// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ash/magnifier/magnification_controller.h" #include "ash/shell.h" #include "ash/shell_delegate.h" #include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_delegate.h" #include "ui/aura/client/cursor_client.h" #include "ui/aura/root_window.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #include "ui/aura/window_property.h" #include "ui/base/events/event.h" #include "ui/base/events/event_handler.h" #include "ui/compositor/dip_util.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_observer.h" #include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h" #include "ui/gfx/point_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/point_f.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/views/corewm/compound_event_filter.h" namespace { const float kMaxMagnifiedScale = 4.0f; const float kMaxMagnifiedScaleThreshold = 4.0f; const float kMinMagnifiedScaleThreshold = 1.1f; const float kNonMagnifiedScale = 1.0f; const float kInitialMagnifiedScale = 2.0f; const float kScrollScaleChangeFactor = 0.05f; } // namespace namespace ash { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MagnificationControllerImpl: class MagnificationControllerImpl : virtual public MagnificationController, public ui::EventHandler, public ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver { public: MagnificationControllerImpl(); virtual ~MagnificationControllerImpl(); // MagnificationController overrides: virtual void SetEnabled(bool enabled) OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsEnabled() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetScale(float scale, bool animate) OVERRIDE; virtual float GetScale() const OVERRIDE { return scale_; } virtual void MoveWindow(int x, int y, bool animate) OVERRIDE; virtual void MoveWindow(const gfx::Point& point, bool animate) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Point GetWindowPosition() const OVERRIDE { return gfx::ToFlooredPoint(origin_); } virtual void EnsureRectIsVisible(const gfx::Rect& rect, bool animate) OVERRIDE; virtual void EnsurePointIsVisible(const gfx::Point& point, bool animate) OVERRIDE; private: // ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver overrides: virtual void OnImplicitAnimationsCompleted() OVERRIDE; // Redraws the magnification window with the given origin position and the // given scale. Returns true if the window is changed; otherwise, false. // These methods should be called internally just after the scale and/or // the position are changed to redraw the window. bool Redraw(const gfx::PointF& position, float scale, bool animate); bool RedrawDIP(const gfx::PointF& position, float scale, bool animate); // Redraw with the given zoom scale keeping the mouse cursor location. In // other words, zoom (or unzoom) centering around the cursor. void RedrawKeepingMousePosition(float scale, bool animate); // Ensures that the given point, rect or last mouse location is inside // magnification window. If not, the controller moves the window to contain // the given point/rect. void EnsureRectIsVisibleWithScale(const gfx::Rect& target_rect, float scale, bool animate); void EnsureRectIsVisibleDIP(const gfx::Rect& target_rect_in_dip, float scale, bool animate); void EnsurePointIsVisibleWithScale(const gfx::Point& point, float scale, bool animate); void OnMouseMove(const gfx::Point& location); // Move the mouse cursot to the given point. Actual move will be done when // the animation is completed. This should be called after animation is // started. void AfterAnimationMoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& location); // Switch Magnified RootWindow to |new_root_window|. This does following: // - Unzoom the current root_window. // - Zoom the given new root_window |new_root_window|. // - Switch the target window from current window to |new_root_window|. void SwitchTargetRootWindow(aura::RootWindow* new_root_window); // Returns if the magnification scale is 1.0 or not (larger then 1.0). bool IsMagnified() const; // Returns the default scale which depends on the login status. float GetDefaultZoomScale() const { user::LoginStatus login = Shell::GetInstance()->tray_delegate() ? Shell::GetInstance()->tray_delegate()->GetUserLoginStatus() : user::LOGGED_IN_NONE; // On login screen, don't magnify the screen by default. if (login == user::LOGGED_IN_NONE) return kNonMagnifiedScale; return kInitialMagnifiedScale; } // Returns the rect of the magnification window. gfx::RectF GetWindowRectDIP(float scale) const; // Returns the size of the root window. gfx::Size GetHostSizeDIP() const; // Correct the givin scale value if nessesary. void ValidateScale(float* scale); // ui::EventHandler overrides: virtual ui::EventResult OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) OVERRIDE; virtual ui::EventResult OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) OVERRIDE; aura::RootWindow* root_window_; // True if the magnified window is in motion of zooming or un-zooming effect. // Otherwise, false. bool is_on_zooming_; bool is_enabled_; // True if the cursor needs to move the given position after the animation // will be finished. When using this, set |position_after_animation_| as well. bool move_cursor_after_animation_; // Stores the position of cursor to be moved after animation. gfx::Point position_after_animation_; // Current scale, origin (left-top) position of the magnification window. float scale_; gfx::PointF origin_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MagnificationControllerImpl); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MagnificationControllerImpl: MagnificationControllerImpl::MagnificationControllerImpl() : root_window_(ash::Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow()), is_on_zooming_(false), is_enabled_(false), move_cursor_after_animation_(false), scale_(std::numeric_limits::min()) { Shell::GetInstance()->AddPreTargetHandler(this); } MagnificationControllerImpl::~MagnificationControllerImpl() { Shell::GetInstance()->RemovePreTargetHandler(this); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::RedrawKeepingMousePosition( float scale, bool animate) { gfx::Point mouse_in_root = root_window_->GetLastMouseLocationInRoot(); // mouse_in_root is invalid value when the cursor is hidden. if (!root_window_->bounds().Contains(mouse_in_root)) return; const gfx::PointF origin = gfx::PointF(mouse_in_root.x() - (scale_ / scale) * (mouse_in_root.x() - origin_.x()), mouse_in_root.y() - (scale_ / scale) * (mouse_in_root.y() - origin_.y())); bool changed = Redraw(origin, scale, animate); if (changed) AfterAnimationMoveCursorTo(mouse_in_root); } bool MagnificationControllerImpl::Redraw(const gfx::PointF& position, float scale, bool animate) { const gfx::PointF position_in_dip = ui::ConvertPointToDIP(root_window_->layer(), position); return RedrawDIP(position_in_dip, scale, animate); } bool MagnificationControllerImpl::RedrawDIP(const gfx::PointF& position_in_dip, float scale, bool animate) { float x = position_in_dip.x(); float y = position_in_dip.y(); ValidateScale(&scale); if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; const gfx::Size host_size_in_dip = GetHostSizeDIP(); const gfx::SizeF window_size_in_dip = GetWindowRectDIP(scale).size(); float max_x = host_size_in_dip.width() - window_size_in_dip.width(); float max_y = host_size_in_dip.height() - window_size_in_dip.height(); if (x > max_x) x = max_x; if (y > max_y) y = max_y; // Does nothing if both the origin and the scale are not changed. if (origin_.x() == x && origin_.y() == y && scale == scale_) { return false; } origin_.set_x(x); origin_.set_y(y); scale_ = scale; // Creates transform matrix. gfx::Transform transform; // Flips the signs intentionally to convert them from the position of the // magnification window. transform.Scale(scale_, scale_); transform.Translate(-origin_.x(), -origin_.y()); ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings( root_window_->layer()->GetAnimator()); settings.AddObserver(this); settings.SetPreemptionStrategy( ui::LayerAnimator::IMMEDIATELY_ANIMATE_TO_NEW_TARGET); settings.SetTweenType(ui::Tween::EASE_OUT); settings.SetTransitionDuration( base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(animate ? 100 : 0)); root_window_->layer()->SetTransform(transform); return true; } void MagnificationControllerImpl::EnsureRectIsVisibleWithScale( const gfx::Rect& target_rect, float scale, bool animate) { const gfx::Rect target_rect_in_dip = ui::ConvertRectToDIP(root_window_->layer(), target_rect); EnsureRectIsVisibleDIP(target_rect_in_dip, scale, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::EnsureRectIsVisibleDIP( const gfx::Rect& target_rect, float scale, bool animate) { ValidateScale(&scale); const gfx::Rect window_rect = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(GetWindowRectDIP(scale)); if (scale == scale_ && window_rect.Contains(target_rect)) return; // TODO(yoshiki): Un-zoom and change the scale if the magnification window // can't contain the whole given rect. gfx::Rect rect = window_rect; if (target_rect.width() > rect.width()) rect.set_x(target_rect.CenterPoint().x() - rect.x() / 2); else if (target_rect.right() < rect.x()) rect.set_x(target_rect.right()); else if (rect.right() < target_rect.x()) rect.set_x(target_rect.x() - rect.width()); if (rect.height() > window_rect.height()) rect.set_y(target_rect.CenterPoint().y() - rect.y() / 2); else if (target_rect.bottom() < rect.y()) rect.set_y(target_rect.bottom()); else if (rect.bottom() < target_rect.y()) rect.set_y(target_rect.y() - rect.height()); RedrawDIP(rect.origin(), scale, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::EnsurePointIsVisibleWithScale( const gfx::Point& point, float scale, bool animate) { EnsureRectIsVisibleWithScale(gfx::Rect(point, gfx::Size(0, 0)), scale, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::OnMouseMove(const gfx::Point& location) { gfx::Point mouse(location); int x = origin_.x(); int y = origin_.y(); bool start_zoom = false; const gfx::Rect window_rect = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(GetWindowRectDIP(scale_)); const int left = window_rect.x(); const int right = window_rect.right(); const int width_margin = static_cast(0.1f * window_rect.width()); const int width_offset = static_cast(0.5f * window_rect.width()); if (mouse.x() < left + width_margin) { x -= width_offset; start_zoom = true; } else if (right - width_margin < mouse.x()) { x += width_offset; start_zoom = true; } const int top = window_rect.y(); const int bottom = window_rect.bottom(); // Uses same margin with x-axis's one. const int height_margin = width_margin; const int height_offset = static_cast(0.5f * window_rect.height()); if (mouse.y() < top + height_margin) { y -= height_offset; start_zoom = true; } else if (bottom - height_margin < mouse.y()) { y += height_offset; start_zoom = true; } if (start_zoom && !is_on_zooming_) { bool ret = RedrawDIP(gfx::Point(x, y), scale_, true); if (ret) { is_on_zooming_ = true; int x_diff = origin_.x() - window_rect.x(); int y_diff = origin_.y() - window_rect.y(); // If the magnified region is moved, hides the mouse cursor and moves it. if (x_diff != 0 || y_diff != 0) AfterAnimationMoveCursorTo(mouse); } } } void MagnificationControllerImpl::AfterAnimationMoveCursorTo( const gfx::Point& location) { aura::client::CursorClient* cursor_client = aura::client::GetCursorClient(root_window_); if (cursor_client) cursor_client->ShowCursor(false); move_cursor_after_animation_ = true; position_after_animation_ = location; } gfx::Size MagnificationControllerImpl::GetHostSizeDIP() const { return ui::ConvertSizeToDIP(root_window_->layer(), root_window_->GetHostSize()); } gfx::RectF MagnificationControllerImpl::GetWindowRectDIP(float scale) const { const gfx::Size size_in_dip = ui::ConvertSizeToDIP(root_window_->layer(), root_window_->GetHostSize()); const float width = size_in_dip.width() / scale; const float height = size_in_dip.height() / scale; return gfx::RectF(origin_.x(), origin_.y(), width, height); } bool MagnificationControllerImpl::IsMagnified() const { return scale_ >= kMinMagnifiedScaleThreshold; } void MagnificationControllerImpl::ValidateScale(float* scale) { // Adjust the scale to just |kNonMagnifiedScale| if scale is smaller than // |kMinMagnifiedScaleThreshold|; if (*scale < kMinMagnifiedScaleThreshold) *scale = kNonMagnifiedScale; // Adjust the scale to just |kMinMagnifiedScale| if scale is bigger than // |kMinMagnifiedScaleThreshold|; if (*scale > kMaxMagnifiedScaleThreshold) *scale = kMaxMagnifiedScale; DCHECK(kNonMagnifiedScale <= *scale && *scale <= kMaxMagnifiedScale); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::OnImplicitAnimationsCompleted() { if (!is_on_zooming_) return; if (move_cursor_after_animation_) { root_window_->MoveCursorTo(position_after_animation_); move_cursor_after_animation_ = false; } aura::client::CursorClient* cursor_client = aura::client::GetCursorClient(root_window_); if (cursor_client) cursor_client->ShowCursor(true); is_on_zooming_ = false; } void MagnificationControllerImpl::SwitchTargetRootWindow( aura::RootWindow* new_root_window) { if (new_root_window == root_window_) return; float scale = GetScale(); RedrawKeepingMousePosition(1.0f, true); root_window_ = new_root_window; RedrawKeepingMousePosition(scale, true); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MagnificationControllerImpl: MagnificationController implementation void MagnificationControllerImpl::SetScale(float scale, bool animate) { if (!is_enabled_) return; ValidateScale(&scale); ash::Shell::GetInstance()->delegate()->SaveScreenMagnifierScale(scale); RedrawKeepingMousePosition(scale, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::MoveWindow(int x, int y, bool animate) { if (!is_enabled_) return; Redraw(gfx::Point(x, y), scale_, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::MoveWindow(const gfx::Point& point, bool animate) { if (!is_enabled_) return; Redraw(point, scale_, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::EnsureRectIsVisible( const gfx::Rect& target_rect, bool animate) { if (!is_enabled_) return; EnsureRectIsVisibleWithScale(target_rect, scale_, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::EnsurePointIsVisible( const gfx::Point& point, bool animate) { if (!is_enabled_) return; EnsurePointIsVisibleWithScale(point, scale_, animate); } void MagnificationControllerImpl::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { float scale = ash::Shell::GetInstance()->delegate()->GetSavedScreenMagnifierScale(); if (scale <= 0.0f) scale = GetDefaultZoomScale(); ValidateScale(&scale); RedrawKeepingMousePosition(scale, true); is_enabled_ = enabled; } else { RedrawKeepingMousePosition(kNonMagnifiedScale, true); is_enabled_ = enabled; } } bool MagnificationControllerImpl::IsEnabled() const { return is_enabled_; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MagnificationControllerImpl: aura::EventFilter implementation ui::EventResult MagnificationControllerImpl::OnMouseEvent( ui::MouseEvent* event) { if (IsMagnified() && event->type() == ui::ET_MOUSE_MOVED) { aura::Window* target = static_cast(event->target()); aura::RootWindow* current_root = target->GetRootWindow(); gfx::Rect root_bounds = current_root->bounds(); if (root_bounds.Contains(event->root_location())) { if (current_root != root_window_) SwitchTargetRootWindow(current_root); OnMouseMove(event->root_location()); } } return ui::ER_UNHANDLED; } ui::EventResult MagnificationControllerImpl::OnScrollEvent( ui::ScrollEvent* event) { if (event->IsAltDown() && event->IsControlDown()) { if (event->type() == ui::ET_SCROLL_FLING_START || event->type() == ui::ET_SCROLL_FLING_CANCEL) { return ui::ER_CONSUMED; } if (event->type() == ui::ET_SCROLL) { ui::ScrollEvent* scroll_event = static_cast(event); float scale = GetScale(); scale += scroll_event->y_offset() * kScrollScaleChangeFactor; SetScale(scale, true); return ui::ER_CONSUMED; } } return ui::ER_UNHANDLED; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MagnificationController: // static MagnificationController* MagnificationController::CreateInstance() { return new MagnificationControllerImpl(); } } // namespace ash