From 344272ddd4ca47fb56fd6a1ca6a4f1418df2c426 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tapted Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 16:45:52 -0700 Subject: Move components/native_app_window to extensions/components/native_app_window There's currently a dependency cycle between gyp files: components.gyp and extensions.gyp. extensions.gyp depends on a number of components, and two components depend on exetensions.gyp. These are: - components/renderer_context_menu/ - components/native_app_window/ (more recently) renderer_context_menu has an "optional" extensions dependency, which can be skipped when ENABLE_EXTENSIONS is not defined. Still, it is necessary for renderer_context_menu.gyp to omit its extensions.gyp dependency and build as a static library. For native_app_window, since it is not compiled on Mac, the gyp circular check is not performed on the bots. This CL fixes the layering by adding a folder, src/extensions/components. Things here may depend on extensions, but not on other extensions/components folders in a way that creates a cycle. This also allows the benefits of a component-architecture to make sense of interdependencies between the ~1337 files under src/extensions. This layout also makes it clear that by depending on one of these components, a target is also depending on src/extensions. Currently, this is not clear. BUG=35878, 418455 Review URL: Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#297952} --- extensions/DEPS | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) (limited to 'extensions/DEPS') diff --git a/extensions/DEPS b/extensions/DEPS index 2286ed4..d2bbec8 100644 --- a/extensions/DEPS +++ b/extensions/DEPS @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ include_rules = [ "+content/public/common", "+content/public/test", "+crypto", + "-extensions/components", "+extensions/test", "+grit/extensions_renderer_resources.h", "+grit/extensions_resources.h", -- cgit v1.1