path: root/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 4091 deletions
diff --git a/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck/suppressions.txt b/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck/suppressions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f21f8..0000000
--- a/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck/suppressions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-# There are four kinds of suppressions in this file.
-# 1. Third party stuff we have no control over.
-# 2. Bugs involving Wine.
-# 3. Chromium specific errors that are intentional unit test errors,
-# or stuff that is somehow a false positive in our own code,
-# or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing.
-# 4. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed.
-# These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet).
-# Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by
-# running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions.
-# 1. Third party stuff we have no control over.
-# System bugs that aren't Wine's fault.
- suppress_nss_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- obj:*
- fun:__nss_database_lookup
- bogus_Xcursor_Leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- obj:/usr/lib/
- todo_suppress_libasound_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- obj:/usr/lib*/
- todo_suppress_libfontconfig_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- obj:/usr/lib*/*
-# visual C++
- todo_visual_c_chkstk_2
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:_chkstk
- # Same leak exists in src/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
- # with a mangled stack signature.
- Uninitialized value in deflate
- Memcheck:Cond
- ...
- fun:MOZ_Z_deflate
-# 2. Bugs involving Wine
-# These three happen if valgrind doesn't notice and handle speculative
-# implementations of strchr/strlen/strcat properly.
- visual_c_ignore_strchr
- Memcheck:Cond
- fun:strchr
- visual_c_ignore_strlen
- Memcheck:Cond
- fun:strlen
- visual_c_ignore_strcat
- Memcheck:Cond
- fun:strcat
-# Naming convention for Wine suppressions:
-# # If we think it's solid:
-# # suppress_wine_dirname__functionname[_moreifneeded]
-# # If we aren't sure, change suppress to todo
-# thread_detach() should clean this up??
- todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__x11drv_init_thread_data_main
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:x11drv_init_thread_data
- todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv_XOpenDisplay
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- ...
- fun:xcb_connect
- fun:_XConnectXCB
- fun:XOpenDisplay
- todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv_XOpenDisplay_2
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- ...
- fun:xcb_get_extension_data
- fun:xcb_prefetch_maximum_request_length
- fun:xcb_get_maximum_request_length
- fun:XOpenDisplay
- fun:DllMain
- todo_suppress_alloc_module_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:RtlCreateUnicodeString
- fun:alloc_module
- todo_suppress_dlopen_leak2
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:dl_open_worker
- fun:_dl_catch_error
- fun:_dl_open
- fun:dlopen_doit
- fun:_dl_catch_error
-# ntdll/loader.c explicitly avoids freeing when .exe's exit at the moment
- todo_suppress_wine_alloc_module_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:RtlCreateUnicodeString
- fun:alloc_module
-# shell32 isn't freeing its imagelist cache on unload?
- wine_bug_20544
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- fun:XInitExtension
- fun:XextAddDisplay
- fun:*
- fun:XShmQueryVersion
- fun:X11DRV_CreateDIBSection
- fun:CreateDIBSection
- fun:ImageList_CreateImage
- fun:ImageList_Create
- fun:SIC_Initialize
- fun:DllMain
-# winmm isn't freeing everything on unload?
- wine_bug_20545
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:Rtl*AllocateHeap
- fun:MMDRV_InitPerType
- fun:MMDRV_Install
- fun:MMDRV_Init
-# yet another leak on unload, seen on chromium's net http and ftp tests
- wine_bug_20549
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- ...
- fun:SECUR32_initSchannelSP
- # yet another gnutls leak?
- gnutls_leak_bug_2
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:calloc
- ...
-# fun:_gnutls_hash_init (commented out because sometimes this shows up without symbols)
-# fun:gnutls_handshake
- fun:schan_InitializeSecurityContextW
- fun:InitializeSecurityContextW
-# leak on thread creation?
- wine_bug_20552
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:alloc_thread_tls
- fun:MODULE_DllThreadAttach
- wine_secur32_ignore_fork_helper_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:fork_helper
- fun:SECUR32_initNTLMSP
- wine_bug_20548_ReadFile
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:NtReadFile
- wine_bug_20548_WS_shutdown
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:WS2_register_async_shutdown
- fun:WS_shutdown
- wine_bug_20654
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:get_full_path_helper
- fun:RtlGetFullPathName_U
- # This leak is expected - wine doesn't have a reliable way to free the default provider on exit.
- wine_bug_20679
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:CRYPT_GetDefaultProvider
- # Benign window title leak?
- wine_bug_20692_wontfix
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:DEFWND_SetText*
- ...
- fun:CreateWindow*
- wine_bug_21045
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:SECUR32_addPackages
- fun:SECUR32_initNegotiateSP
-# 3. Chromium specific errors that are intentional unit test errors,
-# or stuff that is somehow a false positive in our own code,
-# or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing.
- wine_bug_20551_as_seen_by_chromium
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:GlobalAlloc
- ...
- fun:Clipboard::WriteObjects
- suppress_chromium_crasher
- Memcheck:Addr1
- ...
- fun:*Test_Crasher*
- ignore_mozilla_errors
- Memcheck:Cond
- obj:*/ImporterTest/profile/mozcrt19.dll
- ignore_mozilla_errors2
- Memcheck:Cond
- obj:*/chrome/test/data/firefox3_nss/mozcrt19.dll
- ignore_gears_errors
- Memcheck:Addr4
- obj:*/gears.dll
- ignore_nss_decryptor_init_errors
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:NSSDecryptor::Init
-# Not sure why Valgrind started to think everything happening in the
-# usr1_handler is invalid. Can't seem to reproduce these locally.
-# This happens in URLFetcherTest.SameThreadsTest.
- ignore_wine_ntdll_usr1_handler_a
- Memcheck:Addr1
- ...
- fun:usr1_handler
- ignore_wine_ntdll_usr1_handler_b
- Memcheck:Addr2
- ...
- fun:usr1_handler
- ignore_wine_ntdll_usr1_handler_c
- Memcheck:Addr4
- ...
- fun:usr1_handler
- # This occurs at the same time as the usr1_handler errors above.
- ignore_wine_ntdll_no_symbol
- Memcheck:Addr4
- obj:*
- # mysterious leaks in, no symbols / incorrect symbols.
- ignore_wine_rsaenh_no_symbols
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- obj:*
- # Maybe a leak in strtoi() ?? StringToInt() seems to be leak free.
- ignore_strtoi_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:StringToInt
- # Maybe a leak in _strtoi64() ?? StringToInt64() seems to be leak free.
- ignore_strtoi64_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:StringToInt64
- # A leak in _vsnprintf_s?
- ignore_vsnprintf_s
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:_vsnprintf_s
- fun:base::vsnprintf
- fun:vsnprintfT
- # A leak in _wfopen_s() ?? ReadFileToString() behaves correctly.
- ignore_wfopen_s_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:_wfopen_s
- fun:file_util::ReadFileToString
- fun:FileReader::ReadFileOnBackgroundThread
- # Leaking an 8 byte Clipboard object in the test code.
- ignore_get_clipboard
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:operator new
- fun:TestViewsDelegate::GetClipboard
- fun:views::NativeTextfieldWin::OnCopy
- # mysterious leak in _calloc_crt. Bug in Wine perhaps?? Hard to reproduce.
- ignore_calloc_crt
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- fun:win_heap_malloc
- fun:malloc
- fun:calloc
- fun:_calloc_impl
- fun:_calloc_crt
- # Boy, oh, boy do we need a better way to deal with this.
- # See
- valgrind_bug_190660
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:strlen
- # Boy, oh, boy do we need a better way to deal with this.
- # See
- valgrind_bug_190660
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:strcmp
- # Boy, oh, boy do we need a better way to deal with this.
- # See
- valgrind_bug_190660
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:strchr
- # Boy, oh, boy do we need a better way to deal with this.
- # See
- valgrind_bug_190660
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:strcat
- # Boy, oh, boy do we need a better way to deal with this.
- # See
- valgrind_bug_190660
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:strncpy
- # Same leak exists in src/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
- # with a mangled stack signature.
- intentional_BrowserThreadTest_NotReleasedIfTargetThreadNonExistent_Test_leak
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:operator new
- fun:BrowserThreadTest_NotReleasedIfTargetThreadNonExistent_Test::TestBody
- fun:testing::Test::Run
-# 4. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed.
- # Same leak exists in src/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
- # with a mangled stack signature.
- bug_15276
- Memcheck:Cond
- fun:cld::OctaHashV3Lookup4
- fun:cld::DoOctaScoreV3
- fun:ScoreQuadgrams
- fun:CompactLangDetImpl::DetectLanguageSummaryV25
- fun:CompactLangDet::DetectLanguage
- # Same leak exists in src/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
- # with a mangled stack signature.
- bug_20653a
- Memcheck:Param
- write(buf)
- ...
- fun:sqlite3OsWrite
- fun:pager_write_pagelist
- # Same leak exists in src/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
- # with a mangled stack signature.
- bug_20653b
- Memcheck:Param
- write(buf)
- ...
- fun:*Write
- fun:sqlite3OsWrite
- ...
- fun:pager_write
- bug_30547
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:operator new
- fun:ImportantFileWriter::WriteNow
- fun:BookmarkStorage::SaveNow
- fun:BookmarkStorage::BookmarkModelDeleted
- bug_30614
- Memcheck:Cond
- fun:strncpy
- fun:AffixMgr::parse_affix
- ...
- fun:SpellCheck::InitializeHunspell
- bug_31640
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:RtlAllocateHeap
- ...
- fun:xmlGetGlobalState
- fun:__xmlGenericError
- fun:ScopedXmlErrorFunc::ScopedXmlErrorFunc
- fun:UpdateManifest::Parse
- bug_31643
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:operator new
- fun:browser_sync::UIModelWorker::DoWorkAndWaitUntilDone
- fun:Syncer::SyncShare
- bug_31644
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:operator new
- fun:NewRunnableMethod<ExtensionServiceBackend,void (__thiscall ExtensionServiceBackend::*)(void)>
- fun:ExtensionService::ClearProvidersForTesting
- bug_33424
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:net::TCPClientSocketWin::Read
- fun:net::*::DoReadHeaders
- ...
- fun:net::*::OnIOComplete
- # This is a bit flaky, but it happens with both
- # FLAKY_FTPDirectoryListing_Test and FLAKY_FTPCacheLoginBoxCredentials_Test
- bug_33425
- Memcheck:Leak
- ...
- fun:net::TCPClientSocketWin::Read
- fun:net::FtpNetworkTransaction::DoCtrlRead
- fun:net::FtpNetworkTransaction::DoLoop
- fun:net::FtpNetworkTransaction::OnIOComplete
- fun:DispatchToMethod<net::FtpNetworkTransaction,void (__thiscall net::FtpNetworkTransaction::*)(int),int>
- # This is an invalid read/write that shows up sporadically.
- bug_33426
- Memcheck:Addr4
- fun:_free_base
- ...
- fun:std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >
- fun:std::basic_stringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_stringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >
- fun:std::basic_stringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::`vbase destructor'
- fun:testing::internal::StrStreamToString
- fun:testing::Message::GetString
- fun:testing::AssertionResult::operator<<<enum net::LoadLog::EventPhase>
- ...
- fun:SSLClientSocketTest_ConnectMismatched_Test::TestBody
diff --git a/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck/winetricks b/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck/winetricks
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ea5dfa..0000000
--- a/tools/valgrind/wine_memcheck/winetricks
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3548 +0,0 @@
-# Quick and dirty script to download and install various
-# redistributable runtime libraries
-# Current maintainers: Austin English, Dan Kegel
-# Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Google (Dan Kegel,
-# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Austin English (
-# Thanks to Detlef Riekenberg for lots of updates
-# Thanks to Saulius Krasuckas for corrections and suggestions
-# Thanks to Erik Inge Bolsø for several patches
-# Thanks to Hugh Perkins for the directplay patch
-# Please report problems at
-# See also
-# Note to contributors: please avoid gnu extensions in this shell script,
-# as it has to run on MacOSX and Solaris, too. A good book on the topic is
-# "Portable Shell Programming" by Bruce Blinn
-#---- Constants -------------------------------------------------
-# Name of this version of winetricks (YYYYMMDD)
-# Default values for important settings if not already in environment.
-# These settings should not need editing here.
-case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT")
- # Cheezy fix for getting rid of double slashes when running cygwin in wine
- case $HOME in
- /) HOME="" ;;
- esac
- WINE=""
- DRIVE_C="C:/"
- XXXPATH=cygpath
- ;;
- *)
- WINE=${WINE:-wine}
- XXXPATH="early_wine winepath"
- ;;
-# Internal variables; these locations are not too important
-# Default to hiding the directory, by popular demand
-test -d "$WINETRICKS_CACHE" || WINETRICKS_CACHE=$HOME/.winetrickscache
-WINETRICKS_CACHE_WIN="`$XXXPATH -w $WINETRICKS_CACHE | tr '\012' ' ' | sed 's/ $//'`"
-# Overridden for windows
-# Which sourceforge mirror to use. Rotate based on time, since
-# their mirror picker sometimes persistantly sends you to a broken
-# mirror.
-case `date +%S` in
-*[01]) SOURCEFORGE= ;;
-*[23]) SOURCEFORGE= ;;
-#---- Functions -------------------------------------------------
-# Check for known desktop environments
-# Set variable DE to the desktop environment's name, lowercase
-detectDE() {
- if [ x"$KDE_FULL_SESSION" = x"true" ]
- then
- DE=kde
- elif [ x"$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" != x"" ]
- then
- DE=gnome
- elif [ x"$DISPLAY" != x"" ]
- then
- DE=x
- else
- DE=none
- fi
-warn() {
- echo "$@"
- test "$GUI" = 1 || return
- # For some reason, nulls were showing up in $@?!, causing truncated output in zenity
- msg="`echo $@ | tr '\000' ' '`"
- case $DE in
- gnome) zenity --error --title=Winetricks --text="$msg" --no-wrap;;
- kde) kdialog --title Winetricks --error "$msg" ;;
- x) xmessage -title Winetricks -center " Error: $msg " ;;
- esac
-die() {
- warn "$@"
- exit 1
-# Abort if user doesn't own the given directory (or its parent, if it doesn't exist yet)
-die_if_user_not_dirowner() {
- if test -d "$1"
- then
- checkdir="$1"
- else
- # fixme: quoting problem?
- checkdir=`dirname "$1"`
- fi
- nuser=`id -u`
- nowner=`ls -l -n -d -L "$checkdir" | awk '{print $3}'`
- if test x$nuser != x$nowner
- then
- die "You (`id -un`) don't own $checkdir. Don't run winetricks as another user!"
- fi
-usage() {
- set +x
- # WARNING: do not use single quote in any package description; that breaks the gui menu.
- echo "Usage: $0 [options] package [package] ..."
- echo "This script can help you prepare your system for Windows applications"
- echo "that mistakenly assume all users' systems have all the needed"
- echo "redistributable runtime libraries or fonts."
- echo "Some options require the Linux 'cabextract' program."
- echo ""
- echo "Options:"
- echo " -q quiet. You must have already agreed to the EULAs."
- echo " -v verbose"
- echo " -V display Version"
- echo "Packages:"
- echo " art2kmin MS Access 2007 runtime"
- echo " atmlib Adobe Type Manager. Needed for Adobe CS4"
- echo " autohotkey Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)"
- echo " cmake CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system"
- echo " colorprofile Standard RGB color profile"
- echo " comctl32 MS common controls 5.80"
- echo " comctl32.ocx MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32 wrappers for VB6"
- echo " controlpad MS ActiveX Control Pad"
- echo " corefonts MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts"
- echo " cygwin Unix apps for Windows (needed by some build scripts)"
- echo " d3dx9 MS d3dx9_??.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)"
- echo " d3dx10 MS d3dx10_??.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)"
- echo " dcom98 MS DCOM (ole32, oleaut32); requires Windows 98 license, but does not check for one"
- echo " dinput8 MS dinput8.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)"
- echo " dirac0.8 the obsolete Dirac 0.8 directshow filter"
- echo " directplay MS DirectPlay (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)"
- echo " directx9 MS DirectX 9 user redistributable (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)"
- echo " directx9-beta MS DirectX 9 user redistributable - beta verb (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)"
- echo " divx divx video codec"
- echo " dotnet11 MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
-# Doesn't work yet, don't make it public
-# echo " dotnet11sdk MS .NET Framework SDK Version 1.1 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one; may not work yet)"
- echo " dotnet20 MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
-# Doesn't work yet, don't make it public
-# echo " dotnet20sdk MS .NET Framework SDK Version 2.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one, may not work yet)"
- echo " dotnet20sp2 MS .NET 2.0 sp2 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
- echo " dotnet30 MS .NET 3.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one, might not work yet)"
- echo " droid Droid fonts (on LCD, looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)"
- echo " ffdshow ffdshow video codecs"
- echo " firefox Firefox web browser"
- echo " flash Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins"
- echo " fm20 MS Forms 2.0 Object Library"
- echo " fontfix Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net)."
- echo " fontsmooth-bgr Enables subpixel smoothing for BGR LCDs"
- echo " fontsmooth-disable Disables font smoothing"
- echo " fontsmooth-gray Enables grayscale font smoothing"
- echo " fontsmooth-rgb Enables subpixel smoothing for RGB LCDs"
- echo " gdiplus MS gdiplus.dll"
- echo " gecko-dbg The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla), with debugging symbols"
- echo " gecko The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)"
- echo " hosts Adds empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,services} files"
- echo " icodecs Intel Codecs (Indeo)"
- echo " ie6 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0"
- echo " ie7 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0"
- echo " jet40 MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8"
- echo " kde KDE for Windows installer"
- echo " liberation Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif, Mono)"
- echo " mdac25 MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc."
- echo " mdac27 MS MDAC 2.7"
- echo " mdac28 MS MDAC 2.8"
- echo " mfc40 MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)"
- echo " mfc42 MS mfc42 (same as vcrun6 below)"
- echo " mingw-gdb GDB for MinGW"
- echo " mingw Minimalist GNU for Windows, including GCC for Windows!"
- echo " mono20 mono-2.0.1"
- echo " mono22 mono-2.2"
- echo " mono24 mono-2.4"
- echo " mozillabuild Mozilla build environment"
- echo " mpc Media Player Classic"
- echo " mshflxgd MS Hierarchical Flex Grid Control"
- echo " msi2 MS Installer 2.0"
- echo " msls31 MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)"
- echo " msmask MS Masked Edit Control"
- echo " mspaint MS Paint (gotta draw stick figures somehow...)"
- echo " msscript MS Script Control"
- echo " msxml3 MS XML version 3"
- echo " msxml4 MS XML version 4"
- echo " msxml6 MS XML version 6"
- echo " ogg ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex, vorbis, schroedinger"
- echo " ole2 MS 16 bit OLE"
- echo " openwatcom Open Watcom C/C++ compiler (can compile win16 code!)"
- echo " pdh MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)"
- echo " physx NVIDIA/AGEIA PhysX runtime"
- echo " psdk2003 MS Platform SDK 2003"
- echo " psdkvista MS Vista SDK (does not install yet)"
- echo " psdkwin7 MS Windows 7 SDK (installing just headers and c++ compiler works)"
- echo " python26 Python 2.6.2 (and pywin32)"
- echo " python-comtypes Python 0.6.1-1 comtypes package"
- echo " quicktime72 Apple Quicktime 7.2"
- echo " riched20 MS riched20 and riched32"
- echo " riched30 MS riched30"
- echo " richtx32 MS Rich TextBox Control 6.0"
- echo " shockwave Adobe Shockwave Player"
- echo " tahoma MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)"
- echo " urlmon MS urlmon.dll"
- echo " usp10 MS usp10.dll (Uniscribe)"
- echo " vb2run MS Visual Basic 2 runtime"
- echo " vb3run MS Visual Basic 3 runtime"
- echo " vb4run MS Visual Basic 4 runtime"
- echo " vb5run MS Visual Basic 5 runtime"
- echo " vb6run MS Visual Basic 6 Service Pack 6 runtime"
- echo " vc2005express MS Visual C++ 2005 Express"
- echo " vc2005expresssp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Express SP1 (does not work yet)"
- echo " vc2005sp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 and ATL fix (install trial 1st)"
- echo " vc2005hotfix MS Visual C++ 2005 hotfixes (install sp1 1st)"
- echo " vc2005trial MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial"
- echo " vcrun2003 MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries (mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)"
- echo " vcrun2005 MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)"
- echo " vcrun2008 MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)"
- echo " vcrun6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt)"
- echo " vcrun6sp6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp6 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt; 64 MB download)"
- echo " vjrun20 MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20)"
- echo " vlc VLC media player"
- echo " wenquanyi WenQuanYi CJK font (on LCD looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)"
- echo " wininet MS wininet.dll (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
- echo " wme9 MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
- echo " wmp10 MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
- echo " wmp9 MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)"
- echo " wsh56js MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, no cscript"
- echo " wsh56 MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6"
- echo " wsh56vb MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript"
- echo " xact MS XACT Engine (x3daudio?_?.dll, xactengine?_?.dll)"
- echo " xvid xvid video codec"
- echo "Pseudopackages:"
- echo " allfonts All listed fonts (corefonts, tahoma, liberation)"
- echo " allcodecs All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow, icodecs)"
- echo " ddr=gdi Set DirectDrawRenderer to GDI (default)"
- echo " ddr=opengl Set DirectDrawRenderer to OpenGL"
- echo " fakeie6 Set registry to claim IE6sp1 is installed"
- echo " glsl-disable Disable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D"
- echo " glsl-enable Enable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D (default)"
- echo " heapcheck Enable heap checking"
- echo " multisampling=enabled Enable Direct3D multisampling"
- echo " multisampling=disabled Disable Direct3D multisampling (default)"
- echo " native_mdac Override odbc32, odbccp32 and oledb32"
- echo " native_oleaut32 Override oleaut32"
- echo " nocrashdialog Disable the graphical crash dialog"
- echo " orm=backbuffer Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=backbuffer"
- echo " orm=fbo Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo (default)"
- echo " orm=pbuffer Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=pbuffer"
- echo " rtlm=auto Set RenderTargetLockMode to auto (default)"
- echo " rtlm=disabled Set RenderTargetLockMode to disabled"
- echo " rtlm=readdraw Set RenderTargetLockMode to readdraw"
- echo " rtlm=readtex Set RenderTargetLockMode to readtex"
- echo " rtlm=texdraw Set RenderTargetLockMode to texdraw"
- echo " rtlm=textex Set RenderTargetLockMode to textex"
- echo " sandbox Sandbox the wineprefix - remove links to ~"
- echo " sound=alsa Set sound driver to ALSA"
- echo " sound=audioio Set sound driver to AudioIO"
- echo " sound=coreaudio Set sound driver to CoreAudio"
- echo " sound=esound Set sound driver to Esound"
- echo " sound=jack Set sound driver to Jack"
- echo " sound=nas Set sound driver to Nas"
- echo " sound=oss Set sound driver to OSS"
- echo " sound=disabled Disable sound"
- echo " nt40 Set windows version to nt40"
- echo " win98 Set windows version to Windows 98"
- echo " win2k Set windows version to Windows 2000"
- echo " winxp Set windows version to Windows XP"
- echo " vista Set windows version to Windows Vista"
- echo " winver= Set windows version to default (winxp)"
- echo " volnum Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)"
-# Trivial GUI just to handle case where user tries running without commandline
-kde_showmenu() {
- title="$1"
- shift
- text="$1"
- shift
- col1name="$1"
- shift
- col2name="$1"
- shift
- while test $# -gt 0
- do
- args="$args $1 $1 off"
- shift
- done
- kdialog --title "$title" --separate-output --checklist "$text" $args
-x_showmenu() {
- title="$1"
- shift
- text="$1"
- shift
- col1name="$1"
- shift
- col2name="$1"
- shift
- if test $# -gt 0
- then
- args="$1"
- shift
- fi
- while test $# -gt 0
- do
- args="$args,$1"
- shift
- done
- (echo "$title"; echo ""; echo "$text") | \
- xmessage -print -file - -buttons "Cancel,$args" | sed 's/Cancel//'
- case $DE in
- kde) kde_showmenu "$@" ;;
- gnome|x) x_showmenu "$@" ;;
- none) usage 1>&2; exit 1;;
- esac
- if [ $DE = gnome ]
- then
- echo "zenity --title 'Select a package to install' --text 'Install?' --list --checklist --column '' --column Package --column Description --height 440 --width 600 \\" > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/
- usage | grep '^ [a-z]' | sed 's/^ \([^ ]*\) *\(.*\)/FALSE "\1" '"'\2'/" | sed 's/$/ \\/' >> $WINETRICKS_TMP/
- todo="`sh "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/ | tr '|' ' '`"
- else
- packages=`usage | awk '/^ [a-z]/ {print $1}'`
- todo="`showmenu "winetricks" "Select a package to install" "Install?" "Package" $packages`"
- fi
- if test "$todo"x = x
- then
- exit 0
- fi
-#----- Helpers ------------------------------------------------
-# Execute with error checking
-try() {
- # "VAR=foo try cmd" fails to put VAR in the environment
- # with some versions of bash if try is a shell function?!
- # Adding this explicit export works around it.
- echo Executing "$@"
- # Mark executable - needed if running on windows vista
- case "$1" in
- *.exe) chmod +x "$1" || true
- cmd /c "$@"
- ;;
- *)
- "$@"
- ;;
- esac
- status=$?
- if test $status -ne 0
- then
- die "Note: command '$@' returned status $status. Aborting."
- fi
-try_regedit() {
- # on windows, doesn't work without cmd /c
- case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT") cmdc="cmd /c";;
- *) unset cmdc
- esac
- try early_wine $cmdc regedit "$@"
-regedit() {
- die oops, bug, please report
-# verify an sha1sum
-verify_sha1sum() {
- wantsum=$1
- file=$2
- gotsum=`$SHA1SUM < $file | sed 's/ .*//'`
- if [ "$gotsum"x != "$wantsum"x ]
- then
- die "sha1sum mismatch! Rename $file and try again."
- fi
-# Download a file
-# Usage: package url [sha1sum [filename]]
-# Caches downloads in winetrickscache/$package
-download() {
- if [ "$4"x != ""x ]
- then
- file="$4"
- else
- file=`basename "$2"`
- fi
- cache="$WINETRICKS_CACHE/$1"
- mkdir -p "$cache"
- if test ! -f "$cache/$file"
- then
- cd "$cache"
- # Mac folks tend to have curl rather than wget
- # On Mac, 'which' doesn't return good exit status
- # Need to jam in --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" else
- # decompresses liberation-fonts.tar.gz!
- if [ -x "`which wget`" ]
- then
- # Use -nd to insulate ourselves from people who set -x in WGETRC
- # [*] --retry-connrefused works around the broken mirroring
- # system when downloading corefonts
- # [*] --read-timeout is useful on the adobe server that doesn't
- # close the connection unless you tell it to (control-C or closing
- # the socket)
- try wget -O "$file" -nd -c --read-timeout=300 --retry-connrefused --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" "$2"
- else
- # curl doesn't get filename from the location given by the server!
- # fortunately, we know it
- try curl -L -o "$file" -C - --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" "$2"
- fi
- # Need to decompress .exe's that are compressed, else cygwin fails
- # Only affects cygwin, so don't barf if 'file' not installed
- FILE=`which file`
- case $FILE-$file in
- /*-*.exe)
- case `file $file` in
- *gzip*) mv $file $file.gz; gunzip < $file.gz > $file;;
- esac
- esac
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- if [ "$3"x != ""x ]
- then
- verify_sha1sum $3 "$cache/$file"
- fi
-set_winver() {
- echo "Setting Windows version to $1"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-winver.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\set-winver.reg
-set_app_winver() {
- app="$1"
- version="$2"
- echo "Setting $app to $version mode"
- (
- echo REGEDIT4
- echo ""
- echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\$app]"
- echo "\"Version\"=\"$version\""
- ) > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-winver.reg
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\set-winver.reg
- rm "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-winver.reg
-set_ddr() {
- echo "Setting DirectDrawRenderer to $1"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-ddr.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-ddr.reg
-set_orm() {
- echo "Setting OffscreenRenderingMode to $1"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-orm.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\set-orm.reg
-set_rtlm() {
- echo "Setting RenderTargetLockMode to $1"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-rtlm.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-rtlm.reg
-set_multisampling() {
- echo "Setting Multisampling to $1"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-multi.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-multi.reg
-set_sound_driver() {
- echo "Setting sound driver to $1"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/set-sound.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\set-sound.reg
-disable_crashdialog() {
- echo "Disabling graphical crash dialog"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/crashdialog.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\crashdialog.reg
-sandbox() {
- # remove symlinks
- try rm "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/Desktop"
- try rm "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Documents"
- try rm "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Music"
- try rm "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Pictures"
- try rm "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Videos"
- # create replacement directories
- try mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/Desktop"
- try mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Documents"
- try mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Music"
- try mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Pictures"
- try mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/My Videos"
-unset_winver() {
- echo "Clearing Windows version back to default"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/unset-winver.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\unset-winver.reg
-override_dlls() {
- mode=$1
- shift
- echo Using $mode override for following DLLs: $@
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/override-dll.reg <<_EOF_
- while test "$1" != ""
- do
- case "$1" in
- comctl32)
- rm -rf "$WINDIR"/winsxs/manifests/
- ;;
- esac
- echo "\"$1\"=\"$mode\"" >> "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/override-dll.reg
- shift
- done
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\override-dll.reg
- rm "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/override-dll.reg
-override_app_dlls() {
- app=$1
- shift
- mode=$1
- shift
- echo Using $mode override for following DLLs when running $app: $@
- (
- echo REGEDIT4
- echo ""
- echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\$app\\DllOverrides]"
- ) > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/override-dll.reg
- while test "$1" != ""
- do
- case "$1" in
- comctl32)
- rm -rf "$WINDIR"/winsxs/manifests/
- ;;
- esac
- echo "\"$1\"=\"$mode\"" >> "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/override-dll.reg
- shift
- done
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\override-dll.reg
- rm "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/override-dll.reg
-register_font() {
- file=$1
- shift
- font=$1
- #echo "Registering $file as $font"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/register-font.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]
- # too verbose
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\register-font.reg
-append_path() {
- # Prepend $1 to the windows path in the registry. Caller must use single quotes and double backslashes in argument.
- NEW_PATH="$1"
- WIN_PATH="`WINEDEBUG= $WINE cmd.exe /c echo "%PATH%" | sed 's,\\\\,\\\\\\\\,g'`"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/path.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment]
- echo '"PATH"="'"$NEW_PATH;$WIN_PATH\"" | sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" >> "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/path.reg
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\path.reg
- rm -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/path.reg
-#----- common download for several verbs
-helper_directx_dl() {
- # Aug 2009 DirectX 9c User Redistributable
- #
- download . 563b96a3d78d6038d10428f23954f083320b4019
- DIRECTX_NAME=directx_aug2009_redist.exe
-#----- One function per package, in alphabetical order ----------
-load_art2kmin() {
- # See
- download . 571811b7536e97cf4e4e53bbf8260cddd69f9b2d
- try $WINE AccessRuntime.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- cd "$olddir"
-load_atmlib() {
- #
- # FIXME: This is a huge download for a single dll.
- download . fadea6d94a014b039839fecc6e6a11c20afa4fa8
- try cabextract "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/W2KSP4_EN.EXE i386/atmlib.dl_
- try cp atmlib.dll "$WINDIR"/system32
- try rm -rf i386
- cd "$olddir"
-load_autohotkey() {
- download . 13e5a9ca6d5b7705f1cd02560c3af4d38b1904fc
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/AutoHotkey104805_Install.exe $WINETRICKS_S
-load_cc580() {
- #
- download . 94c3c494258cc54bd65d2f0153815737644bffde
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/cc32inst.exe "/T:$winetricks_tmp_win" /c $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- try unzip -o $WINETRICKS_UNIXQUIET -d "$WINDIR"/temp "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/comctl32.exe
- try $WINE "$WINDIR"/temp/x86/50ComUpd.Exe "/T:$winetricks_tmp_win" /c $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- try cp "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/comcnt.dll "$WINDIR"/system32/comctl32.dll
- override_dlls native,builtin comctl32
- # some builtin apps don't like native comctl32
- override_app_dlls winecfg.exe builtin comctl32
- override_app_dlls explorer.exe builtin comctl32
- override_app_dlls iexplore.exe builtin comctl32
-load_cmake() {
- download . 00bd502423546b8bce19ffc180ea78e0e2f396cf
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/cmake-2.6.4-win32-x86.exe
-load_comctl32ocx() {
- #
- download . f52cf2034488235b37a1da837d1c40eb2a1bad84
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/VisualBasic6-KB896559-v1-ENU.exe
- try cp "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mscomctl.ocx "$WINDIR"/system32/mscomctl.ocx
- try cp "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/comctl32.ocx "$WINDIR"/system32/comctl32.ocx
- try $WINE regsvr32 comctl32.ocx
- try $WINE regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx
-load_colorprofile() {
- download . 6b72836b32b343c82d0760dff5cb51c2f47170eb
- mkdir -p "$WINDIR"/system32/spool/drivers/color
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" "$WINDIR"/system32/spool/drivers/color
-load_controlpad() {
- #
- # Fixes error "Failed to load UniText..."
- load_wsh56
- download . 8921e0f52507ca6a373c94d222777c750fb48af7
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/setuppad.exe
- echo "If setup says 'Unable to start DDE ...', press Ignore"
-load_corefonts() {
- # See
- # TODO: let user pick mirror,
- # see for how
- # TODO: add more fonts
- # Added More Fonts (see msttcorefonts)
- # [*] Pointed download locations to sites that actually contained the
- # fonts to download (as of 04-03-2008)
- #download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/andale32.exe c4db8cbe42c566d12468f5fdad38c43721844c69
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/arial32.exe 6d75f8436f39ab2da5c31ce651b7443b4ad2916e
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/arialb32.exe d45cdab84b7f4c1efd6d1b369f50ed0390e3d344
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/comic32.exe 2371d0327683dcc5ec1684fe7c275a8de1ef9a51
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/courie32.exe 06a745023c034f88b4135f5e294fece1a3c1b057
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/georgi32.exe 90e4070cb356f1d811acb943080bf97e419a8f1e
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/impact32.exe 86b34d650cfbbe5d3512d49d2545f7509a55aad2
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/times32.exe 20b79e65cdef4e2d7195f84da202499e3aa83060
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/trebuc32.exe 50aab0988423efcc9cf21fac7d64d534d6d0a34a
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/verdan32.exe f5b93cedf500edc67502f116578123618c64a42a
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/corefonts/webdin32.exe 2fb4a42c53e50bc70707a7b3c57baf62ba58398f
- # Natively installed versions of these fonts will cause the installers
- # to exit silently. Because there are apps out there that depend on the
- # files being present in the Windows font directory we use cabextract
- # to obtain the files and register the fonts by hand.
- # Andale needs a FontSubstitutes entry
- # try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/andale32.exe
- # Display EULA
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/arial32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Arial*.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Arial.TTF "Arial (TrueType)"
- register_font Arialbd.TTF "Arial Bold (TrueType)"
- register_font Arialbi.TTF "Arial Bold Italic (TrueType)"
- register_font Ariali.TTF "Arial Italic (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/arialb32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/AriBlk.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font AriBlk.TTF "Arial Black (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/comic32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Comic*.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Comic.TTF "Comic Sans MS (TrueType)"
- register_font Comicbd.TTF "Comic Sans MS Bold (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/courie32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/cour*.ttf "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Cour.TTF "Courier New (TrueType)"
- register_font CourBD.TTF "Courier New Bold (TrueType)"
- register_font CourBI.TTF "Courier New Bold Italic (TrueType)"
- register_font Couri.TTF "Courier New Italic (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/georgi32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Georgia*.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Georgia.TTF "Georgia (TrueType)"
- register_font Georgiab.TTF "Georgia Bold (TrueType)"
- register_font Georgiaz.TTF "Georgia Bold Italic (TrueType)"
- register_font Georgiai.TTF "Georgia Italic (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/impact32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Impact.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Impact.TTF "Impact (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/times32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Times*.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Times.TTF "Times New Roman (TrueType)"
- register_font Timesbd.TTF "Times New Roman Bold (TrueType)"
- register_font Timesbi.TTF "Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType)"
- register_font Timesi.TTF "Times New Roman Italic (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/trebuc32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/trebuc*.ttf "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Trebuc.TTF "Trebucet MS (TrueType)"
- register_font Trebucbd.TTF "Trebucet MS Bold (TrueType)"
- register_font Trebucbi.TTF "Trebucet MS Bold Italic (TrueType)"
- register_font Trebucit.TTF "Trebucet MS Italic (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/verdan32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Verdana*.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Verdana.TTF "Verdana (TrueType)"
- register_font Verdanab.TTF "Verdana Bold (TrueType)"
- register_font Verdanaz.TTF "Verdana Bold Italic (TrueType)"
- register_font Verdanai.TTF "Verdana Italic (TrueType)"
- try cabextract -q --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/webdin32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Webdings.TTF "$winefontsdir"
- register_font Webdings.TTF "Webdings (TrueType)"
-load_cygwin() {
- # See
- # Current is 1.7, but that doesn't install on wine, so jump through
- # hoops to get 1.5
- #download cygwin fdc9379ed58231cddd25bb7b448426681a3dd3c3
- # this is some random verison of cygwin's setup from mid-2009, before the change that wine couldn't handle.
- download cygwin 5cfb8ebe4f385b0fcffa04d22d607ec75ea05180
- mkdir -p "$DRIVE_C"/cygpkgs
- # If you happen to have saved your cygpkgs directory, unpack it now
- test -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/cygwin/cygpkgs.tgz" && (cd "$DRIVE_C"; gunzip -dc "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/cygwin/cygpkgs.tgz" | tar -xf -)
- cp "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/cygwin/setup.exe" "$DRIVE_C"/cygpkgs
- cd "$DRIVE_C"/cygpkgs
- warn "Paste in as the repo url for now, until bug 21206 is fixed"
- # -X option is insecure, but we have to use it because didn't archive .sig files :-(
- try $WINE setup.exe -X
- cd "$olddir"
-load_d3dx9() {
- helper_directx_dl
- # Kinder, less invasive directx - only extract and override d3dx9_??.dll
- cabextract -d "$WINETRICKS_TMP" -L -F '*d3dx9*x86*' "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/$DIRECTX_NAME
- for x in `ls "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*.cab`
- do
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F '*.dll' "$x"
- done
- # For now, not needed, but when Wine starts preferring our builtin dll over native it will be.
- override_dlls native d3dx9_24 d3dx9_25 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_27 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_29 d3dx9_30
- override_dlls native d3dx9_31 d3dx9_32 d3dx9_33 d3dx9_34 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_37
- override_dlls native d3dx9_38 d3dx9_39 d3dx9_40 d3dx9_41 d3dx9_42
-load_d3dx10() {
- helper_directx_dl
- # Kinder, less invasive directx10 - only extract and override d3dx10_??.dll
- cabextract -d "$WINETRICKS_TMP" -L -F '*d3dx10*x86*' "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/$DIRECTX_NAME
- for x in `ls "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*.cab`
- do
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F '*.dll' "$x"
- done
- # For now, not needed, but when Wine starts preferring our builtin dll over native it will be.
- override_dlls native d3dx10_33 d3dx10_34 d3dx10_35 d3dx10_36 d3dx10_37
- override_dlls native d3dx10_38 d3dx10_39 d3dx10_40 d3dx10_41 d3dx10_42
-load_dinput8() {
- helper_directx_dl
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F 'dinput8.dll' "$WINETRICKS_TMP/"
- try $WINE regsvr32 dinput8
- override_dlls native dinput8
-load_dirac08() {
- download . aacfcddf6b2636de5f0a50422ba9155e395318af
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dirac_dsfilter_080.exe $WINETRICKS_SILENT
-load_directplay() {
- helper_directx_dl
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F 'dplaysvr.exe' "$WINETRICKS_TMP/"
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F 'dplayx.dll' "$WINETRICKS_TMP/"
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F 'dpnet.dll' "$WINETRICKS_TMP/"
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F 'dpnhpast.dll' "$WINETRICKS_TMP/"
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F 'dpwsockx.dll' "$WINETRICKS_TMP/"
- try $WINE regsvr32 dplayx.dll
- try $WINE regsvr32 dpnet.dll
- try $WINE regsvr32 dpnhpast.dll
- override_dlls native dplayx dpnet dpnhpast dpwsockx
-load_directx9() {
- helper_directx_dl
- # Stefan suggested that, when installing, one should override as follows:
- # 1) use builtin wintrust (we don't run native properly somehow?)
- # 2) disable mscoree (else if it's present some module misbehaves?)
- # 3) override native any directx DLL whose Wine version doesn't register itself well yet
- # For #3, I have no idea which DLLs don't register themselves well yet,
- # so I'm just listing a few of the basic ones. Let's whittle that
- # list down as soon as we can.
- echo "You probably shouldn't be using this. It's VERY invasive."
- echo "Use 'winetricks d3dx9' instead."
- # Setting windows version to win2k apparently crashes the installer on OS X...
- # See
- if [ "`uname -s`" = "Darwin" ]
- then
- set_winver winxp
- else
- set_winver $DIRECTX_WINDOWS
- fi
- WINEDLLOVERRIDES="wintrust=b,mscoree=,ddraw,d3d8,d3d9,dsound,dinput=n" \
- # How many of these do we really need?
- # We should probably remove most of these...?
- override_dlls native d3dim d3drm d3dx8 d3dx9_24 d3dx9_25 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_27 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_29
- override_dlls native d3dx9_30 d3dx9_31 d3dx9_32 d3dx9_33 d3dx9_34 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_37
- override_dlls native d3dx9_38 d3dx9_39 d3dx9_40 d3dx9_41 d3dx9_42 d3dxof
- override_dlls native dciman32 ddrawex devenum dmband dmcompos dmime dmloader dmscript dmstyle
- override_dlls native dmsynth dmusic dmusic32 dnsapi dplay dplayx dpnaddr dpnet dpnhpast dpnlobby
- override_dlls native dswave dxdiagn mscoree msdmo qcap quartz streamci
- override_dlls builtin d3d8 d3d9 dinput dinput8 dsound
- # Should be below, but fails on Wine when used silently.
- #then
- # try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"/DXSETUP.exe /silent
- #else
- #fi
- unset_winver
-load_divx() {
- # 6.8.2: 02203fdc4dddd13e789c39b22902837da31d2a1d ?
- # 6.8.2: e36bf87c1675d0cf9169839bc0cd8f866b9db026 as of 4 Jun 2008 as
- # 6.8.3: f4f4387ef89316aea440a29f3e24c1f1945e14af as of 20 Jun 2008 as
- # 6.8.4: c5fcb1465a1bb24d1c104c2588fdb6706d1e1476 as of 10 Jul 2008 as
- # 6.8.4: d28a2b041f4af45d22c4dedfe7608f2958cf997d as of 23 Aug 2008 as
- # 7.? 4d91ef90ae26a6088851560c4263ef0cdbf09123 as of 22 Mar 2009 as
- # 7.0.? 19c9ba3104025d1fab335e405e7f411dfbbcb477 as of 28 May 2009 as
- # 7.0.? 786aef0f421df5e7358d2d740d9911f9afd055de as of 24 June 2009 as
- # 7.0.? ad420bf8bf72e924e658c9c6ad6bba76b848fb79 as of 23 Sep 2009 as
- # 7.0.? 3385aa8f6ba64ae32e06f651bbbea247bcc1a44d as of 12 Dec 2009 as
- download divx-7 3385aa8f6ba64ae32e06f651bbbea247bcc1a44d
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/divx-7/DivXInstaller
-load_dcom98() {
- # Install native dcom per
- # to avoid
- # See
- download . aff002bd03f17340b2bef2e6b9ea8e3798e9ccc1
- # Pick win98 so we can install native dcom
- set_winver win98
- # Avoid "err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA copy error 5 ..."
- # Those messages are suspect, probably shouldn't be err's.
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/ole32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/olepro32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/oleaut32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/rpcrt4.dll
- # Normally only need to override ole32, but overriding advpack
- # as well gets us the correct exit status.
- # Set native DCOM by default for all apps (ok, this might be overkill)
- override_dlls native,builtin ole32 oleaut32 rpcrt4
- # but not for a few builtin apps that don't like it
- override_app_dlls explorer.exe builtin ole32 oleaut32 rpcrt4
- override_app_dlls iexplore.exe builtin ole32 oleaut32 rpcrt4
- override_app_dlls services.exe builtin ole32 oleaut32 rpcrt4
- override_app_dlls wineboot.exe builtin ole32 oleaut32 rpcrt4
- override_app_dlls winedevice.exe builtin ole32 oleaut32 rpcrt4
- # and undo version win98
- unset_winver
-load_dotnet11() {
- DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR="$WINDIR/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322"
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != dotnet11 && test -d "$DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR"
- then
- echo "prerequisite dotnet11 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- # need corefonts, else installer crashes
- load_corefonts
- #
- download dotnet11 16a354a2207c4c8846b617cbc78f7b7c1856340e
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet11/dotnetfx.exe /q /C:"install /q"
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet11/dotnetfx.exe
- fi
-load_dotnet11sdk() {
- load_dotnet11
- warn "Installer hangs at end... not sure if it works fully."
- #
- download dotnet11sdk 9509b14924bcaf84a7780de3f6ad7894004c3450
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet11sdk
- try $WINE setup.exe
- cd "$olddir"
-load_dotnet20() {
- load_fontfix
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != dotnet20 && test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/l_intl.nls
- then
- echo "prerequisite dotnet20 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- warn "Instaling .net 2.0 runtime. Can take several minutes. See for tips."
- # Recipe from
- test -d "$WINDIR/gecko" || test -d "$WINDIR/system32/gecko" || load_gecko
- set_winver win2k
- # See for how l_intl.nls was generated
- download dotnet20 0d2e3f025bcdf852b192c9408a361ac2659fa249
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20/l_intl.nls "$WINDIR/system32/"
- #
- download dotnet20 a3625c59d7a2995fb60877b5f5324892a1693b2a
- if [ "$WINETRICKS_QUIET"x = ""x ]
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20/dotnetfx.exe
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20/dotnetfx.exe /q /c:"install.exe /q"
- fi
- unset_winver
-load_dotnet20sp2() {
- warn "Instaling .net 2.0 runtime. Can take several minutes. See for tips."
- # Recipe from
- test -d "$WINDIR/gecko" || test -d "$WINDIR/system32/gecko" || load_gecko
- #set_winver win2k
- # See for how l_intl.nls was generated
- download dotnet20 0d2e3f025bcdf852b192c9408a361ac2659fa249
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20/l_intl.nls "$WINDIR/system32/"
- #
- download dotnet20 22d776d4d204863105a5db99e8b8888be23c61a7
- if [ "$WINETRICKS_QUIET"x = ""x ]
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20/NetFx20SP2_x86.exe
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20/NetFx20SP2_x86.exe /q /c:"install.exe /q"
- fi
- unset_winver
-load_dotnet20sdk() {
- load_dotnet20
- #
- download dotnet20sdk 4e4b1072b5e65e855358e2028403f2dc52a62ab4
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet20sdk
- try $WINE setup.exe
- cd "$olddir"
-load_dotnet30() {
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != dotnet30 && test -d "$WINDIR/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.0/Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0"
- then
- echo "prerequisite dotnet30 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- warn "Instaling .net 3.0 runtime. Can take 15-30 minutes. See for tips."
- load_dotnet20
- #
- download dotnet30 f3d2c3c7e4c0c35450cf6dab1f9f2e9e7ff50039
- # AF's workaround to avoid long pause
- test -d "${LANGPACKS_BASE_PATH}" || mkdir -p "${LANGPACKS_BASE_PATH}"
- for lang in ar cs da de el es fi fr he it jp ko nb nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ru \
- sv tr zh-CHS zh-CHT
- do
- ln -sf "${WINDIR}/system32/spupdsvc.exe" "${LANGPACKS_BASE_PATH}/dotnetfx3langpack${lang}.exe"
- done
- if [ "$WINETRICKS_QUIET"x = ""x ]
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet30/dotnetfx3.exe
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet30/dotnetfx3.exe /q /c:"install.exe /q"
- fi
-load_dotnet35() {
- warn "This does not work yet, see bug 20110"
- # According to AF's recipe, installing dotnet30 first works around msi bugs
- load_dotnet30
- #
- download dotnet35
- # See also
- cd "$DRIVE_C"
- cabextract $WINETRICKS_UNIXQUIET "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/dotnet35/dotnetfx35.exe
- cd wcu/dotNetFramework
- try $WINE dotNetFx35setup.exe /lang:ENU
-do_droid() {
- download . ${DROID_URL}$1';hb=HEAD' $3 $1
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/$1 "$winefontsdir"
- register_font $1 "$2"
-load_droid() {
- # See
- DROID_URL=';a=blob_plain;f=data/fonts/'
- do_droid DroidSans-Bold.ttf "Droid Sans Bold" ada4e79c592f3c54546b7587b48f2b232d95ce2f
- do_droid DroidSansFallback.ttf "Droid Sans Fallback" 2f8a266389a8e22f68f402b775731eec6b760334
- do_droid DroidSansJapanese.ttf "Droid Sans Japanese" b3a248c11692aa88a30eb25df425b8910fe05dc5
- do_droid DroidSansMono.ttf "Droid Sans Mono" f0815c6f36c72be1d0f2f5e2b82fa85c8bf95655
- do_droid DroidSans.ttf "Droid Sans" da5b3c7758a2c8fbc4775beb69d7150493c7d312
- do_droid DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf "Droid Serif Bold Italic" c1602dc11bf0f7131aec21c7c3888195ad78e486
- do_droid DroidSerif-Bold.ttf "Droid Serif Bold" d7896b9c0723299553e95a00d27cbe52f7515c8c
- do_droid DroidSerif-Italic.ttf "Droid Serif Italic" 117941be102c8f38a86a70ebccaecb8078f7027e
- do_droid DroidSerif-Regular.ttf "Droid Serif" 7f243858e496ed1bb1faca9f3a7bbe52defcbb5d
-# Fake IE per workaround in
-# Just the first registry key works for most apps.
-# The App Paths part is required by a few apps, like Quickbooks Pro;
-# see
-set_fakeie6() {
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg <<"_EOF_"
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer]
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE]
- echo -n '@="' >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg
- echo -n "${programfilesdir_win}" | sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/" >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg
- echo '\\\\Internet Explorer\\\\iexplore.exe"' >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg
- echo -n '"PATH"="' >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg
- echo -n "${programfilesdir_win}" | sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/" >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg
- echo '\\\\Internet Explorer"' >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fakeie6.reg
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\fakeie6.reg
- # On old wineprefixes iexplore.exe is not created. Create a fake dll using
- # shdocvw.dll that should have similar VERSIONINFO.
- if [ ! -f "$programfilesdir_unix/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" ]
- then
- echo "You have an old wineprefix without iexplore.exe. Will create a fake now"
- if [ ! -d "$programfilesdir_unix/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" ]
- then
- try mkdir "$programfilesdir_unix/Internet Explorer";
- fi
- try cp -f "$WINDIR/system32/shdocvw.dll" "$programfilesdir_unix/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"
- fi
-load_firefox() {
- download . "" d27779d9dca25d032ceaafd3da9df1651121f8bd "Firefox Setup 3.5.6.exe"
- if [ "$WINETRICKS_QUIET"x = ""x ]
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/"Firefox Setup 3.5.6.exe"
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/"Firefox Setup 3.5.6.exe" -ms
- fi
-load_ffdshow() {
- # ffdshow
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/ffdshow-tryout/ffdshow_beta5_rev2033_20080705_clsid.exe 6da6837e2f400923ff5294a6591a88a3eee5ee40
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/ffdshow_beta5_rev2033_20080705_clsid.exe $WINETRICKS_SILENT
-load_flash() {
- #
- # Active X plugin
- #
- #
- # 2008-04-01: old version sha1sum f4dd1c0c715b791db2c972aeba90d3b78372996a
- # 2008-04-18: new version sha1sum 04ac79c4f1eb1e1ca689f27fa71f12bb5cd11cc2
- # Version 10
- # 2008-11-27: 10 sha1sum 7f6850ae815e953311bb94a8aa9d226f97a646dd
- # 2009-02-27: sha1sum 86745020a25edc9695a1a6a4d59eae375665a0b3
- # 2009-07-31: sha1sum 11a81ad1b19344c28b1e1249169f15dfbd2a04f5
- # 2009-12-09: sha1sum f4ec0e95099e354fd01cd3bb27c202f54932dc70
- download . f4ec0e95099e354fd01cd3bb27c202f54932dc70
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/install_flash_player_ax.exe $WINETRICKS_S
- # Mozilla / Firefox plugin
- # 2008-07-22: sha1sum 1e6f7627784a5b791e99ae9ad63133dc11c7940b
- # 2008-11-27: sha1sum 20ec0300a8cae19105c903a7ec6c0801e016beb0
- # 2009-02-27: sha1sum 770db9ad471ffd4357358bc16ff0bb6c98d71e5d
- # 2009-07-31: sha1sum 9590fb87cc33d3a3a1f2f42a1918f06b9f0fd88d
- # 2009-12-09: sha1sum ccb4811b1cc26721c4abb2e5a080868acdee7b87
- download . ccb4811b1cc26721c4abb2e5a080868acdee7b87
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/install_flash_player.exe $WINETRICKS_S
-load_fontfix() {
- # some versions of ukai.ttf and uming.ttf crash .net and picasa
- # See
- # Could fix globally, but that needs root, so just fix for wine
- if test -f /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/ukai.ttf
- then
- gotsum=`$SHA1SUM < /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/ukai.ttf | sed 's/ .*//'`
- # FIXME: do all affected versions of the font have same sha1sum as Gutsy? Seems unlikely.
- if [ "$gotsum"x = "96e1121f89953e5169d3e2e7811569148f573985"x ]
- then
- download . 92e577602d71454a108968e79ab667451f3602a2
- gunzip -dc "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/ttf-arphic-ukai_0.1.20060108.orig.tar.gz" | tar -xf -
- try mv ttf-arphic-ukai-0.1.20060108/*.ttf "$winefontsdir"
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- fi
- if test -f /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttf
- then
- gotsum=`$SHA1SUM < /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttf | sed 's/ .*//'`
- if [ "$gotsum"x = "2a4f4a69e343c21c24d044b2cb19fd4f0decc82c"x ]
- then
- download . 1439cdd731906e9e5311f320c2cb33262b24ef91
- gunzip -dc "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/ttf-arphic-uming_0.1.20060108.orig.tar.gz" | tar -xf -
- try mv ttf-arphic-uming-0.1.20060108/*.ttf "$winefontsdir"
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- fi
- # Focht says Samyak is bad news, and font substitution isn't a good workaround.
- # I've seen psdkwin7 setup crash because of this; the symptom was a messagebox saying
- # SDKSetup encountered an error: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.WizardFramework.WizardSettings' threw an exception
- # and WINEDEBUG=+relay,+seh shows an exception very quickly after
- # Call KERNEL32.CreateFileW(0c83b36c L"Z:\\USR\\SHARE\\FONTS\\TRUETYPE\\TTF-ORIYA-FONTS\\SAMYAK-ORIYA.TTF",80000000,00000001,00000000,00000003,00000080,00000000) ret=70d44091
- if xlsfonts 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "samyak|oriya"
- then
- die "Please uninstall the Samyak/Oriya font, e.g. 'sudo dpkg -r ttf-oriya-fonts', then log out and log in again. That font causes strange crashes in .net programs."
- fi
-load_fs_disable() {
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fs_disable.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\fs_disable.reg
-load_fs_grayscale() {
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fs_grayscale.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\fs_grayscale.reg
-load_fs_bgr() {
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fs_bgr.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\fs_bgr.reg
-load_fs_rgb() {
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/fs_rgb.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\fs_rgb.reg
-load_gecko() {
- # Load the HTML rendering Engine (Gecko)
- # FIXME: shouldn't this code be in some script installed
- # as part of Wine instead of in winetricks?
- # (e.g. we hardcode gecko's url here, but it's normally
- # only hardcoded in wine.inf, and fetched from the registry thereafter,
- # so we're adding a maintenance burden here.)
- case `$WINE --version` in
- wine-0*|wine-1.0*|wine-1.1|wine-1.1.?|wine-1.1.11)
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=c16f1072dc6b0ced20935662138dcf019a38cd56
- ;;
- wine-1.1.1[234]*)
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=5cf410ff7fdd3f9d625f481f9d409968728d3d09
- ;;
- wine-1.1.1[56789]*|wine-1.1.2[0123456]*)
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=9a49fc691740596517e381b47096a4bdf19a87d8
- ;;
- *)
- GECKO_DIR="$WINDIR/system32"
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=afa22c52bca4ca77dcb9edb3c9936eb23793de01
- ;;
- esac
- if test ! -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/wine_gecko-$GECKO_VERSION$
- then
- # FIXME: busted if using curl!
- download . "$GECKO_VERSION$" \
- fi
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg <<_EOF_
- printf '"GeckoPath"="' >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg
- case $GECKO_VERSION in
- 0.*)
- printf 'c:\\windows\\gecko\\'$GECKO_VERSION'\\wine_gecko\\"' |
- sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" >> "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg
- ;;
- 1.*)
- printf 'c:\\windows\\system32\\gecko\\'$GECKO_VERSION'\\wine_gecko\\"' |
- sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" >> "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg
- ;;
- esac
- # extract the files
- mkdir -p "$GECKO_DIR/gecko/$GECKO_VERSION"
- cd "$olddir"
- # set install-path
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\geckopath.reg
- # register the dll, since it was disabled before
- try $WINE regsvr32 mshtml
-load_gecko_dbg() {
- # Load the HTML rendering Engine (Gecko), with debugging symbols
- # FIXME: shouldn't this code be in some script installed
- # as part of Wine instead of in winetricks?
- # (e.g. we hardcode gecko's url here, but it's normally
- # only hardcoded in wine.inf, and fetched from the registry thereafter,
- # so we're adding a maintenance burden here.)
- case `$WINE --version` in
- wine-0*|wine-1.0*|wine-1.1|wine-1.1.?|wine-1.1.11)
- die "There isn't a gecko debug build for your Wine version."
- ;;
- wine-1.1.1[234]*)
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=23e354a82d7b7e61a6abe0384cc44669fbf92f86
- ;;
- wine-1.1.1[56789]*|wine-1.1.2[0123456]*)
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=a9b58d3330f8c78524fe4683f348302bfce96ff4
- ;;
- *)
- GECKO_DIR="$WINDIR/system32"
- GECKO_SHA1SUM=2de16b443826295f646cd5d54313ca421fd71210
- ;;
- esac
- if test ! -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/wine_gecko-$GECKO_VERSION$
- then
- # FIXME: busted if using curl!
- download . "$GECKO_VERSION$" $GECKO_SHA1SUM wine_gecko-$GECKO_VERSION$
- fi
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg <<_EOF_
- printf '"GeckoPath"="' >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg
- if [ ! "$GECKO_VERSION" = "1.0.0" ]
- then
- printf 'c:\\windows\\gecko\\'$GECKO_VERSION'\\wine_gecko\\"' | sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg
- else
- printf 'c:\\windows\\system32\\gecko\\'$GECKO_VERSION'\\wine_gecko\\"' | sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" >>"$WINETRICKS_TMP"/geckopath.reg
- fi
- # extract the files
- mkdir -p "$GECKO_DIR/gecko/$GECKO_VERSION"
- cd "$olddir"
- # set install-path
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\geckopath.reg
- # register the dll, since it was disabled before
- try $WINE regsvr32 mshtml
-load_gdiplus() {
- #
- download . b9a84bc3de92863bba1f5eb1d598446567fbc646
- # And then make it globally available.
- try cp "$WINETRICKS_TMP/asms/10/msft/windows/gdiplus/gdiplus.dll" "$WINDIR"/system32/
- # For some reason, native,builtin isn't good enough...?
- override_dlls native gdiplus
-load_glsl_disable() {
- echo "Disabling GLSL"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/disableglsl.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\disableglsl.reg
-load_glsl_enable() {
- echo "Enabling GLSL"
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/enableglsl.reg <<_EOF_
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\enableglsl.reg
-load_hosts() {
- # Create fake system32\drivers\etc\hosts and system32\drivers\etc\services files.
- # The hosts file is used to map network names to IP addresses without DNS.
- # The services file is used map service names to network ports.
- # Some apps depend on these files, but they're not implemented in wine.
- # Fortunately, empty files in the correct location satisfy those apps.
- # See
- mkdir -p "$WINDIR"/system32/drivers/etc
- touch "$WINDIR"/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
- touch "$WINDIR"/system32/drivers/etc/services
-set_heapcheck() {
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/heapcheck.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\heapcheck.reg
-load_icodecs() {
- #
- download . 2c5d64f472abe3f601ce352dcca75b4f02996f8a
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/codinstl.exe
- # Work around bug in codec's installer?
- #
- #
- try $WINE regsvr32 ir50_32.dll
-load_ie6() {
- load_msls31
- # Unregister Wine IE
- try $WINE iexplore -unregserver
- # Change the override to the native so we are sure we use and register them
- override_dlls native,builtin iexplore.exe itircl itss jscript mlang mshtml msimtf shdoclc shdocvw shlwapi urlmon
- # Remove the fake dlls, if any
- mv "$programfilesdir_unix"/"Internet Explorer"/iexplore.exe "$programfilesdir_unix"/"Internet Explorer"/iexplore.exe.bak
- for dll in itircl itss jscript mlang mshtml msimtf shdoclc shdocvw shlwapi urlmon
- do
- test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/$dll.dll &&
- mv "$WINDIR"/system32/$dll.dll "$WINDIR"/system32/$dll.dll.bak
- done
- # The installer doesn't want to install iexplore.exe in XP mode.
- set_winver win2k
- # Workaround a IE6 Installer bug, not Wine's fault
- # See
- # Actual value downloaded doesn't matter
- rm -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/ie6sites.dat
- download .
- # Install
- download . f3ab61a785eb9611fa583612e83f3b69377f2cef
- # Workaround
- # See also
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/browseui.dll "$WINDIR"/system32/inseng.dll
- # Silent install recipe from:
- #
- then
- $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n /c:"ie6wzd /S:""#e"" /q:a /r:n"
- else
- $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/ie6setup.exe
- fi
- # IE6 exits with 194 to signal a reboot
- status=$?
- case $status in
- 0|194) ;;
- *) die ie6 installation failed
- esac
- # Work around DLL registration bug until ierunonce/RunOnce/wineboot is fixed
- # FIXME: whittle down this list
- cd "$WINDIR"/system32/
- for i in actxprxy.dll browseui.dll browsewm.dll cdfview.dll ddraw.dll \
- dispex.dll dsound.dll iedkcs32.dll iepeers.dll iesetup.dll \
- imgutil.dll inetcomm.dll inseng.dll isetup.dll jscript.dll laprxy.dll \
- mlang.dll mshtml.dll mshtmled.dll msi.dll msident.dll \
- msoeacct.dll msrating.dll mstime.dll msxml3.dll occache.dll \
- ole32.dll oleaut32.dll olepro32.dll pngfilt.dll quartz.dll \
- rpcrt4.dll rsabase.dll rsaenh.dll scrobj.dll scrrun.dll \
- shdocvw.dll shell32.dll urlmon.dll vbscript.dll webcheck.dll \
- wshcon.dll wshext.dll asctrls.ocx hhctrl.ocx mscomct2.ocx \
- plugin.ocx proctexe.ocx tdc.ocx webcheck.dll wshom.ocx
- do
- $WINE regsvr32 /i $i > /dev/null 2>&1
- done
- # Set windows version back to user's default. Leave at win2k for better rendering (is there a bug for that?)
- unset_winver
- # try $WINE "$programfilesdir_unix"/"Internet Explorer"/IEXPLORE.EXE
-load_ie7() {
- # Unregister Wine IE
- try $WINE iexplore -unregserver
- # Change the override to the native so we are sure we use and register them
- override_dlls native,builtin iexplore.exe itircl itss jscript mshtml msimtf shdoclc shdocvw shlwapi urlmon xmllite
- # Bundled updspapi cannot work on wine
- override_dlls builtin updspapi
- # Remove the fake dlls from the existing WINEPREFIX
- for dll in itircl itss jscript mshtml msimtf shdoclc shdocvw shlwapi urlmon
- do
- test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/$dll.dll &&
- mv "$WINDIR"/system32/$dll.dll "$WINDIR"/system32/$dll.dll.bak
- done
- # See
- # Find instructions to create this file in dlls/wintrust/tests/crypt.c
- download . ac8f50dd54d011f3bb1dd79240dae9378748449f
- # Put a dummy catalog file in place
- mkdir -p "$WINDIR"/system32/catroot/\{f750e6c3-38ee-11d1-85e5-00c04fc295ee\}
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/ "$WINDIR"/system32/catroot/\{f750e6c3-38ee-11d1-85e5-00c04fc295ee\}/
- # Install
- download . d39b89c360fbaa9706b5181ae4718100687a5326
- then
- $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe /quiet
- else
- $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe
- fi
- # Work around DLL registration bug until ierunonce/RunOnce/wineboot is fixed
- # FIXME: whittle down this list
- cd "$WINDIR"/system32/
- for i in actxprxy.dll browseui.dll browsewm.dll cdfview.dll ddraw.dll \
- dispex.dll dsound.dll iedkcs32.dll iepeers.dll iesetup.dll \
- imgutil.dll inetcomm.dll inseng.dll isetup.dll jscript.dll laprxy.dll \
- mlang.dll mshtml.dll mshtmled.dll msi.dll msident.dll \
- msoeacct.dll msrating.dll mstime.dll msxml3.dll occache.dll \
- ole32.dll oleaut32.dll olepro32.dll pngfilt.dll quartz.dll \
- rpcrt4.dll rsabase.dll rsaenh.dll scrobj.dll scrrun.dll \
- shdocvw.dll shell32.dll urlmon.dll vbscript.dll webcheck.dll \
- wshcon.dll wshext.dll asctrls.ocx hhctrl.ocx mscomct2.ocx \
- plugin.ocx proctexe.ocx tdc.ocx webcheck.dll wshom.ocx
- do
- $WINE regsvr32 /i $i > /dev/null 2>&1
- done
- # Seeing is believing
- if [ "$WINETRICKS_QUIET" = "" ]
- then
- warn "Starting ie7. To start it later, use the command $WINE '${programfilesdir_win}\\\\Internet Explorer\\\\iexplore'"
- $WINE "${programfilesdir_win}\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- else
- warn "To start ie7, use the command $WINE '${programfilesdir_win}\\\\Internet Explorer\\\\iexplore'"
- fi
-load_jet40() {
- #
- # See also
- download . 8cd25342030857969ede2d8fcc34f3f7bcc2d6d4
-load_kde() {
- download . f612945e094390d7bc0e4f8840d308ef2b00f86e
- mkdir -p "$programfilesdir_unix/kde"
- try cp "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/kdewin-installer-gui-0.9.6-5.exe "$programfilesdir_unix/kde"
- cd "$programfilesdir_unix/kde"
- try $WINE "$programfilesdir_win\\kde\\kdewin-installer-gui-0.9.6-5.exe"
- cd "$olddir"
-load_liberation() {
- #
- case `uname -s` in
- SunOS|Solaris)
- echo "If you get 'ERROR: Certificate verification error for unable to get local issuer certificate':"
- echo "Then you need to add Verisign root certificates to your local keystore."
- echo "OpenSolaris users, see:"
- echo "Or edit winetricks' download function, and add '--no-check-certificate' to the command."
- ;;
- esac
- download . 097882c92e3260742a3dc3bf033792120d8635a3
- gunzip -dc "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/liberation-fonts-1.04.tar.gz | tar -xf -
- mv liberation-fonts-1.04/*.ttf "$winefontsdir"
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
- cd "$olddir"
-set_native_mdac() {
- # Set those overrides globally so user programs get MDAC's odbc
- # instead of wine's unixodbc
- override_dlls native,builtin odbc32 odbccp32 oledb32
-load_mdac25() {
- download mdac25 09e974a5dbebaaa08c7985a4a1126886dc05fd87
- set_native_mdac
- set_winver nt40
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mdac25/mdac_typ.exe /q /C:"setup /QNT"
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mdac25/mdac_typ.exe
- fi
- unset_winver
-load_mdac27() {
- download mdac27 f68594d1f578c3b47bf0639c46c11c5da161feee
- set_native_mdac
- set_winver win2k
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mdac27/mdac_typ.exe /q /C:"setup /QNT"
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mdac27/mdac_typ.exe
- fi
- unset_winver
-load_mdac28() {
- download mdac28 91bd59f0b02b67f3845105b15a0f3502b9a2216a
- set_native_mdac
- set_winver win98
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mdac28/mdac_typ.exe /q /C:"setup /QNT"
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mdac28/mdac_typ.exe
- fi
- unset_winver
-load_mfc40() {
- # See
- download . c6cac71f32405ccb09c6f375e0738e6e13f073e4
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/MFC40.DLL "$WINDIR"/system32/
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
-load_mingw_min() {
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != mingw_min && test $PACKAGE != mingw && test $PACKAGE != mingw-min && test -f "$DRIVE_C"/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe
- then
- echo "prerequisite mingw_min already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- # See
- download . 1ab72f3af3fe96d08c3c9bff60c47913704d5774
- download . b88b8f3644ca0cdf2c41cd03f820bf7823a8eabb
- download . 0372ecf4caf75d0d9fe4a7739ca234f1a3de831b
- download . a14dd928382f093f67cb3cd57c140625b1b265bb
- download . 5b60ce4d9ec9cf91aee437915a2469b915e1235f
- download . 770ff5001989d8a9a1ec4f3621d8f264a24e178f
- download . b8032e97c79e16a3c540043f0f39821df1531ae9
- download . 43b7ecb2c0c785c44321ff6c4376f51375713a7b
- download . f922f8c0c42921fd4482a3d2e6f779d6384040c1
- download . 5eb7d8ec0fe032a92bea3a2c8282a78df2f1793c
- mkdir "$DRIVE_C"/MinGW
- cd "$DRIVE_C"/MinGW
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/binutils-2.19.1-mingw32-bin.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mingwrt-3.16-mingw32-dev.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mingwrt-3.16-mingw32-dll.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/w32api-3.13-mingw32-dev.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/gmp-4.2.4-mingw32-dll.tar.gz | tar x
- lzma -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/libiconv-1.13.1-1-mingw32-dll-2.tar.lzma | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mpfr-2.4.1-mingw32-dll.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/pthreads-w32-2.8.0-mingw32-dll.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/gcc-core-4.4.0-mingw32-bin.tar.gz | tar x
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/gcc-core-4.4.0-mingw32-dll.tar.gz | tar x
- append_path 'C:\\MinGW\\bin'
-load_mingw_gdb() {
- # See
- load_mingw_min
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/mingw/GNU%20Source-Level%20Debugger/GDB-7.0/gdb-7.0-2-mingw32-bin.tar.gz a560cb0e3980d0ed853994c84038260212f58925
- cd "$DRIVE_C"/MinGW
- gzip -d -c "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/gdb-7.0-2-mingw32-bin.tar.gz | tar x
-load_mono20() {
- # Load Mono, have it handle all .net requests
- download . ccb67ac41b59522846e47d0c423836b9d334c088
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mono-2.0.1-gtksharp-2.10.4-win32-1.exe $WINETRICKS_SILENT
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mono_2.0.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\mono_2.0.reg
- rm -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mono_2.0.reg
-load_mono22() {
- # Load Mono, have it handle all .net requests
- download . be977dfa9c49deea1be02ba4a2228e343f1e5840
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/mono-2.2-gtksharp-2.12.7-win32-5.exe $WINETRICKS_SILENT
- # FIXME: what should this be for mono 2.2?
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mono_2.0.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\mono_2.0.reg
- rm -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mono_2.0.reg
-load_mono24() {
- # Load Mono, have it handle all .net requests
- download . 4f0d051bcedd7668e63c12903310be0ea38f9654
- # FIXME: what should this be for mono 2.4?
- cat > "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mono_2.0.reg <<_EOF_
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727]
- try_regedit "$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN"\\mono_2.0.reg
- rm -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/mono_2.0.reg
-load_mozillabuild() {
- download .
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/MozillaBuildSetup-1.4.exe $WINETRICKS_S
-load_mpc() {
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/guliverkli2/Media%20Player%20Classic/ 9b8e06a3997a786dccfb5739e0cc1a34f17905b6
- mkdir -p "$programfilesdir_unix/Media Player Classic"
- cd "$programfilesdir_unix/Media Player Classic"
- try unzip "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/
- append_path "$programfilesdir_win"'\\Media Player Classic'
- cd "$olddir"
- warn "MPC now available as $programfilesdir_win\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe"
-load_msi2() {
- # Install native msi per
- #
- download . e739c40d747e7c27aacdb07b50925b1635ee7366
- # Pick win98 so we can install native msi
- set_winver win98
- # Avoid "err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA copy error 5 ..."
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/msi.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/msiexec.exe
- override_dlls native,builtin msi msiexec.exe
- # and undo version win98
- unset_winver
-load_mshflxgd() {
- #
- # orig: 5f9c7a81022949bfe39b50f2bbd799c448bb7377
- # Jan 2009: 7ad74e589d5eefcee67fa14e65417281d237a6b6
- # May 2009: bd8aa796e16e5f213414af78931e0379d9cbe292
- download . bd8aa796e16e5f213414af78931e0379d9cbe292
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/MSHFLXGD.CAB
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/[Mm][Ss][Hh][Ff][Ll][Xx][Gg][Dd].[Oo][Cc][Xx] "$WINDIR"/system32
-load_msls31() {
- # Install native Microsoft Line Services (needed by e-Sword, possibly only when using native riched20)
- download . e739c40d747e7c27aacdb07b50925b1635ee7366
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/InstMsiA.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/msls31.dll "$WINDIR"/system32
-load_msmask() {
- #
- #
- # old: 3c6b26f68053364ea2e09414b615dbebafb9d5c3
- # May 2009: 30e55679e4a13fe4d9620404476f215f93239292
- download . 30e55679e4a13fe4d9620404476f215f93239292
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/MSMASK32.CAB
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/[Mm][Ss][Mm][Aa][Ss][Kk]32.[Oo][Cc][Xx] "$WINDIR"/system32/msmask32.ocx
- try $WINE regsvr32 msmask32.ocx
-load_mspaint() {
- #
- download . a22c4e367ef9d2cd23f0a8ae8d9ebff5bc1e8a0b
- try unzip "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/paintnt.exe -d "$WINDIR"
- warn "Paint is now installed to $WINDIR/MSPAINT.EXE"
-load_msscript() {
- #
- #
- download . fd9f2f23357ab11ae70682d6864f7e9f188adf2a
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/sct10en.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/msscript.ocx "$WINDIR"/system32
- try $WINE regsvr32 msscript.ocx
-load_msxml3() {
- # Service Pack 5
- #download
- # Service Pack 7
- download . d4c2178dfb807e1a0267fce0fd06b8d51106d913
- # fixed since 0.9.37
- override_dlls native,builtin msxml3
- try $WINE msiexec /i "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/msxml3.msi $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_msxml4() {
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != msxml4 && test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/msxml4.dll
- then
- echo "prerequisite msxml4 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- # MS06-071:
- # download . d364f9fe80c3965e79f6f64609fc253dfeb69c25
- # MS07-042:
- # download . 73d75d7b41f8a3d49f272e74d4f73bb5e82f1acf
- # SP3 (2009):
- download msxml4sp3 aa70c5c1a7a069af824947bcda1d9893a895318b
- try $WINE msiexec /i "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/msxml4sp3/msxml.msi $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_msxml6() {
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != msxml6 && test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/msxml6.dll
- then
- echo "prerequisite msxml6 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- #
- # download . 2308743ddb4cb56ae910e461eeb3eab0a9e58058
- # Service Pack 1
- #
- download .
- try $WINE msiexec /i "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/msxml6_x86.msi $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_ogg() {
- # flac, ogg, speex, vorbis, ogm source, ogg source
- download . c9d10a8f1b65b9f3824e227333d66247e14fad4c
- #try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/oggcodecs_0.81.2.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- # oh, and the new schroedinger direct show filter, too
- # see following URLs for more info
- #
- #
- #;a=summary
- # Requires wine-1.1.1
- download .
- try cp "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/direct-schro.dll "$WINDIR"/system32/direct-schro.dll
- # This is currently broken. Maarten's not sure why.
- try $WINE regsvr32 direct-schro.dll
-load_ole2() {
- #
- download . b803991c40f387464b61f606536b7c98a88245d2
- set_winver win31
- try $WINE setup.exe
- cd "$olddir"
- unset_winver
- override_dlls native,builtin COMPOBJ.DLL OLE2CONV.DLL OLE2DISP.DLL OLE2.DLL
- override_dlls native,builtin OLE2NLS.DLL OLE2PROX.DLL STORAGE.DLL TYPELIB.DLL
-load_openwatcom() {
- #
- download . "" 44afd1fabfdf0374f614f054824e60ac560f9dc0
- then
- # Options documented at
- # But they don't seem to work on wine, so jam them into setup.inf
- # Pick smallest installation that supports 16 bit C and C++
- cp "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/open-watcom-c-win32-1.8.exe .
- unzip open-watcom-c-win32-1.8.exe setup.inf
- sed -i 's/tools16=.*/tools16=true/' setup.inf
- zip -f open-watcom-c-win32-1.8.exe
- try $WINE open-watcom-c-win32-1.8.exe -s
- cd "$olddir"
- else
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/open-watcom-c-win32-1.8.exe
- fi
- if test ! -f "$DRIVE_C"/WATCOM/binnt/wcc.exe
- then
- warn "c:/watcom/binnt/wcc.exe not found; you probably didn't select 16 bit tools, and won't be able to buld win16test"
- fi
-load_pdh() {
- #
- download . f42448660def8cd7f42b34aa7bc7264745f4425e
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/pdhinst.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/x86/Pdh.Dll "$WINDIR"/system32/pdh.dll
- #
- download . e19f7c3385a4a68e7acb85301bb4d2d0d1eaa1e2
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/PhysX_9.09.0814_SystemSoftware.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- load_vcrun6
- # Note: aborts on 64 bit windows with dialog saying "don't run on WoW"
- #
- download psdk2003 5c7dc2e1eb902b376d7797cc383fefdfc64ff9c9
- echo "This can take up to an hour."
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/psdk2003
- try $WINE PSDK-x86.exe
- cd "$olddir"
- #
- warn "Vista SDK doesn't work yet as of wine-1.1.28"
- load_dotnet20
- download psdkvista 756c21a7fc9b831f7200f3f44ae55cc7689e8063
- #chmod +x "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/psdkvista/Setup.exe
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/psdkvista
- try $WINE Setup.exe
- cd "$olddir"
- #
- warn "When given a choice, select only C++ compilers and headers, the other options don't work yet."
- load_vcrun6
- load_vcrun2008
- load_dotnet20
- # don't have a working unattended recipe. Maybe we'll have to
- # do an autohotkey script until msft gets its act together:
- #
- download psdkwin7 a01dcc67a38f461e80ea649edf1353f306582507
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/psdkwin7
- try $WINE winsdk_web.exe
- cd "$olddir"
-load_python26() {
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != python26 && test -f "$WINEPREFIX"/drive_c/Python26/python.exe
- then
- echo "prerequisite python26 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- download . 2d1503b0e8b7e4c72a276d4d9027cf4856b208b8
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/project/pywin32/pywin32/Build%20214/pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe eca58f29b810d8e3e7951277ebb3e35ac35794a3
- try $WINE msiexec /i python-2.6.2.msi ALLUSERS=1 $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- # FIXME: unzip this instead of running it if quiet install?
- try $WINE pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe
- cd "$olddir"
-load_python_comtypes() {
- load_python26
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/project/comtypes/comtypes/0.6.1/ 814318cdae0ab2471a9cd500847bf12f4df9a57c
- try unzip
- cd comtypes-0.6.1
- try $WINE "C:\Python26\python.exe" install
- cd "$olddir"
-load_quicktime72() {
- echo "Quicktime needs gdiplus..."
- load_gdiplus
- #
- download quicktime72 '' bb89981f10cf21de57b9453e53cf81b9194271a9
- if test "$WINETRICKS_QUIET"x != x
- then
- fi
- # set vista mode to inhibit directdraw overlay use that blacks the screen
- set_winver vista
- if test "$WINETRICKS_QUIET"x = x
- then
- echo "You probably want to select Advanced / Safe Mode in the Quicktime control panel"
- try $WINE control "$programfilesdir_win\\QuickTime\\QTSystem\\QuickTime.cpl"
- fi
- unset_winver
- # user might want to set vista mode himself, or run
- # wine control ".wine/drive_c/Program Files/QuickTime/QTSystem/QuickTime.cpl"
- # and pick Advanced / Safe Mode (gdi only).
- # We could probably force that by overwriting QuickTime.qtp
- # (probably in Program Files/QuickTime/QTSystem/QuickTime.qtp)
- # but the format isn't known, so we'd have to override all other settings, too.
-volnum() {
- case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT")
- return
- ;;
- esac
- # Recent Microsoft installers are often based on "windows package manager", see
- # and
- #
- # These installers check the drive name, and if it doesn't start with 'harddisk',
- # they complain "Unable to find a volume for file extraction", see
- #
- # You may be able to work around this by using the installer's /x or /extract switch,
- # but renaming drive_c to "harddiskvolume0" lets you just run the installer as normal.
- if test ! -d "$WINEPREFIX"/harddiskvolume0/
- then
- ln -s drive_c "$WINEPREFIX"/harddiskvolume0
- rm "$WINEPREFIX"/dosdevices/c:
- ln -s ../harddiskvolume0 "$WINEPREFIX"/dosdevices/c:
- echo "Renamed drive_c to harddiskvolume0"
- else
- echo "drive_c already named harddiskvolume0"
- fi
-load_riched20() {
- #
- download . f0b7663f15dbd31410435483ba832318c7a70470
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/Q249973i.EXE
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/riched??.dll "$WINDIR"/system32
- override_dlls native,builtin riched20 riched32
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
-load_riched30() {
- #
- # claims that Groupwise Messenger's View / Text Size command
- # only works with riched30, and recommends getting it by installing
- # msi 2, which just happens to come with riched30 version of riched20
- # (though not with a corresponding riched32, which might be a problem)
- #
- download . e739c40d747e7c27aacdb07b50925b1635ee7366
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/InstMsiA.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/riched20.dll "$WINDIR"/system32
- override_dlls native,builtin riched20
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
-load_richtx32() {
- download . da404b566df3ad74fe687c39404a36c3e7cadc07
- try cabextract "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/ -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -F RichTx32.Ocx
- try $WINE regsvr32 RichTx32.ocx
-load_shockwave() {
- # Not silent enough, use msi instead
- #download . 840e34e9b067cf247bfa9092665b8966158f38e3
- #try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/Shockwave_Installer_Full.exe $WINETRICKS_S
- # old sha1sum: 6a91a9da4b54c3fdc97130a15e1a173117e5f4ff
- # 2009-07-31 sha1sum: 0bb506ef67a268e8d3fb6c7ce556320ee10b9da5
- # 2009-12-13 sha1sum: d35649883bf13cb1a86f5650e1050d15533ac0f4
- # 2010-01-23 sha1sum: 4a837d238c28c5f345d73f105711f20c6d059273
- download . 4a837d238c28c5f345d73f105711f20c6d059273
- try $WINE msiexec /i "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/sw_lic_full_installer.msi $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_tahoma() {
- # The tahoma and tahomabd fonts are needed by e.g. Steam
- download . 888ce7b7ab5fd41f9802f3a65fd0622eb651a068
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/tahoma32.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Tahoma.TTF "$winefontsdir"/tahoma.ttf
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Tahomabd.TTF "$winefontsdir"/tahomabd.ttf
- chmod +w "$winefontsdir"/tahoma*.ttf
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
-load_urlmon() {
- # This is an updated urlmon from IE 6.0
- # See
- # (Works for Dolphin Smalltalk, see
- download . bcc79b92ac3c06c4de3692672c3d70bdd36be892
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/Q837251.exe"
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/URLMON.DLL "$WINDIR"/system32/urlmon.dll
- override_dlls native,builtin urlmon
-load_usp10() {
- #
- download . e739c40d747e7c27aacdb07b50925b1635ee7366
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/InstMsiA.exe
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/usp10.dll "$WINDIR"/system32
- override_dlls native,builtin usp10
-load_vb2run() {
- # Not referenced on MS web anymore. But the old Microsoft Software Library FTP still has it.
- # See
- download . ac0568b73ee375408778e9b505df995f79ab907e
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP/VBRUN200.DLL" "$WINDIR"/system32/
-load_vb3run() {
- # See
- download . 518fcfefde9bf680695cadd06512efadc5ac2aa7
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP/Vbrun300.dll" "$WINDIR"/system32/
-load_vb4run() {
- # See
- download . 83e968063272e97bfffd628a73bf0ff5f8e1023b
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP/Vb40032.dll" "$WINDIR"/system32/
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP/Vb40016.dll" "$WINDIR"/system32/
-load_vbvm50() {
- download . 28bfaf09b8ac32cf5ffa81252f3e2fadcb3a8f27
-load_vbrun60() {
- if test ! -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vbrun60sp6.exe
- then
- download . 73ef177008005675134d2f02c6f580515ab0d842
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe "/T:$winetricks_tmp_win" /c $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- if test ! -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/vbrun60sp6.exe
- then
- die vbrun60sp6.exe not found
- fi
- try mv "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/vbrun60sp6.exe "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"
- fi
- # Delete some fake DLLs to ensure that the installer overwrites them.
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/comcat.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/oleaut32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/olepro32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/stdole2.tlb
- # Exits with status 43 for some reason?
- status=$?
- case $status in
- 0|43) ;;
- *) die $PACKAGE installation failed
- esac
-load_vcrun6() {
- # Load the Visual C++ 6 runtime libraries, including the elusive mfc42u.dll
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != vcrun6 && test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/mfc42u.dll
- then
- echo "prerequisite vcrun6 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- if test ! -f "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcredist.exe
- then
- download . 382c8f5a7f41189af8d4165cf441f274b7e2a457
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc6redistsetup_enu.exe "/T:$winetricks_tmp_win" /c $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- if test ! -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/vcredist.exe
- then
- die vcredist.exe not found
- fi
- fi
- # Delete some fake dlls to avoid vcredist installer warnings
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/comcat.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/msvcrt.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/oleaut32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/olepro32.dll
- rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/stdole2.tlb
- # vcredist still exits with status 43. Anyone know why?
- $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcredist.exe
- status=$?
- case $status in
- 0|43) ;;
- *) die $PACKAGE installation failed
- esac
- # And then some apps need mfc42u.dll, dunno what right way
- # is to get it, vcredist doesn't install it by default?
- try cabextract "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcredist.exe -d "$WINDIR"/system32/ -F mfc42u.dll
- override_dlls native,builtin msvcrt
-load_vcrun6sp6() {
- if test ! -f vcredistsp6.exe
- then
- download . 2292437a8967349261c810ae8b456592eeb76620
- # No EULA is presented when passing command-line extraction arguments,
- # so we'll simplify extraction with cabextract. We'll also try to avoid
- # overwriting the older vcrun6 redist by renaming the extracted file.
- try cabextract "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/Vs6sp6.exe -d "$WINETRICKS_TMP" -F vcredist.exe
- try mv "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/vcredist.exe "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcredistsp6.exe
- fi
- # Delete some fake dlls to avoid vcredist installer warnings
- try rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/comcat.dll
- try rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/msvcrt.dll
- try rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/oleaut32.dll
- try rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/olepro32.dll
- try rm -f "$WINDIR"/system32/stdole2.tlb
- # vcredist still exits with status 43. Anyone know why?
- $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcredistsp6.exe
- status=$?
- case $status in
- 0|43) ;;
- *) die $PACKAGE installation failed
- esac
- # And then some apps need mfc42u.dll, dunno what right way
- # is to get it, vcredist doesn't install it by default?
- try cabextract "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcredistsp6.exe -d "$WINDIR"/system32/ -F mfc42u.dll
- override_dlls native,builtin msvcrt
-load_vcrun2003() {
- # Load the Visual C++ 2003 runtime libraries
- # Sadly, I know of no Microsoft URL for these
- echo "Installing BZFlag (which comes with the Visual C++ 2003 runtimes)"
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/bzflag/BZEditW32_1.6.5_Installer.exe bdd1b32c4202fd77e6513fd507c8236888b09121
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/BZEditW32_1.6.5_Installer.exe $WINETRICKS_S
- try cp "$programfilesdir_unix/BZEdit1.6.5"/m*71* "$WINDIR"/system32/
-load_vcrun2005() {
- # Load the latest Visual C++ 2005 runtime libraries
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- # SP1 + ATL security fix build 4053 (MS09-035)
- # See
- if test $PACKAGE != vcrun2005 && test -d "$WINDIR"/winsxs/x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.4053_x-ww_b77cec8e
- then
- echo "prerequisite vcrun2005 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- download vcrun2005-ms09-035 e052789ebad7dc8d6f8505a9295b0576babd125e
- cd vcrun2005-ms09-035
- try $WINE vcredist_x86.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
- cd "$olddir"
-load_vcrun2008() {
- # For the moment, assume windows already has this.
- case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT")
- return
- ;;
- esac
- # Work around bug 5351 ( In recent
- # wine (>= 1.1.7) the bug is fixed. The workaround doesn't hurt anything, and lets
- # installer work on older Wine (e.g., the stabe 1.0.1).
- volnum
- # Load the latest Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- # SP1 + ATL security fix build 4148 (MS09-035)
- # See
- if test $PACKAGE != vcrun2008 && test -d "$WINDIR"/winsxs/x86_Microsoft.VC90.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4148_x-ww_a57c1f53
- then
- echo "prerequisite vcrun2008 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- download vcrun2008-ms09-035 bd18409cfe75b88c2a9432d36d96f4bf125a3237
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vcrun2008-ms09-035/vcredist_x86.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_vjrun20() {
- load_dotnet20
- # See
- download vjrun20 80a098e36b90d159da915aebfbfbacf35f302bd8
- then
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vjrun20/vjredist.exe /q /C:"install /QNT"
- else
- try $WINE vjrun20/vjredist.exe
- fi
- #
- #download . 956c81c3106b97042c4126b23c81885c4b5211f4
- # I'm going to link to this for now even though it's not straight from microsoft
- # because it's a developer tool rather than a runtime, and
- # I'm in the middle of trying to get lots of open source windows
- # apps to build on Wine; see
- # (Plus the sha1sum, which I still have from a copy straight from microsoft,
- # protects us somewhat against corrupted copies.)
- download . 956c81c3106b97042c4126b23c81885c4b5211f4
- try $WINE VCToolkitSetup.exe
- cd "$olddir"
- # Currently broken in wine, see
- # Thanks to for the recipe
- load_dotnet20
- load_msxml6
- #
- download vc2005express 0292ae1d576edd8ee5350a27113c94c9f9958d5c
- then
- # Thanks to Aaron Stebner's unattended install recipe
- #
- # ""
- download vc2005express ce0da62b5649f33c7a150de276d799fb2d68d12a
- rm -rf vc2005express.tmp || true
- mkdir vc2005express.tmp
- cd vc2005express.tmp
- cabextract "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2005express/vcsetup.exe
- cp "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2005express/Ixpvc.exe .
- chmod +x Ixpvc.exe
- # Add /qn after ReallySuppress for a really silent install (but then you won't see any errors)
- try $WINE Ixpvc /t:"$WINETRICKS_TMP_WIN\\\\vc2005express.tmp" /q:a /c:"msiexec /i vcsetup.msi VSEXTUI=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
- cd ..
- rm -rf vc2005express.tmp || true
- else
- warn "Don't forget to install the IDE, or mt.exe won't be installed"
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2005express
- try $WINE vcsetup.exe
- # The interactive installer seems to be asynchronous, so wait until one of the last files is created
- while test ! -f "$programfilesdir_unix/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/Tools/vsvars32.bat"
- do
- echo "Waiting for install to finish..."
- sleep 10
- done
- fi
- cd "$olddir"
- warn "$PACKAGE does not work yet"
- if test ! -f "$programfilesdir_unix/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/Tools/vsvars32.bat"
- then
- die "install vc2005express first (this verb will be merged into that once it's debugged)"
- fi
- #
- download vc2005express 8b9a0172efad64774aa122f29e093ad2043b308d
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2005express/VS80sp1-KB926748-X86-INTL.exe
- if test "$WINE" != ""
- then
- return
- fi
- # Call only on real Windows.
- # The only free mount tool I know for Windows Vista is Virtual CloneDrive,
- # which can be downloaded at
- #
- # FIXME: actually install it here
- # Locate vcdmount.exe.
- VCD_DIR="Elaborate Bytes/VirtualCloneDrive"
- if test ! -x "$programfilesdir_unix/$VCD_DIR/vcdmount.exe" && test ! -x "$programfilesdir_x86_unix/$VCD_DIR/vcdmount.exe"
- then
- warn "Installing Virtual CloneDrive"
- download .
- # have to use cmd else vista won't let cygwin run .exe's?
- chmod +x "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/SetupVirtualCloneDrive.exe
- cmd /c SetupVirtualCloneDrive.exe
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- if test -x "$programfilesdir_unix/$VCD_DIR/vcdmount.exe"
- then
- VCD_DIR="$programfilesdir_unix/$VCD_DIR"
- elif test -x "$programfilesdir_x86_unix/$VCD_DIR/vcdmount.exe"
- then
- VCD_DIR="$programfilesdir_x86_unix/$VCD_DIR"
- else
- die "can't find Virtual CloneDrive?"
- fi
- # FIXME: Use WMI to locate the drive named
- # "ELBY CLONEDRIVE..." using WMI as described in
- #
- # For now, you just have to hardcode it for your system :-(
- warn "You probably need to edit the script to tell it which drive VirtualCloneDrive picked"
- for letter in e f g h
- do
- ISO_MOUNT_ROOT=/cygdrive/$letter
- test -d $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT || break
- done
- test -d $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT && die "cannot find the VirtualCloneDrive"
- my_img="$1"
- if test "$WINE" = ""
- then
- load_vcdmount
- my_img_win="`$XXXPATH -w $my_img | tr '\012' ' ' | sed 's/ $//'`"
- cd "$VCD_DIR"
- try vcdmount.exe /l=$letter "$my_img_win"
- cd "$olddir"
- while ! test -d "$ISO_MOUNT_ROOT"
- do
- echo "Waiting for mount to finish"
- sleep 1
- done
- else
- # Linux
- case "$GUI-$DE" in
- 1-gnome)
- try gksudo "mkdir -p $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT"
- try gksudo "mount -o ro,loop $my_img $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT"
- ;;
- *)
- try sudo mkdir -p $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT
- try sudo mount -o ro,loop "$my_img" $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if test "$WINE" = ""
- then
- # Windows
- load_vcdmount
- cd "$VCD_DIR"
- vcdmount /u
- cd "$olddir"
- else
- case "$GUI-$DE" in
- 1-gnome)
- gksudo "umount $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT"
- try gksudo "rm -rf $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT"
- ;;
- *)
- sudo umount $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT
- try sudo rm -rf $ISO_MOUNT_ROOT
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- load_vcrun6
- load_dotnet20
- load_msxml6
- load_vcdmount
- warn "Downloading/checksumming Visual C++ 2005 Trial. This will take some time!"
- download vc2005trial f66ae07618d67e693ca0524d3582208c20e07823
- iso_umount
- iso_mount "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2005trial/En_vs_2005_vsts_180_Trial.img
- # FIXME: do this right
- rm -f /cygdrive/c/Users/$USER/AppData/local/temp/dd_vsinstall80.txt
- if false && [ $WINETRICKS_QUIET ]
- then
- # Thanks to for unattended install method
- # See also
- die "not implemented yet"
- else
- try cd "$ISO_MOUNT_ROOT/vs/Setup"
- try $WINE setup.exe
- # FIXME: unify these and make the windows one right
- if test "$WINE" = ""
- then
- while ! tr -d '\000' < "$TEMP"/dd_vsinstall80.txt | grep End_Session
- do
- sleep 10
- echo waiting for setup to finish
- done
- else
- while ps $psargs | grep -q setup.exe
- do
- sleep 10
- echo waiting for setup to finish
- done
- fi
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- iso_umount
- if test ! -f "$programfilesdir_unix/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/Tools/vsvars32.bat"
- then
- die "install vc2005trial first (this verb will be merged into that once it's debugged)"
- fi
- #
- download vc2005sp1 d4b5c73253a7a4f5b4b389f41b94fea4a7247b57
- #
- download vc2005sp1
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2005sp1
- try $WINE VS80sp1-KB926601-X86-ENU.exe
- try $WINE VS80sp1-KB971090-X86-INTL.exe
- cd "$olddir"
- kb=$1
- downloadid=$2
- downloadfile=$3
- hotfix=$4
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/vs2005hotfixes"
- if test ! -f $downloadfile
- then
- case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT")
- $WINE cygstart "$downloadid" ;;
- *) # fails for chrome, see
- xdg-open "$downloadid" ;;
- esac
- fi
- while test ! -f $downloadfile
- do
- echo "Waiting for you to save $downloadfile in $WINETRICKS_CACHE_WIN/vs2005hotfixes"
- sleep 1
- done
- if test ! -f $hotfix
- then
- unzip -o $downloadfile
- fi
- try $WINE $hotfix
- cd "$olddir"
- # Loads the hotfixes recommended in
- warn "This does not work in Wine yet."
- if test ! -f "$programfilesdir_unix/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/Tools/vsvars32.bat"
- then
- die "install vc2005trial and vc2005sp1 first"
- fi
- mkdir -p "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/vs2005hotfixes"
- case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT") $WINE cygstart "$WINETRICKS_CACHE_WIN\\vs2005hotfixes" ;;
- *) xdg-open "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/vs2005hotfixes" ;;
- esac
- load_one_hotfix KB935225 7258 306439_ENU_i386_zip.exe VS80sp1-KB935225-X86-ENU.exe
- load_one_hotfix KB947315 11587 341798_ENU_i386_zip.exe VS80sp1-KB947315-X86-ENU.exe
- load_one_hotfix KB949009 18623 VS80sp1-KB949009-X86-INTL.exe VS80sp1-KB949009-X86-INTL.exe
- load_one_hotfix KB946310 10644 335739_ENU_i386_zip.exe VS80sp1-KB946310-X86-ENU.exe
- # KB971090 is part of the sp1 verb, since it can be downloaded normally
- # Save just the interesting parts of Visual Studio 2005 (edit to taste).
- # Workaround for vc 2005 sp1 and hotfixes not installing on Wine.
- # In Windows, do "winetricks vc2005trial vc2005sp1 vc2005hotfix vc2005save",
- # then reboot to Linux, grab vc8.tgz from the Windows partition,
- # and do "winetricks vc2005trial vc2005load".
- tar -C "$programfilesdir_x86_unix" \
- --exclude "Crystal Reports" \
- --exclude "DIA SDK" \
- --exclude "EnterpriseFrameworks" \
- --exclude "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite - ENU" \
- --exclude "ReportViewer" \
- --exclude "SmartDevices" \
- --exclude "Team Tools" \
- --exclude "VB" \
- --exclude "ce" \
- --exclude "Visual Studio Tools for Office" \
- --exclude "Xml" \
- --exclude "sqlserver" \
- -czvf vc8.tgz "Microsoft Visual Studio 8"
- tar -C "$programfilesdir_x86_unix" -xzvf vc8.tgz
- load_vcrun6
- load_dotnet20
- load_msxml6
- load_vcdmount
- warn "Visual C++ 2008 Trial does not yet work in Wine, and this recipe isn't quite debugged even in windows yet."
- warn "Downloading/checksumming Visual C++ 2008 Trial. This will take some time!"
- #
- download vc2008trial dfb601096f62fd75af6ad62b277be79793f53b56
- iso_umount
- iso_mount "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2008trial/VS2008ProEdition90dayTrialENUX1435622.iso
- # FIXME: do this right
- rm -f /cygdrive/c/Users/$USER/AppData/local/temp/dd_vsinstall80.txt
- if true
- then
- try cd "$ISO_MOUNT_ROOT/Setup"
- try $WINE setup.exe
- # FIXME: unify these and make the windows one right
- if test "$WINE" = ""
- then
- while ! tr -d '\000' < /cygdrive/c/Users/$USER/AppData/local/temp/dd_vsinstall80.txt | grep End_Session
- do
- sleep 10
- echo waiting for setup to finish
- done
- else
- while ps $psargs | grep -q setup.exe
- do
- sleep 10
- echo waiting for setup to finish
- done
- fi
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- iso_umount
- echo pfdu is ${programfilesdir_unix}
- echo setting FOO
- FOO="${programfilesdir_unix}/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU"
- echo FOO set to $FOO
- if test ! -d "$FOO"
- then
- die "install vc2008trial first (this verb will be merged into that once it's debugged)"
- fi
- #
- download vc2008sp1 91c146dffa96c6d8f9ceb2b5235b04349cf93ed9
- cd "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vc2008sp1
- try $WINE VS90sp1-KB945140-ENU.exe
- cd "$olddir"
-load_vlc() {
- download . b83558e4232c47a385dbc93ebdc2e6b942fbcfbf
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/vlc-0.8.6f-win32.exe $WINETRICKS_S
-load_wininet() {
- # This is an updated wininet from IE 5.0.1.
- # (Good enough for Active Worlds browser. Also helps "Avatar - Legends of the Arena" get to login screen.)
- # See
- download . b048e0b4e303298de3317b16f7008c43ca71ddfe
- try cabextract --directory="$WINETRICKS_TMP" "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/3725.exe"
- try cp -f "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/Wininet.dll "$WINDIR"/system32/wininet.dll
- override_dlls native,builtin wininet
-load_wme9() {
- # See also
- download wme9 7a3f8781f3e5705651992ef0150ee30bc1295116
-load_wmp9() {
- # Not really expected to work well yet; see
- #
- load_wsh56
- set_winver win2k
- # See also
- download wmp9 580536d10657fa3868de2869a3902d31a0de791b
- # Have to run twice; see
- # Also install the codecs
- # See
- download . 8b76bdcbea0057eb12b7966edab4b942ddacc253
- # Disable WMP's services, since they depend on unimplemented stuff, they trigger the GUI debugger several times
- try_regedit /D "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdr4_2K"
- try_regedit /D "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdralw2k"
- unset_winver
-load_wmp10() {
- # See
- load_wsh56
- # See also
- download . 69862273a5d9d97b4a2e5a3bd93898d259e86657
- # Crashes on exit, but otherwise ok; see
- # Also install the codecs
- # See
- download . 8b76bdcbea0057eb12b7966edab4b942ddacc253
- set_winver win2k
- # Disable WMP's services, since they depend on unimplemented stuff, they trigger the GUI debugger several times
- try_regedit /D "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdr4_2K"
- try_regedit /D "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdralw2k"
- unset_winver
-load_wenquanyi() {
- # See
- # Donate at if you want to help support free CJK font development
- download . $SOURCEFORGE/wqy/wqy-microhei-0.2.0-beta.tar.gz 28023041b22b6368bcfae076de68109b81e77976
- gunzip -dc "$WINETRICKS_CACHE/wqy-microhei-0.2.0-beta.tar.gz" | tar -xf -
- try mv wqy-microhei/wqy-microhei.ttc "$winefontsdir"
- register_font wqy-microhei.ttc "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"
- cd "$olddir"
-load_wsh56() {
- # If this is just a dependency check, don't re-install
- if test $PACKAGE != wsh56 && test -f "$WINDIR"/system32/wscript.exe
- then
- echo "prerequisite wsh56 already installed, skipping"
- return
- fi
- load_vcrun6
- # See also
- download . f4692766caa3ee9b38d4166845486c6199a33457
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-enu.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_wsh56js() {
- # This installs jscript 5.6 (but not vbscript)
- # See also
- download . add5f74c5bd4da6cfae47f8306de213ec6ed52c8
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/Windows2000-KB917344-56-x86-enu.exe $WINETRICKS_QUIET
-load_wsh56vb() {
- # This installs vbscript 5.6 (but not jscript)
- # See also
- download . 48f14a93db33caff271da0c93f334971f9d7cb22
-load_xact() {
- helper_directx_dl ;
- # xactengine?_?.dll, X3DAudio?_?.dll, xaudio?_?.dll, xapofx?_?.dll - extract
- cabextract -d "$WINETRICKS_TMP" -L -F '*_xact_*x86*' "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/$DIRECTX_NAME
- cabextract -d "$WINETRICKS_TMP" -L -F '*_x3daudio_*x86*' "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/$DIRECTX_NAME
- cabextract -d "$WINETRICKS_TMP" -L -F '*_xaudio_*x86*' "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/$DIRECTX_NAME
- for x in `ls "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*.cab`
- do
- cabextract -d "$WINDIR"/system32 -L -F '*.dll' "$x"
- done
- # xactengine?_?.dll, xaudio?_?.dll - register
- for x in `ls "$WINDIR"/system32/xactengine* "$WINDIR"/system32/xaudio*`
- do
- try $WINE regsvr32 `basename $x`
- done
-load_xvid() {
- # xvid
- load_vcrun6
- download . 435203e7f713c4484ca4f50f43e847f3dc118962
- try $WINE "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"/Xvid-1.2.2-07062009.exe $WINETRICKS_SILENT
-print_version() {
- echo "$VERSION"
-#--------- Main program -----------------------------------------
-# On Solaris, choose more modern commands (needed for id -u).
-case `uname -s` in
-SunOS) PATH="/usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH"
- ;;
-case "$1" in
- echo "Winetricks version $VERSION. (C) 2007-2009 Dan Kegel et al. LGPL."
- exit 0
- ;;
-case x"$1" in
-x) GUI=1 ;;
-x-h|x--help|xhelp) usage ; exit 1 ;;
-case "$OS" in
- "Windows_NT")
- ;;
- *)
- # Prevent running with wrong user id.
- # It's bad to create files as the wrong user!
- die_if_user_not_dirowner "$WINEPREFIX"
- die_if_user_not_dirowner "$WINETRICKS_CACHE"
- if [ ! -x "`which "$WINE"`" ]
- then
- die "Cannot find wine ($WINE)"
- fi
- # Create wineprefix if not already there
- test -d "$WINEPREFIX" || WINEDLLOVERRIDES=mshtml= $WINE cmd /c echo yes > /dev/null 2>&1
- ;;
-mkdir -p "$WINETRICKS_TMP"
-case $GUI in
-1) dogui ; set $todo ;;
-# Clean up after failed runs, if needed
-rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
-# The folder-name is localized!
-programfilesdir_win="`unset WINEDEBUG; WINEDLLOVERRIDES=mshtml= $WINE cmd.exe /c echo "%ProgramFiles%" | tr -d '\015'`"
-test x"$programfilesdir_win" != x || die "$WINE cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string"
-programfilesdir_unix="`unset WINEDEBUG; $XXXPATH -u "$programfilesdir_win" | tr -d '\015' `"
-test x"$programfilesdir_unix" != x || die "winepath -u $programfilesdir_win returned empty string"
-winetricks_tmp_win="`$XXXPATH -w "$WINETRICKS_TMP"`"
-# 64 bit windows has a second directory for program files
-programfilesdir_x86_win="${programfilesdir_win} (x86)"
-programfilesdir_x86_unix="${programfilesdir_unix} (x86)"
-if ! test -d "$programfilesdir_x86_unix"
- programfilesdir_x86_win="${programfilesdir_win}"
- programfilesdir_x86_unix="${programfilesdir_unix}"
-# (Fixme: get fonts path from SHGetFolderPath
-# See also
-# Did the user rename Fonts to fonts?
-if test ! -d "$WINDIR"/Fonts && test -d "$WINDIR"/fonts
- winefontsdir="$WINDIR"/fonts
- winefontsdir="$WINDIR"/Fonts
-# Mac folks tend to not have sha1sum, but we can make do with openssl
-if [ -x "`which sha1sum`" ]
- SHA1SUM="sha1sum"
-elif [ -x "`which openssl`" ]
- SHA1SUM="openssl dgst -sha1"
- die "No sha1sum utility available."
-if [ ! -x "`which cabextract`" ]
- die "Cannot find cabextract. Please install it (e.g. 'sudo apt-get install cabextract' or 'sudo yum install cabextract')."
-if [ ! -x "`which unzip`" ]
- die "Cannot find unzip. Please install it (e.g. 'sudo apt-get install unzip' or 'sudo yum install unzip')."
-while test "$1" != ""
- case $1 in
- WINETRICKS_QUIET_T="/qt" # Microsoft Control Pad
- WINETRICKS_S="/S" # for NSIS installers
- WINEDEBUG=${WINEDEBUG:-"fixme-all"}
- export WINEDEBUG
- ;;
- -v) set -x;;
- art2kmin|art2k7min) load_art2kmin;;
- atmlib) load_atmlib;;
- autohotkey|ahk) load_autohotkey;;
- cmake) load_cmake;;
- comctl32.ocx) load_comctl32ocx;;
- comctl32|cc580) load_cc580;;
- colorprofile) load_colorprofile;;
- controlpad|fm20) load_controlpad;;
- corefonts) load_corefonts;;
- cygwin) load_cygwin;;
- d3dx9) load_d3dx9;;
- d3dx10) load_d3dx10;;
- dcom98) load_dcom98;;
- dinput8) load_dinput8;;
- dirac|dirac0.8) load_dirac08;;
- directplay|dxplay|dplay) load_directplay;;
- directx9) DIRECTX_WINDOWS=win2k ; load_directx9;;
- directx9-beta) DIRECTX_WINDOWS=winxp ; load_directx9;;
- divx) load_divx;;
- dotnet1|dotnet11) load_dotnet11; load_fontfix;;
- dotnet11sdk) load_dotnet11sdk;;
- dotnet2|dotnet20) load_dotnet20;;
- dotnet20sdk) load_dotnet20sdk;;
- dotnet20sp2) load_dotnet20sp2; load_fontfix;;
- dotnet3|dotnet30) load_dotnet30; load_fontfix;;
- dotnet35) load_dotnet35; load_fontfix;;
- droid) load_droid;;
- ffdshow) load_ffdshow;;
- firefox|firefox3) load_firefox;;
- flash) load_flash;;
- fontfix) load_fontfix;;
- fontsmooth-bgr|fs-bgr) load_fs_bgr;;
- fontsmooth-disable|fs-disable) load_fs_disable;;
- fontsmooth-gray|fontsmooth-grayscale|fontsmooth-enable|fs-enable) load_fs_grayscale;;
- fontsmooth-rgb|fs-rgb|fs-cleartype) load_fs_rgb;;
- gdiplus) load_gdiplus;;
- gecko) load_gecko;;
- gecko-dbg|geckodbg|gecko_dbg|geckodebug|gecko_debug|gecko-debug) load_gecko_dbg;;
- glsl-disable) load_glsl_disable;;
- glsl-enable) load_glsl_enable;;
- hosts) load_hosts;;
- icodecs) load_icodecs;;
- ie6) load_ie6;;
- ie7) load_ie7;;
- jet40) load_jet40;;
- kde) load_kde;;
- liberation) load_liberation;;
- mdac25) load_mdac25;;
- mdac27) load_mdac27;;
- mdac28) load_mdac28;;
- mfc40) load_mfc40;;
- mingw|mingw-min|mingw_min) load_mingw_min;;
- mingw-gdb|mingw_gdb) load_mingw_gdb;;
- mono19|mono20) load_mono20;;
- mono22) load_mono22;;
- mono24) load_mono24;;
- mozillabuild) load_mozillabuild;;
- mpc) load_mpc;;
- msi2) load_msi2;;
- mshflxgd) load_mshflxgd;;
- msls31) load_msls31;;
- msmask) load_msmask;;
- mspaint|paint) load_mspaint;;
- msscript) load_msscript;;
- msxml3) load_msxml3;;
- msxml4) load_msxml4;;
- msxml6) load_msxml6;;
- ogg) load_ogg;;
- ole2) load_ole2;;
- openwatcom|watcom) load_openwatcom;;
- pdh) load_pdh;;
- physx) load_physx;;
- psdk2003) load_psdk2003;;
- psdkvista) load_psdkvista;;
- psdkwin7) load_psdkwin7;;
- python|python26) load_python26;;
- python-comtypes|pythoncom|python-com|pythoncomtypes) load_python_comtypes;;
- quicktime72) load_quicktime72;;
- riched20) load_riched20;;
- riched30) load_riched30;;
- richtx32) load_richtx32;;
- shockwave) load_shockwave;;
- tahoma) load_tahoma;;
- urlmon) load_urlmon;;
- usp10) load_usp10;;
- vbrun200|vb2run) load_vb2run;;
- vbrun300|vb3run) load_vb3run;;
- vbrun400|vb4run) load_vb4run;;
- vbrun500|vbvm50|vb5run) load_vbvm50;;
- vbrun600|vbrun60|vb6run) load_vbrun60;;
- vc2003toolkit) load_vc2003toolkit;;
- vc2005express) load_vc2005express;;
- vc2005expresssp1) load_vc2005expresssp1;;
- vc2005hotfix) load_vc2005hotfix;;
- vc2005load) load_vc2005_tarball;;
- vc2005save) save_vc2005_tarball;;
- vc2005sp1) load_vc2005sp1;;
- vc2008sp1) load_vc2008sp1;;
- vc2005trial) load_vc2005trial;;
- vc2008trial) load_vc2008trial;;
- vcrun600|vcrun60|vcrun6|mfc42) load_vcrun6;;
- vcrun60sp6|vcrun6sp6) load_vcrun6sp6;;
- vcrun2003) load_vcrun2003;;
- vcrun2005|vcrun2005sp1) load_vcrun2005;;
- vcrun2008|vcrun2008sp1) load_vcrun2008;;
- vjrun20) load_vjrun20;;
- vlc) load_vlc;;
- wenquanyi) load_wenquanyi;;
- wininet) load_wininet;;
- wme9) load_wme9;;
- wmp9) load_wmp9;;
- wmp10) load_wmp10;;
- wsh56) load_wsh56;;
- wsh56js) load_wsh56js;;
- wsh56vb) load_wsh56vb;;
- xact|xactengine|x3daudio) load_xact;;
- xvid) load_xvid;;
- allcodecs|allvcodecs) load_vcrun6; load_ffdshow; load_xvid; load_icodecs;;
- allfonts) load_corefonts; load_tahoma; load_liberation; load_droid; load_wenquanyi;;
- ddr=gdi) set_ddr gdi;;
- ddr=opengl) set_ddr opengl;;
- fakeie6) set_fakeie6;;
- heapcheck) set_heapcheck;;
- multisampling=enabled|multisampling=on) set_multisampling enabled;;
- multisampling=disabled|multisampling=off) set_multisampling disabled;;
- native_mdac) set_native_mdac;;
- native_oleaut32) override_dlls native,builtin oleaut32;;
- nocrashdialog) disable_crashdialog;;
- orm=backbuffer|backbuffer) set_orm backbuffer;;
- orm=fbo|fbo) set_orm fbo;;
- orm=pbuffer|pbuffer) set_orm pbuffer;;
- rtlm=auto) set_rtlm auto;;
- rtlm=disabled) set_rtlm disabled;;
- rtlm=readdraw) set_rtlm readdraw;;
- rtlm=readtex) set_rtlm readtex;;
- rtlm=texdraw) set_rtlm texdraw;;
- rtlm=textex) set_rtlm textex;;
- sandbox) sandbox;;
- sound=alsa|alsa) set_sound_driver alsa;;
- sound=audioio|audioio) set_sound_driver audioio;;
- sound=coreaudio|coreaudio) set_sound_driver coreaudio;;
- sound=esound|esound) set_sound_driver esound;;
- sound=jack|jack) set_sound_driver jack;;
- sound=nas|nas) set_sound_driver nas;;
- sound=oss|oss) set_sound_driver oss;;
- sound=disabled|sound=) set_sound_driver "";;
- version) print_version;;
- volnum) volnum;;
- winver=nt40|nt40) set_winver nt40;;
- winver=win98|win98) set_winver win98;;
- winver=win2k|win2k) set_winver win2k;;
- winver=winxp|winxp) set_winver winxp;;
- winver=vista|vista) set_winver vista;;
- winver=) unset_winver;;
- *) echo Unknown arg $1; usage ; exit 1;;
- esac
- # Provide a bit of feedback
- test "$WINETRICKS_QUIET" = "" && case $1 in
- -q) echo Setting quiet mode;;
- -v) echo Setting verbose mode;;
- *) echo "Install of $1 done" ;;
- esac
- shift
- # cleanup
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"/*
- # remove the temp directory
- rm -rf "$WINETRICKS_TMP"
-test "$WINETRICKS_QUIET" = "" && echo winetricks done. || true