path: root/webkit/appcache/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/appcache/')
1 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/appcache/ b/webkit/appcache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7732faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/appcache/
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_update_job.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
+#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
+#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_group.h"
+#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_host.h"
+namespace appcache {
+static const int kBufferSize = 4096;
+static const size_t kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches = 2;
+// Extra info associated with requests for use during response processing.
+// This info is deleted when the URLRequest is deleted.
+struct UpdateJobInfo : public URLRequest::UserData {
+ enum RequestType {
+ };
+ explicit UpdateJobInfo(RequestType request_type)
+ : type(request_type),
+ buffer(new net::IOBuffer(kBufferSize)) {
+ }
+ RequestType type;
+ scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer;
+ // TODO(jennb): need storage info to stream response data to storage
+// Helper class for collecting hosts per frontend when sending notifications
+// so that only one notification is sent for all hosts using the same frontend.
+class HostNotifier {
+ public:
+ typedef std::vector<int> HostIds;
+ typedef std::map<AppCacheFrontend*, HostIds> NotifyHostMap;
+ // Caller is responsible for ensuring there will be no duplicate hosts.
+ void AddHost(AppCacheHost* host) {
+ std::pair<NotifyHostMap::iterator , bool> ret = hosts_to_notify.insert(
+ NotifyHostMap::value_type(host->frontend(), HostIds()));
+ ret.first->second.push_back(host->host_id());
+ }
+ void AddHosts(const std::set<AppCacheHost*>& hosts) {
+ for (std::set<AppCacheHost*>::const_iterator it = hosts.begin();
+ it != hosts.end(); ++it) {
+ AddHost(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ void SendNotifications(EventID event_id) {
+ for (NotifyHostMap::iterator it = hosts_to_notify.begin();
+ it != hosts_to_notify.end(); ++it) {
+ AppCacheFrontend* frontend = it->first;
+ frontend->OnEventRaised(it->second, event_id);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ NotifyHostMap hosts_to_notify;
+AppCacheUpdateJob::AppCacheUpdateJob(AppCacheService* service,
+ AppCacheGroup* group)
+ : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)),
+ service_(service),
+ group_(group),
+ update_type_(UNKNOWN_TYPE),
+ internal_state_(FETCH_MANIFEST),
+ master_entries_completed_(0),
+ url_fetches_completed_(0),
+ manifest_url_request_(NULL) {
+ DCHECK(group_);
+ manifest_url_ = group_->manifest_url();
+AppCacheUpdateJob::~AppCacheUpdateJob() {
+ Cancel();
+ DCHECK(!manifest_url_request_);
+ DCHECK(pending_url_fetches_.empty());
+ group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::IDLE);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::StartUpdate(AppCacheHost* host,
+ const GURL& new_master_resource) {
+ DCHECK(group_->update_job() == this);
+ if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) {
+ /* TODO(jennb): uncomment when processing master entries is implemented
+ std::pair<PendingMasters::iterator, bool> ret =
+ pending_master_entries_.insert(
+ PendingMasters::value_type(new_master_resource, PendingHosts()));
+ ret.first->second.push_back(host);
+ */
+ }
+ // Notify host (if any) if already checking or downloading.
+ appcache::AppCacheGroup::UpdateStatus update_status = group_->update_status();
+ if (update_status == AppCacheGroup::CHECKING ||
+ update_status == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING) {
+ if (host) {
+ NotifySingleHost(host, CHECKING_EVENT);
+ if (update_status == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING)
+ NotifySingleHost(host, DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Begin update process for the group.
+ group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::CHECKING);
+ if (group_->HasCache()) {
+ update_type_ = UPGRADE_ATTEMPT;
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(CHECKING_EVENT);
+ } else {
+ update_type_ = CACHE_ATTEMPT;
+ DCHECK(host);
+ NotifySingleHost(host, CHECKING_EVENT);
+ }
+ FetchManifest(true);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchManifest(bool is_first_fetch) {
+ DCHECK(!manifest_url_request_);
+ manifest_url_request_ = new URLRequest(manifest_url_, this);
+ UpdateJobInfo::RequestType fetch_type = is_first_fetch ?
+ manifest_url_request_->SetUserData(this, new UpdateJobInfo(fetch_type));
+ manifest_url_request_->set_context(service_->request_context());
+ // TODO(jennb): add "If-Modified-Since" if have previous date
+ manifest_url_request_->set_load_flags(
+ manifest_url_request_->load_flags() | net::LOAD_DISABLE_INTERCEPT);
+ manifest_url_request_->Start();
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseStarted(URLRequest *request) {
+ if (request->status().is_success())
+ ReadResponseData(request);
+ else
+ OnResponseCompleted(request);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::ReadResponseData(URLRequest* request) {
+ if (internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE)
+ return;
+ int bytes_read = 0;
+ UpdateJobInfo* info =
+ static_cast<UpdateJobInfo*>(request->GetUserData(this));
+ request->Read(info->buffer, kBufferSize, &bytes_read);
+ OnReadCompleted(request, bytes_read);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) {
+ bool data_consumed = true;
+ if (request->status().is_success() && bytes_read > 0) {
+ UpdateJobInfo* info =
+ static_cast<UpdateJobInfo*>(request->GetUserData(this));
+ data_consumed = ConsumeResponseData(request, info, bytes_read);
+ if (data_consumed) {
+ bytes_read = 0;
+ while (request->Read(info->buffer, kBufferSize, &bytes_read)) {
+ if (bytes_read > 0) {
+ data_consumed = ConsumeResponseData(request, info, bytes_read);
+ if (!data_consumed)
+ break; // wait for async data processing, then read more
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (data_consumed && !request->status().is_io_pending())
+ OnResponseCompleted(request);
+bool AppCacheUpdateJob::ConsumeResponseData(URLRequest* request,
+ UpdateJobInfo* info,
+ int bytes_read) {
+ switch (info->type) {
+ case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_FETCH:
+ manifest_data_.append(info->buffer->data(), bytes_read);
+ break;
+ case UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH:
+ // TODO(jennb): stream data to storage. will be async so need to wait
+ // for callback before reading next chunk.
+ // For now, schedule a task to continue reading to simulate async-ness.
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
+ &AppCacheUpdateJob::ReadResponseData, request));
+ return false;
+ case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_REFETCH:
+ manifest_refetch_data_.append(info->buffer->data(), bytes_read);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return true;
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request,
+ const GURL& new_url,
+ bool* defer_redirect) {
+ // Redirect is not allowed by the update process.
+ request->Cancel();
+ OnResponseCompleted(request);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseCompleted(URLRequest* request) {
+ // TODO(jennb): think about retrying for 503s where retry-after is 0
+ UpdateJobInfo* info =
+ static_cast<UpdateJobInfo*>(request->GetUserData(this));
+ switch (info->type) {
+ case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_FETCH:
+ HandleManifestFetchCompleted(request);
+ break;
+ case UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH:
+ HandleUrlFetchCompleted(request);
+ break;
+ case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_REFETCH:
+ HandleManifestRefetchCompleted(request);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ delete request;
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleManifestFetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) {
+ DCHECK(internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST);
+ manifest_url_request_ = NULL;
+ if (!request->status().is_success()) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Request non-success, status: " << request->status().status()
+ << " os_error: " << request->status().os_error();
+ internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE;
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async cache failure steps
+ return;
+ }
+ int response_code = request->GetResponseCode();
+ std::string mime_type;
+ request->GetMimeType(&mime_type);
+ if (response_code == 200 && mime_type == kManifestMimeType) {
+ if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT)
+ CheckIfManifestChanged(); // continues asynchronously
+ else
+ ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(true);
+ } else if (response_code == 304 && update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
+ ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(false);
+ } else if (response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) {
+ group_->set_obsolete(true);
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(OBSOLETE_EVENT);
+ NotifyAllPendingMasterHosts(ERROR_EVENT);
+ DeleteSoon();
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Cache failure, response code: " << response_code;
+ internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE;
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async cache failure steps
+ }
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(bool changed) {
+ DCHECK(internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST);
+ if (!changed) {
+ DCHECK(update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT);
+ internal_state_ = NO_UPDATE;
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async 6.9.4 step 7 substeps
+ return;
+ }
+ Manifest manifest;
+ if (!ParseManifest(manifest_url_,,
+ manifest_data_.length(), manifest)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Failed to parse manifest: " << manifest_url_;
+ internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE;
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async cache failure steps
+ return;
+ }
+ // Proceed with update process. Section 6.9.4 steps 8-20.
+ internal_state_ = DOWNLOADING;
+ inprogress_cache_ = new AppCache(service_, service_->NewCacheId());
+ inprogress_cache_->set_owning_group(group_);
+ BuildUrlFileList(manifest);
+ inprogress_cache_->InitializeWithManifest(&manifest);
+ // Associate all pending master hosts with the newly created cache.
+ for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin();
+ it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) {
+ PendingHosts hosts = it->second;
+ for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
+ host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
+ AppCacheHost* host = *host_it;
+ host->AssociateCache(inprogress_cache_);
+ }
+ }
+ group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING);
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
+ FetchUrls();
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, continues when async fetches complete
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleUrlFetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) {
+ DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING);
+ const GURL& url = request->original_url();
+ pending_url_fetches_.erase(url);
+ ++url_fetches_completed_;
+ int response_code = request->GetResponseCode();
+ AppCacheEntry& entry = url_file_list_.find(url)->second;
+ if (request->status().is_success() && response_code == 200) {
+ // TODO(jennb): associate storage with the new entry
+ inprogress_cache_->AddEntry(url, entry);
+ // Foreign entries will be detected during cache selection.
+ // Note: 6.9.4, step 17.9 possible optimization: if resource is HTML or XML
+ // file whose root element is an html element with a manifest attribute
+ // whose value doesn't match the manifest url of the application cache
+ // being processed, mark the entry as being foreign.
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Request status: " << request->status().status()
+ << " os_error: " << request->status().os_error()
+ << " response code: " << response_code;
+ // TODO(jennb): discard any stored data for this entry
+ if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback()) {
+ internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE;
+ // Cancel any pending URL requests.
+ for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = pending_url_fetches_.begin();
+ it != pending_url_fetches_.end(); ++it) {
+ it->second->Cancel();
+ delete it->second;
+ }
+ url_fetches_completed_ +=
+ pending_url_fetches_.size() + urls_to_fetch_.size();
+ pending_url_fetches_.clear();
+ urls_to_fetch_.clear();
+ } else if (response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) {
+ // Entry is skipped. They are dropped from the cache.
+ } else if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
+ // Copy the resource and its metadata from the newest complete cache.
+ AppCache* cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
+ AppCacheEntry* copy = cache->GetEntry(url);
+ if (copy)
+ CopyEntryToCache(url, *copy, &entry);
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch another URL now that one request has completed.
+ if (internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE)
+ FetchUrls();
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate();
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleManifestRefetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) {
+ DCHECK(internal_state_ == REFETCH_MANIFEST);
+ manifest_url_request_ = NULL;
+ int response_code = request->GetResponseCode();
+ if (response_code == 304 || manifest_data_ == manifest_refetch_data_) {
+ AppCacheEntry entry(AppCacheEntry::MANIFEST);
+ // TODO(jennb): add manifest_data_ to storage and put storage key in entry
+ // Also store response headers from request for HTTP cache control.
+ inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(manifest_url_, entry);
+ inprogress_cache_->set_update_time(base::TimeTicks::Now());
+ // TODO(jennb): start of part to make async (cache storage may fail;
+ // group storage may fail)
+ inprogress_cache_->set_complete(true);
+ // TODO(jennb): write new cache to storage here
+ group_->AddCache(inprogress_cache_);
+ // TODO(jennb): write new group to storage here
+ inprogress_cache_ = NULL;
+ if (update_type_ == CACHE_ATTEMPT) {
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(CACHED_EVENT);
+ } else {
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(UPDATE_READY_EVENT);
+ }
+ DeleteSoon();
+ // TODO(jennb): end of part that needs to be made async.
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Request status: " << request->status().status()
+ << " os_error: " << request->status().os_error()
+ << " response code: " << response_code;
+ ScheduleUpdateRetry(kRerunDelayMs);
+ internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE;
+ HandleCacheFailure();
+ }
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifySingleHost(AppCacheHost* host,
+ EventID event_id) {
+ std::vector<int> ids(1, host->host_id());
+ host->frontend()->OnEventRaised(ids, event_id);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllPendingMasterHosts(EventID event_id) {
+ // Collect hosts so we only send one notification per frontend.
+ // A host can only be associated with a single pending master entry
+ // so no need to worry about duplicate hosts being added to the notifier.
+ HostNotifier host_notifier;
+ for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin();
+ it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) {
+ PendingHosts hosts = it->second;
+ for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
+ host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
+ AppCacheHost* host = *host_it;
+ host_notifier.AddHost(host);
+ }
+ }
+ host_notifier.SendNotifications(event_id);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(EventID event_id) {
+ // Collect hosts so we only send one notification per frontend.
+ // A host can only be associated with a single cache so no need to worry
+ // about duplicate hosts being added to the notifier.
+ HostNotifier host_notifier;
+ if (inprogress_cache_) {
+ DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE);
+ host_notifier.AddHosts(inprogress_cache_->associated_hosts());
+ }
+ AppCacheGroup::Caches old_caches = group_->old_caches();
+ for (AppCacheGroup::Caches::const_iterator it = old_caches.begin();
+ it != old_caches.end(); ++it) {
+ host_notifier.AddHosts((*it)->associated_hosts());
+ }
+ AppCache* newest_cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
+ if (newest_cache)
+ host_notifier.AddHosts(newest_cache->associated_hosts());
+ // TODO(jennb): if progress event, also pass params lengthComputable=true,
+ // total = url_file_list_.size(), loaded=url_fetches_completed_.
+ host_notifier.SendNotifications(event_id);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::CheckIfManifestChanged() {
+ DCHECK(update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT);
+ /*
+ AppCacheEntry* entry =
+ group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(manifest_url_);
+ */
+ // TODO(jennb): load manifest data from entry (async), continues in callback
+ // callback invokes ContinueCheckIfManifestChanged
+ // For now, schedule a task to continue checking with fake loaded data
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
+ &AppCacheUpdateJob::ContinueCheckIfManifestChanged,
+ simulate_manifest_changed_ ? "different" : manifest_data_));
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::ContinueCheckIfManifestChanged(
+ const std::string& loaded_manifest) {
+ ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(manifest_data_ != loaded_manifest);
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::BuildUrlFileList(const Manifest& manifest) {
+ for (base::hash_set<std::string>::const_iterator it =
+ manifest.explicit_urls.begin();
+ it != manifest.explicit_urls.end(); ++it) {
+ AddUrlToFileList(GURL(*it), AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT);
+ }
+ const std::vector<FallbackNamespace>& fallbacks =
+ manifest.fallback_namespaces;
+ for (std::vector<FallbackNamespace>::const_iterator it = fallbacks.begin();
+ it != fallbacks.end(); ++it) {
+ AddUrlToFileList(it->second, AppCacheEntry::FALLBACK);
+ }
+ // Add all master entries from newest complete cache.
+ if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
+ const AppCache::EntryMap& entries =
+ group_->newest_complete_cache()->entries();
+ for (AppCache::EntryMap::const_iterator it = entries.begin();
+ it != entries.end(); ++it) {
+ const AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second;
+ if (entry.IsMaster())
+ AddUrlToFileList(it->first, AppCacheEntry::MASTER);
+ }
+ }
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddUrlToFileList(const GURL& url, int type) {
+ std::pair<AppCache::EntryMap::iterator, bool> ret = url_file_list_.insert(
+ AppCache::EntryMap::value_type(url, AppCacheEntry(type)));
+ if (ret.second)
+ urls_to_fetch_.push_back(UrlToFetch(url, false));
+ else
+ ret.first->second.add_types(type); // URL already exists. Merge types.
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchUrls() {
+ DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING);
+ // Fetch each URL in the list according to section 6.9.4 step 17.1-17.3.
+ // Fetch up to the concurrent limit. Other fetches will be triggered as each
+ // each fetch completes.
+ while (pending_url_fetches_.size() < kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches &&
+ !urls_to_fetch_.empty()) {
+ // Notify about progress first to ensure it starts from 0% in case any
+ // entries are skipped.
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ const GURL url = urls_to_fetch_.front().first;
+ bool storage_checked = urls_to_fetch_.front().second;
+ urls_to_fetch_.pop_front();
+ AppCache::EntryMap::iterator it = url_file_list_.find(url);
+ DCHECK(it != url_file_list_.end());
+ AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second;
+ if (ShouldSkipUrlFetch(entry)) {
+ ++url_fetches_completed_;
+ } else if (!storage_checked && MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(url, entry)) {
+ // Continues asynchronously after data is loaded from newest cache.
+ } else {
+ // Send URL request for the resource.
+ URLRequest* request = new URLRequest(url, this);
+ request->SetUserData(this, new UpdateJobInfo(UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH));
+ request->set_context(service_->request_context());
+ request->set_load_flags(
+ request->load_flags() | net::LOAD_DISABLE_INTERCEPT);
+ request->Start();
+ pending_url_fetches_.insert(PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url, request));
+ }
+ }
+bool AppCacheUpdateJob::ShouldSkipUrlFetch(const AppCacheEntry& entry) {
+ if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO(jennb): decide if entry should be skipped to expire it from cache
+ return false;
+bool AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url,
+ AppCacheEntry& entry) {
+ if (update_type_ != UPGRADE_ATTEMPT)
+ return false;
+ AppCache* newest = group_->newest_complete_cache();
+ AppCacheEntry* copy_me = newest->GetEntry(url);
+ if (!copy_me)
+ return false;
+ // TODO(jennb): load HTTP headers for copy_me and wait for callback
+ // In callback:
+ // if HTTP caching semantics for entry allows its use,
+ // CopyEntryData(url, copy_me, entry)
+ // ++urls_fetches_completed_;
+ // Else, add url back to front of urls_to_fetch and call FetchUrls().
+ // flag url somehow so that FetchUrls() doesn't end up here again.
+ // For now: post a message to pretend entry could not be copied
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
+ &AppCacheUpdateJob::SimulateFailedLoadFromNewestCache, url));
+ return true;
+// TODO(jennb): delete this after have real storage code
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::SimulateFailedLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url) {
+ if (internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE)
+ return;
+ // Re-insert url at front of fetch list. Indicate storage has been checked.
+ urls_to_fetch_.push_front(AppCacheUpdateJob::UrlToFetch(url, true));
+ FetchUrls();
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::CopyEntryToCache(const GURL& url,
+ const AppCacheEntry& src,
+ AppCacheEntry* dest) {
+ DCHECK(dest);
+ // TODO(jennb): copy storage key from src to dest
+ inprogress_cache_->AddEntry(url, *dest);
+bool AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeCompleteUpdate() {
+ if (master_entries_completed_ != pending_master_entries_.size() ||
+ url_fetches_completed_ != url_file_list_.size() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (internal_state_) {
+ case NO_UPDATE:
+ // 6.9.4 steps 7.3-7.7.
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(NO_UPDATE_EVENT);
+ pending_master_entries_.clear();
+ DeleteSoon();
+ break;
+ internal_state_ = REFETCH_MANIFEST;
+ FetchManifest(false);
+ return false;
+ HandleCacheFailure();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return true;
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleCacheFailure() {
+ // 6.9.4 cache failure steps 2-8.
+ NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(ERROR_EVENT);
+ pending_master_entries_.clear();
+ // Discard the inprogress cache.
+ // TODO(jennb): cleanup possible storage for entries in the cache
+ if (inprogress_cache_) {
+ inprogress_cache_->set_owning_group(NULL);
+ inprogress_cache_ = NULL;
+ }
+ // For a CACHE_ATTEMPT, group will be discarded when this update
+ // job removes its reference to the group. Nothing more to do here.
+ DeleteSoon();
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::ScheduleUpdateRetry(int delay_ms) {
+ // TODO(jennb): post a delayed task with the "same parameters" as this job
+ // to retry the update at a later time. Need group, URLs of pending master
+ // entries and their hosts.
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::Cancel() {
+ if (manifest_url_request_) {
+ delete manifest_url_request_;
+ manifest_url_request_ = NULL;
+ }
+ // TODO(jennb): code other cancel cleanup (pending url requests, storage)
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::DeleteSoon() {
+ // TODO(jennb): revisit if update should be deleting itself
+ MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this);
+} // namespace appcache