// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include "ash/display/display_info.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "ui/gfx/display.h" #include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/size_f.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h" #include "ui/gfx/win/dpi.h" #endif namespace ash { namespace { // TODO(oshima): This feature is obsolete. Remove this after m38. bool allow_upgrade_to_high_dpi = false; bool use_125_dsf_for_ui_scaling = false; // Check the content of |spec| and fill |bounds| and |device_scale_factor|. // Returns true when |bounds| is found. bool GetDisplayBounds( const std::string& spec, gfx::Rect* bounds, float* device_scale_factor) { int width = 0; int height = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; if (sscanf(spec.c_str(), "%dx%d*%f", &width, &height, device_scale_factor) >= 2 || sscanf(spec.c_str(), "%d+%d-%dx%d*%f", &x, &y, &width, &height, device_scale_factor) >= 4) { bounds->SetRect(x, y, width, height); return true; } return false; } } DisplayMode::DisplayMode() : refresh_rate(0.0f), interlaced(false), native(false), ui_scale(1.0f), device_scale_factor(1.0f) {} DisplayMode::DisplayMode(const gfx::Size& size, float refresh_rate, bool interlaced, bool native) : size(size), refresh_rate(refresh_rate), interlaced(interlaced), native(native), ui_scale(1.0f), device_scale_factor(1.0f) {} gfx::Size DisplayMode::GetSizeInDIP() const { gfx::SizeF size_dip(size); size_dip.Scale(ui_scale); size_dip.Scale(1.0f / device_scale_factor); return gfx::ToFlooredSize(size_dip); } bool DisplayMode::IsEquivalent(const DisplayMode& other) const { const float kEpsilon = 0.0001f; return size == other.size && std::abs(ui_scale - other.ui_scale) < kEpsilon && std::abs(device_scale_factor - other.device_scale_factor) < kEpsilon; } // satic DisplayInfo DisplayInfo::CreateFromSpec(const std::string& spec) { return CreateFromSpecWithID(spec, gfx::Display::kInvalidDisplayID); } // static void DisplayInfo::SetAllowUpgradeToHighDPI(bool enable) { allow_upgrade_to_high_dpi = enable; } // static void DisplayInfo::SetUse125DSFForUIScaling(bool enable) { use_125_dsf_for_ui_scaling = enable; } // static DisplayInfo DisplayInfo::CreateFromSpecWithID(const std::string& spec, int64 id) { // Default bounds for a display. const int kDefaultHostWindowX = 200; const int kDefaultHostWindowY = 200; const int kDefaultHostWindowWidth = 1366; const int kDefaultHostWindowHeight = 768; // Use larger than max int to catch overflow early. static int64 synthesized_display_id = 2200000000LL; #if defined(OS_WIN) gfx::Rect bounds_in_native(aura::WindowTreeHost::GetNativeScreenSize()); #else gfx::Rect bounds_in_native(kDefaultHostWindowX, kDefaultHostWindowY, kDefaultHostWindowWidth, kDefaultHostWindowHeight); #endif std::string main_spec = spec; float ui_scale = 1.0f; std::vector parts; if (Tokenize(main_spec, "@", &parts) == 2) { double scale_in_double = 0; if (base::StringToDouble(parts[1], &scale_in_double)) ui_scale = scale_in_double; main_spec = parts[0]; } size_t count = Tokenize(main_spec, "/", &parts); gfx::Display::Rotation rotation(gfx::Display::ROTATE_0); bool has_overscan = false; if (count) { main_spec = parts[0]; if (count >= 2) { std::string options = parts[1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i) { char c = options[i]; switch (c) { case 'o': has_overscan = true; break; case 'r': // rotate 90 degrees to 'right'. rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_90; break; case 'u': // 180 degrees, 'u'pside-down. rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_180; break; case 'l': // rotate 90 degrees to 'left'. rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_270; break; } } } } float device_scale_factor = 1.0f; if (!GetDisplayBounds(main_spec, &bounds_in_native, &device_scale_factor)) { #if defined(OS_WIN) if (gfx::IsHighDPIEnabled()) { device_scale_factor = gfx::GetDPIScale(); } #endif } std::vector display_modes; if (Tokenize(main_spec, "#", &parts) == 2) { size_t native_mode = 0; int largest_area = -1; float highest_refresh_rate = -1.0f; main_spec = parts[0]; std::string resolution_list = parts[1]; count = Tokenize(resolution_list, "|", &parts); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { DisplayMode mode; gfx::Rect mode_bounds; std::vector resolution; Tokenize(parts[i], "%", &resolution); if (GetDisplayBounds( resolution[0], &mode_bounds, &mode.device_scale_factor)) { mode.size = mode_bounds.size(); if (resolution.size() > 1) sscanf(resolution[1].c_str(), "%f", &mode.refresh_rate); if (mode.size.GetArea() >= largest_area && mode.refresh_rate > highest_refresh_rate) { // Use mode with largest area and highest refresh rate as native. largest_area = mode.size.GetArea(); highest_refresh_rate = mode.refresh_rate; native_mode = i; } display_modes.push_back(mode); } } display_modes[native_mode].native = true; } if (id == gfx::Display::kInvalidDisplayID) id = synthesized_display_id++; DisplayInfo display_info( id, base::StringPrintf("Display-%d", static_cast(id)), has_overscan); display_info.set_device_scale_factor(device_scale_factor); display_info.set_rotation(rotation); display_info.set_configured_ui_scale(ui_scale); display_info.SetBounds(bounds_in_native); display_info.set_display_modes(display_modes); // To test the overscan, it creates the default 5% overscan. if (has_overscan) { int width = bounds_in_native.width() / device_scale_factor / 40; int height = bounds_in_native.height() / device_scale_factor / 40; display_info.SetOverscanInsets(gfx::Insets(height, width, height, width)); display_info.UpdateDisplaySize(); } DVLOG(1) << "DisplayInfoFromSpec info=" << display_info.ToString() << ", spec=" << spec; return display_info; } DisplayInfo::DisplayInfo() : id_(gfx::Display::kInvalidDisplayID), has_overscan_(false), rotation_(gfx::Display::ROTATE_0), touch_support_(gfx::Display::TOUCH_SUPPORT_UNKNOWN), touch_device_id_(0), device_scale_factor_(1.0f), overscan_insets_in_dip_(0, 0, 0, 0), configured_ui_scale_(1.0f), native_(false), is_aspect_preserving_scaling_(false), color_profile_(ui::COLOR_PROFILE_STANDARD) { } DisplayInfo::DisplayInfo(int64 id, const std::string& name, bool has_overscan) : id_(id), name_(name), has_overscan_(has_overscan), rotation_(gfx::Display::ROTATE_0), touch_support_(gfx::Display::TOUCH_SUPPORT_UNKNOWN), touch_device_id_(0), device_scale_factor_(1.0f), overscan_insets_in_dip_(0, 0, 0, 0), configured_ui_scale_(1.0f), native_(false), color_profile_(ui::COLOR_PROFILE_STANDARD) { } DisplayInfo::~DisplayInfo() { } void DisplayInfo::Copy(const DisplayInfo& native_info) { DCHECK(id_ == native_info.id_); name_ = native_info.name_; has_overscan_ = native_info.has_overscan_; DCHECK(!native_info.bounds_in_native_.IsEmpty()); bounds_in_native_ = native_info.bounds_in_native_; size_in_pixel_ = native_info.size_in_pixel_; device_scale_factor_ = native_info.device_scale_factor_; display_modes_ = native_info.display_modes_; touch_support_ = native_info.touch_support_; touch_device_id_ = native_info.touch_device_id_; // Copy overscan_insets_in_dip_ if it's not empty. This is for test // cases which use "/o" annotation which sets the overscan inset // to native, and that overscan has to be propagated. This does not // happen on the real environment. if (!native_info.overscan_insets_in_dip_.empty()) overscan_insets_in_dip_ = native_info.overscan_insets_in_dip_; // Rotation_ and ui_scale_ color_profile_ are given by preference, // or unit tests. Don't copy if this native_info came from // DisplayChangeObserver. if (!native_info.native()) { rotation_ = native_info.rotation_; configured_ui_scale_ = native_info.configured_ui_scale_; color_profile_ = native_info.color_profile(); } available_color_profiles_ = native_info.available_color_profiles(); // Don't copy insets as it may be given by preference. |rotation_| // is treated as a native so that it can be specified in // |CreateFromSpec|. } void DisplayInfo::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds_in_native) { bounds_in_native_ = new_bounds_in_native; size_in_pixel_ = new_bounds_in_native.size(); UpdateDisplaySize(); } float DisplayInfo::GetEffectiveDeviceScaleFactor() const { if (use_125_dsf_for_ui_scaling && device_scale_factor_ == 1.25f) return (configured_ui_scale_ == 0.8f) ? 1.25f : 1.0f; if (allow_upgrade_to_high_dpi && configured_ui_scale_ < 1.0f && device_scale_factor_ == 1.0f) { return 2.0f; } else if (device_scale_factor_ == configured_ui_scale_) { return 1.0f; } return device_scale_factor_; } float DisplayInfo::GetEffectiveUIScale() const { if (use_125_dsf_for_ui_scaling && device_scale_factor_ == 1.25f) return (configured_ui_scale_ == 0.8f) ? 1.0f : configured_ui_scale_; if (allow_upgrade_to_high_dpi && configured_ui_scale_ < 1.0f && device_scale_factor_ == 1.0f) { return configured_ui_scale_ * 2.0f; } else if (device_scale_factor_ == configured_ui_scale_) { return 1.0f; } return configured_ui_scale_; } void DisplayInfo::UpdateDisplaySize() { size_in_pixel_ = bounds_in_native_.size(); if (!overscan_insets_in_dip_.empty()) { gfx::Insets insets_in_pixel = overscan_insets_in_dip_.Scale(device_scale_factor_); size_in_pixel_.Enlarge(-insets_in_pixel.width(), -insets_in_pixel.height()); } else { overscan_insets_in_dip_.Set(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (rotation_ == gfx::Display::ROTATE_90 || rotation_ == gfx::Display::ROTATE_270) size_in_pixel_.SetSize(size_in_pixel_.height(), size_in_pixel_.width()); gfx::SizeF size_f(size_in_pixel_); size_f.Scale(GetEffectiveUIScale()); size_in_pixel_ = gfx::ToFlooredSize(size_f); } void DisplayInfo::SetOverscanInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets_in_dip) { overscan_insets_in_dip_ = insets_in_dip; } gfx::Insets DisplayInfo::GetOverscanInsetsInPixel() const { return overscan_insets_in_dip_.Scale(device_scale_factor_); } gfx::Size DisplayInfo::GetNativeModeSize() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < display_modes_.size(); ++i) { if (display_modes_[i].native) return display_modes_[i].size; } return gfx::Size(); } std::string DisplayInfo::ToString() const { int rotation_degree = static_cast(rotation_) * 90; return base::StringPrintf( "DisplayInfo[%lld] native bounds=%s, size=%s, scale=%f, " "overscan=%s, rotation=%d, ui-scale=%f, touchscreen=%s, " "touch-device-id=%d", static_cast(id_), bounds_in_native_.ToString().c_str(), size_in_pixel_.ToString().c_str(), device_scale_factor_, overscan_insets_in_dip_.ToString().c_str(), rotation_degree, configured_ui_scale_, touch_support_ == gfx::Display::TOUCH_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE ? "yes" : touch_support_ == gfx::Display::TOUCH_SUPPORT_UNAVAILABLE ? "no" : "unknown", touch_device_id_); } std::string DisplayInfo::ToFullString() const { std::string display_modes_str; std::vector::const_iterator iter = display_modes_.begin(); for (; iter != display_modes_.end(); ++iter) { if (!display_modes_str.empty()) display_modes_str += ","; base::StringAppendF(&display_modes_str, "(%dx%d@%f%c%s)", iter->size.width(), iter->size.height(), iter->refresh_rate, iter->interlaced ? 'I' : 'P', iter->native ? "(N)" : ""); } return ToString() + ", display_modes==" + display_modes_str; } void DisplayInfo::SetColorProfile(ui::ColorCalibrationProfile profile) { if (IsColorProfileAvailable(profile)) color_profile_ = profile; } bool DisplayInfo::IsColorProfileAvailable( ui::ColorCalibrationProfile profile) const { return std::find(available_color_profiles_.begin(), available_color_profiles_.end(), profile) != available_color_profiles_.end(); } } // namespace ash