path: root/webkit/plugins/ppapi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/plugins/ppapi/')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/plugins/ppapi/ b/webkit/plugins/ppapi/
index 6507e2d..4874c79 100644
--- a/webkit/plugins/ppapi/
+++ b/webkit/plugins/ppapi/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
+#include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h"
#include "webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppapi_plugin_instance.h"
#include "webkit/plugins/ppapi/resource.h"
#include "webkit/plugins/ppapi/var.h"
@@ -82,18 +83,31 @@ PP_Resource ResourceTracker::AddResource(Resource* resource) {
// Add the resource with plugin use-count 1.
PP_Resource new_id = MakeTypedId(++last_resource_id_, PP_ID_TYPE_RESOURCE);
live_resources_.insert(std::make_pair(new_id, std::make_pair(resource, 1)));
- instance_to_resources_[resource->instance()->pp_instance()].insert(new_id);
+ // Track associated with the instance.
+ PP_Instance pp_instance = resource->instance()->pp_instance();
+ DCHECK(instance_map_.find(pp_instance) != instance_map_.end());
+ instance_map_[pp_instance].resources.insert(new_id);
return new_id;
int32 ResourceTracker::AddVar(Var* var) {
// If the plugin manages to create 1B strings...
- if (last_var_id_ == std::numeric_limits<int32>::max() >> kPPIdTypeBits) {
+ if (last_var_id_ == std::numeric_limits<int32>::max() >> kPPIdTypeBits)
return 0;
- }
// Add the resource with plugin use-count 1.
int32 new_id = MakeTypedId(++last_var_id_, PP_ID_TYPE_VAR);
live_vars_.insert(std::make_pair(new_id, std::make_pair(var, 1)));
+ // Object vars must be associated with the instance.
+ ObjectVar* object_var = var->AsObjectVar();
+ if (object_var) {
+ PP_Instance instance = object_var->instance()->pp_instance();
+ DCHECK(instance_map_.find(instance) != instance_map_.end());
+ instance_map_[instance].object_vars.insert(new_id);
+ }
return new_id;
@@ -119,13 +133,12 @@ bool ResourceTracker::UnrefResource(PP_Resource res) {
if (i != live_resources_.end()) {
if (!--i->second.second) {
Resource* to_release = i->second.first;
+ // LastPluginRefWasDeleted will clear the instance pointer, so save it
+ // first.
+ PP_Instance instance = to_release->instance()->pp_instance();
- ResourceSet& instance_resource_set =
- instance_to_resources_[to_release->instance()->pp_instance()];
- DCHECK(instance_resource_set.find(res) != instance_resource_set.end());
- instance_resource_set.erase(res);
+ instance_map_[instance].resources.erase(res);
return true;
@@ -134,43 +147,21 @@ bool ResourceTracker::UnrefResource(PP_Resource res) {
-void ResourceTracker::ForceDeletePluginResourceRefs(PP_Resource res) {
- << res << " is not a PP_Resource.";
- ResourceMap::iterator i = live_resources_.find(res);
- if (i == live_resources_.end())
- return; // Nothing to do.
- i->second.second = 0;
- Resource* resource = i->second.first;
- // Must delete from the resource set first since the resource's instance
- // pointer will get zeroed out in LastPluginRefWasDeleted.
- ResourceSet& resource_set = instance_to_resources_[
- resource->instance()->pp_instance()];
- DCHECK(resource_set.find(res) != resource_set.end());
- resource_set.erase(res);
- resource->LastPluginRefWasDeleted(true);
- live_resources_.erase(i);
uint32 ResourceTracker::GetLiveObjectsForInstance(
PP_Instance instance) const {
- InstanceToResourceMap::const_iterator found =
- instance_to_resources_.find(instance);
- if (found == instance_to_resources_.end())
+ InstanceMap::const_iterator found = instance_map_.find(instance);
+ if (found == instance_map_.end())
return 0;
- return static_cast<uint32>(found->second.size());
+ return static_cast<uint32>(found->second.resources.size() +
+ found->second.object_vars.size());
scoped_refptr<Var> ResourceTracker::GetVar(int32 var_id) const {
DLOG_IF(ERROR, !CheckIdType(var_id, PP_ID_TYPE_VAR))
<< var_id << " is not a PP_Var ID.";
VarMap::const_iterator result = live_vars_.find(var_id);
- if (result == live_vars_.end()) {
+ if (result == live_vars_.end())
return scoped_refptr<Var>();
- }
return result->second.first;
@@ -193,26 +184,24 @@ bool ResourceTracker::UnrefVar(int32 var_id) {
<< var_id << " is not a PP_Var ID.";
VarMap::iterator i = live_vars_.find(var_id);
if (i != live_vars_.end()) {
- if (!--i->second.second)
+ if (!--i->second.second) {
+ ObjectVar* object_var = i->second.first->AsObjectVar();
+ if (object_var) {
+ instance_map_[object_var->instance()->pp_instance()].object_vars.erase(
+ var_id);
+ }
+ }
return true;
return false;
PP_Instance ResourceTracker::AddInstance(PluginInstance* instance) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- // Make sure we're not adding one more than once.
- for (InstanceMap::const_iterator i = instance_map_.begin();
- i != instance_map_.end(); ++i)
- DCHECK(i->second != instance);
+ DCHECK(instance_map_.find(instance->pp_instance()) == instance_map_.end());
- // Use a random 64-bit number for the instance ID. This helps prevent some
- // mischeif where you could misallocate resources if you gave a different
- // instance ID.
- //
- // See also AddModule below.
+ // Use a random number for the instance ID. This helps prevent some
+ // accidents. See also AddModule below.
// Need to make sure the random number isn't a duplicate or 0.
PP_Instance new_instance;
@@ -221,32 +210,64 @@ PP_Instance ResourceTracker::AddInstance(PluginInstance* instance) {
} while (!new_instance ||
instance_map_.find(new_instance) != instance_map_.end());
- instance_map_[new_instance] = instance;
+ instance_map_[new_instance].instance = instance;
return new_instance;
void ResourceTracker::InstanceDeleted(PP_Instance instance) {
<< instance << " is not a PP_Instance.";
+ InstanceMap::iterator found = instance_map_.find(instance);
+ if (found == instance_map_.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ InstanceData& data = found->second;
// Force release all plugin references to resources associated with the
// deleted instance.
- ResourceSet& resource_set = instance_to_resources_[instance];
- ResourceSet::iterator i = resource_set.begin();
- while (i != resource_set.end()) {
+ ResourceSet::iterator cur_res = data.resources.begin();
+ while (cur_res != data.resources.end()) {
+ ResourceMap::iterator found_resource = live_resources_.find(*cur_res);
+ if (found_resource == live_resources_.end()) {
+ } else {
+ Resource* resource = found_resource->second.first;
+ // Must delete from the resource set first since the resource's instance
+ // pointer will get zeroed out in LastPluginRefWasDeleted.
+ resource->LastPluginRefWasDeleted(true);
+ live_resources_.erase(*cur_res);
+ }
// Iterators to a set are stable so we can iterate the set while the items
// are being deleted as long as we're careful not to delete the item we're
// holding an iterator to.
- ResourceSet::iterator current = i++;
- ForceDeletePluginResourceRefs(*current);
+ ResourceSet::iterator current = cur_res++;
+ data.resources.erase(current);
- DCHECK(resource_set.empty());
- instance_to_resources_.erase(instance);
- InstanceMap::iterator found = instance_map_.find(instance);
- if (found == instance_map_.end()) {
- return;
+ DCHECK(data.resources.empty());
+ // Force delete all var references.
+ VarSet::iterator cur_var = data.object_vars.begin();
+ while (cur_var != data.object_vars.end()) {
+ VarSet::iterator current = cur_var++;
+ // Tell the corresponding ObjectVar that the instance is gone.
+ PP_Var object_pp_var;
+ object_pp_var.type = PP_VARTYPE_OBJECT;
+ object_pp_var.value.as_id = *current;
+ scoped_refptr<ObjectVar> object_var(ObjectVar::FromPPVar(object_pp_var));
+ if (object_var.get())
+ object_var->InstanceDeleted();
+ // Clear the object from the var mapping and the live instance object list.
+ live_vars_.erase(*current);
+ data.object_vars.erase(*current);
+ DCHECK(data.object_vars.empty());
@@ -256,7 +277,7 @@ PluginInstance* ResourceTracker::GetInstance(PP_Instance instance) {
InstanceMap::iterator found = instance_map_.find(instance);
if (found == instance_map_.end())
return NULL;
- return found->second;
+ return found->second.instance;
PP_Module ResourceTracker::AddModule(PluginModule* module) {