path: root/tools/purify/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/purify/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 939 deletions
diff --git a/tools/purify/ b/tools/purify/
deleted file mode 100644
index d08c901..0000000
--- a/tools/purify/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-''' Given a Purify text file, parses messages, normalizes and uniques them.
-If there's an existing baseline of this data, it can compare against that
-baseline and return an error code if there are any new errors not in the
-baseline. '''
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import google.logging_utils
-import google.path_utils
-import purify_message
-class MemoryTreeNode(object):
- ''' A node in a tree representing stack traces of memory allocation.
- Essentially, each node in the tree is a hashtable mapping a child
- function name to a child node. Each node contains the total number
- of bytes of all of its descendants.
- See also: PurifyAnalyze.PrintMemoryInUse()
- '''
- pat_initializer = re.compile('(.*)\`dynamic initializer for \'(.*)\'\'')
- @classmethod
- def CreateTree(cls, message_list):
- '''Creates a tree from message_list. All of the Message objects are built
- into a tree with a default "ROOT" root node that is then returned.
- Args:
- message_list: a MessageList object.
- '''
- root = MemoryTreeNode("ROOT", 0, 0)
- msgs = message_list.AllMessages()
- for msg in msgs:
- bytes = msg._bytes
- blocks = msg._blocks
- stack = msg.GetAllocStack()
- stack_lines = stack.GetLines()
- size = len(stack_lines)
- node = root
- node._AddAlloc(bytes, blocks)
- counted = False
- # process stack lines from the bottom up to build a call-stack tree
- functions = [line["function"] for line in stack_lines]
- functions.reverse()
- for func in functions:
- if node == root:
- m = MemoryTreeNode.pat_initializer.match(func)
- if m:
- node = node._AddChild("INITIALIZERS", bytes, blocks)
- func = +
- # don't process ellided or truncated stack lines
- if func:
- node = node._AddChild(func, bytes, blocks)
- counted = True
- if not counted:
- # Nodes with no stack frames in our code wind up not being counted
- # above. These seem to be attributable to Windows DLL
- # initialization, so just throw them into that bucket.
- node._AddChild("WINDOWS", bytes, blocks)
- return root
- def __init__(self, function, bytes, blocks):
- '''
- Args:
- function: A string representing a unique method or function.
- bytes: initial number of bytes allocated in this node
- blocks: initial number of blocks allocated in this node
- '''
- self._function = function
- self._bytes = bytes
- self._blocks = blocks
- self._allocs = 1
- self._children = {}
- def _AddAlloc(self, bytes, blocks):
- '''Adds bytes and blocks to this node's allocation totals
- '''
- self._allocs += 1
- self._bytes += bytes
- self._blocks += blocks
- def _AddChild(self, function, bytes, blocks):
- '''Adds a child node if not present. Otherwise, adds
- bytes and blocks to it's allocation total.
- '''
- if function not in self._children:
- self._children[function] = MemoryTreeNode(function, bytes, blocks)
- else:
- self._children[function]._AddAlloc(bytes, blocks)
- return self._children[function]
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- # sort by size, then blocks, then function name
- return cmp((self._bytes, self._blocks, self._function),
- (other._bytes, other._blocks, other._function))
- def __str__(self):
- return "(%d bytes, %d blocks, %d allocs) %s" % (
- self._bytes, self._blocks, self._allocs, self._function)
- def PrintRecursive(self, padding="", byte_filter=0):
- '''Print the tree and all of its children recursively (depth-first). All
- nodes at a given level of the tree are sorted in descending order by size.
- Args:
- padding: Printed at the front of the line. Each recursive call adds a
- single space character.
- byte_filter: a number of bytes below which we'll prune the tree
- '''
- print "%s%s" % (padding, self)
- padding = padding + " "
- # sort the children in descending order (see __cmp__)
- swapped = self._children.values()
- swapped.sort(reverse=True)
- rest_bytes = 0
- rest_blocks = 0
- rest_allocs = 0
- for node in swapped:
- if node._bytes < byte_filter:
- rest_bytes += node._bytes
- rest_blocks += node._blocks
- rest_allocs += node._allocs
- else:
- node.PrintRecursive(padding, byte_filter)
- if rest_bytes:
- print "%s(%d bytes, %d blocks, %d allocs) PRUNED" % (padding,
- rest_bytes, rest_blocks, rest_allocs)
-class PurifyAnalyze:
- ''' Given a Purify text file, parses all of the messages inside of it and
- normalizes them. Provides a mechanism for comparing this normalized set
- against a baseline and detecting if new errors have been introduced. '''
- # a line which is the start of a new message
- pat_msg_start = re.compile('^\[([A-Z])\] (.*)$')
- # a message with a specific type
- pat_msg_type = re.compile('^([A-Z]{3}): (.*)$')
- pat_leak_summary = re.compile("Summary of ... memory leaks")
- pat_miu_summary = re.compile("Summary of ... memory in use")
- pat_starting = re.compile("Starting Purify'd ([^\\s]+\\\\[^\\s]+)")
- pat_arguments = re.compile("\s+Command line arguments:\s+([^\s].*)")
- pat_terminate = re.compile('Message: TerminateProcess called with code')
- # Purify treats this as a warning, but for us it's a fatal error.
- pat_instrumentation_failed = re.compile('^.* file not instrumented')
- # misc to ignore
- pat_ignore = (re.compile('^(Start|Exit)ing'),
- re.compile('^Program terminated'),
- re.compile('^Terminating thread'),
- re.compile('^Message: CryptVerifySignature'))
- # message types that aren't analyzed
- # handled, ignored and continued exceptions will likely never be interesting
- # TODO(erikkay): MPK ("potential" memory leaks) may be worth turning on
- types_excluded = ("EXH", "EXI", "EXC", "MPK")
- def __init__(self, files, echo, name=None, source_dir=None, data_dir=None,
- report_dir=None):
- # The input file we're analyzing.
- self._files = files
- # Whether the input file contents should be echoed to stdout.
- self._echo = echo
- # A symbolic name for the run being analyzed, often the name of the
- # exe which was purified.
- self._name = name
- # The top of the source code tree of the code we're analyzing.
- # This prefix is stripped from all filenames in stacks for normalization.
- if source_dir:
- purify_message.Stack.SetSourceDir(source_dir)
- script_dir = google.path_utils.ScriptDir()
- if data_dir:
- self._data_dir = data_dir
- self._global_data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "data")
- else:
- self._data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "data")
- self._global_data_dir = None
- if report_dir:
- self._report_dir = report_dir
- else:
- self._report_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "latest")
- # A map of message_type to a MessageList of that type.
- self._message_lists = {}
- self._ReadIgnoreFile()
- def _ReadIgnoreFile(self):
- '''Read a file which is a list of regexps for either the title or the
- top-most visible stack line.
- '''
- self._pat_ignore = []
- filenames = [os.path.join(self._data_dir, "ignore.txt")]
- if self._global_data_dir:
- filenames.append(os.path.join(self._global_data_dir, "ignore.txt"))
- for filename in filenames:
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- f = open(filename, 'r')
- for line in f.readlines():
- if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("//") or line.isspace():
- continue
- line = line.rstrip()
- pat = re.compile(line)
- if pat:
- self._pat_ignore.append(pat)
- def ShouldIgnore(self, msg):
- '''Should the message be ignored as irrelevant to analysis '''
- # never ignore memory in use
- if msg.Type() == "MIU":
- return False
- # check ignore patterns against title and top-most visible stack frames
- strings = [msg._title]
- err = msg.GetErrorStack()
- if err:
- line = err.GetTopVisibleStackLine().get('function', None)
- if line:
- strings.append(line)
- alloc = msg.GetAllocStack()
- if alloc:
- line = alloc.GetTopVisibleStackLine().get('function', None)
- if line:
- strings.append(line)
- for pat in self._pat_ignore:
- for str in strings:
- if pat.match(str):
- logging.debug("Igorning message based on ignore.txt")
- logging.debug(msg.NormalizedStr(verbose=True))
- return True
- # unless it's explicitly in the ignore file, never ignore these
- if msg.Type() == purify_message.FATAL:
- return False
- # certain message types aren't that interesting
- if msg.Type() in PurifyAnalyze.types_excluded:
- logging.debug("Igorning message because type is excluded")
- logging.debug(msg.NormalizedStr(verbose=True))
- return True
- # if the message stacks have no local stack frames, we can ignore them
- if msg.StacksAllExternal():
- logging.debug("Igorning message because stacks are all external")
- logging.debug(msg.NormalizedStr(verbose=True))
- return True
- # Microsoft's STL has a bunch of non-harmful UMRs in it. Most of them
- # are filtered out by Purify's default filters and by our explicit ignore
- # list. This code notices ones that have made it through so we can add
- # them to the ignore list later.
- if msg.Type() == "UMR":
- if err.GetTopStackLine()['file'].endswith('.'):
- logging.debug("non-ignored UMR in STL: %s" % msg._title)
- return False
- def AddMessage(self, msg):
- ''' Append the message to an array for its type. Returns boolean indicating
- whether the message was actually added or was ignored.'''
- if msg:
- if self.ShouldIgnore(msg):
- return False
- if msg.Type() not in self._message_lists:
- self._message_lists[msg.Type()] = purify_message.MessageList(msg.Type())
- self._message_lists[msg.Type()].AddMessage(msg)
- return True
- return False
- def _BeginNewSublist(self, key):
- '''See MessageList.BeginNewSublist for details.
- '''
- if key in self._message_lists:
- self._message_lists[key].BeginNewSublist()
- def ReadFile(self):
- ''' Reads a Purify ASCII file and parses and normalizes the messages in
- the file.
- Returns False if a fatal error was detected, True otherwise.
- '''
- # Purify files consist of a series of "messages". These messages have a type
- # (designated as a three letter code - see message_type), a severity
- # (designated by a one letter code - see message_severity) and some
- # textual details. It will often also have a stack trace of the error
- # location, and (for memory errors) may also have a stack trace of the
- # allocation location.
- fatal_errors = 0
- fatal_exe = ""
- for file in self._files:
- exe = ""
- error = None
- message = None
- for line in open(file, mode='rb'):
- line = line.rstrip()
- m = PurifyAnalyze.pat_msg_start.match(line)
- if m:
- if exe == fatal_exe:
- # since we hit a fatal error in this program, ignore all messages
- # until the program changes
- continue
- # we matched a new message, so if there's an existing one, it's time
- # to finish processing it
- if message:
- message.SetProgram(exe)
- if not self.AddMessage(message):
- # error is only set if the message we just tried to add would
- # otherwise be considered a fatal error. Since AddMessage failed
- # (presumably the messages matched the ignore list), we reset
- # error to None
- error = None
- message = None
- if error:
- if error.Type() == "EXU":
- # Don't treat EXU as fatal, since unhandled exceptions
- # in other threads don't necessarily lead to the app to exit.
- # TODO(erikkay): verify that we still do trap exceptions that lead
- # to early termination.
- logging.warning(error.NormalizedStr(verbose=True))
- error = None
- else:
- if len(self._files) > 1:
- logging.error("Fatal error in program: %s" % error.Program())
- logging.error(error.NormalizedStr(verbose=True))
- fatal_errors += 1
- error = None
- fatal_exe = exe
- continue
- severity =
- line =
- m = PurifyAnalyze.pat_msg_type.match(line)
- if m:
- type =
- message = purify_message.Message(severity, type,
- if type == "EXU":
- error = message
- elif severity == "O":
- message = purify_message.Message(severity, purify_message.FATAL,
- line)
- # This is an internal Purify error, and it means that this run can't
- # be trusted and analysis should be aborted.
- error = message
- elif PurifyAnalyze.pat_instrumentation_failed.match(line):
- message = purify_message.Message(severity, purify_message.FATAL,
- line)
- error = message
- elif PurifyAnalyze.pat_terminate.match(line):
- message = purify_message.Message(severity, purify_message.FATAL,
- line)
- error = message
- elif PurifyAnalyze.pat_leak_summary.match(line):
- # TODO(erikkay): should we do sublists for MLK and MPK too?
- # Maybe that means we need to handle "new" and "all" messages
- # separately.
- #self._BeginNewSublist("MLK")
- #self._BeginNewSublist("MPK")
- pass
- elif PurifyAnalyze.pat_miu_summary.match(line):
- # Each time Purify is asked to do generate a list of all memory in use
- # or new memory in use, it first emits this summary line. Since the
- # different lists can overlap, we need to tell MessageList to begin
- # a new sublist.
- # TODO(erikkay): should we tag "new" and "all" sublists explicitly
- # somehow?
- self._BeginNewSublist("MIU")
- elif PurifyAnalyze.pat_starting.match(line):
- m = PurifyAnalyze.pat_starting.match(line)
- exe =
- last_slash = exe.rfind("\\")
- if not purify_message.Stack.source_dir:
- path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(exe[:last_slash], "..", ".."))
- purify_message.Stack.SetSourceDir(path)
- if not self._name:
- self._name = exe[(last_slash+1):]
- else:
- unknown = True
- for pat in PurifyAnalyze.pat_ignore:
- if pat.match(line):
- unknown = False
- break
- if unknown:
- logging.error("unknown line " + line)
- else:
- if message:
- message.AddLine(line)
- elif PurifyAnalyze.pat_arguments.match(line):
- m = PurifyAnalyze.pat_arguments.match(line)
- exe += " " +
- # Purify output should never end with a real message
- if message:
- logging.error("Unexpected message at end of file %s" % file)
- return fatal_errors == 0
- def GetMessageList(self, key):
- if key in self._message_lists:
- return self._message_lists[key]
- else:
- return None
- def Summary(self, echo=None, save=True):
- ''' Print a summary of how many messages of each type were found. '''
- # make sure everyone else is done first
- sys.stderr.flush()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if echo == None:
- echo = self._echo
- if save:
- filename = os.path.join(self._report_dir, "Summary.txt")
- file = open(filename, "w")
- else:
- file = None
-"summary of Purify messages:")
- self._ReportFixableMessages()
- for key in self._message_lists:
- list = self._message_lists[key]
- unique = list.UniqueMessages()
- all = list.AllMessages()
- count = 0
- for msg in all:
- count += msg._count
- self._PrintAndSave("%s(%s) unique:%d total:%d" % (self._name,
- purify_message.GetMessageType(key), len(unique), count), file)
- if key not in ["MIU"]:
- ignore_file = "%s_%s_ignore.txt" % (self._name, key)
- ignore_hashes = self._MessageHashesFromFile(ignore_file)
- ignored = 0
- groups = list.UniqueMessageGroups()
- group_keys = groups.keys()
- group_keys.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: len(groups[y]) - len(groups[x]))
- for group in group_keys:
- # filter out ignored messages
- kept_msgs= [x for x in groups[group] if hash(x) not in ignore_hashes]
- ignored += len(groups[group]) - len(kept_msgs)
- groups[group] = kept_msgs
- if ignored:
- self._PrintAndSave("%s(%s) ignored:%d" % (self._name,
- purify_message.GetMessageType(key), ignored), file)
- total = reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(groups[y]), group_keys, 0)
- if total:
- self._PrintAndSave("%s(%s) group summary:" % (self._name,
- purify_message.GetMessageType(key)), file)
- self._PrintAndSave(" TOTAL: %d" % total, file)
- for group in group_keys:
- if len(groups[group]):
- self._PrintAndSave(" %s: %d" % (group, len(groups[group])),
- file)
- if echo:
- for group in group_keys:
- msgs = groups[group]
- if len(msgs) == 0:
- continue
- self._PrintAndSave("messages from %s (%d)" % (group, len(msgs)),
- file)
- self._PrintAndSave("="*79, file)
- for msg in msgs:
- # for the summary output, line numbers are useful
- self._PrintAndSave(msg.NormalizedStr(verbose=True), file)
- # make sure stdout is flushed to avoid weird overlaps with logging
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if file:
- file.close()
- def PrintMemoryInUse(self, byte_filter=16384):
- ''' Print one or more trees showing a hierarchy of memory allocations.
- Args:
- byte_filter: a number of bytes below which we'll prune the tree
- '''
- list = self.GetMessageList("MIU")
- sublists = list.GetSublists()
- if not sublists:
- sublists = [list]
- trees = []
- summaries = []
- # create the trees and summaries
- for sublist in sublists:
- tree = MemoryTreeNode.CreateTree(sublist)
- trees.append(tree)
- # while the tree is a hierarchical assignment from the root/bottom of the
- # stack down, the summary is simply adding the total of the top-most
- # stack item from our code
- summary = {}
- total = 0
- summaries.append(summary)
- for msg in sublist.AllMessages():
- total += msg._bytes
- stack = msg.GetAllocStack()
- if stack._all_external:
- alloc_caller = "WINDOWS"
- else:
- lines = stack.GetLines()
- for line in lines:
- alloc_caller = line["function"]
- if alloc_caller:
- break
- summary[alloc_caller] = summary.get(alloc_caller, 0) + msg._bytes
- summary["TOTAL"] = total
- # print out the summaries and trees.
- # TODO(erikkay): perhaps we should be writing this output to a file
- # instead?
- tree_number = 1
- num_trees = len(trees)
- for tree, summary in zip(trees, summaries):
- print "MEMORY SNAPSHOT %d of %d" % (tree_number, num_trees)
- lines = summary.keys()
- lines.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: summary[y] - summary[x])
- rest = 0
- for line in lines:
- bytes = summary[line]
- if bytes < byte_filter:
- rest += bytes
- else:
- print "%d: %s" % (bytes, line)
- print "%d: REST" % rest
- print
- print "BEGIN TREE"
- tree.PrintRecursive(byte_filter=byte_filter)
- tree_number += 1
- # make sure stdout is flushed to avoid weird overlaps with logging
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def BugReport(self, save=True):
- ''' Print a summary of how many messages of each type were found and write
- to BugReport.txt
- '''
- if save:
- filename = os.path.join(self._report_dir, "BugReport.txt")
- file = open(filename, "w")
- else:
- file = None
- # make sure everyone else is done first
- sys.stderr.flush()
- sys.stdout.flush()
-"summary of Purify bugs:")
- # This is a specialized set of counters for unit tests, with some
- # unfortunate hard-coded knowledge.
- test_counts = {}
- total_count = 0
- for key in self._message_lists:
- bug = {}
- list = self._message_lists[key]
- unique = list.UniqueMessages()
- all = list.AllMessages()
- count = 0
- for msg in all:
- if msg._title not in bug:
- # use a single sample message to represent all messages
- # that match this title
- bug[msg._title] = {"message":msg,
- "total":0,
- "count":0,
- "programs":set()}
- total_count += 1
- this_bug = bug[msg._title]
- this_bug["total"] += msg._count
- this_bug["count"] += 1
- prog = msg.Program()
- if self._name == "layout":
- # For layout tests, use the last argument, which is the URL that's
- # passed into test_shell.
- this_bug["programs"].add(prog)
- prog_args = prog.split(" ")
- if len(prog_args):
- path = prog_args[-1].replace('\\', '/')
- index = path.rfind("layout_tests/")
- if index >= 0:
- path = path[(index + len("layout_tests/")):]
- else:
- index = path.rfind("")
- if index >= 0:
- # the port number is 8000 or 9000, but length is the same
- path = "http: " + path[(index + len("")):]
- count = 1 + test_counts.get(path, 0)
- test_counts[path] = count
- elif self._name == "ui":
- # ui_tests.exe appends a --test-name= argument to chrome.exe
- prog_args = prog.split(" ")
- arg_prefix = "--test-name="
- test_name = "UNKNOWN"
- for arg in prog_args:
- index = arg.find(arg_prefix)
- if index >= 0:
- test_name = arg[len(arg_prefix):]
- count = 1 + test_counts.get(test_name, 0)
- test_counts[test_name] = count
- break
- this_bug["programs"].add(test_name)
- else:
- this_bug["programs"].add(prog)
- for title in bug:
- b = bug[title]
- self._PrintAndSave("[%s] %s" % (key, title), file)
- self._PrintAndSave("%d tests, %d stacks, %d instances" % (
- len(b["programs"]), b["count"], b["total"]), file)
- self._PrintAndSave("Reproducible with:", file)
- for program in b["programs"]:
- self._PrintAndSave(" %s" % program, file)
- self._PrintAndSave("Sample error details:", file)
- self._PrintAndSave("=====================", file)
- self._PrintAndSave(b["message"].NormalizedStr(verbose=True), file)
- if len(test_counts):
- self._PrintAndSave("", file)
- self._PrintAndSave("test error counts", file)
- self._PrintAndSave("========================", file)
- tests = test_counts.keys()
- tests.sort()
- for test in tests:
- self._PrintAndSave("%s: %d" % (test, test_counts[test]), file)
- if total_count == 0:
- self._PrintAndSave("No bugs. Shocking, I know.", file)
- # make sure stdout is flushed to avoid weird overlaps with logging
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if file:
- file.close()
- def SaveStrings(self, string_list, key, fname_extra=""):
- '''Output a list of strings to a file in the report dir.
- '''
- out = os.path.join(self._report_dir,
- "%s_%s%s.txt" % (self._name, key, fname_extra))
-"saving %s" % (out))
- try:
- f = open(out, "w+")
- f.write('\n'.join(string_list))
- except IOError, (errno, strerror):
- logging.error("error writing to file %s (%d, %s)" % out, errno, strerror)
- if f:
- f.close()
- return True
- def SaveResults(self, path=None, verbose=False):
- ''' Output normalized data to baseline files for future comparison runs.
- Messages are saved in sorted order into a separate file for each message
- type. See Message.NormalizedStr() for details of what's written.
- '''
- if not path:
- path = self._report_dir
- for key in self._message_lists:
- out = os.path.join(path, "%s_%s.txt" % (self._name, key))
-"saving %s" % (out))
- f = open(out, "w+")
- list = self._message_lists[key].UniqueMessages()
- # TODO(erikkay): should the count of each message be a diff factor?
- # (i.e. the same error shows up, but more frequently)
- for message in list:
- f.write(message.NormalizedStr(verbose=verbose))
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
- return True
- def _PrintAndSave(self, msg, file):
- ''' Print |msg| to both stdout and to file. '''
- if file:
- file.write(msg + "\n")
- print msg
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def _ReportFixableMessages(self):
- ''' Collects all baseline files for the executable being tested, including
- lists of flakey results, and logs the total number of messages in them.
- '''
- # TODO(pamg): As long as we're looking at all the files, we could use the
- # information to report any message types that no longer happen at all.
- fixable = 0
- flakey = 0
- paths = [os.path.join(self._data_dir, x)
- for x in os.listdir(self._data_dir)]
- for path in paths:
- # We only care about this executable's files, and not its gtest filters.
- if (not os.path.basename(path).startswith(self._name) or
- not path.endswith(".txt") or
- path.endswith("gtest.txt") or
- path.endswith("_ignore.txt") or
- not os.path.isfile(path)):
- continue
- msgs = self._MessageHashesFromFile(path)
- if path.find("flakey") == -1:
- fixable += len(msgs)
- else:
- flakey += len(msgs)
-"Fixable errors: %s" % fixable)
-"Flakey errors: %s" % flakey)
- def _MessageHashesFromFile(self, filename):
- ''' Reads a file of normalized messages (see SaveResults) and creates a
- dictionary mapping the hash of each message to its text.
- '''
- # NOTE: this uses the same hashing algorithm as Message.__hash__.
- # Unfortunately, we can't use the same code easily since Message is based
- # on parsing an original Purify output file and this code is reading a file
- # of already normalized messages. This means that these two bits of code
- # need to be kept in sync.
- msgs = {}
- if not os.path.isabs(filename):
- filename = os.path.join(self._data_dir, filename)
- if os.path.exists(filename):
-"reading messages from %s" % filename)
- file = open(filename, "r")
- msg = ""
- title = None
- lines = file.readlines()
- # in case the file doesn't end in a blank line
- lines.append("\n")
- for line in lines:
- # allow these files to have comments in them
- if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('//'):
- continue
- if not title:
- if not line.isspace():
- # first line of each message is a title
- title = line
- continue
- elif not line.isspace():
- msg += line
- else:
- # note that the hash doesn't include the title, see Message.__hash__
- h = hash(msg)
- msgs[h] = title + msg
- title = None
- msg = ""
-"%s: %d msgs" % (filename, len(msgs)))
- return msgs
- def _SaveGroupSummary(self, message_list):
- '''Save a summary of message groups and their counts to a file in report_dir
- '''
- string_list = []
- groups = message_list.UniqueMessageGroups()
- group_keys = groups.keys()
- group_keys.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: len(groups[y]) - len(groups[x]))
- for group in group_keys:
- string_list.append("%s: %d" % (group, len(groups[group])))
- self.SaveStrings(string_list, message_list.GetType(), "_GROUPS")
- def CompareResults(self):
- ''' Compares the results from the current run with the baseline data
- stored in data/<name>_<key>.txt returning False if it finds new errors
- that are not in the baseline. See ReadFile() and SaveResults() for
- details of what's in the original file and what's in the baseline.
- Errors that show up in the baseline but not the current run are not
- considered errors (they're considered "fixed"), but they do suggest
- that the baseline file could be re-generated.'''
- errors = 0
- fixes = 0
- for type in purify_message.message_type:
- if type in ["MIU"]:
- continue
- # number of new errors for this message type
- type_errors = []
- # number of new unexpected fixes for this message type
- type_fixes = []
- # the messages from the current run that are in the baseline
- new_baseline = []
- # a common prefix used to describe the program being analyzed and the
- # type of message which is used to generate filenames and descriptive
- # error messages
- type_name = "%s_%s" % (self._name, type)
- # open the baseline file to compare against
- baseline_file = "%s.txt" % type_name
- baseline_hashes = self._MessageHashesFromFile(baseline_file)
- # read the flakey file if it exists
- flakey_file = "%s_flakey.txt" % type_name
- flakey_hashes = self._MessageHashesFromFile(flakey_file)
- # read the ignore file if it exists
- ignore_file = "%s_ignore.txt" % type_name
- ignore_hashes = self._MessageHashesFromFile(ignore_file)
- # messages from the current run
- current_list = self.GetMessageList(type)
- if current_list:
- # Since we're looking at the list of unique messages,
- # if the number of occurrances of a given unique message
- # changes, it won't show up as an error.
- current_messages = current_list.UniqueMessages()
- else:
- current_messages = []
- current_hashes = {}
- # compute errors and new baseline
- for message in current_messages:
- msg_hash = hash(message)
- current_hashes[msg_hash] = message
- if msg_hash in ignore_hashes or msg_hash in flakey_hashes:
- continue
- if msg_hash in baseline_hashes:
- new_baseline.append(msg_hash)
- continue
- type_errors.append(msg_hash)
- # compute unexpected fixes
- for msg_hash in baseline_hashes:
- if (msg_hash not in current_hashes and
- msg_hash not in ignore_hashes and
- msg_hash not in flakey_hashes):
- type_fixes.append(baseline_hashes[msg_hash])
- if len(current_messages) or len(type_errors) or len(type_fixes):
-"%d '%s(%s)' messages "
- "(%d new, %d unexpectedly fixed)" % (len(current_messages),
- purify_message.GetMessageType(type), type,
- len(type_errors), len(type_fixes)))
- if len(type_errors):
- strs = [current_hashes[x].NormalizedStr(verbose=True)
- for x in type_errors]
- logging.error("%d new '%s(%s)' errors found\n%s" % (len(type_errors),
- purify_message.GetMessageType(type), type,
- '\n'.join(strs)))
- strs = [current_hashes[x].NormalizedStr() for x in type_errors]
- self.SaveStrings(strs, type, "_NEW")
- errors += len(type_errors)
- if len(type_fixes):
- # we don't have access to the original message, so all we can do is log
- # the non-verbose normalized text
- logging.warning("%d new '%s(%s)' unexpected fixes found\n%s" % (
- len(type_fixes), purify_message.GetMessageType(type),
- type, '\n'.join(type_fixes)))
- self.SaveStrings(type_fixes, type, "_FIXED")
- fixes += len(type_fixes)
- if len(current_messages) == 0:
- logging.warning("all errors fixed in %s" % baseline_file)
- if len(type_fixes) or len(type_errors):
- strs = [baseline_hashes[x] for x in new_baseline]
- self.SaveStrings(strs, type, "_BASELINE")
- if current_list:
- self._SaveGroupSummary(current_list)
- if errors:
- logging.error("%d total new errors found" % errors)
- return -1
- else:
-"no new errors found - yay!")
- if fixes:
- logging.warning("%d total errors unexpectedly fixed" % fixes)
- # magic return code to turn the builder orange (via ReturnCodeCommand)
- return 88
- return 0
-# The following code is here for testing and development purposes.
-def _main():
- retcode = 0
- parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] <files to analyze>")
- parser.add_option("-b", "--baseline", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="save output to baseline files")
- parser.add_option("-m", "--memory_in_use",
- action="store_true", default=False,
- help="print memory in use summary")
- parser.add_option("", "--validate",
- action="store_true", default=False,
- help="validate results vs. baseline")
- parser.add_option("-e", "--echo_to_stdout",
- action="store_true", default=False,
- help="echo purify output to standard output")
- parser.add_option("", "--source_dir",
- help="path to top of source tree for this build"
- "(used to normalize source paths in output)")
- parser.add_option("", "--byte_filter", default=16384,
- help="prune the tree below this number of bytes")
- parser.add_option("-n", "--name",
- help="name of the test being run "
- "(used for output filenames)")
- parser.add_option("", "--data_dir",
- help="path to where purify data files live")
- parser.add_option("", "--bug_report", default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help="print output as an attempted summary of bugs")
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="verbose output - enable debug log messages")
- parser.add_option("", "--report_dir",
- help="path where report files are saved")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not len(args) >= 1:
- parser.error("no filename specified")
- filenames = args
- if options.verbose:
- google.logging_utils.config_root(level=logging.DEBUG)
- else:
- google.logging_utils.config_root(level=logging.INFO)
- pa = PurifyAnalyze(filenames, options.echo_to_stdout,,
- options.source_dir, options.data_dir, options.report_dir)
- execute_crash = not pa.ReadFile()
- if options.bug_report:
- pa.BugReport()
- pa.Summary(False)
- elif options.memory_in_use:
- pa.PrintMemoryInUse(int(options.byte_filter))
- elif execute_crash:
- retcode = -1
- logging.error("Fatal error during test execution. Analysis skipped.")
- elif options.validate:
- if pa.CompareResults() != 0:
- retcode = -1
- pa.SaveResults()
- pa.Summary()
- elif options.baseline:
- if not pa.SaveResults(verbose=True):
- retcode = -1
- pa.Summary(False)
- else:
- pa.Summary(False)
- sys.exit(retcode)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- _main()