73 2009/03/16 13:19:36 danielk1977 Exp $
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ source $testdir/tester.tcl
if {[sqlite3 -has-codec]} {
set r "sqlite_orig HANDLE FILENAME ?-key CODEC-KEY?"
} else {
- set r "sqlite3 HANDLE FILENAME ?-vfs VFSNAME? ?-readonly BOOLEAN? ?-create BOOLEAN? ?-nomutex BOOLEAN?"
+ set r "sqlite3 HANDLE FILENAME ?-vfs VFSNAME? ?-readonly BOOLEAN? ?-create BOOLEAN? ?-nomutex BOOLEAN? ?-fullmutex BOOLEAN?"
do_test tcl-1.1 {
set v [catch {sqlite3 bogus} msg]
+ regsub {really_sqlite3} $msg {sqlite3} msg
lappend v $msg
} [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"$r\""]
do_test tcl-1.2 {
set v [catch {db bogus} msg]
lappend v $msg
-} {1 {bad option "bogus": must be authorizer, busy, cache, changes, close, collate, collation_needed, commit_hook, complete, copy, enable_load_extension, errorcode, eval, exists, function, incrblob, interrupt, last_insert_rowid, nullvalue, onecolumn, profile, progress, rekey, rollback_hook, timeout, total_changes, trace, transaction, update_hook, or version}}
+} {1 {bad option "bogus": must be authorizer, backup, busy, cache, changes, close, collate, collation_needed, commit_hook, complete, copy, enable_load_extension, errorcode, eval, exists, function, incrblob, interrupt, last_insert_rowid, nullvalue, onecolumn, profile, progress, rekey, restore, rollback_hook, status, timeout, total_changes, trace, transaction, unlock_notify, update_hook, or version}}
do_test tcl-1.2.1 {
set v [catch {db cache bogus} msg]
lappend v $msg
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ do_test tcl-1.14 {
do_test tcl-1.15 {
set v [catch {db function} msg]
lappend v $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "db function NAME SCRIPT"}}
+} {1 {wrong # args: should be "db function NAME [-argcount N] SCRIPT"}}
do_test tcl-1.16 {
set v [catch {db last_insert_rowid xyz} msg]
lappend v $msg
@@ -233,13 +234,13 @@ ifcapable {tclvar} {
do_test tcl-5.1 {
execsql {CREATE TABLE t3(a,b,c)}
catch {unset x}
- set x(1) 5
- set x(2) 7
+ set x(1) A
+ set x(2) B
execsql {
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES($::x(1),$::x(2),$::x(3));
- } {5 7 {}}
+ } {A B {}}
do_test tcl-5.2 {
execsql {
SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t3
@@ -413,16 +414,17 @@ do_test tcl-10.9 {
db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
-} {1 2 3 4}
+} {1 2}
do_test tcl-10.10 {
for {set i 0} {$i<1} {incr i} {
db transaction {
db eval {INSERT INTO t4 VALUES(5)}
+ error "This line should not be run"
db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
-} {1 2 3 4 5}
+} {1 2 5}
do_test tcl-10.11 {
for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {
db transaction {
@@ -431,7 +433,7 @@ do_test tcl-10.11 {
db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
-} {1 2 3 4 5 6}
+} {1 2 5 6}
do_test tcl-10.12 {
set rc [catch {
for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {
@@ -444,13 +446,125 @@ do_test tcl-10.12 {
} {2}
do_test tcl-10.13 {
db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
-} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7}
+} {1 2 5 6 7}
+# Now test that [db transaction] commands may be nested with
+# the expected results.
+do_test tcl-10.14 {
+ db transaction {
+ db eval {
+ }
+ catch {
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('two') }
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('three') }
+ error "throw an error!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
+} {one}
+do_test tcl-10.15 {
+ # Make sure a transaction has not been left open.
+ db eval {BEGIN ; COMMIT}
+} {}
+do_test tcl-10.16 {
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('two'); }
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('three') }
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('four') }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
+} {one two three four}
+do_test tcl-10.17 {
+ catch {
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('A'); }
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('B') }
+ db transaction {
+ db eval { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('C') }
+ error "throw an error!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ db eval {SELECT * FROM t4}
+} {one two three four}
+do_test tcl-10.18 {
+ # Make sure a transaction has not been left open.
+ db eval {BEGIN ; COMMIT}
+} {}
+# Mess up a [db transaction] command by locking the database using a
+# second connection when it tries to commit. Make sure the transaction
+# is not still open after the "database is locked" exception is thrown.
+do_test tcl-10.18 {
+ sqlite3 db2 test.db
+ db2 eval {
+ SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
+ }
+ set rc [catch {
+ db transaction {
+ db eval {INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('five')}
+ }
+ } msg]
+ list $rc $msg
+} {1 {database is locked}}
+do_test tcl-10.19 {
+ db eval {BEGIN ; COMMIT}
+} {}
+# Thwart a [db transaction] command by locking the database using a
+# second connection with "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE". Make sure no transaction is
+# open after the "database is locked" exception is thrown.
+do_test tcl-10.20 {
+ db2 eval {
+ }
+ set rc [catch {
+ db transaction {
+ db eval {INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('five')}
+ }
+ } msg]
+ list $rc $msg
+} {1 {database is locked}}
+do_test tcl-10.21 {
+ db2 close
+ db eval {BEGIN ; COMMIT}
+} {}
+do_test tcl-10.22 {
+ sqlite3 db2 test.db
+ db transaction exclusive {
+ catch { db2 eval {SELECT * FROM sqlite_master} } msg
+ set msg "db2: $msg"
+ }
+ set msg
+} {db2: database is locked}
+db2 close
do_test tcl-11.1 {
- db exists {SELECT x,x*2,x+x FROM t4 WHERE x==4}
+ db eval {INSERT INTO t4 VALUES(6)}
+ db exists {SELECT x,x*2,x+x FROM t4 WHERE x==6}
} {1}
do_test tcl-11.2 {
- db exists {SELECT 0 FROM t4 WHERE x==4}
+ db exists {SELECT 0 FROM t4 WHERE x==6}
} {1}
do_test tcl-11.3 {
db exists {SELECT 1 FROM t4 WHERE x==8}