path: root/views/touchui/touch_factory.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'views/touchui/touch_factory.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/views/touchui/touch_factory.h b/views/touchui/touch_factory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca281e4..0000000
--- a/views/touchui/touch_factory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#pragma once
-#include <bitset>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
-#include "base/timer.h"
-#include "views/views_export.h"
-typedef unsigned long Cursor;
-typedef unsigned long Window;
-typedef struct _XDisplay Display;
-typedef union _XEvent XEvent;
-namespace views {
-// Functions related to determining touch devices.
-class VIEWS_EXPORT TouchFactory {
- public:
- // Define the touch params following the Multi-touch Protocol.
- enum TouchParam {
- TP_TOUCH_MAJOR = 0, // Length of the touch area.
- TP_TOUCH_MINOR, // Width of the touch area.
- TP_ORIENTATION, // Angle between the X-axis and the major axis of the
- // touch area.
- TP_PRESSURE, // Pressure of the touch contact.
- // NOTE: A touch event can have multiple touch points. So when we receive a
- // touch event, we need to determine which point triggered the event.
- // A touch point can have both a 'Slot ID' and a 'Tracking ID', and they can
- // be (in fact, usually are) different. The 'Slot ID' ranges between 0 and
- // (X - 1), where X is the maximum touch points supported by the device. The
- // 'Tracking ID' can be any 16-bit value. With XInput 2.0, an XI_Motion
- // event that comes from a currently-unused 'Slot ID' indicates the creation
- // of a new touch point, and any event that comes with a 0 value for
- // 'Tracking ID' marks the removal of a touch point. During the lifetime of
- // a touchpoint, we use the 'Slot ID' as its identifier. The XI_ButtonPress
- // and XI_ButtonRelease events are ignored.
-#if !defined(USE_XI2_MT)
- TP_SLOT_ID, // ID of the finger that triggered a touch event
- // (useful when tracking multiple simultaneous
- // touches)
- // NOTE for XInput MT: 'Tracking ID' is provided in every touch event to
- // track individual touch. 'Tracking ID' is an unsigned 32-bit value and
- // is increased for each new touch. It will wrap back to 0 when reaching
- // the numerical limit.
- TP_TRACKING_ID, // ID of the touch point.
- };
- // Returns the TouchFactory singleton.
- static TouchFactory* GetInstance();
- // Updates the list of devices.
- void UpdateDeviceList(Display* display);
- // Checks whether an XI2 event should be processed or not (i.e. if the event
- // originated from a device we are interested in).
- bool ShouldProcessXI2Event(XEvent* xevent);
- // Setup an X Window for XInput2 events.
- void SetupXI2ForXWindow(::Window xid);
- // Keeps a list of touch devices so that it is possible to determine if a
- // pointer event is a touch-event or a mouse-event. The list is reset each
- // time this is called.
- void SetTouchDeviceList(const std::vector<unsigned int>& devices);
- // Is the device a touch-device?
- bool IsTouchDevice(unsigned int deviceid) const;
-#if !defined(USE_XI2_MT)
- // Is the slot ID currently used?
- bool IsSlotUsed(int slot) const;
- // Marks a slot as being used/unused.
- void SetSlotUsed(int slot, bool used);
- // Grabs the touch devices for the specified window on the specified display.
- // Returns if grab was successful for all touch devices.
- bool GrabTouchDevices(Display* display, ::Window window);
- // Ungrabs the touch devices. Returns if ungrab was successful for all touch
- // devices.
- bool UngrabTouchDevices(Display* display);
- // Updates the root window to show (or hide) the cursor. Also indicate whether
- // the timer should be started to automatically hide the cursor after a
- // certain duration of inactivity (i.e. it is ignored if |show| is false).
- void SetCursorVisible(bool show, bool start_timer);
- // Whether the cursor is currently visible or not.
- bool is_cursor_visible() const {
- return is_cursor_visible_;
- }
- // Extract the TouchParam from the XEvent. Return true and the value is set
- // if the TouchParam is found, false and value unchanged if the TouchParam
- // is not found.
- bool ExtractTouchParam(const XEvent& xev, TouchParam tp, float* value);
- // Normalize the TouchParam with value on deviceid to fall into [0, 1].
- // *value = (*value - min_value_of_tp) / (max_value_of_tp - min_value_of_tp)
- // Returns true and sets the normalized value in|value| if normalization is
- // successful. Returns false and |value| is unchanged otherwise.
- bool NormalizeTouchParam(unsigned int deviceid, TouchParam tp, float* value);
- // Extract the range of the TouchParam. Return true if the range is available
- // and written into min & max, false if the range is not available.
- bool GetTouchParamRange(unsigned int deviceid,
- TouchParam tp,
- float* min,
- float* max);
- void set_keep_mouse_cursor(bool keep) { keep_mouse_cursor_ = keep; }
- bool keep_mouse_cursor() const { return keep_mouse_cursor_; }
- private:
- TouchFactory();
- ~TouchFactory();
- void HideCursorForInactivity() {
- SetCursorVisible(false, false);
- }
- // Setup the internal bookkeeping of the touch params valuator information for
- // touch devices
- void SetupValuator();
- // Requirement for Signleton
- friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<TouchFactory>;
- // The default cursor is hidden after startup, and when the mouse pointer is
- // idle for a while. Once there is some event from a mouse device, the cursor
- // is immediately displayed.
- bool is_cursor_visible_;
- // Whether to turn off automatic hiding of mouse cursor. This is useful for
- // debugging touch build on the desktop.
- bool keep_mouse_cursor_;
- // The cursor is hidden if it is idle for a certain amount time. This timer
- // is used to keep track of the idleness.
- base::OneShotTimer<TouchFactory> cursor_timer_;
- // The default cursor.
- Cursor arrow_cursor_;
- // The invisible cursor.
- Cursor invisible_cursor_;
- // NOTE: To keep track of touch devices, we currently maintain a lookup table
- // to quickly decide if a device is a touch device or not. We also maintain a
- // list of the touch devices. Ideally, there will be only one touch device,
- // and instead of having the lookup table and the list, there will be a single
- // identifier for the touch device. This can be completed after enough testing
- // on real touch devices.
- static const int kMaxDeviceNum = 128;
- // A quick lookup table for determining if events from the pointer device
- // should be processed.
- std::bitset<kMaxDeviceNum> pointer_device_lookup_;
- // A quick lookup table for determining if a device is a touch device.
- std::bitset<kMaxDeviceNum> touch_device_lookup_;
- // The list of touch devices.
- std::vector<int> touch_device_list_;
- // Index table to find the valuator for the TouchParam on the specific device
- // by valuator_lookup_[device_id][touch_params]. Use 2-D array to get fast
- // index at the expense of space. If the kMaxDeviceNum grows larger that the
- // space waste becomes a concern, the 2D lookup table can be replaced by a
- // hash map.
- signed char valuator_lookup_[kMaxDeviceNum][TP_LAST_ENTRY];
- // Index table to find the min & max value of the TouchParam on a specific
- // device.
- int touch_param_min_[kMaxDeviceNum][TP_LAST_ENTRY];
- int touch_param_max_[kMaxDeviceNum][TP_LAST_ENTRY];
-#if !defined(USE_XI2_MT)
- // Maximum simultaneous touch points.
- static const int kMaxTouchPoints = 32;
- // A lookup table for slots in use for a touch event.
- std::bitset<kMaxTouchPoints> slots_used_;
-} // namespace views