// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "android_webview/native/state_serializer.h" #include #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "content/public/common/page_state.h" // Reasons for not re-using TabNavigation under chrome/ as of 20121116: // * Android WebView has different requirements for fields to store since // we are the only ones using values like BaseURLForDataURL. // * TabNavigation does unnecessary copying of data, which in Android // WebView case, is undesired since save/restore is called in Android // very frequently. // * TabNavigation is tightly integrated with the rest of chrome session // restore and sync code, and has other purpose in addition to serializing // NavigationEntry. using std::string; namespace android_webview { namespace { // Sanity check value that we are restoring from a valid pickle. // This can potentially used as an actual serialization version number in the // future if we ever decide to support restoring from older versions. const uint32_t AW_STATE_VERSION = 20151204; } // namespace bool WriteToPickle(const content::WebContents& web_contents, base::Pickle* pickle) { DCHECK(pickle); if (!internal::WriteHeaderToPickle(pickle)) return false; const content::NavigationController& controller = web_contents.GetController(); const int entry_count = controller.GetEntryCount(); const int selected_entry = controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex(); DCHECK_GE(entry_count, 0); DCHECK_GE(selected_entry, -1); // -1 is valid DCHECK_LT(selected_entry, entry_count); if (!pickle->WriteInt(entry_count)) return false; if (!pickle->WriteInt(selected_entry)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < entry_count; ++i) { if (!internal::WriteNavigationEntryToPickle(*controller.GetEntryAtIndex(i), pickle)) return false; } // Please update AW_STATE_VERSION if serialization format is changed. return true; } bool RestoreFromPickle(base::PickleIterator* iterator, content::WebContents* web_contents) { DCHECK(iterator); DCHECK(web_contents); if (!internal::RestoreHeaderFromPickle(iterator)) return false; int entry_count = -1; int selected_entry = -2; // -1 is a valid value if (!iterator->ReadInt(&entry_count)) return false; if (!iterator->ReadInt(&selected_entry)) return false; if (entry_count < 0) return false; if (selected_entry < -1) return false; if (selected_entry >= entry_count) return false; std::vector> entries; entries.reserve(entry_count); for (int i = 0; i < entry_count; ++i) { entries.push_back(content::NavigationEntry::Create()); if (!internal::RestoreNavigationEntryFromPickle(iterator, entries[i].get())) return false; entries[i]->SetPageID(i); } // |web_contents| takes ownership of these entries after this call. content::NavigationController& controller = web_contents->GetController(); controller.Restore( selected_entry, content::NavigationController::RESTORE_LAST_SESSION_EXITED_CLEANLY, &entries); DCHECK_EQ(0u, entries.size()); if (controller.GetLastCommittedEntry()) { // Set up the file access rights for the selected navigation entry. // TODO(joth): This is duplicated from chrome/.../session_restore.cc and // should be shared e.g. in NavigationController. http://crbug.com/68222 const int id = web_contents->GetRenderProcessHost()->GetID(); const content::PageState& page_state = controller.GetLastCommittedEntry()->GetPageState(); const std::vector& file_paths = page_state.GetReferencedFiles(); for (std::vector::const_iterator file = file_paths.begin(); file != file_paths.end(); ++file) { content::ChildProcessSecurityPolicy::GetInstance()->GrantReadFile(id, *file); } } controller.LoadIfNecessary(); return true; } namespace internal { bool WriteHeaderToPickle(base::Pickle* pickle) { return pickle->WriteUInt32(AW_STATE_VERSION); } bool RestoreHeaderFromPickle(base::PickleIterator* iterator) { uint32_t state_version = -1; if (!iterator->ReadUInt32(&state_version)) return false; if (AW_STATE_VERSION != state_version) return false; return true; } bool WriteNavigationEntryToPickle(const content::NavigationEntry& entry, base::Pickle* pickle) { if (!pickle->WriteString(entry.GetURL().spec())) return false; if (!pickle->WriteString(entry.GetVirtualURL().spec())) return false; const content::Referrer& referrer = entry.GetReferrer(); if (!pickle->WriteString(referrer.url.spec())) return false; if (!pickle->WriteInt(static_cast(referrer.policy))) return false; if (!pickle->WriteString16(entry.GetTitle())) return false; if (!pickle->WriteString(entry.GetPageState().ToEncodedData())) return false; if (!pickle->WriteBool(static_cast(entry.GetHasPostData()))) return false; if (!pickle->WriteString(entry.GetOriginalRequestURL().spec())) return false; if (!pickle->WriteString(entry.GetBaseURLForDataURL().spec())) return false; { const char* data = nullptr; size_t size = 0; scoped_refptr s = entry.GetDataURLAsString(); if (s) { data = s->front_as(); size = s->size(); } // Even when |entry.GetDataForDataURL()| is null we still need to write a // zero-length entry to ensure the fields all line up when read back in. if (!pickle->WriteData(data, size)) return false; } if (!pickle->WriteBool(static_cast(entry.GetIsOverridingUserAgent()))) return false; if (!pickle->WriteInt64(entry.GetTimestamp().ToInternalValue())) return false; if (!pickle->WriteInt(entry.GetHttpStatusCode())) return false; // Please update AW_STATE_VERSION if serialization format is changed. return true; } bool RestoreNavigationEntryFromPickle(base::PickleIterator* iterator, content::NavigationEntry* entry) { { string url; if (!iterator->ReadString(&url)) return false; entry->SetURL(GURL(url)); } { string virtual_url; if (!iterator->ReadString(&virtual_url)) return false; entry->SetVirtualURL(GURL(virtual_url)); } { content::Referrer referrer; string referrer_url; int policy; if (!iterator->ReadString(&referrer_url)) return false; if (!iterator->ReadInt(&policy)) return false; referrer.url = GURL(referrer_url); referrer.policy = static_cast(policy); entry->SetReferrer(referrer); } { base::string16 title; if (!iterator->ReadString16(&title)) return false; entry->SetTitle(title); } { string content_state; if (!iterator->ReadString(&content_state)) return false; entry->SetPageState( content::PageState::CreateFromEncodedData(content_state)); } { bool has_post_data; if (!iterator->ReadBool(&has_post_data)) return false; entry->SetHasPostData(has_post_data); } { string original_request_url; if (!iterator->ReadString(&original_request_url)) return false; entry->SetOriginalRequestURL(GURL(original_request_url)); } { string base_url_for_data_url; if (!iterator->ReadString(&base_url_for_data_url)) return false; entry->SetBaseURLForDataURL(GURL(base_url_for_data_url)); } { const char* data; int size; if (!iterator->ReadData(&data, &size)) return false; if (size > 0) { scoped_refptr ref = new base::RefCountedString(); ref->data().assign(data, size); entry->SetDataURLAsString(ref); } } { bool is_overriding_user_agent; if (!iterator->ReadBool(&is_overriding_user_agent)) return false; entry->SetIsOverridingUserAgent(is_overriding_user_agent); } { int64_t timestamp; if (!iterator->ReadInt64(×tamp)) return false; entry->SetTimestamp(base::Time::FromInternalValue(timestamp)); } { int http_status_code; if (!iterator->ReadInt(&http_status_code)) return false; entry->SetHttpStatusCode(http_status_code); } return true; } } // namespace internal } // namespace android_webview