// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "app/gfx/chrome_font.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "skia/include/SkTypeface.h" #include "skia/include/SkPaint.h" ChromeFont::ChromeFont(const ChromeFont& other) { CopyChromeFont(other); } ChromeFont& ChromeFont::operator=(const ChromeFont& other) { CopyChromeFont(other); return *this; } ChromeFont::ChromeFont(SkTypeface* tf, const std::wstring& font_family, int font_size, int style) : typeface_helper_(new SkAutoUnref(tf)), typeface_(tf), font_family_(font_family), font_size_(font_size), style_(style) { tf->ref(); calculateMetrics(); } void ChromeFont::calculateMetrics() { SkPaint paint; SkPaint::FontMetrics metrics; PaintSetup(&paint); paint.getFontMetrics(&metrics); ascent_ = SkScalarRound(-metrics.fAscent); height_ = SkScalarRound(-metrics.fAscent + metrics.fDescent + metrics.fLeading); if (metrics.fAvgCharWidth) { avg_width_ = SkScalarRound(metrics.fAvgCharWidth); } else { static const char x_char = 'x'; paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF8_TextEncoding); SkScalar width = paint.measureText(&x_char, 1); avg_width_ = static_cast(ceilf(SkScalarToFloat(width))); } } void ChromeFont::CopyChromeFont(const ChromeFont& other) { typeface_helper_.reset(new SkAutoUnref(other.typeface_)); typeface_ = other.typeface_; typeface_->ref(); font_family_ = other.font_family_; font_size_ = other.font_size_; style_ = other.style_; height_ = other.height_; ascent_ = other.ascent_; avg_width_ = other.avg_width_; } int ChromeFont::height() const { return height_; } int ChromeFont::baseline() const { return ascent_; } int ChromeFont::ave_char_width() const { return avg_width_; } ChromeFont ChromeFont::CreateFont(const std::wstring& font_family, int font_size) { DCHECK_GT(font_size, 0); SkTypeface* tf = SkTypeface::Create(base::SysWideToUTF8(font_family).c_str(), SkTypeface::kNormal); DCHECK(tf) << "Could not find font: " << base::SysWideToUTF8(font_family); SkAutoUnref tf_helper(tf); return ChromeFont(tf, font_family, font_size, NORMAL); } ChromeFont ChromeFont::DeriveFont(int size_delta, int style) const { // If the delta is negative, if must not push the size below 1 if (size_delta < 0) { DCHECK_LT(-size_delta, font_size_); } if (style == style_) { // Fast path, we just use the same typeface at a different size return ChromeFont(typeface_, font_family_, font_size_ + size_delta, style_); } // If the style has changed we may need to load a new face int skstyle = SkTypeface::kNormal; if (BOLD & style) skstyle |= SkTypeface::kBold; if (ITALIC & style) skstyle |= SkTypeface::kItalic; SkTypeface* tf = SkTypeface::Create(base::SysWideToUTF8(font_family_).c_str(), static_cast(skstyle)); SkAutoUnref tf_helper(tf); return ChromeFont(tf, font_family_, font_size_ + size_delta, skstyle); } void ChromeFont::PaintSetup(SkPaint* paint) const { paint->setAntiAlias(false); paint->setSubpixelText(false); paint->setTextSize(SkFloatToScalar(font_size_)); paint->setTypeface(typeface_); paint->setFakeBoldText((BOLD & style_) && !typeface_->isBold()); paint->setTextSkewX((ITALIC & style_) && !typeface_->isItalic() ? -SK_Scalar1/4 : 0); } int ChromeFont::GetStringWidth(const std::wstring& text) const { const std::string utf8(base::SysWideToUTF8(text)); SkPaint paint; PaintSetup(&paint); paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF8_TextEncoding); SkScalar width = paint.measureText(utf8.data(), utf8.size()); int breadth = static_cast(ceilf(SkScalarToFloat(width))); // Check for overflow. We should probably be returning an unsigned // int, but in practice we'll never have a screen massive enough // to show that much text anyway. if (breadth < 0) return INT_MAX; return breadth; } int ChromeFont::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) const { return length * avg_width_; } int ChromeFont::style() const { return style_; } std::wstring ChromeFont::FontName() { return font_family_; } int ChromeFont::FontSize() { return font_size_; } NativeFont ChromeFont::nativeFont() const { return typeface_; }