// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "app/sql/connection.h"
#include "app/sql/statement.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/sqlite/preprocessed/sqlite3.h"

class SQLConnectionTest : public testing::Test {
  SQLConnectionTest() {}

  void SetUp() {
    ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &path_));
    path_ = path_.AppendASCII("SQLConnectionTest.db");
    file_util::Delete(path_, false);

  void TearDown() {

    // If this fails something is going on with cleanup and later tests may
    // fail, so we want to identify problems right away.
    ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::Delete(path_, false));

  sql::Connection& db() { return db_; }

  FilePath path_;
  sql::Connection db_;

TEST_F(SQLConnectionTest, Execute) {
  // Valid statement should return true.
  ASSERT_TRUE(db().Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)"));
  EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_OK, db().GetErrorCode());

  // Invalid statement should fail.
  ASSERT_FALSE(db().Execute("CREATE TAB foo (a, b"));
  EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, db().GetErrorCode());

TEST_F(SQLConnectionTest, CachedStatement) {
  sql::StatementID id1("foo", 12);

  ASSERT_TRUE(db().Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)"));
  ASSERT_TRUE(db().Execute("INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (12, 13)"));

  // Create a new cached statement.
    sql::Statement s(db().GetCachedStatement(id1, "SELECT a FROM foo"));
    ASSERT_FALSE(!s);  // Test ! operator for validity.

    EXPECT_EQ(12, s.ColumnInt(0));

  // The statement should be cached still.

    // Get the same statement using different SQL. This should ignore our
    // SQL and use the cached one (so it will be valid).
    sql::Statement s(db().GetCachedStatement(id1, "something invalid("));
    ASSERT_FALSE(!s);  // Test ! operator for validity.

    EXPECT_EQ(12, s.ColumnInt(0));

  // Make sure other statements aren't marked as cached.

TEST_F(SQLConnectionTest, DoesStuffExist) {
  // Test DoesTableExist.
  ASSERT_TRUE(db().Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)"));

  // Should be case sensitive.

  // Test DoesColumnExist.
  EXPECT_FALSE(db().DoesColumnExist("foo", "bar"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(db().DoesColumnExist("foo", "a"));

  // Testing for a column on a nonexistant table.
  EXPECT_FALSE(db().DoesColumnExist("bar", "b"));

TEST_F(SQLConnectionTest, GetLastInsertRowId) {
  ASSERT_TRUE(db().Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"));

  ASSERT_TRUE(db().Execute("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (12)"));

  // Last insert row ID should be valid.
  int64 row = db().GetLastInsertRowId();
  EXPECT_LT(0, row);

  // It should be the primary key of the row we just inserted.
  sql::Statement s(db().GetUniqueStatement("SELECT value FROM foo WHERE id=?"));
  s.BindInt64(0, row);
  EXPECT_EQ(12, s.ColumnInt(0));