path: root/webkit/fileapi/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/fileapi/')
1 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/fileapi/ b/webkit/fileapi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a422ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/fileapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop_proxy.h"
+#include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_context.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_operation_context.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_test_helper.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/file_util_helper.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/isolated_context.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/isolated_file_util.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/local_file_util.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/mock_file_system_options.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/native_file_util.h"
+#include "webkit/fileapi/test_file_set.h"
+#include "webkit/quota/mock_special_storage_policy.h"
+using file_util::FileEnumerator;
+namespace fileapi {
+namespace {
+// Used in IsolatedFileUtilTest::SimulateDropFiles().
+// Random root paths in which we create each file/directory of the
+// RegularTestCases (so that we can simulate a drop with files/directories
+// from multiple directories).
+static const FilePath::CharType* kRootPaths[] = {
+FilePath GetTopLevelPath(const FilePath& path) {
+ std::vector<FilePath::StringType> components;
+ path.GetComponents(&components);
+ return FilePath(components[0]);
+} // namespace
+class IsolatedFileUtilTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ IsolatedFileUtilTest() {}
+ void SetUp() {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(data_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ file_util_.reset(new IsolatedFileUtil(new NativeFileUtil()));
+ // Register the files/directories of RegularTestCases (with random
+ // root paths) as dropped files.
+ SimulateDropFiles();
+ file_system_context_ = new FileSystemContext(
+ base::MessageLoopProxy::current(),
+ base::MessageLoopProxy::current(),
+ new quota::MockSpecialStoragePolicy(),
+ NULL /* quota_manager */,
+ data_dir_.path(),
+ CreateAllowFileAccessOptions());
+ // For cross-FileUtil copy/move tests.
+ other_file_util_.reset(new LocalFileUtil(new NativeFileUtil()));
+ other_file_util_helper_.SetUp(file_system_context_, other_file_util_.get());
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ isolated_context()->RevokeIsolatedFileSystem(filesystem_id_);
+ other_file_util_helper_.TearDown();
+ }
+ protected:
+ IsolatedContext* isolated_context() const {
+ return IsolatedContext::GetInstance();
+ }
+ const FilePath& root_path() const {
+ return data_dir_.path();
+ }
+ FileSystemContext* file_system_context() const {
+ return file_system_context_.get();
+ }
+ FileSystemFileUtil* file_util() const { return file_util_.get(); }
+ FileSystemFileUtil* other_file_util() const { return other_file_util_.get(); }
+ std::string filesystem_id() const { return filesystem_id_; }
+ FilePath GetTestCasePlatformPath(const FilePath::StringType& path) {
+ return toplevel_root_map_[GetTopLevelPath(FilePath(path))].Append(path).
+ NormalizePathSeparators();
+ }
+ FileSystemPath GetFileSystemPath(const FilePath& path) const {
+ FilePath virtual_path = isolated_context()->CreateVirtualPath(
+ filesystem_id(), path);
+ return FileSystemPath(GURL(""),
+ kFileSystemTypeIsolated,
+ virtual_path);
+ }
+ FileSystemPath GetOtherFileSystemPath(const FilePath& path) {
+ return other_file_util_helper_.CreatePath(path);
+ }
+ void VerifyFilesHaveSameContent(FileSystemFileUtil* file_util1,
+ FileSystemFileUtil* file_util2,
+ const FileSystemPath& path1,
+ const FileSystemPath& path2) {
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context;
+ // Get the file info for path1.
+ base::PlatformFileInfo info1;
+ FilePath platform_path1;
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ file_util1->GetFileInfo(context.get(), path1,
+ &info1, &platform_path1));
+ // Get the file info for path2.
+ base::PlatformFileInfo info2;
+ FilePath platform_path2;
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ file_util2->GetFileInfo(context.get(), path2,
+ &info2, &platform_path2));
+ // See if file info matches with the other one.
+ EXPECT_EQ(info1.is_directory, info2.is_directory);
+ EXPECT_EQ(info1.size, info2.size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(info1.is_symbolic_link, info2.is_symbolic_link);
+ EXPECT_NE(platform_path1, platform_path2);
+ std::string content1, content2;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(platform_path1, &content1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(platform_path2, &content2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(content1, content2);
+ }
+ void VerifyDirectoriesHaveSameContent(FileSystemFileUtil* file_util1,
+ FileSystemFileUtil* file_util2,
+ const FileSystemPath& root1,
+ const FileSystemPath& root2) {
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context;
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemFileUtil::AbstractFileEnumerator> file_enum1;
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ file_enum1.reset(file_util1->CreateFileEnumerator(
+ context.get(), root1, true /* recursive */));
+ FilePath current;
+ std::set<FilePath> file_set1;
+ while (!(current = file_enum1->Next()).empty()) {
+ if (file_enum1->IsDirectory())
+ continue;
+ file_set1.insert(current);
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemFileUtil::AbstractFileEnumerator> file_enum2;
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ file_enum2.reset(file_util2->CreateFileEnumerator(
+ context.get(), root2, true /* recursive */));
+ while (!(current = file_enum2->Next()).empty()) {
+ FileSystemPath path1 = root1.WithInternalPath(current);
+ FileSystemPath path2 = root2.WithInternalPath(current);
+ if (file_enum2->IsDirectory()) {
+ FileSystemOperationContext context1(file_system_context());
+ FileSystemOperationContext context2(file_system_context());
+ EXPECT_EQ(file_util1->IsDirectoryEmpty(&context1, path1),
+ file_util2->IsDirectoryEmpty(&context2, path2));
+ continue;
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_set1.find(current) != file_set1.end());
+ VerifyFilesHaveSameContent(file_util1, file_util2, path1, path2);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void SimulateDropFiles() {
+ size_t root_path_index = 0;
+ std::set<FilePath> toplevels;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < test::kRegularTestCaseSize; ++i) {
+ const test::TestCaseRecord& test_case = test::kRegularTestCases[i];
+ FilePath path(test_case.path);
+ FilePath toplevel = GetTopLevelPath(path);
+ // We create the test case files under one of the kRootPaths
+ // to simulate a drop with multiple directories.
+ if (toplevel_root_map_.find(toplevel) == toplevel_root_map_.end()) {
+ FilePath root = root_path().Append(
+ kRootPaths[(root_path_index++) % arraysize(kRootPaths)]);
+ toplevel_root_map_[toplevel] = root;
+ toplevels.insert(root.Append(path));
+ }
+ test::SetUpOneTestCase(toplevel_root_map_[toplevel], test_case);
+ }
+ // Register the toplevel entries.
+ filesystem_id_ = isolated_context()->RegisterIsolatedFileSystem(toplevels);
+ }
+ ScopedTempDir data_dir_;
+ std::string filesystem_id_;
+ scoped_refptr<FileSystemContext> file_system_context_;
+ std::map<FilePath, FilePath> toplevel_root_map_;
+ scoped_ptr<IsolatedFileUtil> file_util_;
+ scoped_ptr<LocalFileUtil> other_file_util_;
+ FileSystemTestOriginHelper other_file_util_helper_;
+TEST_F(IsolatedFileUtilTest, BasicTest) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < test::kRegularTestCaseSize; ++i) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Testing RegularTestCases " << i);
+ const test::TestCaseRecord& test_case = test::kRegularTestCases[i];
+ FileSystemPath path = GetFileSystemPath(FilePath(test_case.path));
+ // See if we can query the file info via the isolated FileUtil.
+ // (This should succeed since we have registered all the top-level
+ // entries of the test cases in SetUp())
+ base::PlatformFileInfo info;
+ FilePath platform_path;
+ FileSystemOperationContext context(file_system_context());
+ file_util()->GetFileInfo(&context, path, &info, &platform_path));
+ // See if the obtained file info is correct.
+ if (!test_case.is_directory)
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_case.data_file_size, info.size);
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_case.is_directory, info.is_directory);
+ ASSERT_EQ(GetTestCasePlatformPath(test_case.path),
+ platform_path.NormalizePathSeparators());
+ }
+TEST_F(IsolatedFileUtilTest, UnregisteredPathsTest) {
+ static const fileapi::test::TestCaseRecord kUnregisteredCases[] = {
+ {true, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("nonexistent"), 0},
+ {true, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("nonexistent/dir foo"), 0},
+ {false, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("nonexistent/false"), 0},
+ {false, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo"), 30},
+ {false, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("bar"), 20},
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kUnregisteredCases); ++i) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Creating kUnregisteredCases " << i);
+ const test::TestCaseRecord& test_case = kUnregisteredCases[i];
+ // Prepare the test file/directory.
+ SetUpOneTestCase(root_path(), test_case);
+ // Make sure regular GetFileInfo succeeds.
+ base::PlatformFileInfo info;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::GetFileInfo(
+ root_path().Append(test_case.path), &info));
+ if (!test_case.is_directory)
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_case.data_file_size, info.size);
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_case.is_directory, info.is_directory);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kUnregisteredCases); ++i) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Creating kUnregisteredCases " << i);
+ const test::TestCaseRecord& test_case = kUnregisteredCases[i];
+ FileSystemPath path = GetFileSystemPath(FilePath(test_case.path));
+ // This should fail as the paths in kUnregisteredCases are not included
+ // in the dropped files (i.e. the regular test cases).
+ base::PlatformFileInfo info;
+ FilePath platform_path;
+ FileSystemOperationContext context(file_system_context());
+ file_util()->GetFileInfo(&context, path, &info, &platform_path));
+ }
+TEST_F(IsolatedFileUtilTest, ReadDirectoryTest) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < test::kRegularTestCaseSize; ++i) {
+ const test::TestCaseRecord& test_case = test::kRegularTestCases[i];
+ if (!test_case.is_directory)
+ continue;
+ SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Testing RegularTestCases " << i
+ << ": " << test_case.path);
+ // Read entries in the directory to construct the expected results map.
+ typedef std::map<FilePath::StringType, base::FileUtilProxy::Entry> EntryMap;
+ EntryMap expected_entry_map;
+ FileEnumerator file_enum(
+ GetTestCasePlatformPath(test_case.path),
+ false /* recursive */,
+ static_cast<file_util::FileEnumerator::FileType>(
+ FileEnumerator::FILES | FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES));
+ FilePath current;
+ while (!(current = file_enum.Next()).empty()) {
+ FileEnumerator::FindInfo file_info;
+ file_enum.GetFindInfo(&file_info);
+ base::FileUtilProxy::Entry entry;
+ entry.is_directory = FileEnumerator::IsDirectory(file_info);
+ = current.BaseName().value();
+ entry.size = FileEnumerator::GetFilesize(file_info);
+ entry.last_modified_time = FileEnumerator::GetLastModifiedTime(file_info);
+ expected_entry_map[] = entry;
+ }
+ // Perform ReadDirectory in the isolated filesystem.
+ FileSystemPath path = GetFileSystemPath(FilePath(test_case.path));
+ std::vector<base::FileUtilProxy::Entry> entries;
+ FileSystemOperationContext context(file_system_context());
+ FileUtilHelper::ReadDirectory(
+ &context, file_util(), path, &entries));
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_entry_map.size(), entries.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) {
+ const base::FileUtilProxy::Entry& entry = entries[i];
+ EntryMap::iterator found = expected_entry_map.find(;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found != expected_entry_map.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(found->,;
+ EXPECT_EQ(found->second.is_directory, entry.is_directory);
+ EXPECT_EQ(found->second.size, entry.size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(found->second.last_modified_time.ToDoubleT(),
+ entry.last_modified_time.ToDoubleT());
+ }
+ }
+TEST_F(IsolatedFileUtilTest, CopyOutFileTest) {
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context(
+ new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ FileSystemPath root_path = GetFileSystemPath(FilePath());
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemFileUtil::AbstractFileEnumerator> file_enum(
+ file_util()->CreateFileEnumerator(context.get(),
+ root_path,
+ true /* recursive */));
+ FilePath current;
+ while (!(current = file_enum->Next()).empty()) {
+ if (file_enum->IsDirectory())
+ continue;
+ SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Testing file copy "
+ << current.value());
+ FileSystemPath src_path = root_path.WithInternalPath(current);
+ FileSystemPath dest_path = GetOtherFileSystemPath(current);
+ // Create the parent directory of the destination.
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ other_file_util()->CreateDirectory(
+ context.get(),
+ GetOtherFileSystemPath(current.DirName()),
+ false /* exclusive */,
+ true /* recursive */));
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ FileUtilHelper::Copy(
+ context.get(),
+ file_util(), other_file_util(),
+ src_path, dest_path));
+ // The other way (copy-in) should not work.
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ FileUtilHelper::Copy(
+ context.get(),
+ other_file_util(), file_util(),
+ dest_path, src_path));
+ VerifyFilesHaveSameContent(file_util(), other_file_util(),
+ src_path, dest_path);
+ }
+TEST_F(IsolatedFileUtilTest, CopyOutDirectoryTest) {
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context(
+ new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ FileSystemPath root_path = GetFileSystemPath(FilePath());
+ scoped_ptr<FileSystemFileUtil::AbstractFileEnumerator> file_enum(
+ file_util()->CreateFileEnumerator(context.get(),
+ root_path,
+ false /* recursive */));
+ FilePath current;
+ while (!(current = file_enum->Next()).empty()) {
+ if (!file_enum->IsDirectory())
+ continue;
+ SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Testing directory copy "
+ << current.value());
+ FileSystemPath src_path = root_path.WithInternalPath(current);
+ FileSystemPath dest_path = GetOtherFileSystemPath(current);
+ // Create the parent directory of the destination.
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ other_file_util()->CreateDirectory(
+ context.get(),
+ GetOtherFileSystemPath(current.DirName()),
+ false /* exclusive */,
+ true /* recursive */));
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ FileUtilHelper::Copy(
+ context.get(),
+ file_util(), other_file_util(),
+ src_path, dest_path));
+ // The other way (copy-in) should not work for two reasons:
+ // write is prohibited in the isolated filesystem, and copying directory
+ // to non-empty directory shouldn't work.
+ context.reset(new FileSystemOperationContext(file_system_context()));
+ base::PlatformFileError result = FileUtilHelper::Copy(
+ context.get(), other_file_util(), file_util(), dest_path, src_path);
+ VerifyDirectoriesHaveSameContent(file_util(), other_file_util(),
+ src_path, dest_path);
+ }
+} // namespace fileapi