// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef APP_L10N_UTIL_MAC_H_
#define APP_L10N_UTIL_MAC_H_

#include "app/l10n_util.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/string16.h"

#ifdef __OBJC__
@class NSString;
class NSString;

namespace l10n_util {

// Remove the Windows-style accelerator marker (for labels, menuitems, etc.)
// and change "..." into an ellipsis.
// Returns the result in an autoreleased NSString.
NSString* FixUpWindowsStyleLabel(const string16& label);

// Pulls resource string from the string bundle and returns it.
NSString* GetNSString(int message_id);

// Get a resource string and replace $1-$2-$3 with |a| and |b|
// respectively.  Additionally, $$ is replaced by $.
NSString* GetNSStringF(int message_id,
                       const string16& a);
NSString* GetNSStringF(int message_id,
                       const string16& a,
                       const string16& b);
NSString* GetNSStringF(int message_id,
                       const string16& a,
                       const string16& b,
                       const string16& c);
NSString* GetNSStringF(int message_id,
                       const string16& a,
                       const string16& b,
                       const string16& c,
                       const string16& d);

// Same as GetNSString, but runs the result through FixUpWindowsStyleLabel
// before returning it.
NSString* GetNSStringWithFixup(int message_id);

// Same as GetNSStringF, but runs the result through FixUpWindowsStyleLabel
// before returning it.
NSString* GetNSStringFWithFixup(int message_id,
                                const string16& a);
NSString* GetNSStringFWithFixup(int message_id,
                                const string16& a,
                                const string16& b);
NSString* GetNSStringFWithFixup(int message_id,
                                const string16& a,
                                const string16& b,
                                const string16& c);
NSString* GetNSStringFWithFixup(int message_id,
                                const string16& a,
                                const string16& b,
                                const string16& c,
                                const string16& d);

// Support the override of the locale with the value from Cocoa.
void OverrideLocaleWithCocoaLocale();
const std::string& GetLocaleOverride();

}  // namespace l10n_util

#endif  // APP_L10N_UTIL_MAC_H_