path: root/webkit/tools/test_shell/
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Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/tools/test_shell/')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/tools/test_shell/ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/
index 789fc4e..0d004a5 100644
--- a/webkit/tools/test_shell/
+++ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@
#define MAX_LOADSTRING 100
+// Sizes for URL bar layout
+#define BUTTON_HEIGHT 22
#define BUTTON_WIDTH 72
+#define BUTTON_MARGIN 8
#define URLBAR_HEIGHT 32
// Global Variables:
@@ -157,230 +160,14 @@ void TestShell::PlatformShutdown() {
[DumpRenderTreePasteboard releaseLocalPasteboards];
-static void SwizzleAllMethods(Class imposter, Class original) {
- unsigned int imposterMethodCount = 0;
- Method* imposterMethods = class_copyMethodList(imposter, &imposterMethodCount);
- unsigned int originalMethodCount = 0;
- Method* originalMethods = class_copyMethodList(original, &originalMethodCount);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imposterMethodCount; i++) {
- SEL imposterMethodName = method_getName(imposterMethods[i]);
- // Attempt to add the method to the original class. If it fails, the method
- // already exists and we should instead exchange the implementations.
- if (class_addMethod(original,
- imposterMethodName,
- method_getImplementation(originalMethods[i]),
- method_getTypeEncoding(originalMethods[i]))) {
- continue;
- }
- unsigned int j = 0;
- for (; j < originalMethodCount; j++) {
- SEL originalMethodName = method_getName(originalMethods[j]);
- if (sel_isEqual(imposterMethodName, originalMethodName)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // If class_addMethod failed above then the method must exist on the
- // original class.
- DCHECK(j < originalMethodCount) << "method wasn't found?";
- method_exchangeImplementations(imposterMethods[i], originalMethods[j]);
- }
- if (imposterMethods) {
- free(imposterMethods);
- }
- if (originalMethods) {
- free(originalMethods);
- }
-static void SwizzleNSPasteboard(void) {
- // We replace NSPaseboard w/ the shim (from WebKit) that avoids having
- // sideeffects w/ whatever the user does at the same time.
- Class imposterClass = objc_getClass("DumpRenderTreePasteboard");
- Class originalClass = objc_getClass("NSPasteboard");
- class_poseAs(imposterClass, originalClass);
- // Swizzle instance methods...
- SwizzleAllMethods(imposterClass, originalClass);
- // and then class methods.
- SwizzleAllMethods(object_getClass(imposterClass),
- object_getClass(originalClass));
-static void SetDefaultsToLayoutTestValues(void) {
- // So we can match the WebKit layout tests, we want to force a bunch of
- // preferences that control appearance to match.
- // (We want to do this as early as possible in application startup so
- // the settings are in before any higher layers could cache values.)
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- const NSInteger kMinFontSizeCGSmoothes = 4;
- const NSInteger kNoFontSmoothing = 0;
- const NSInteger kBlueTintedAppearance = 1;
- [defaults setInteger:kMinFontSizeCGSmoothes
- forKey:@"AppleAntiAliasingThreshold"];
- [defaults setInteger:kNoFontSmoothing
- forKey:@"AppleFontSmoothing"];
- [defaults setInteger:kBlueTintedAppearance
- forKey:@"AppleAquaColorVariant"];
- [defaults setObject:@"0.709800 0.835300 1.000000"
- forKey:@"AppleHighlightColor"];
- [defaults setObject:@"0.500000 0.500000 0.500000"
- forKey:@"AppleOtherHighlightColor"];
- [defaults setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"en"]
- forKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
- // AppKit pulls scrollbar style from NSUserDefaults. HIToolbox uses
- // CFPreferences, but AnyApplication, so we set it, force it to load, and
- // then reset the pref to what it was (HIToolbox will cache what it loaded).
- [defaults setObject:@"DoubleMax" forKey:@"AppleScrollBarVariant"];
- CFTypeRef initialValue
- = CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFSTR("AppleScrollBarVariant"),
- kCFPreferencesAnyApplication,
- kCFPreferencesCurrentUser,
- kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
- CFPreferencesSetValue(CFSTR("AppleScrollBarVariant"),
- CFSTR("DoubleMax"),
- kCFPreferencesAnyApplication,
- kCFPreferencesCurrentUser,
- kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
- // Make HIToolbox read from CFPreferences
- ThemeScrollBarArrowStyle style;
- GetThemeScrollBarArrowStyle(&style);
- if (initialValue) {
- // Reset the preference to what it was
- CFPreferencesSetValue(CFSTR("AppleScrollBarVariant"),
- initialValue,
- kCFPreferencesAnyApplication,
- kCFPreferencesCurrentUser,
- kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
- CFRelease(initialValue);
- }
-static void ClearAnyDefaultsForLayoutTests(void) {
- // Not running a test, clear the keys so the TestShell looks right to the
- // running user.
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleAntiAliasingThreshold"];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleFontSmoothing"];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleAquaColorVariant"];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleHighlightColor"];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleOtherHighlightColor"];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
- [defaults removeObjectForKey:@"AppleScrollBarVariant"];
-static CMProfileRef gUsersColorProfile = NULL;
-static void RestoreUsersColorProfile(void) {
- // This is called from the unsafe signal handers, so doing just about anything
- // isn't really safe. But since we're already gonna crash, we give it a try
- // anyways... (and WebKit uses this strategy...)
- if (gUsersColorProfile) {
- CGDirectDisplayID displayID = CGMainDisplayID();
- CMError error = CMSetProfileByAVID((UInt32)displayID, gUsersColorProfile);
- CMCloseProfile(gUsersColorProfile);
- if (error) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to restore color profile, use System "
- "Preferences -> Displays -> Color to reset. Error: %d",
- (int)error);
- }
- gUsersColorProfile = NULL;
- }
-static void SimpleSignalHandler(int sig) {
- // Try to restore and try to go down cleanly
- RestoreUsersColorProfile();
- exit(128 + sig);
-static void CrashSignalHandler(int sig) {
- // Try to restore and get out fast...
- RestoreUsersColorProfile();
- _exit(128 + sig);
-static void InstallLayoutTestColorProfile(void) {
- // To make sure we get consisten colors (not dependent on the Main display),
- // we force the generic rgb color profile. This cases a change the user can
- // see. We use the same basic method as WebKit for trying to make sure we
- // get the profile back if we go down in flames.
- // Save off the current
- CGDirectDisplayID displayID = CGMainDisplayID();
- CMProfileRef previousProfile;
- CMError error = CMGetProfileByAVID((UInt32)displayID, &previousProfile);
- if (error) {
- DLOG(WARNING) << "failed to get the current color profile, "
- "pixmaps won't match. Error: " << (int)error;
- return;
- }
- // Install the generic one
- NSColorSpace *genericSpace = [NSColorSpace genericRGBColorSpace];
- CMProfileRef genericProfile = (CMProfileRef)[genericSpace colorSyncProfile];
- if ((error = CMSetProfileByAVID((UInt32)displayID, genericProfile))) {
- DLOG(WARNING) << "failed install the generic color profile, "
- "pixmaps won't match. Error: " << (int)error;
- return;
- }
- // Save the starting profile, and hook in as best we can to make sure when
- // we exit, it's restored (use atexit() so direct calls to exit() call us).
- gUsersColorProfile = previousProfile;
- atexit(RestoreUsersColorProfile);
- // The less scary signals...
- signal(SIGINT, SimpleSignalHandler);
- signal(SIGHUP, SimpleSignalHandler);
- signal(SIGTERM, SimpleSignalHandler);
- // And now the scary ones...
- signal(SIGILL, CrashSignalHandler); // 4: illegal instruction
- signal(SIGTRAP, CrashSignalHandler); // 5: trace trap
- signal(SIGEMT, CrashSignalHandler); // 7: EMT instruction
- signal(SIGFPE, CrashSignalHandler); // 8: floating point exception
- signal(SIGBUS, CrashSignalHandler); // 10: bus error
- signal(SIGSEGV, CrashSignalHandler); // 11: segmentation violation
- signal(SIGSYS, CrashSignalHandler); // 12: bad argument to system call
- signal(SIGPIPE, CrashSignalHandler); // 13: write on a pipe with no reader
- signal(SIGXCPU, CrashSignalHandler); // 24: exceeded CPU time limit
- signal(SIGXFSZ, CrashSignalHandler); // 25: exceeded file size limit
// static
void TestShell::InitializeTestShell(bool layout_test_mode) {
// This should move to a per-process platform-specific initialization function
// when one exists.
- [NSApplication sharedApplication];
window_list_ = new WindowList;
layout_test_mode_ = layout_test_mode;
- if (layout_test_mode_) {
- SwizzleNSPasteboard();
- SetDefaultsToLayoutTestValues();
- // If we could check the command line to see if we're doing pixel tests,
- // then we only install the color profile in that case.
- InstallLayoutTestColorProfile();
- } else {
- ClearAnyDefaultsForLayoutTests();
- }
web_prefs_ = new WebPreferences;
@@ -450,8 +237,7 @@ bool TestShell::Initialize(const std::wstring& startingURL) {
styleMask:(NSTitledWindowMask |
NSClosableWindowMask |
NSMiniaturizableWindowMask |
- NSResizableWindowMask |
- NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask)
+ NSResizableWindowMask )
[m_mainWnd setTitle:@"TestShell"];
@@ -481,9 +267,10 @@ bool TestShell::Initialize(const std::wstring& startingURL) {
// create buttons
NSRect button_rect = [[m_mainWnd contentView] bounds];
- button_rect.origin.y = window_rect.size.height - 22;
- button_rect.size.height = 22;
- button_rect.origin.x += 16;
+ button_rect.origin.y = window_rect.size.height - URLBAR_HEIGHT +
+ button_rect.size.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
+ button_rect.origin.x += BUTTON_MARGIN;
button_rect.size.width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
NSView* content = [m_mainWnd contentView];
@@ -507,9 +294,9 @@ bool TestShell::Initialize(const std::wstring& startingURL) {
[button setAction:@selector(stopLoading:)];
// text field for URL
- button_rect.origin.x += 16;
+ button_rect.origin.x += BUTTON_MARGIN;
button_rect.size.width = [[m_mainWnd contentView] bounds].size.width -
- button_rect.origin.x - 32;
+ button_rect.origin.x - BUTTON_MARGIN;
m_editWnd = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:button_rect];
[[m_mainWnd contentView] addSubview:m_editWnd];
[m_editWnd setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewMinYMargin)];
@@ -595,7 +382,6 @@ void TestShell::TestFinished() {
- RestoreUsersColorProfile();