path: root/tools/buildbot/pylibs/twisted/flow/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/tools/buildbot/pylibs/twisted/flow/ b/tools/buildbot/pylibs/twisted/flow/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6a74fe..0000000
--- a/tools/buildbot/pylibs/twisted/flow/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# Author: Clark Evans (
-# Stability: The API is stable, but the implementation may still
-# have one or more bugs; threads are tough.
-""" flow.thread
- Support for threads within a flow
-from __future__ import nested_scopes
-from base import *
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from time import sleep
-class Threaded(Stage):
- """
- A stage which runs a blocking iterable in a separate thread
- This stage tunnels output from an iterable executed in a separate thread to
- the main thread. This process is carried out by a result buffer, and
- returning Cooperate if the buffer is empty. The wrapped iterable's
- __iter__ and next() methods will only be invoked in the spawned thread.
- This can be used in one of two ways, first, it can be extended via
- inheritance; with the functionality of the inherited code implementing
- next(), and using init() for initialization code to be run in the thread.
- If the iterable happens to have a chunked attribute, and that attribute is
- true, then this wrapper will assume that data arrives in chunks via a
- sequence instead of by values.
- For example::
- from __future__ import generators
- from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
- from twisted.flow import flow
- from twisted.flow.threads import Threaded
- def countSleep(index):
- from time import sleep
- for index in range(index):
- sleep(.3)
- print "sleep", index
- yield index
- def countCooperate(index):
- for index in range(index):
- yield flow.Cooperate(.1)
- print "cooperate", index
- yield "coop %s" % index
- d = flow.Deferred( flow.Merge(
- Threaded(countSleep(5)),
- countCooperate(5)))
- def prn(x):
- print x
- reactor.stop()
- d.addCallback(prn)
- """
- class Instruction(CallLater):
- def __init__(self):
- self.callable = None
- self.immediate = False
- def callLater(self, callable):
- if self.immediate:
- reactor.callLater(0,callable)
- else:
- self.callable = callable
- def __call__(self):
- callable = self.callable
- if callable:
- self.callable = None
- callable()
- def __init__(self, iterable, *trap):
- Stage.__init__(self, trap)
- self._iterable = iterable
- self._cooperate = Threaded.Instruction()
- self.srcchunked = getattr(iterable, 'chunked', False)
- reactor.callInThread(self._process)
- def _process_result(self, val):
- if self.srcchunked:
- self.results.extend(val)
- else:
- self.results.append(val)
- self._cooperate()
- def _stopping(self):
- self.stop = True
- self._cooperate()
- def _process(self):
- try:
- self._iterable = iter(self._iterable)
- except:
- self.failure = Failure()
- else:
- try:
- while True:
- val =
- reactor.callFromThread(self._process_result, val)
- except StopIteration:
- reactor.callFromThread(self._stopping)
- except:
- self.failure = Failure()
- reactor.callFromThread(self._cooperate)
- self._cooperate.immediate = True
- def _yield(self):
- if self.results or self.stop or self.failure:
- return
- return self._cooperate
-class QueryIterator:
- """
- Converts a database query into a result iterator
- Example usage::
- from __future__ import generators
- from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- from twisted.flow import flow
- from twisted.flow.threads import QueryIterator, Threaded
- dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("SomeDriver",host='localhost',
- db='Database',user='User',passwd='Password')
- # # I test with...
- # from pyPgSQL import PgSQL
- # dbpool = PgSQL
- sql = '''
- (SELECT 'one')
- (SELECT 'two')
- (SELECT 'three')
- '''
- def consumer():
- print "executing"
- query = Threaded(QueryIterator(dbpool, sql))
- print "yielding"
- yield query
- print "done yeilding"
- for row in query:
- print "Processed result : ", row
- yield query
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- def finish(result):
- print "Deferred Complete : ", result
- reactor.stop()
- f = flow.Deferred(consumer())
- f.addBoth(finish)
- """
- def __init__(self, pool, sql, fetchmany=False, fetchall=False):
- self.curs = None
- self.sql = sql
- self.pool = pool
- if fetchmany:
- = self.next_fetchmany
- self.chunked = True
- if fetchall:
- = self.next_fetchall
- self.chunked = True
- def __iter__(self):
- self.conn = self.pool.connect()
- self.curs = self.conn.cursor()
- self.curs.execute(self.sql)
- return self
- def next_fetchall(self):
- if self.curs:
- ret = self.curs.fetchall()
- self.curs = None
- self.conn = None
- return ret
- raise StopIteration
- def next_fetchmany(self):
- ret = self.curs.fetchmany()
- if not ret:
- self.curs = None
- self.conn = None
- raise StopIteration
- return ret
- def next(self):
- ret = self.curs.fetchone()
- if not ret:
- self.curs = None
- self.conn = None
- raise StopIteration
- return ret