// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/display/display_info.h"
#include "ash/display/display_layout.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display.h"

#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "ui/display/chromeos/display_configurator.h"

namespace aura {
class Window;

namespace chromeos {
class DisplayNotificationsTest;

namespace gfx {
class Display;
class Insets;
class Rect;
class Screen;

namespace ash {
class AcceleratorControllerTest;
class DisplayLayoutStore;
class MouseWarpController;
class ScreenAsh;

typedef std::vector<DisplayInfo> DisplayInfoList;

namespace test {
class AshTestBase;
class DisplayManagerTestApi;
class SystemGestureEventFilterTest;

// DisplayManager maintains the current display configurations,
// and notifies observers when configuration changes.
// TODO(oshima): Make this non internal.
class ASH_EXPORT DisplayManager
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    : public ui::DisplayConfigurator::SoftwareMirroringController
  class ASH_EXPORT Delegate {
    virtual ~Delegate() {}

    // Create or updates the mirroring window with |display_info_list|.
    virtual void CreateOrUpdateMirroringDisplay(
        const DisplayInfoList& display_info_list) = 0;

    // Closes the mirror window if not necessary.
    virtual void CloseMirroringDisplayIfNotNecessary() = 0;

    // Called before and after the display configuration changes.
    // When |clear_focus| is true, the implementation should
    // deactivate the active window and set the focus window to NULL.
    virtual void PreDisplayConfigurationChange(bool clear_focus) = 0;
    virtual void PostDisplayConfigurationChange() = 0;

  // How the second display will be used.
  // 1) EXTENDED mode extends the desktop to the second dislpay.
  // 2) MIRRORING mode copies the content of the primary display to
  //    the 2nd display. (Software Mirroring).
  // 3) UNIFIED mode creates single desktop across multiple displays.
  enum MultiDisplayMode {
    EXTENDED = 0,

  // The display ID for a virtual display assigned to a unified desktop.
  static int64_t kUnifiedDisplayId;

#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
  ~DisplayManager() override;
  virtual ~DisplayManager();

  DisplayLayoutStore* layout_store() {
    return layout_store_.get();

  void set_delegate(Delegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }

  // When set to true, the DisplayManager calls OnDisplayMetricsChanged
  // even if the display's bounds didn't change. Used to swap primary
  // display.
  void set_force_bounds_changed(bool force_bounds_changed) {
    force_bounds_changed_ = force_bounds_changed;

  // Returns the display id of the first display in the outupt list.
  int64_t first_display_id() const { return first_display_id_; }

  // Initializes displays using command line flag. Returns false
  // if no command line flag was provided.
  bool InitFromCommandLine();

  // Initialize default display.
  void InitDefaultDisplay();

  // Initializes font related params that depends on display
  // configuration.
  void RefreshFontParams();

  // Returns the display layout used for current displays.
  const DisplayLayout& GetCurrentDisplayLayout() const;

  // Returns the current display list.
  DisplayIdList GetCurrentDisplayIdList() const;

  // Sets the layout for the current display pair. The |layout| specifies
  // the locaion of the displays relative to their parents.
  void SetLayoutForCurrentDisplays(scoped_ptr<DisplayLayout> layout);

  // Returns display for given |id|;
  const gfx::Display& GetDisplayForId(int64_t id) const;

  // Finds the display that contains |point| in screeen coordinates.
  // Returns invalid display if there is no display that can satisfy
  // the condition.
  const gfx::Display& FindDisplayContainingPoint(
      const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) const;

  // Sets the work area's |insets| to the display given by |display_id|.
  bool UpdateWorkAreaOfDisplay(int64_t display_id, const gfx::Insets& insets);

  // Registers the overscan insets for the display of the specified ID. Note
  // that the insets size should be specified in DIP size. It also triggers the
  // display's bounds change.
  void SetOverscanInsets(int64_t display_id, const gfx::Insets& insets_in_dip);

  // Sets the display's rotation for the given |source|. The new |rotation| will
  // also become active.
  void SetDisplayRotation(int64_t display_id,
                          gfx::Display::Rotation rotation,
                          gfx::Display::RotationSource source);

  // Sets the external display's configuration, including resolution change,
  // ui-scale change, and device scale factor change. Returns true if it changes
  // the display resolution so that the caller needs to show a notification in
  // case the new resolution actually doesn't work.
  bool SetDisplayMode(int64_t display_id, const DisplayMode& display_mode);

  // Register per display properties. |overscan_insets| is NULL if
  // the display has no custom overscan insets.
  void RegisterDisplayProperty(int64_t display_id,
                               gfx::Display::Rotation rotation,
                               float ui_scale,
                               const gfx::Insets* overscan_insets,
                               const gfx::Size& resolution_in_pixels,
                               float device_scale_factor,
                               ui::ColorCalibrationProfile color_profile);

  // Register stored rotation properties for the internal display.
  void RegisterDisplayRotationProperties(bool rotation_lock,
                                         gfx::Display::Rotation rotation);

  // Returns the stored rotation lock preference if it has been loaded,
  // otherwise false.
  bool registered_internal_display_rotation_lock() const {
    return registered_internal_display_rotation_lock_;

  // Returns the stored rotation preference for the internal display if it has
  // been loaded, otherwise |gfx::Display::Rotate_0|.
  gfx::Display::Rotation registered_internal_display_rotation() const {
    return registered_internal_display_rotation_;

  // Returns the display mode of |display_id| which is currently used.
  DisplayMode GetActiveModeForDisplayId(int64_t display_id) const;

  // Returns the display's selected mode. This returns false and doesn't
  // set |mode_out| if the display mode is in default.
  bool GetSelectedModeForDisplayId(int64_t display_id,
                                   DisplayMode* mode_out) const;

  // Tells if the virtual resolution feature is enabled.
  bool IsDisplayUIScalingEnabled() const;

  // Returns the current overscan insets for the specified |display_id|.
  // Returns an empty insets (0, 0, 0, 0) if no insets are specified for
  // the display.
  gfx::Insets GetOverscanInsets(int64_t display_id) const;

  // Sets the color calibration of the display to |profile|.
  void SetColorCalibrationProfile(int64_t display_id,
                                  ui::ColorCalibrationProfile profile);

  // Called when display configuration has changed. The new display
  // configurations is passed as a vector of Display object, which
  // contains each display's new infomration.
  void OnNativeDisplaysChanged(
      const std::vector<DisplayInfo>& display_info_list);

  // Updates the internal display data and notifies observers about the changes.
  void UpdateDisplaysWith(const std::vector<DisplayInfo>& display_info_list);

  // Updates current displays using current |display_info_|.
  void UpdateDisplays();

  // Returns the display at |index|. The display at 0 is
  // no longer considered "primary".
  const gfx::Display& GetDisplayAt(size_t index) const;

  const gfx::Display& GetPrimaryDisplayCandidate() const;

  // Returns the logical number of displays. This returns 1
  // when displays are mirrored.
  size_t GetNumDisplays() const;

  const DisplayList& active_display_list() const {
    return active_display_list_;

  // Returns true if the display specified by |display_id| is currently
  // connected and active. (mirroring display isn't active, for example).
  bool IsActiveDisplayId(int64_t display_id) const;

  // Returns the number of connected displays. This returns 2
  // when displays are mirrored.
  size_t num_connected_displays() const { return num_connected_displays_; }

  // Returns the mirroring status.
  bool IsInMirrorMode() const;
  int64_t mirroring_display_id() const { return mirroring_display_id_; }
  const DisplayList& software_mirroring_display_list() const {
    return software_mirroring_display_list_;

  // Sets/gets if the unified desktop feature is enabled.
  void SetUnifiedDesktopEnabled(bool enabled);
  bool unified_desktop_enabled() const { return unified_desktop_enabled_; }

  // Returns true if it's in unified desktop mode.
  bool IsInUnifiedMode() const;

  // Returns the display used for software mirrroring. Returns invalid
  // display if not found.
  const gfx::Display GetMirroringDisplayById(int64_t id) const;

  // Retuns the display info associated with |display_id|.
  const DisplayInfo& GetDisplayInfo(int64_t display_id) const;

  // Returns the human-readable name for the display |id|.
  std::string GetDisplayNameForId(int64_t id);

  // Returns the display id that is capable of UI scaling. On device,
  // this returns internal display's ID if its device scale factor is 2,
  // or invalid ID if such internal display doesn't exist. On linux
  // desktop, this returns the first display ID.
  int64_t GetDisplayIdForUIScaling() const;

  // Change the mirror mode.
  void SetMirrorMode(bool mirrored);

  // Used to emulate display change when run in a desktop environment instead
  // of on a device.
  void AddRemoveDisplay();
  void ToggleDisplayScaleFactor();

  // SoftwareMirroringController override:
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
  void SetSoftwareMirroring(bool enabled) override;
  bool SoftwareMirroringEnabled() const override;

  // Sets/gets default multi display mode.
  void SetDefaultMultiDisplayModeForCurrentDisplays(MultiDisplayMode mode);
  MultiDisplayMode current_default_multi_display_mode() const {
    return current_default_multi_display_mode_;

  // Sets multi display mode.
  void SetMultiDisplayMode(MultiDisplayMode mode);

  // Reconfigure display configuration using the same
  // physical display. TODO(oshima): Refactor and move this
  // impl to |SetDefaultMultiDisplayMode|.
  void ReconfigureDisplays();

  // Update the bounds of the display given by |display_id|.
  bool UpdateDisplayBounds(int64_t display_id, const gfx::Rect& new_bounds);

  // Creates mirror window asynchronously if the software mirror mode
  // is enabled.
  void CreateMirrorWindowAsyncIfAny();

  // Creates a MouseWarpController for the current display
  // configuration. |drag_source| is the window where dragging
  // started, or nullptr otherwise.
  scoped_ptr<MouseWarpController> CreateMouseWarpController(
      aura::Window* drag_source) const;

  // Create a screen instance to be used during shutdown.
  void CreateScreenForShutdown() const;

  // A unit test may change the internal display id (which never happens on
  // a real device). This will update the mode list for internal display
  // for this test scenario.
  void UpdateInternalDisplayModeListForTest();

  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtendedDesktopTest, ConvertPoint);
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DisplayManagerTest, TestNativeDisplaysChanged);
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DisplayManagerTest, AutomaticOverscanInsets);
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DisplayManagerTest, Rotate);
  friend class AcceleratorControllerTest;
  friend class DisplayManagerTest;
  friend class chromeos::DisplayNotificationsTest;
  friend class test::AshTestBase;
  friend class test::DisplayManagerTestApi;
  friend class test::SystemGestureEventFilterTest;

  typedef std::vector<DisplayInfo> DisplayInfoList;

  bool software_mirroring_enabled() const {
    return multi_display_mode_ == MIRRORING;

  void set_change_display_upon_host_resize(bool value) {
    change_display_upon_host_resize_ = value;

  // Creates software mirroring display related information. The display
  // used to mirror the content is removed from the |display_info_list|.
  void CreateSoftwareMirroringDisplayInfo(DisplayInfoList* display_info_list);

  gfx::Display* FindDisplayForId(int64_t id);

  // Add the mirror display's display info if the software based
  // mirroring is in use.
  void AddMirrorDisplayInfoIfAny(DisplayInfoList* display_info_list);

  // Inserts and update the DisplayInfo according to the overscan
  // state. Note that The DisplayInfo stored in the |internal_display_info_|
  // can be different from |new_info| (due to overscan state), so
  // you must use |GetDisplayInfo| to get the correct DisplayInfo for
  // a display.
  void InsertAndUpdateDisplayInfo(const DisplayInfo& new_info);

  // Called when the display info is updated through InsertAndUpdateDisplayInfo.
  void OnDisplayInfoUpdated(const DisplayInfo& display_info);

  // Creates a display object from the DisplayInfo for |display_id|.
  gfx::Display CreateDisplayFromDisplayInfoById(int64_t display_id);

  // Creates a display object from the DisplayInfo for |display_id| for
  // mirroring. The size of the display will be scaled using |scale|
  // with the offset using |origin|.
  gfx::Display CreateMirroringDisplayFromDisplayInfoById(
      int64_t display_id,
      const gfx::Point& origin,
      float scale);

  // Updates the bounds of all non-primary displays in |display_list| and
  // append the indices of displays updated to |updated_indices|.
  // When the size of |display_list| equals 2, the bounds are updated using
  // the layout registered for the display pair. For more than 2 displays,
  // the bounds are updated using horizontal layout.
  void UpdateNonPrimaryDisplayBoundsForLayout(
      DisplayList* display_list,
      std::vector<size_t>* updated_indices);

  void CreateMirrorWindowIfAny();

  void RunPendingTasksForTest();

  // Applies the |layout| and updates the bounds of displays in |display_list|.
  // |updated_ids| contains the ids for displays whose bounds have changed.
  void ApplyDisplayLayout(const DisplayLayout& layout,
                          DisplayList* display_list,
                          std::vector<int64_t>* updated_ids);

  // Apply the display placement to the display layout.
  // Returns true if the display bounds has been updated.
  bool ApplyDisplayPlacement(const DisplayPlacement& placement,
                             DisplayList* display_list);

  Delegate* delegate_;  // not owned.

  scoped_ptr<ScreenAsh> screen_;

  scoped_ptr<DisplayLayoutStore> layout_store_;

  int64_t first_display_id_;

  // List of current active displays.
  DisplayList active_display_list_;

  int num_connected_displays_;

  bool force_bounds_changed_;

  // The mapping from the display ID to its internal data.
  std::map<int64_t, DisplayInfo> display_info_;

  // Selected display modes for displays. Key is the displays' ID.
  std::map<int64_t, DisplayMode> display_modes_;

  // When set to true, the host window's resize event updates
  // the display's size. This is set to true when running on
  // desktop environment (for debugging) so that resizing the host
  // window will update the display properly. This is set to false
  // on device as well as during the unit tests.
  bool change_display_upon_host_resize_;

  MultiDisplayMode multi_display_mode_;
  MultiDisplayMode current_default_multi_display_mode_;

  int64_t mirroring_display_id_;
  DisplayList software_mirroring_display_list_;

  // User preference for rotation lock of the internal display.
  bool registered_internal_display_rotation_lock_;

  // User preference for the rotation of the internal display.
  gfx::Display::Rotation registered_internal_display_rotation_;

  bool unified_desktop_enabled_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<DisplayManager> weak_ptr_factory_;


}  // namespace ash