path: root/webkit/glue/devtools/dom_agent_impl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/glue/devtools/dom_agent_impl.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/glue/devtools/dom_agent_impl.h b/webkit/glue/devtools/dom_agent_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ee584b..0000000
--- a/webkit/glue/devtools/dom_agent_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "config.h"
-#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
-#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
-#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
-#include <wtf/PassRefPtr.h>
-#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
-#include "webkit/glue/devtools/dom_agent.h"
-namespace WebCore {
-class Document;
-class Element;
-class Event;
-class NameNodeMap;
-class Node;
-class DictionaryValue;
-class ListValue;
-class Value;
-// DomAgent implementation.
-class DomAgentImpl : public DomAgent {
- public:
- explicit DomAgentImpl(DomAgentDelegate* delegate);
- virtual ~DomAgentImpl();
- // DomAgent implementation.
- void GetDocumentElement();
- void GetChildNodes(int call_id, int element_id);
- void SetAttribute(
- int call_id,
- int element_id,
- const WebCore::String& name,
- const WebCore::String& value);
- void RemoveAttribute(
- int call_id,
- int element_id,
- const WebCore::String& name);
- void SetTextNodeValue(
- int call_id,
- int element_id,
- const WebCore::String& value);
- void PerformSearch(int call_id, const String& query);
- void DiscardBindings();
- // Initializes dom agent with the given document.
- void SetDocument(WebCore::Document* document);
- // Returns node for given id according to the present binding.
- WebCore::Node* GetNodeForId(int id);
- // Returns id for given node according to the present binding.
- int GetIdForNode(WebCore::Node* node);
- // Sends path to a given node to the client. Returns node's id according to
- // the resulting binding. Only sends nodes that are missing on the client.
- int PushNodePathToClient(WebCore::Node* node);
- private:
- static const char kExactTagNames[];
- static const char kPartialTagNames[];
- static const char kStartOfTagNames[];
- static const char kPartialTagNamesAndAttributeValues[];
- static const char kPartialAttributeValues[];
- static const char kPlainText[];
-// Convenience EventListner wrapper for cleaner Ref management.
- class EventListenerWrapper : public WebCore::EventListener {
- public:
- static PassRefPtr<EventListenerWrapper> Create(
- DomAgentImpl* dom_agent_impl);
- virtual ~EventListenerWrapper() {}
- virtual void handleEvent(WebCore::Event* event, bool is_window_event);
- private:
- explicit EventListenerWrapper(DomAgentImpl* dom_agent_impl);
- DomAgentImpl* dom_agent_impl_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EventListenerWrapper);
- };
- void StartListening(WebCore::Document* document);
- void StopListening(WebCore::Document* document);
- // EventListener implementation
- friend class EventListenerWrapper;
- virtual void handleEvent(WebCore::Event* event, bool isWindowEvent);
- // Binds given node and returns its generated id.
- int Bind(WebCore::Node* node);
- // Releases Node to int binding.
- void Unbind(WebCore::Node* node);
- // Pushes document element to the client.
- void PushDocumentElementToClient();
- // Pushes child nodes to the client.
- void PushChildNodesToClient(int element_id);
- // Serializes given node into the list value.
- ListValue* BuildValueForNode(
- WebCore::Node* node,
- int depth);
- // Serializes given element's attributes into the list value.
- static ListValue* BuildValueForElementAttributes(WebCore::Element* elemen);
- // Serializes given elements's children into the list value.
- ListValue* BuildValueForElementChildren(
- WebCore::Element* element,
- int depth);
- // Serializes CSSStyleDeclaration into a list of properties
- // where aeach property represented as an array as an
- // [name, important, implicit, shorthand, value]
- static ListValue* BuildValueForStyle(
- const WebCore::CSSStyleDeclaration& style);
- // We represent embedded doms as a part of the same hierarchy. Hence we
- // treat children of frame owners differently. We also skip whitespace
- // text nodes conditionally. Following four methods encapsulate these
- // specifics.
- WebCore::Node* InnerFirstChild(WebCore::Node* node);
- WebCore::Node* InnerNextSibling(WebCore::Node* node);
- WebCore::Node* InnerPreviousSibling(WebCore::Node* node);
- int InnerChildNodeCount(WebCore::Node* node);
- WebCore::Element* InnerParentElement(WebCore::Node* node);
- bool IsWhitespace(WebCore::Node* node);
- WebCore::Document* GetMainFrameDocument();
- DomAgentDelegate* delegate_;
- HashMap<WebCore::Node*, int> node_to_id_;
- HashMap<int, WebCore::Node*> id_to_node_;
- HashSet<int> children_requested_;
- int last_node_id_;
- ListHashSet<RefPtr<WebCore::Document> > documents_;
- RefPtr<WebCore::EventListener> event_listener_;
- // Captures pending document element request's call id.
- // Defaults to 0 meaning no pending request.
- bool document_element_requested_;