path: root/webkit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webkit')
3 files changed, 269 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/appcache/ b/webkit/appcache/
index 8d7ddc1..de7b73c 100644
--- a/webkit/appcache/
+++ b/webkit/appcache/
@@ -512,11 +512,13 @@ void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleUrlFetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) {
} else if (response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) {
// Entry is skipped. They are dropped from the cache.
} else if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
- // Copy the resource and its metadata from the newest complete cache.
+ // Copy the response from the newest complete cache.
AppCache* cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
AppCacheEntry* copy = cache->GetEntry(url);
- if (copy)
- CopyEntryToCache(url, *copy, &entry);
+ if (copy) {
+ entry.set_response_id(copy->response_id());
+ inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry);
+ }
@@ -803,7 +805,7 @@ void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddUrlToFileList(const GURL& url, int type) {
AppCache::EntryMap::value_type(url, AppCacheEntry(type)));
if (ret.second)
- urls_to_fetch_.push_back(UrlToFetch(url, false));
+ urls_to_fetch_.push_back(UrlsToFetch(url, false));
ret.first->second.add_types(type); // URL already exists. Merge types.
@@ -1002,41 +1004,62 @@ bool AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url,
AppCache* newest = group_->newest_complete_cache();
AppCacheEntry* copy_me = newest->GetEntry(url);
- if (!copy_me)
+ if (!copy_me || !copy_me->has_response_id())
return false;
- // TODO(jennb): load HTTP headers for copy_me and wait for callback
- // In callback:
- // if HTTP caching semantics for entry allows its use,
- // CopyEntryData(url, copy_me, entry)
- // ++urls_fetches_completed_;
- // Else, add url back to front of urls_to_fetch and call FetchUrls().
- // flag url somehow so that FetchUrls() doesn't end up here again.
- // For now: post a message to pretend entry could not be copied
- MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
- &AppCacheUpdateJob::SimulateFailedLoadFromNewestCache, url));
+ // Load HTTP headers for entry from newest cache.
+ loading_responses_.insert(
+ LoadingResponses::value_type(copy_me->response_id(), url));
+ service_->storage()->LoadResponseInfo(manifest_url_, copy_me->response_id(),
+ this);
+ // Async: wait for OnResponseInfoLoaded to complete.
return true;
-// TODO(jennb): delete this after have real storage code
-void AppCacheUpdateJob::SimulateFailedLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url) {
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseInfoLoaded(
+ AppCacheResponseInfo* response_info, int64 response_id) {
+ LoadingResponses::iterator found = loading_responses_.find(response_id);
+ DCHECK(found != loading_responses_.end());
+ const GURL& url = found->second;
+ if (!response_info) {
+ LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(url); // no response found
+ } else {
+ // Check if response can be re-used according to HTTP caching semantics.
+ // Responses with a "vary" header get treated as expired.
+ const net::HttpResponseInfo* http_info =
+ response_info->http_response_info();
+ const std::string name = "vary";
+ std::string value;
+ void* iter = NULL;
+ if (http_info->headers->RequiresValidation(http_info->request_time,
+ http_info->response_time,
+ base::Time::Now()) ||
+ http_info->headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, name, &value)) {
+ LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(url);
+ } else {
+ AppCache::EntryMap::iterator it = url_file_list_.find(url);
+ DCHECK(it != url_file_list_.end());
+ AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second;
+ entry.set_response_id(response_id);
+ inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry);
+ ++url_fetches_completed_;
+ }
+ }
+ loading_responses_.erase(found);
+ MaybeCompleteUpdate();
+void AppCacheUpdateJob::LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(const GURL& url) {
if (internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE)
// Re-insert url at front of fetch list. Indicate storage has been checked.
- urls_to_fetch_.push_front(AppCacheUpdateJob::UrlToFetch(url, true));
+ urls_to_fetch_.push_front(AppCacheUpdateJob::UrlsToFetch(url, true));
-void AppCacheUpdateJob::CopyEntryToCache(const GURL& url,
- const AppCacheEntry& src,
- AppCacheEntry* dest) {
- DCHECK(dest);
- dest->set_response_id(src.response_id());
- inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, *dest);
void AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeCompleteUpdate() {
// Must wait for any pending master entries or url fetches to complete.
if (master_entries_completed_ != pending_master_entries_.size() ||
diff --git a/webkit/appcache/appcache_update_job.h b/webkit/appcache/appcache_update_job.h
index 304df03..840840d 100644
--- a/webkit/appcache/appcache_update_job.h
+++ b/webkit/appcache/appcache_update_job.h
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJob : public URLRequest::Delegate,
typedef std::vector<AppCacheHost*> PendingHosts;
typedef std::map<GURL, PendingHosts> PendingMasters;
typedef std::map<GURL, URLRequest*> PendingUrlFetches;
- typedef std::pair<GURL, bool> UrlToFetch; // flag TRUE if storage checked
+ typedef std::pair<GURL, bool> UrlsToFetch; // flag TRUE if storage checked
+ typedef std::map<int64, GURL> LoadingResponses;
static const int kRerunDelayMs = 1000;
@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJob : public URLRequest::Delegate,
// TODO(jennb): any other delegate callbacks to handle? certificate?
// Methods for AppCacheStorage::Delegate.
+ void OnResponseInfoLoaded(AppCacheResponseInfo* response_info,
+ int64 response_id);
void OnGroupAndNewestCacheStored(AppCacheGroup* group, bool success);
void OnGroupMadeObsolete(AppCacheGroup* group, bool success);
@@ -152,14 +155,7 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJob : public URLRequest::Delegate,
// Returns false if immediately obvious that data cannot be loaded from
// newest complete cache.
bool MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url, AppCacheEntry& entry);
- // TODO(jennb): delete me after storage code added
- void SimulateFailedLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url);
- // Copies the data from src entry to dest entry and adds the modified
- // entry to the inprogress cache.
- void CopyEntryToCache(const GURL& url, const AppCacheEntry& src,
- AppCacheEntry* dest);
+ void LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(const GURL& url);
// Does nothing if update process is still waiting for pending master
// entries or URL fetches to complete downloading. Otherwise, completes
@@ -216,7 +212,11 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJob : public URLRequest::Delegate,
// Helper container to track which urls have not been fetched yet. URLs are
// removed when the fetch is initiated. Flag indicates whether an attempt
// to load the URL from storage has already been tried and failed.
- std::deque<UrlToFetch> urls_to_fetch_;
+ std::deque<UrlsToFetch> urls_to_fetch_;
+ // Helper container to track which urls are being loaded from response
+ // storage.
+ LoadingResponses loading_responses_;
// Keep track of pending URL requests so we can cancel them if necessary.
URLRequest* manifest_url_request_;
diff --git a/webkit/appcache/ b/webkit/appcache/
index 5679ef3..72698e2 100644
--- a/webkit/appcache/
+++ b/webkit/appcache/
@@ -631,14 +631,14 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJobTest : public testing::Test,
new net::StringIOBuffer(seed_data);
new net::CompletionCallbackImpl<AppCacheUpdateJobTest>(this,
- &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingManifestData));
+ &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingStorageData));
response_writer_->WriteData(io_buffer, seed_data.length(),
// Start update after data write completes asynchronously.
- void StartUpdateAfterSeedingManifestData(int result) {
+ void StartUpdateAfterSeedingStorageData(int result) {
ASSERT_GT(result, 0);
@@ -724,13 +724,191 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJobTest : public testing::Test,
new net::StringIOBuffer(seed_data);
new net::CompletionCallbackImpl<AppCacheUpdateJobTest>(this,
- &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingManifestData));
+ &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingStorageData));
response_writer_->WriteData(io_buffer, seed_data.length(),
// Start update after data write completes asynchronously.
+ void UpgradeLoadFromNewestCacheTest() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, MessageLoop::current()->type());
+ MakeService();
+ group_ = new AppCacheGroup(
+ service_.get(), http_server_->TestServerPage("files/manifest1"),
+ service_->storage()->NewGroupId());
+ AppCacheUpdateJob* update = new AppCacheUpdateJob(service_.get(), group_);
+ group_->update_job_ = update;
+ AppCache* cache = MakeCacheForGroup(service_->storage()->NewCacheId(), 42);
+ MockFrontend* frontend = MakeMockFrontend();
+ AppCacheHost* host = MakeHost(1, frontend);
+ host->AssociateCache(cache);
+ // Give the newest cache an entry that is in storage.
+ response_writer_.reset(
+ service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(group_->manifest_url()));
+ cache->AddEntry(http_server_->TestServerPage("files/explicit1"),
+ AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT,
+ response_writer_->response_id()));
+ // Set up checks for when update job finishes.
+ do_checks_after_update_finished_ = true;
+ expect_group_obsolete_ = false;
+ expect_group_has_cache_ = true;
+ expect_old_cache_ = cache;
+ expect_response_ids_.insert(
+ std::map<GURL, int64>::value_type(
+ http_server_->TestServerPage("files/explicit1"),
+ response_writer_->response_id()));
+ tested_manifest_ = MANIFEST1;
+ MockFrontend::HostIds ids(1, host->host_id());
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, CHECKING_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, UPDATE_READY_EVENT);
+ // Seed storage with expected http response info for entry. Allow reuse.
+ const char data[] =
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\0"
+ "Cache-Control: max-age=8675309\0"
+ "\0";
+ net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers =
+ new net::HttpResponseHeaders(std::string(data, arraysize(data)));
+ net::HttpResponseInfo* response_info = new net::HttpResponseInfo();
+ response_info->request_time = base::Time::Now();
+ response_info->response_time = base::Time::Now();
+ response_info->headers = headers; // adds ref to headers
+ scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> io_buffer =
+ new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(response_info); // adds ref to info
+ write_callback_.reset(
+ new net::CompletionCallbackImpl<AppCacheUpdateJobTest>(this,
+ &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingStorageData));
+ response_writer_->WriteInfo(io_buffer, write_callback_.get());
+ // Start update after data write completes asynchronously.
+ }
+ void UpgradeNoLoadFromNewestCacheTest() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, MessageLoop::current()->type());
+ MakeService();
+ group_ = new AppCacheGroup(
+ service_.get(), http_server_->TestServerPage("files/manifest1"),
+ service_->storage()->NewGroupId());
+ AppCacheUpdateJob* update = new AppCacheUpdateJob(service_.get(), group_);
+ group_->update_job_ = update;
+ AppCache* cache = MakeCacheForGroup(service_->storage()->NewCacheId(), 42);
+ MockFrontend* frontend = MakeMockFrontend();
+ AppCacheHost* host = MakeHost(1, frontend);
+ host->AssociateCache(cache);
+ // Give the newest cache an entry that is in storage.
+ response_writer_.reset(
+ service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(group_->manifest_url()));
+ cache->AddEntry(http_server_->TestServerPage("files/explicit1"),
+ AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT,
+ response_writer_->response_id()));
+ // Set up checks for when update job finishes.
+ do_checks_after_update_finished_ = true;
+ expect_group_obsolete_ = false;
+ expect_group_has_cache_ = true;
+ expect_old_cache_ = cache;
+ tested_manifest_ = MANIFEST1;
+ MockFrontend::HostIds ids(1, host->host_id());
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, CHECKING_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ // Extra progress event for re-attempt to fetch explicit1 from network.
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, UPDATE_READY_EVENT);
+ // Seed storage with expected http response info for entry. Do NOT
+ // allow reuse by setting an expires header in the past.
+ const char data[] =
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\0"
+ "Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT\0"
+ "\0";
+ net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers =
+ new net::HttpResponseHeaders(std::string(data, arraysize(data)));
+ net::HttpResponseInfo* response_info = new net::HttpResponseInfo();
+ response_info->request_time = base::Time::Now();
+ response_info->response_time = base::Time::Now();
+ response_info->headers = headers; // adds ref to headers
+ scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> io_buffer =
+ new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(response_info); // adds ref to info
+ write_callback_.reset(
+ new net::CompletionCallbackImpl<AppCacheUpdateJobTest>(this,
+ &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingStorageData));
+ response_writer_->WriteInfo(io_buffer, write_callback_.get());
+ // Start update after data write completes asynchronously.
+ }
+ void UpgradeLoadFromNewestCacheVaryHeaderTest() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, MessageLoop::current()->type());
+ MakeService();
+ group_ = new AppCacheGroup(
+ service_.get(), http_server_->TestServerPage("files/manifest1"),
+ service_->storage()->NewGroupId());
+ AppCacheUpdateJob* update = new AppCacheUpdateJob(service_.get(), group_);
+ group_->update_job_ = update;
+ AppCache* cache = MakeCacheForGroup(service_->storage()->NewCacheId(), 42);
+ MockFrontend* frontend = MakeMockFrontend();
+ AppCacheHost* host = MakeHost(1, frontend);
+ host->AssociateCache(cache);
+ // Give the newest cache an entry that is in storage.
+ response_writer_.reset(
+ service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(group_->manifest_url()));
+ cache->AddEntry(http_server_->TestServerPage("files/explicit1"),
+ AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT,
+ response_writer_->response_id()));
+ // Set up checks for when update job finishes.
+ do_checks_after_update_finished_ = true;
+ expect_group_obsolete_ = false;
+ expect_group_has_cache_ = true;
+ expect_old_cache_ = cache;
+ tested_manifest_ = MANIFEST1;
+ MockFrontend::HostIds ids(1, host->host_id());
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, CHECKING_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ // Extra progress event for re-attempt to fetch explicit1 from network.
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, PROGRESS_EVENT);
+ frontend->AddExpectedEvent(ids, UPDATE_READY_EVENT);
+ // Seed storage with expected http response info for entry: a vary header.
+ const char data[] =
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\0"
+ "Cache-Control: max-age=8675309\0"
+ "Vary: blah\0"
+ "\0";
+ net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers =
+ new net::HttpResponseHeaders(std::string(data, arraysize(data)));
+ net::HttpResponseInfo* response_info = new net::HttpResponseInfo();
+ response_info->request_time = base::Time::Now();
+ response_info->response_time = base::Time::Now();
+ response_info->headers = headers; // adds ref to headers
+ scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> io_buffer =
+ new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(response_info); // adds ref to info
+ write_callback_.reset(
+ new net::CompletionCallbackImpl<AppCacheUpdateJobTest>(this,
+ &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::StartUpdateAfterSeedingStorageData));
+ response_writer_->WriteInfo(io_buffer, write_callback_.get());
+ // Start update after data write completes asynchronously.
+ }
void UpgradeSuccessMergedTypesTest() {
ASSERT_EQ(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, MessageLoop::current()->type());
@@ -896,6 +1074,8 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJobTest : public testing::Test,
+ expect_response_ids_.insert(std::map<GURL, int64>::value_type(
+ http_server_->TestServerPage("files/servererror"), 444)); // copied
MockFrontend::HostIds ids1(1, host1->host_id());
frontend1->AddExpectedEvent(ids1, CHECKING_EVENT);
frontend1->AddExpectedEvent(ids1, DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
@@ -2042,6 +2222,18 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJobTest : public testing::Test,
for (AppCache::EntryMap::const_iterator it = entries.begin();
it != entries.end(); ++it) {
EXPECT_NE(kNoResponseId, it->second.response_id());
+ // Check that any copied entries have the expected response id
+ // and that entries that are not copied have a different response id.
+ std::map<GURL, int64>::iterator found =
+ expect_response_ids_.find(it->first);
+ if (found != expect_response_ids_.end()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(found->second, it->second.response_id());
+ } else if (expect_old_cache_) {
+ AppCacheEntry* old_entry = expect_old_cache_->GetEntry(it->first);
+ if (old_entry)
+ EXPECT_NE(old_entry->response_id(), it->second.response_id());
+ }
} else {
@@ -2124,7 +2316,6 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJobTest : public testing::Test,
entry = cache->GetEntry(i->first);
EXPECT_EQ(i->second.types(), entry->types());
- // TODO(jennb): if copied, check storage id in entry is as expected
expected = 1;
@@ -2273,6 +2464,7 @@ class AppCacheUpdateJobTest : public testing::Test,
std::vector<MockFrontend*> frontends_; // to check expected events
TestedManifest tested_manifest_;
AppCache::EntryMap expect_extra_entries_;
+ std::map<GURL, int64> expect_response_ids_;
bool registered_factory_;
URLRequest::ProtocolFactory* old_factory_;
@@ -2396,6 +2588,19 @@ TEST_F(AppCacheUpdateJobTest, BasicUpgradeSuccess) {
+TEST_F(AppCacheUpdateJobTest, UpgradeLoadFromNewestCache) {
+ RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheUpdateJobTest::UpgradeLoadFromNewestCacheTest);
+TEST_F(AppCacheUpdateJobTest, UpgradeNoLoadFromNewestCache) {
+ RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheUpdateJobTest::UpgradeNoLoadFromNewestCacheTest);
+TEST_F(AppCacheUpdateJobTest, UpgradeLoadFromNewestCacheVaryHeader) {
+ RunTestOnIOThread(
+ &AppCacheUpdateJobTest::UpgradeLoadFromNewestCacheVaryHeaderTest);
TEST_F(AppCacheUpdateJobTest, UpgradeSuccessMergedTypes) {