From 94f206c1c75eb8cc4df2225a1c5c9c7b6fc96679 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ""
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 00:09:14 +0000
Subject: Here are gyp targets and stubs for compiling libcc and the
 webkit_compositor bindings in chromium. Everything is guarded behind the
 off-by-default use_libcc_for_compositor gyp variable.  I haven't included the
 actual code here, but there are scripts to sync.  I plan to land + manually
 sync the code into place until we're ready to flip the gyp switch.

Snapshot from r126652


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
 cc/CCActiveAnimation.cpp | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 207 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 cc/CCActiveAnimation.cpp

(limited to 'cc/CCActiveAnimation.cpp')

diff --git a/cc/CCActiveAnimation.cpp b/cc/CCActiveAnimation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87086a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cc/CCActiveAnimation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "CCActiveAnimation.h"
+#include "CCAnimationCurve.h"
+#include "TraceEvent.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
+#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
+#include <wtf/StringExtras.h>
+namespace {
+// This should match the RunState enum.
+static const char* const s_runStateNames[] = {
+    "WaitingForNextTick",
+    "WaitingForTargetAvailability",
+    "WaitingForStartTime",
+    "WaitingForDeletion",
+    "Running",
+    "Paused",
+    "Finished",
+    "Aborted"
+COMPILE_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebCore::CCActiveAnimation::RunStateEnumSize) == WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(s_runStateNames), RunState_names_match_enum);
+// This should match the TargetProperty enum.
+static const char* const s_targetPropertyNames[] = {
+    "Transform",
+    "Opacity"
+COMPILE_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebCore::CCActiveAnimation::TargetPropertyEnumSize) == WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(s_targetPropertyNames), TargetProperty_names_match_enum);
+} // namespace
+namespace WebCore {
+PassOwnPtr<CCActiveAnimation> CCActiveAnimation::create(PassOwnPtr<CCAnimationCurve> curve, int animationId, int groupId, TargetProperty targetProperty)
+    return adoptPtr(new CCActiveAnimation(curve, animationId, groupId, targetProperty));
+CCActiveAnimation::CCActiveAnimation(PassOwnPtr<CCAnimationCurve> curve, int animationId, int groupId, TargetProperty targetProperty)
+    : m_curve(curve)
+    , m_id(animationId)
+    , m_group(groupId)
+    , m_targetProperty(targetProperty)
+    , m_runState(WaitingForTargetAvailability)
+    , m_iterations(1)
+    , m_startTime(0)
+    , m_alternatesDirection(false)
+    , m_timeOffset(0)
+    , m_needsSynchronizedStartTime(false)
+    , m_suspended(false)
+    , m_pauseTime(0)
+    , m_totalPausedTime(0)
+    , m_isControllingInstance(false)
+    if (m_runState == Running || m_runState == Paused)
+        setRunState(Aborted, 0);
+void CCActiveAnimation::setRunState(RunState runState, double monotonicTime)
+    if (m_suspended)
+        return;
+    char nameBuffer[256];
+    snprintf(nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer), "%s-%d%s", s_targetPropertyNames[m_targetProperty], m_group, m_isControllingInstance ? "(impl)" : "");
+    bool isWaitingToStart = m_runState == WaitingForNextTick
+        || m_runState == WaitingForTargetAvailability
+        || m_runState == WaitingForStartTime;
+    if (isWaitingToStart && runState == Running)
+        TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1("cc", "CCActiveAnimation", this, "Name", TRACE_STR_COPY(nameBuffer));
+    bool wasFinished = isFinished();
+    const char* oldRunStateName = s_runStateNames[m_runState];
+    if (runState == Running && m_runState == Paused)
+        m_totalPausedTime += monotonicTime - m_pauseTime;
+    else if (runState == Paused)
+        m_pauseTime = monotonicTime;
+    m_runState = runState;
+    const char* newRunStateName = s_runStateNames[runState];
+    if (!wasFinished && isFinished())
+        TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0("cc", "CCActiveAnimation", this);
+    char stateBuffer[256];
+    snprintf(stateBuffer, sizeof(stateBuffer), "%s->%s", oldRunStateName, newRunStateName);
+    TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT2("cc", "CCLayerAnimationController::setRunState", "Name", TRACE_STR_COPY(nameBuffer), "State", TRACE_STR_COPY(stateBuffer));
+void CCActiveAnimation::suspend(double monotonicTime)
+    setRunState(Paused, monotonicTime);
+    m_suspended = true;
+void CCActiveAnimation::resume(double monotonicTime)
+    m_suspended = false;
+    setRunState(Running, monotonicTime);
+bool CCActiveAnimation::isFinishedAt(double monotonicTime) const
+    if (isFinished())
+        return true;
+    if (m_needsSynchronizedStartTime)
+        return false;
+    return m_runState == Running
+        && m_iterations >= 0
+        && m_iterations * m_curve->duration() <= monotonicTime - startTime() - m_totalPausedTime;
+double CCActiveAnimation::trimTimeToCurrentIteration(double monotonicTime) const
+    double trimmed = monotonicTime + m_timeOffset;
+    // If we're paused, time is 'stuck' at the pause time.
+    if (m_runState == Paused)
+        trimmed = m_pauseTime;
+    // Returned time should always be relative to the start time and should subtract
+    // all time spent paused.
+    trimmed -= m_startTime + m_totalPausedTime;
+    // Zero is always the start of the animation.
+    if (trimmed <= 0)
+        return 0;
+    // Always return zero if we have no iterations.
+    if (!m_iterations)
+        return 0;
+    // If less than an iteration duration, just return trimmed.
+    if (trimmed < m_curve->duration())
+        return trimmed;
+    // If greater than or equal to the total duration, return iteration duration.
+    if (m_iterations >= 0 && trimmed >= m_curve->duration() * m_iterations) {
+        if (m_alternatesDirection && !(m_iterations % 2))
+            return 0;
+        return m_curve->duration();
+    }
+    // We need to know the current iteration if we're alternating.
+    int iteration = static_cast<int>(trimmed / m_curve->duration());
+    // Calculate x where trimmed = x + n * m_curve->duration() for some positive integer n.
+    trimmed = fmod(trimmed, m_curve->duration());
+    // If we're alternating and on an odd iteration, reverse the direction.
+    if (m_alternatesDirection && iteration % 2 == 1)
+        return m_curve->duration() - trimmed;
+    return trimmed;
+PassOwnPtr<CCActiveAnimation> CCActiveAnimation::clone(InstanceType instanceType) const
+    return cloneAndInitialize(instanceType, m_runState, m_startTime);
+PassOwnPtr<CCActiveAnimation> CCActiveAnimation::cloneAndInitialize(InstanceType instanceType, RunState initialRunState, double startTime) const
+    OwnPtr<CCActiveAnimation> toReturn(adoptPtr(new CCActiveAnimation(m_curve->clone(), m_id, m_group, m_targetProperty)));
+    toReturn->m_runState = initialRunState;
+    toReturn->m_iterations = m_iterations;
+    toReturn->m_startTime = startTime;
+    toReturn->m_pauseTime = m_pauseTime;
+    toReturn->m_totalPausedTime = m_totalPausedTime;
+    toReturn->m_timeOffset = m_timeOffset;
+    toReturn->m_alternatesDirection = m_alternatesDirection;
+    toReturn->m_isControllingInstance = instanceType == ControllingInstance;
+    return toReturn.release();
+void CCActiveAnimation::pushPropertiesTo(CCActiveAnimation* other) const
+    // Currently, we only push changes due to pausing and resuming animations on the main thread.
+    if (m_runState == CCActiveAnimation::Paused || other->m_runState == CCActiveAnimation::Paused) {
+        other->m_runState = m_runState;
+        other->m_pauseTime = m_pauseTime;
+        other->m_totalPausedTime = m_totalPausedTime;
+    }
+} // namespace WebCore
cgit v1.1