path: root/webkit/gpu/webgraphicscontext3d_in_process_impl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/gpu/webgraphicscontext3d_in_process_impl.h')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/gpu/webgraphicscontext3d_in_process_impl.h b/webkit/gpu/webgraphicscontext3d_in_process_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4081995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/gpu/webgraphicscontext3d_in_process_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+#include "base/hash_tables.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "third_party/angle/include/GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebGraphicsContext3D.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h"
+#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
+namespace gfx {
+class GLContext;
+namespace webkit_gpu {
+// The default implementation of WebGL. In Chromium, using this class
+// requires the sandbox to be disabled, which is strongly discouraged.
+// It is provided for support of test_shell and any Chromium ports
+// where an in-renderer WebGL implementation would be helpful.
+class WebGraphicsContext3DInProcessImpl : public WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D {
+ public:
+ WebGraphicsContext3DInProcessImpl();
+ virtual ~WebGraphicsContext3DInProcessImpl();
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // WebGraphicsContext3D methods
+ virtual bool initialize(
+ WebGraphicsContext3D::Attributes attributes, WebKit::WebView*, bool);
+ virtual bool makeContextCurrent();
+ virtual int width();
+ virtual int height();
+ virtual int sizeInBytes(int type);
+ virtual bool isGLES2Compliant();
+ virtual void reshape(int width, int height);
+ virtual bool readBackFramebuffer(unsigned char* pixels, size_t bufferSize);
+ virtual unsigned int getPlatformTextureId();
+ virtual void prepareTexture();
+ virtual void synthesizeGLError(unsigned long error);
+ virtual void* mapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(
+ unsigned target, int offset, int size, unsigned access);
+ virtual void unmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(const void*);
+ virtual void* mapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(
+ unsigned target,
+ int level,
+ int xoffset,
+ int yoffset,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ unsigned format,
+ unsigned type,
+ unsigned access);
+ virtual void unmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(const void*);
+ virtual void copyTextureToParentTextureCHROMIUM(
+ unsigned texture, unsigned parentTexture);
+ virtual WebKit::WebString getRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM();
+ virtual void requestExtensionCHROMIUM(const char*);
+ virtual void activeTexture(unsigned long texture);
+ virtual void attachShader(WebKit::WebGLId program, WebKit::WebGLId shader);
+ virtual void bindAttribLocation(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, unsigned long index, const char* name);
+ virtual void bindBuffer(unsigned long target, WebKit::WebGLId buffer);
+ virtual void bindFramebuffer(
+ unsigned long target, WebKit::WebGLId framebuffer);
+ virtual void bindRenderbuffer(
+ unsigned long target, WebKit::WebGLId renderbuffer);
+ virtual void bindTexture(unsigned long target, WebKit::WebGLId texture);
+ virtual void blendColor(
+ double red, double green, double blue, double alpha);
+ virtual void blendEquation(unsigned long mode);
+ virtual void blendEquationSeparate(
+ unsigned long modeRGB, unsigned long modeAlpha);
+ virtual void blendFunc(unsigned long sfactor, unsigned long dfactor);
+ virtual void blendFuncSeparate(
+ unsigned long srcRGB,
+ unsigned long dstRGB,
+ unsigned long srcAlpha,
+ unsigned long dstAlpha);
+ virtual void bufferData(
+ unsigned long target, int size, const void* data, unsigned long usage);
+ virtual void bufferSubData(
+ unsigned long target, long offset, int size, const void* data);
+ virtual unsigned long checkFramebufferStatus(unsigned long target);
+ virtual void clear(unsigned long mask);
+ virtual void clearColor(
+ double red, double green, double blue, double alpha);
+ virtual void clearDepth(double depth);
+ virtual void clearStencil(long s);
+ virtual void colorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
+ virtual void compileShader(WebKit::WebGLId shader);
+ virtual void copyTexImage2D(
+ unsigned long target,
+ long level,
+ unsigned long internalformat,
+ long x,
+ long y,
+ unsigned long width,
+ unsigned long height,
+ long border);
+ virtual void copyTexSubImage2D(
+ unsigned long target,
+ long level,
+ long xoffset,
+ long yoffset,
+ long x,
+ long y,
+ unsigned long width,
+ unsigned long height);
+ virtual void cullFace(unsigned long mode);
+ virtual void depthFunc(unsigned long func);
+ virtual void depthMask(bool flag);
+ virtual void depthRange(double zNear, double zFar);
+ virtual void detachShader(WebKit::WebGLId program, WebKit::WebGLId shader);
+ virtual void disable(unsigned long cap);
+ virtual void disableVertexAttribArray(unsigned long index);
+ virtual void drawArrays(unsigned long mode, long first, long count);
+ virtual void drawElements(
+ unsigned long mode,
+ unsigned long count,
+ unsigned long type,
+ long offset);
+ virtual void enable(unsigned long cap);
+ virtual void enableVertexAttribArray(unsigned long index);
+ virtual void finish();
+ virtual void flush();
+ virtual void framebufferRenderbuffer(
+ unsigned long target,
+ unsigned long attachment,
+ unsigned long renderbuffertarget,
+ WebKit::WebGLId renderbuffer);
+ virtual void framebufferTexture2D(
+ unsigned long target,
+ unsigned long attachment,
+ unsigned long textarget,
+ WebKit::WebGLId texture,
+ long level);
+ virtual void frontFace(unsigned long mode);
+ virtual void generateMipmap(unsigned long target);
+ virtual bool getActiveAttrib(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, unsigned long index, ActiveInfo&);
+ virtual bool getActiveUniform(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, unsigned long index, ActiveInfo&);
+ virtual void getAttachedShaders(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, int maxCount, int* count, unsigned int* shaders);
+ virtual int getAttribLocation(WebKit::WebGLId program, const char* name);
+ virtual void getBooleanv(unsigned long pname, unsigned char* value);
+ virtual void getBufferParameteriv(
+ unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual Attributes getContextAttributes();
+ virtual unsigned long getError();
+ virtual bool isContextLost();
+ virtual void getFloatv(unsigned long pname, float* value);
+ virtual void getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(
+ unsigned long target,
+ unsigned long attachment,
+ unsigned long pname,
+ int* value);
+ virtual void getIntegerv(unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual void getProgramiv(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual WebKit::WebString getProgramInfoLog(WebKit::WebGLId program);
+ virtual void getRenderbufferParameteriv(
+ unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual void getShaderiv(
+ WebKit::WebGLId shader, unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual WebKit::WebString getShaderInfoLog(WebKit::WebGLId shader);
+ // TBD
+ // void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(
+ // GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype,
+ // GLint* range, GLint* precision);
+ virtual WebKit::WebString getShaderSource(WebKit::WebGLId shader);
+ virtual WebKit::WebString getString(unsigned long name);
+ virtual void getTexParameterfv(
+ unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, float* value);
+ virtual void getTexParameteriv(
+ unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual void getUniformfv(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, long location, float* value);
+ virtual void getUniformiv(
+ WebKit::WebGLId program, long location, int* value);
+ virtual long getUniformLocation(WebKit::WebGLId program, const char* name);
+ virtual void getVertexAttribfv(
+ unsigned long index, unsigned long pname, float* value);
+ virtual void getVertexAttribiv(
+ unsigned long index, unsigned long pname, int* value);
+ virtual long getVertexAttribOffset(
+ unsigned long index, unsigned long pname);
+ virtual void hint(unsigned long target, unsigned long mode);
+ virtual bool isBuffer(WebKit::WebGLId buffer);
+ virtual bool isEnabled(unsigned long cap);
+ virtual bool isFramebuffer(WebKit::WebGLId framebuffer);
+ virtual bool isProgram(WebKit::WebGLId program);
+ virtual bool isRenderbuffer(WebKit::WebGLId renderbuffer);
+ virtual bool isShader(WebKit::WebGLId shader);
+ virtual bool isTexture(WebKit::WebGLId texture);
+ virtual void lineWidth(double width);
+ virtual void linkProgram(WebKit::WebGLId program);
+ virtual void pixelStorei(unsigned long pname, long param);
+ virtual void polygonOffset(double factor, double units);
+ virtual void readPixels(
+ long x, long y,
+ unsigned long width, unsigned long height,
+ unsigned long format,
+ unsigned long type,
+ void* pixels);
+ virtual void releaseShaderCompiler();
+ virtual void renderbufferStorage(
+ unsigned long target,
+ unsigned long internalformat,
+ unsigned long width,
+ unsigned long height);
+ virtual void sampleCoverage(double value, bool invert);
+ virtual void scissor(
+ long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height);
+ virtual void shaderSource(WebKit::WebGLId shader, const char* source);
+ virtual void stencilFunc(unsigned long func, long ref, unsigned long mask);
+ virtual void stencilFuncSeparate(
+ unsigned long face, unsigned long func, long ref, unsigned long mask);
+ virtual void stencilMask(unsigned long mask);
+ virtual void stencilMaskSeparate(unsigned long face, unsigned long mask);
+ virtual void stencilOp(
+ unsigned long fail, unsigned long zfail, unsigned long zpass);
+ virtual void stencilOpSeparate(
+ unsigned long face,
+ unsigned long fail,
+ unsigned long zfail,
+ unsigned long zpass);
+ virtual void texImage2D(
+ unsigned target,
+ unsigned level,
+ unsigned internalformat,
+ unsigned width,
+ unsigned height,
+ unsigned border,
+ unsigned format,
+ unsigned type,
+ const void* pixels);
+ virtual void texParameterf(unsigned target, unsigned pname, float param);
+ virtual void texParameteri(unsigned target, unsigned pname, int param);
+ virtual void texSubImage2D(
+ unsigned target,
+ unsigned level,
+ unsigned xoffset,
+ unsigned yoffset,
+ unsigned width,
+ unsigned height,
+ unsigned format,
+ unsigned type,
+ const void* pixels);
+ virtual void uniform1f(long location, float x);
+ virtual void uniform1fv(long location, int count, float* v);
+ virtual void uniform1i(long location, int x);
+ virtual void uniform1iv(long location, int count, int* v);
+ virtual void uniform2f(long location, float x, float y);
+ virtual void uniform2fv(long location, int count, float* v);
+ virtual void uniform2i(long location, int x, int y);
+ virtual void uniform2iv(long location, int count, int* v);
+ virtual void uniform3f(long location, float x, float y, float z);
+ virtual void uniform3fv(long location, int count, float* v);
+ virtual void uniform3i(long location, int x, int y, int z);
+ virtual void uniform3iv(long location, int count, int* v);
+ virtual void uniform4f(long location, float x, float y, float z, float w);
+ virtual void uniform4fv(long location, int count, float* v);
+ virtual void uniform4i(long location, int x, int y, int z, int w);
+ virtual void uniform4iv(long location, int count, int* v);
+ virtual void uniformMatrix2fv(
+ long location, int count, bool transpose, const float* value);
+ virtual void uniformMatrix3fv(
+ long location, int count, bool transpose, const float* value);
+ virtual void uniformMatrix4fv(
+ long location, int count, bool transpose, const float* value);
+ virtual void useProgram(WebKit::WebGLId program);
+ virtual void validateProgram(WebKit::WebGLId program);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib1f(unsigned long indx, float x);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib1fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib2f(unsigned long indx, float x, float y);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib2fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib3f(unsigned long indx, float x, float y, float z);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib3fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib4f(
+ unsigned long indx, float x, float y, float z, float w);
+ virtual void vertexAttrib4fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values);
+ virtual void vertexAttribPointer(
+ unsigned long indx,
+ int size,
+ int type,
+ bool normalized,
+ unsigned long stride,
+ unsigned long offset);
+ virtual void viewport(
+ long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height);
+ // Support for buffer creation and deletion
+ virtual unsigned createBuffer();
+ virtual unsigned createFramebuffer();
+ virtual unsigned createProgram();
+ virtual unsigned createRenderbuffer();
+ virtual unsigned createShader(unsigned long);
+ virtual unsigned createTexture();
+ virtual void deleteBuffer(unsigned);
+ virtual void deleteFramebuffer(unsigned);
+ virtual void deleteProgram(unsigned);
+ virtual void deleteRenderbuffer(unsigned);
+ virtual void deleteShader(unsigned);
+ virtual void deleteTexture(unsigned);
+ private:
+ enum {
+ kNumTrackedPointerStates = 2
+ };
+ // Note: we aren't currently using this information, but we will
+ // need to in order to verify that all enabled vertex arrays have
+ // a valid buffer bound -- to avoid crashes on certain cards.
+ struct VertexAttribPointerState {
+ VertexAttribPointerState();
+ bool enabled;
+ unsigned long buffer;
+ unsigned long indx;
+ int size;
+ int type;
+ bool normalized;
+ unsigned long stride;
+ unsigned long offset;
+ };
+ // ANGLE related.
+ struct ShaderSourceEntry {
+ explicit ShaderSourceEntry(unsigned long shader_type)
+ : type(shader_type),
+ is_valid(false) {
+ }
+ unsigned long type;
+ scoped_array<char> source;
+ scoped_array<char> log;
+ scoped_array<char> translated_source;
+ bool is_valid;
+ };
+ typedef base::hash_map<WebKit::WebGLId, ShaderSourceEntry*> ShaderSourceMap;
+ void FlipVertically(unsigned char* framebuffer,
+ unsigned int width,
+ unsigned int height);
+ // Take into account the user's requested context creation attributes, in
+ // particular stencil and antialias, and determine which could or could
+ // not be honored based on the capabilities of the OpenGL implementation.
+ void ValidateAttributes();
+ // Resolve the given rectangle of the multisampled framebuffer if necessary.
+ void ResolveMultisampledFramebuffer(
+ unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height);
+ bool AngleCreateCompilers();
+ void AngleDestroyCompilers();
+ bool AngleValidateShaderSource(ShaderSourceEntry* entry);
+ WebGraphicsContext3D::Attributes attributes_;
+ bool initialized_;
+ bool render_directly_to_web_view_;
+ bool is_gles2_;
+ bool have_ext_framebuffer_object_;
+ bool have_ext_framebuffer_multisample_;
+ bool have_angle_framebuffer_multisample_;
+ unsigned int texture_;
+ unsigned int fbo_;
+ unsigned int depth_stencil_buffer_;
+ unsigned int cached_width_, cached_height_;
+ // For multisampling
+ unsigned int multisample_fbo_;
+ unsigned int multisample_depth_stencil_buffer_;
+ unsigned int multisample_color_buffer_;
+ // For tracking which FBO is bound
+ unsigned int bound_fbo_;
+ // For tracking which texture is bound
+ unsigned int bound_texture_;
+ // FBO used for copying child texture to parent texture.
+ unsigned copy_texture_to_parent_texture_fbo_;
+ unsigned int bound_array_buffer_;
+ unsigned char* scanline_;
+ VertexAttribPointerState vertex_attrib_pointer_state_[
+ kNumTrackedPointerStates];
+ // Errors raised by synthesizeGLError().
+ std::list<unsigned long> synthetic_errors_list_;
+ std::set<unsigned long> synthetic_errors_set_;
+ scoped_ptr<gfx::GLContext> gl_context_;
+ ShaderSourceMap shader_source_map_;
+ ShHandle fragment_compiler_;
+ ShHandle vertex_compiler_;
+} // namespace webkit_gpu