From 13f1aeb7140f53dee3eaf25332eb9b2695abd0b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ""
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 03:25:30 +0000
Subject: Remove serialized var file from previous check that shouldn't have
 been there.

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
 ppapi/proxy/ | 457 ------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 457 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ppapi/proxy/

(limited to 'ppapi')

diff --git a/ppapi/proxy/ b/ppapi/proxy/
deleted file mode 100644
index a76f219..0000000
--- a/ppapi/proxy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ppapi/proxy/serialized_var.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
-#include "ppapi/proxy/dispatcher.h"
-#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_param_traits.h"
-#include "ppapi/proxy/var_serialization_rules.h"
-namespace pp {
-namespace proxy {
-// SerializedVar::Inner --------------------------------------------------------
-    : serialization_rules_(NULL),
-      var_(PP_MakeUndefined()),
-      cleanup_mode_(CLEANUP_NONE) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  has_been_serialized_ = false;
-  has_been_deserialized_ = false;
-SerializedVar::Inner::Inner(VarSerializationRules* serialization_rules)
-    : serialization_rules_(serialization_rules),
-      var_(PP_MakeUndefined()),
-      cleanup_mode_(CLEANUP_NONE) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  has_been_serialized_ = false;
-  has_been_deserialized_ = false;
-SerializedVar::Inner::Inner(VarSerializationRules* serialization_rules,
-                            const PP_Var& var)
-    : serialization_rules_(serialization_rules),
-      var_(var),
-      cleanup_mode_(CLEANUP_NONE) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  has_been_serialized_ = false;
-  has_been_deserialized_ = false;
-SerializedVar::Inner::~Inner() {
-  switch (cleanup_mode_) {
-    case END_SEND_PASS_REF:
-      serialization_rules_->EndSendPassRef(var_);
-      break;
-      serialization_rules_->EndReceiveCallerOwned(var_);
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-PP_Var SerializedVar::Inner::GetVar() const {
-  DCHECK(serialization_rules_);
-  // If we're a string var, we should have already converted the string value
-  // to a var ID.
-  DCHECK(var_.type != PP_VARTYPE_STRING || var_.value.as_id != 0);
-  return var_;
-PP_Var SerializedVar::Inner::GetIncompleteVar() const {
-  DCHECK(serialization_rules_);
-  return var_;
-void SerializedVar::Inner::SetVar(PP_Var var) {
-  // Sanity check, when updating the var we should have received a
-  // serialization rules pointer already.
-  DCHECK(serialization_rules_);
-  var_ = var;
-const std::string& SerializedVar::Inner::GetString() const {
-  DCHECK(serialization_rules_);
-  return string_value_;
-std::string* SerializedVar::Inner::GetStringPtr() {
-  DCHECK(serialization_rules_);
-  return &string_value_;
-void SerializedVar::Inner::WriteToMessage(IPC::Message* m) const {
-  // When writing to the IPC messages, a serization rules handler should
-  // always have been set.
-  //
-  // When sending a message, it should be difficult to trigger this if you're
-  // using the SerializedVarSendInput class and giving a non-NULL dispatcher.
-  // Make sure you're using the proper "Send" helper class.
-  //
-  // It should be more common to see this when handling an incoming message
-  // that returns a var. This means the message handler didn't write to the
-  // output parameter, or possibly you used the wrong helper class
-  // (normally SerializedVarReturnValue).
-  DCHECK(serialization_rules_);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  // We should only be serializing something once.
-  DCHECK(!has_been_serialized_);
-  has_been_serialized_ = true;
-  // If the var is not a string type, we should not have ended up with any
-  // string data.
-  DCHECK(var_.type == PP_VARTYPE_STRING || string_value_.empty());
-  m->WriteInt(static_cast<int>(var_.type));
-  switch (var_.type) {
-    case PP_VARTYPE_NULL:
-      // These don't need any data associated with them other than the type we
-      // just serialized.
-      break;
-    case PP_VARTYPE_BOOL:
-      m->WriteBool(var_.value.as_bool);
-      break;
-    case PP_VARTYPE_INT32:
-      m->WriteInt(var_.value.as_int);
-      break;
-      IPC::ParamTraits<double>::Write(m, var_.value.as_double);
-      break;
-      // TODO(brettw) in the case of an invalid string ID, it would be nice
-      // to send something to the other side such that a 0 ID would be
-      // generated there. Then the function implementing the interface can
-      // handle the invalid string as if it was in process rather than seeing
-      // what looks like a valid empty string.
-      m->WriteString(string_value_);
-      break;
-      m->WriteInt64(var_.value.as_id);
-      break;
-  }
-bool SerializedVar::Inner::ReadFromMessage(const IPC::Message* m, void** iter) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  // We should only deserialize something once or will end up with leaked
-  // references.
-  //
-  // One place this has happened in the past is using
-  // std::vector<SerializedVar>.resize(). If you're doing this manually instead
-  // of using the helper classes for handling in/out vectors of vars, be
-  // sure you use the same pattern as the SerializedVarVector classes.
-  DCHECK(!has_been_deserialized_);
-  has_been_deserialized_ = true;
-  // When reading, the dispatcher should be set when we get a Deserialize
-  // call (which will supply a dispatcher).
-  int type;
-  if (!m->ReadInt(iter, &type))
-    return false;
-  bool success = false;
-  switch (type) {
-    case PP_VARTYPE_NULL:
-      // These don't have any data associated with them other than the type we
-      // just serialized.
-      success = true;
-      break;
-    case PP_VARTYPE_BOOL:
-      success = m->ReadBool(iter, &var_.value.as_bool);
-      break;
-    case PP_VARTYPE_INT32:
-      success = m->ReadInt(iter, &var_.value.as_int);
-      break;
-      success = IPC::ParamTraits<double>::Read(m, iter, &var_.value.as_double);
-      break;
-      success = m->ReadString(iter, &string_value_);
-      var_.value.as_id = 0;
-      break;
-      success = m->ReadInt64(iter, &var_.value.as_id);
-      break;
-    default:
-      // Leave success as false.
-      break;
-  }
-  // All success cases get here. We avoid writing the type above so that the
-  // output param is untouched (defaults to VARTYPE_UNDEFINED) even in the
-  // failure case.
-  if (success)
-    var_.type = static_cast<PP_VarType>(type);
-  return success;
-// SerializedVar ---------------------------------------------------------------
-SerializedVar::SerializedVar() : inner_(new Inner) {
-SerializedVar::SerializedVar(VarSerializationRules* serialization_rules)
-    : inner_(new Inner(serialization_rules)) {
-SerializedVar::SerializedVar(VarSerializationRules* serialization_rules,
-                             const PP_Var& var)
-    : inner_(new Inner(serialization_rules, var)) {
-SerializedVar::~SerializedVar() {
-// SerializedVarSendInput ------------------------------------------------------
-SerializedVarSendInput::SerializedVarSendInput(Dispatcher* dispatcher,
-                                               const PP_Var& var)
-    : SerializedVar(dispatcher->serialization_rules(), var) {
-  dispatcher->serialization_rules()->SendCallerOwned(var, GetStringPtr());
-// static
-void SerializedVarSendInput::ConvertVector(Dispatcher* dispatcher,
-                                           const PP_Var* input,
-                                           size_t input_count,
-                                           std::vector<SerializedVar>* output) {
-  output->resize(input_count);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < input_count; i++) {
-    (*output)[i] = SerializedVar(dispatcher->serialization_rules(), input[i]);
-    dispatcher->serialization_rules()->SendCallerOwned(input[i],
-                                                 (*output)[i].GetStringPtr());
-  }
-// ReceiveSerializedVarReturnValue ---------------------------------------------
-ReceiveSerializedVarReturnValue::ReceiveSerializedVarReturnValue() {
-PP_Var ReceiveSerializedVarReturnValue::Return(Dispatcher* dispatcher) {
-  set_serialization_rules(dispatcher->serialization_rules());
-  SetVar(serialization_rules()->ReceivePassRef(GetIncompleteVar(),
-                                               GetString()));
-  return GetVar();
-// ReceiveSerializedException --------------------------------------------------
-ReceiveSerializedException::ReceiveSerializedException(Dispatcher* dispatcher,
-                                                       PP_Var* exception)
-    : SerializedVar(dispatcher->serialization_rules()),
-      exception_(exception) {
-ReceiveSerializedException::~ReceiveSerializedException() {
-  if (exception_) {
-    // When an output exception is specified, it will take ownership of the
-    // reference.
-    SetVar(serialization_rules()->ReceivePassRef(GetIncompleteVar(),
-                                                 GetString()));
-    *exception_ = GetVar();
-  } else {
-    // When no output exception is specified, the browser thinks we have a ref
-    // to an object that we don't want (this will happen only in the plugin
-    // since the browser will always specify an out exception for the plugin to
-    // write into).
-    //
-    // Strings don't need this handling since we can just avoid creating a
-    // Var from the std::string in the first place.
-    if (GetVar().type == PP_VARTYPE_OBJECT)
-      serialization_rules()->ReleaseObjectRef(GetVar());
-  }
-bool ReceiveSerializedException::IsThrown() const {
-  return exception_ && exception_->type != PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED;
-// ReceiveSerializedVarVectorOutParam ------------------------------------------
-    Dispatcher* dispatcher,
-    uint32_t* output_count,
-    PP_Var** output)
-    : dispatcher_(dispatcher),
-      output_count_(output_count),
-      output_(output) {
-ReceiveSerializedVarVectorOutParam::~ReceiveSerializedVarVectorOutParam() {
-  *output_count_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(vector_.size());
-  if (!vector_.size()) {
-    *output_ = NULL;
-    return;
-  }
-  *output_ = static_cast<PP_Var*>(malloc(vector_.size() * sizeof(PP_Var)));
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_.size(); i++) {
-    // Here we just mimic what happens when returning a value.
-    ReceiveSerializedVarReturnValue converted;
-    SerializedVar* serialized = &converted;
-    *serialized = vector_[i];
-    (*output_)[i] = converted.Return(dispatcher_);
-  }
-std::vector<SerializedVar>* ReceiveSerializedVarVectorOutParam::OutParam() {
-  return &vector_;
-// SerializedVarReceiveInput ---------------------------------------------------
-    const SerializedVar& serialized)
-    : serialized_(serialized),
-      dispatcher_(NULL),
-      var_(PP_MakeUndefined()) {
-SerializedVarReceiveInput::~SerializedVarReceiveInput() {
-PP_Var SerializedVarReceiveInput::Get(Dispatcher* dispatcher) {
-  serialized_.set_serialization_rules(dispatcher->serialization_rules());
-  // Ensure that when the serialized var goes out of scope it cleans up the
-  // stuff we're making in BeginReceiveCallerOwned.
-  serialized_.set_cleanup_mode(SerializedVar::END_RECEIVE_CALLER_OWNED);
-  serialized_.SetVar(
-      serialized_.serialization_rules()->BeginReceiveCallerOwned(
-          serialized_.GetIncompleteVar(), serialized_.GetStringPtr()));
-  return serialized_.GetVar();
-// SerializedVarVectorReceiveInput ---------------------------------------------
-    const std::vector<SerializedVar>& serialized)
-    : serialized_(serialized) {
-SerializedVarVectorReceiveInput::~SerializedVarVectorReceiveInput() {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < deserialized_.size(); i++) {
-    serialized_[i].serialization_rules()->EndReceiveCallerOwned(
-        deserialized_[i]);
-  }
-PP_Var* SerializedVarVectorReceiveInput::Get(Dispatcher* dispatcher,
-                                             uint32_t* array_size) {
-  deserialized_.resize(serialized_.size());
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < serialized_.size(); i++) {
-    // The vector must be able to clean themselves up after this call is
-    // torn down.
-    serialized_[i].set_serialization_rules(dispatcher->serialization_rules());
-    serialized_[i].SetVar(
-        serialized_[i].serialization_rules()->BeginReceiveCallerOwned(
-            serialized_[i].GetIncompleteVar(), serialized_[i].GetStringPtr()));
-    deserialized_[i] = serialized_[i].GetVar();
-  }
-  *array_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(serialized_.size());
-  return deserialized_.size() > 0 ? &deserialized_[0] : NULL;
-// SerializedVarReturnValue ----------------------------------------------------
-SerializedVarReturnValue::SerializedVarReturnValue(SerializedVar* serialized)
-    : serialized_(serialized) {
-void SerializedVarReturnValue::Return(Dispatcher* dispatcher,
-                                      const PP_Var& var) {
-  serialized_->set_serialization_rules(dispatcher->serialization_rules());
-  serialized_->SetVar(var);
-  // Var must clean up after our BeginSendPassRef call.
-  serialized_->set_cleanup_mode(SerializedVar::END_SEND_PASS_REF);
-  dispatcher->serialization_rules()->BeginSendPassRef(
-      serialized_->GetIncompleteVar(), serialized_->GetStringPtr());
-// SerializedVarOutParam -------------------------------------------------------
-SerializedVarOutParam::SerializedVarOutParam(SerializedVar* serialized)
-    : serialized_(serialized),
-      writable_var_(PP_MakeUndefined()) {
-SerializedVarOutParam::~SerializedVarOutParam() {
-  if (serialized_->serialization_rules()) {
-    // When unset, OutParam wasn't called. We'll just leave the var untouched
-    // in that case.
-    serialized_->SetVar(writable_var_);
-    serialized_->serialization_rules()->BeginSendPassRef(
-        writable_var_, serialized_->GetStringPtr());
-    // Normally the current object will be created on the stack to wrap a
-    // SerializedVar and won't have a scope around the actual IPC send. So we
-    // need to tell the SerializedVar to do the begin/end send pass ref calls.
-    serialized_->set_cleanup_mode(SerializedVar::END_SEND_PASS_REF);
-  }
-PP_Var* SerializedVarOutParam::OutParam(Dispatcher* dispatcher) {
-  serialized_->set_serialization_rules(dispatcher->serialization_rules());
-  return &writable_var_;
-// SerializedVarVectorOutParam -------------------------------------------------
-    std::vector<SerializedVar>* serialized)
-    : dispatcher_(NULL),
-      serialized_(serialized),
-      count_(0),
-      array_(NULL) {
-SerializedVarVectorOutParam::~SerializedVarVectorOutParam() {
-  DCHECK(dispatcher_);
-  // Convert the array written by the pepper code to the serialized structure.
-  // Note we can't use resize here, we have to allocate a new SerializedVar
-  // for each serialized item. See ParamTraits<vector<SerializedVar>>::Read.
-  serialized_->reserve(count_);
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
-    // Just mimic what we do for regular OutParams.
-    SerializedVar var;
-    SerializedVarOutParam out(&var);
-    *out.OutParam(dispatcher_) = array_[i];
-    serialized_->push_back(var);
-  }
-  // When returning arrays, the pepper code expects the caller to take
-  // ownership of the array.
-  free(array_);
-PP_Var** SerializedVarVectorOutParam::ArrayOutParam(Dispatcher* dispatcher) {
-  DCHECK(!dispatcher_);  // Should only be called once.
-  dispatcher_ = dispatcher;
-  return &array_;
-}  // namespace proxy
-}  // namespace pp
cgit v1.1