# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# This is the root build file for GN. GN will start processing by loading this
# file, and recursively load all dependencies until all dependencies are either
# resolved or known not to exist (which will cause the build to fail). So if
# you add a new build file, there must be some path of dependencies from this
# file to your new one or GN won't know about it.


if (is_android) {

declare_args() {
  # A list of extra dependencies to add to the root target. This allows a
  # checkout to add additional targets without explicitly changing any checked-
  # in files.
  root_extra_deps = []

# The "gn_all" target should list every root target (target that
# nothing else depends on) built by both GN and GYP. One should
# be able to run 'ninja gn_all gn_only gn_groups' and then run
# 'ninja' a second time and have the second ninja invocation do nothing.
# In addition, the "gn_all" target serves to pull in all of the other
# build files needed for the build.
# TODO(GYP): make sure that the above is true and there are scripts run
# on the bots that enforce this.

group("gn_all") {
  testonly = true

  deps = [
    "//ppapi/examples",  # TODO(GYP): What's the GYP equivalent?

  deps += root_extra_deps

  # TODO(GYP): Get this working on the mac?
  if (enable_extensions && !is_mac) {
    deps += [ "//extensions/shell:app_shell_unittests" ]

  if (!is_android) {
    deps += [ "//remoting:remoting_unittests" ]

  if (!is_win) {
    deps += [ "//breakpad:symupload" ]

  if (use_x11) {
    deps += [ "//tools/xdisplaycheck" ]

  if (toolkit_views) {
    deps += [ "//ui/views:views_unittests" ]

  if (use_aura) {
    deps += [ "//ui/wm:wm_unittests" ]

  if (use_ozone) {
    deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]

  if (enable_media_router) {
    deps += [

  if (is_win || is_mac || is_chromeos) {
    # RLZ works on these platforms.
    # TODO(GYP): Is this target needed, or pulled in automatically?
    deps += [ "//rlz:rlz_lib" ]

  if (is_android) {
    deps += [

      # TODO(GYP): Remove these when the components_unittests work.

      # TODO(GYP): Are these needed, or will they be pulled in automatically?

      # TODO(GYP): Are these needed?
    deps -= [
      "//breakpad:symupload",  # TODO(GYP) ??
      "//chrome",  # TODO(GYP) ??
      "//chrome/test:browser_tests",  # TODO(GYP) ??
      "//chrome/test:interactive_ui_tests",  # TODO(GYP) ??
      "//chrome/test:sync_integration_tests",  # TODO(GYP) ??
      "//chrome/test:unit_tests",  # TODO(GYP)

      # Chromedriver shouldn't be compiled on Android.
      "//ipc:ipc_tests",  # TODO(GYP) ??
      "//jingle:jingle_unittests",  # TODO(GYP) ??

    if (has_chrome_android_internal) {
      deps += [ "//clank" ]  # TODO(GYP) ??

  if (is_linux) {
    # The following are definitely linux-only.
    deps += [

    if (is_chromeos || use_ash) {
      deps += [ "//components/session_manager/core" ]

  if (is_linux && !is_chromeos) {
    deps += [
      # TODO(GYP): Figure out which of these should (and can) build
      # under which other conditions.

      # TODO(GYP): Remove this when the gles2 tests work

      "//media:ffmpeg_regression_tests",  # TODO(GYP) this should be conditional on media_use_ffmpeg

      #"//net:hpack_example_generator",  # TODO(GYP) rockot in progress
      #"//net:hpack_fuzz_mutator",  # TODO(GYP) rockot in progress
      #"//net:hpack_fuzz_wrapper",  # TODO(GYP) rockot in progress
      #"//net:net_perftests",  # TODO(GYP) rockot in progress
      "//net:net_watcher",  # TODO(GYP): This should be conditional on use_v8_in_net

      # "//ppapi:pepper_hash_for_uma",  # TODO(GYP): Implement me.
      "//ppapi:ppapi_perftests",  # TODO(GYP): Are there other ppapi_* test targets?

      # "//v8:v8_snapshot",  # TODO(GYP): visibility?
      # "//v8:postmortem-metadata",  # TODO(GYP): visibility?


    if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
      # Do not build the breakpad utilities in cross-compiles.
      deps += [

    if (enable_extensions) {
      deps += [ "//extensions/shell:app_shell" ]

    if (enable_nacl) {
      deps += [ "//components/nacl:nacl_loader_unittests" ]

    if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
      deps += [ "//chrome/tools/service_discovery_sniffer" ]

    if (toolkit_views) {
      deps += [ "//ui/app_list:app_list_demo" ]

    if (use_ash) {
      deps += [

    if (use_aura) {
      deps += [

    if (use_x11) {
      deps += [ "//media:player_x11" ]
      if (target_cpu != "arm") {
        deps += [ "//gpu:compositor_model_bench" ]

  if (is_mac) {
    deps += [

    # TODO(GYP): Remove these when the targets below work and these
    # are pulled in automatically.
    deps += [

    # TODO(dpranke): These are as-yet untriaged but need at least the above.
    deps -= [
      "//chrome",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//chrome/test:browser_tests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//chrome/test:interactive_ui_tests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//chrome/test:sync_integration_tests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//chrome/test:unit_tests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//components:components_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//content/test:content_browsertests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//content/test:content_perftests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//content/test:content_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//extensions:extensions_browsertests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//extensions:extensions_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//net:net_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//ui/app_list:app_list_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//ui/gfx:gfx_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
  } else if (is_win) {
    deps += [ "//ui/metro_viewer" ]
    deps -= [
      "//crypto:crypto_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)
      "//net:net_unittests",  # TODO(GYP)

group("gn_only") {
  testonly = true

  if (is_linux && !is_chromeos) {
    # TODO(GYP): Figure out if any of these should be in gn_all
    # and figure out how cross-platform they are
    deps = [
    if (enable_nacl) {
      deps += [ "//native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime:sel_ldr" ]
    if (use_ozone) {
      deps += [ "//ui/ozone/demo" ]
    if (is_android) {
      deps += [ "//build/android/gyp/test:hello_world" ]

    if (is_linux && current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
      deps += [ "//v8:d8" ]

group("gn_mojo_targets") {
  testonly = true
  if (is_linux && !is_chromeos) {
    # TODO(GYP): Figure out if any of these should be in gn_all
    # and figure out how cross-platform they are
    deps = [

    if (!is_debug) {
      deps += [

group("gn_visibility") {
  deps = [
    # "//build/config/sanitizers:options_sources",
    # "//third_party/pdfium:pdfium_embeddertests",  # TODO(GYP): visibility?
    # "//third_party/pdfium:pdfium_unittests",  # TODO(GYP): visibility?
    # "//ui/resources:repack_ui_test_mac_locale_pack",
    # "//v8:v8_snapshot",  # TODO(GYP): visibility?
    # "//v8:postmortem-metadata",  # TODO(GYP): visibility?

if (is_linux) {
  # This group corresponds to the list of tests run on the waterfall for
  # desktop Linux GYP builds from testing/buildbot/chromium.linux.json. It's
  # here to help track GYP -> GN conversion progress.
  group("linux_default_tests") {
    testonly = true
    deps = [
      # components_browsertests  TODO(GYP)
      # nacl_loader_unittests  TODO(GYP)

      "//base:base_unittests",  # PASSES (*) 2/25/2015
      "//cc:cc_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//chrome/test:sync_integration_tests",  # Crashes for brettw in GN and GYP.
      "//chrome/test:unit_tests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//chrome/test/chromedriver:chromedriver_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//components:components_unittests",  # PASSES 2/27/2015
      "//content/test:content_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//crypto:crypto_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//dbus:dbus_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//device:device_unittests",  # PASSES 3/07/2015
      "//extensions:extensions_browsertests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//extensions:extensions_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//extensions/shell:app_shell_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//google_apis/gcm:gcm_unit_tests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//google_apis:google_apis_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//gpu:gpu_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ipc:ipc_tests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ipc/mojo:ipc_mojo_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//jingle:jingle_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//media/cast:cast_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//media:media_unittests",  # PASSES 3/3/2015
      "//mojo/common:mojo_common_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//net:net_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ppapi:ppapi_unittests",  # PASSES 2/26/2015
      "//printing:printing_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//remoting:remoting_unittests",  # Some crashes.
      "//sandbox/linux:sandbox_linux_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//skia:skia_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//sql:sql_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//sync:sync_unit_tests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//third_party/cacheinvalidation:cacheinvalidation_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system:mojo_system_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/test:mojo_public_bindings_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/test:mojo_public_environment_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/test:mojo_public_system_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/accessibility:accessibility_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/app_list:app_list_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/aura:aura_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/base:ui_base_unittests",  # TODO(GYP) ResourceBundleTest.* fails.
      "//ui/compositor:compositor_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/display:display_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/events:events_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/gfx:gfx_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/touch_selection:ui_touch_selection_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//ui/views:views_unittests",  # PASSES (*) 2/25/2015
      "//ui/wm:wm_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015
      "//url:url_unittests",  # PASSES 2/25/2015

      # Note:
      # (*) Fails but failures match GYP build at time of testing.