// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ash/shelf/shelf_view.h" #include #include "ash/ash_constants.h" #include "ash/ash_switches.h" #include "ash/drag_drop/drag_image_view.h" #include "ash/launcher/launcher_delegate.h" #include "ash/root_window_controller.h" #include "ash/scoped_target_root_window.h" #include "ash/shelf/alternate_app_list_button.h" #include "ash/shelf/app_list_button.h" #include "ash/shelf/overflow_bubble.h" #include "ash/shelf/overflow_bubble_view.h" #include "ash/shelf/overflow_button.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_button.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_icon_observer.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_item_delegate.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_item_delegate_manager.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_layout_manager.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_menu_model.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_model.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_tooltip_manager.h" #include "ash/shelf/shelf_widget.h" #include "ash/shell_delegate.h" #include "ash/wm/coordinate_conversion.h" #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "grit/ash_resources.h" #include "grit/ash_strings.h" #include "ui/aura/client/screen_position_client.h" #include "ui/aura/root_window.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #include "ui/base/accessibility/accessible_view_state.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h" #include "ui/compositor/scoped_animation_duration_scale_mode.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/views/animation/bounds_animator.h" #include "ui/views/border.h" #include "ui/views/controls/button/image_button.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_model_adapter.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_runner.h" #include "ui/views/focus/focus_search.h" #include "ui/views/view_model.h" #include "ui/views/view_model_utils.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" using gfx::Animation; using views::View; namespace ash { namespace internal { const int SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_BOTTOM = 0; const int SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_LEFT = 1; const int SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_RIGHT = 2; const int SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_COUNT = 3; // Default amount content is inset on the left edge. const int kDefaultLeadingInset = 8; // Minimum distance before drag starts. const int kMinimumDragDistance = 8; // Size between the buttons. const int kButtonSpacing = 4; const int kAlternateButtonSpacing = 10; // Size allocated to for each button. const int kButtonSize = 44; // Additional spacing for the left and right side of icons. const int kHorizontalIconSpacing = 2; // Inset for items which do not have an icon. const int kHorizontalNoIconInsetSpacing = kHorizontalIconSpacing + kDefaultLeadingInset; // The proportion of the launcher space reserved for non-panel icons. Panels // may flow into this space but will be put into the overflow bubble if there // is contention for the space. const float kReservedNonPanelIconProportion = 0.67f; // This is the command id of the menu item which contains the name of the menu. const int kCommandIdOfMenuName = 0; // The background color of the active item in the list. const SkColor kActiveListItemBackgroundColor = SkColorSetRGB(203 , 219, 241); // The background color of the active & hovered item in the list. const SkColor kFocusedActiveListItemBackgroundColor = SkColorSetRGB(193, 211, 236); // The text color of the caption item in a list. const SkColor kCaptionItemForegroundColor = SK_ColorBLACK; // The maximum allowable length of a menu line of an application menu in pixels. const int kMaximumAppMenuItemLength = 350; // The distance of the cursor from the outer rim of the shelf before it // separates. const int kRipOffDistance = 48; // The rip off drag and drop proxy image should get scaled by this factor. const float kDragAndDropProxyScale = 1.5f; namespace { // The MenuModelAdapter gets slightly changed to adapt the menu appearance to // our requirements. class ShelfMenuModelAdapter : public views::MenuModelAdapter { public: explicit ShelfMenuModelAdapter(ShelfMenuModel* menu_model); // views::MenuModelAdapter: virtual const gfx::Font* GetLabelFont(int command_id) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsCommandEnabled(int id) const OVERRIDE; virtual void GetHorizontalIconMargins(int id, int icon_size, int* left_margin, int* right_margin) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetForegroundColor(int command_id, bool is_hovered, SkColor* override_color) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetBackgroundColor(int command_id, bool is_hovered, SkColor* override_color) const OVERRIDE; virtual int GetMaxWidthForMenu(views::MenuItemView* menu) OVERRIDE; virtual bool ShouldReserveSpaceForSubmenuIndicator() const OVERRIDE; private: ShelfMenuModel* menu_model_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ShelfMenuModelAdapter); }; ShelfMenuModelAdapter::ShelfMenuModelAdapter(ShelfMenuModel* menu_model) : MenuModelAdapter(menu_model), menu_model_(menu_model) { } const gfx::Font* ShelfMenuModelAdapter::GetLabelFont(int command_id) const { if (command_id != kCommandIdOfMenuName) return MenuModelAdapter::GetLabelFont(command_id); ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); return &rb.GetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::BoldFont); } bool ShelfMenuModelAdapter::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const { return id != kCommandIdOfMenuName; } bool ShelfMenuModelAdapter::GetForegroundColor(int command_id, bool is_hovered, SkColor* override_color) const { if (command_id != kCommandIdOfMenuName) return false; *override_color = kCaptionItemForegroundColor; return true; } bool ShelfMenuModelAdapter::GetBackgroundColor(int command_id, bool is_hovered, SkColor* override_color) const { if (!menu_model_->IsCommandActive(command_id)) return false; *override_color = is_hovered ? kFocusedActiveListItemBackgroundColor : kActiveListItemBackgroundColor; return true; } void ShelfMenuModelAdapter::GetHorizontalIconMargins(int command_id, int icon_size, int* left_margin, int* right_margin) const { *left_margin = kHorizontalIconSpacing; *right_margin = (command_id != kCommandIdOfMenuName) ? kHorizontalIconSpacing : -(icon_size + kHorizontalNoIconInsetSpacing); } int ShelfMenuModelAdapter::GetMaxWidthForMenu(views::MenuItemView* menu) { return kMaximumAppMenuItemLength; } bool ShelfMenuModelAdapter::ShouldReserveSpaceForSubmenuIndicator() const { return false; } // Custom FocusSearch used to navigate the launcher in the order items are in // the ViewModel. class LauncherFocusSearch : public views::FocusSearch { public: explicit LauncherFocusSearch(views::ViewModel* view_model) : FocusSearch(NULL, true, true), view_model_(view_model) {} virtual ~LauncherFocusSearch() {} // views::FocusSearch overrides: virtual View* FindNextFocusableView( View* starting_view, bool reverse, Direction direction, bool check_starting_view, views::FocusTraversable** focus_traversable, View** focus_traversable_view) OVERRIDE { int index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(starting_view); if (index == -1) return view_model_->view_at(0); if (reverse) { --index; if (index < 0) index = view_model_->view_size() - 1; } else { ++index; if (index >= view_model_->view_size()) index = 0; } return view_model_->view_at(index); } private: views::ViewModel* view_model_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LauncherFocusSearch); }; // AnimationDelegate used when inserting a new item. This steadily increases the // opacity of the layer as the animation progress. class FadeInAnimationDelegate : public views::BoundsAnimator::OwnedAnimationDelegate { public: explicit FadeInAnimationDelegate(views::View* view) : view_(view) {} virtual ~FadeInAnimationDelegate() {} // AnimationDelegate overrides: virtual void AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { view_->layer()->SetOpacity(animation->GetCurrentValue()); view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw(); } virtual void AnimationEnded(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f); view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw(); } virtual void AnimationCanceled(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f); view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw(); } private: views::View* view_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FadeInAnimationDelegate); }; void ReflectItemStatus(const ash::LauncherItem& item, ShelfButton* button) { switch (item.status) { case STATUS_CLOSED: button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_ATTENTION); break; case STATUS_RUNNING: button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->AddState(ShelfButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_ATTENTION); break; case STATUS_ACTIVE: button->AddState(ShelfButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_ATTENTION); break; case STATUS_ATTENTION: button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->AddState(ShelfButton::STATE_ATTENTION); break; } } } // namespace // AnimationDelegate used when deleting an item. This steadily decreased the // opacity of the layer as the animation progress. class ShelfView::FadeOutAnimationDelegate : public views::BoundsAnimator::OwnedAnimationDelegate { public: FadeOutAnimationDelegate(ShelfView* host, views::View* view) : shelf_view_(host), view_(view) {} virtual ~FadeOutAnimationDelegate() {} // AnimationDelegate overrides: virtual void AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1 - animation->GetCurrentValue()); view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw(); } virtual void AnimationEnded(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { shelf_view_->OnFadeOutAnimationEnded(); } virtual void AnimationCanceled(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { } private: ShelfView* shelf_view_; scoped_ptr view_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FadeOutAnimationDelegate); }; // AnimationDelegate used to trigger fading an element in. When an item is // inserted this delegate is attached to the animation that expands the size of // the item. When done it kicks off another animation to fade the item in. class ShelfView::StartFadeAnimationDelegate : public views::BoundsAnimator::OwnedAnimationDelegate { public: StartFadeAnimationDelegate(ShelfView* host, views::View* view) : shelf_view_(host), view_(view) {} virtual ~StartFadeAnimationDelegate() {} // AnimationDelegate overrides: virtual void AnimationEnded(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { shelf_view_->FadeIn(view_); } virtual void AnimationCanceled(const Animation* animation) OVERRIDE { view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f); } private: ShelfView* shelf_view_; views::View* view_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StartFadeAnimationDelegate); }; ShelfView::ShelfView(ShelfModel* model, LauncherDelegate* delegate, ShelfLayoutManager* shelf_layout_manager) : model_(model), delegate_(delegate), view_model_(new views::ViewModel), first_visible_index_(0), last_visible_index_(-1), overflow_button_(NULL), owner_overflow_bubble_(NULL), drag_pointer_(NONE), drag_view_(NULL), drag_offset_(0), start_drag_index_(-1), context_menu_id_(0), leading_inset_(kDefaultLeadingInset), cancelling_drag_model_changed_(false), last_hidden_index_(0), closing_event_time_(base::TimeDelta()), got_deleted_(NULL), drag_and_drop_item_pinned_(false), drag_and_drop_launcher_id_(0), dragged_off_shelf_(false), snap_back_from_rip_off_view_(NULL), item_manager_(Shell::GetInstance()->shelf_item_delegate_manager()), layout_manager_(shelf_layout_manager), overflow_mode_(false) { DCHECK(model_); bounds_animator_.reset(new views::BoundsAnimator(this)); bounds_animator_->AddObserver(this); set_context_menu_controller(this); focus_search_.reset(new LauncherFocusSearch(view_model_.get())); tooltip_.reset(new ShelfTooltipManager(shelf_layout_manager, this)); } ShelfView::~ShelfView() { bounds_animator_->RemoveObserver(this); model_->RemoveObserver(this); // If we are inside the MenuRunner, we need to know if we were getting // deleted while it was running. if (got_deleted_) *got_deleted_ = true; } void ShelfView::Init() { model_->AddObserver(this); const LauncherItems& items(model_->items()); for (LauncherItems::const_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { views::View* child = CreateViewForItem(*i); child->SetPaintToLayer(true); view_model_->Add(child, static_cast(i - items.begin())); AddChildView(child); } ShelfStatusChanged(); overflow_button_ = new OverflowButton(this); overflow_button_->set_context_menu_controller(this); ConfigureChildView(overflow_button_); AddChildView(overflow_button_); UpdateFirstButtonPadding(); // We'll layout when our bounds change. } void ShelfView::OnShelfAlignmentChanged() { UpdateFirstButtonPadding(); overflow_button_->OnShelfAlignmentChanged(); LayoutToIdealBounds(); for (int i=0; i < view_model_->view_size(); ++i) { // TODO: remove when AppIcon is a Shelf Button. if (TYPE_APP_LIST == model_->items()[i].type && !ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { static_cast(view_model_->view_at(i))->SetImageAlignment( layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment( views::ImageButton::ALIGN_CENTER, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_RIGHT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_CENTER), layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment( views::ImageButton::ALIGN_TOP, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_MIDDLE, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_MIDDLE, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM)); } if (i >= first_visible_index_ && i <= last_visible_index_) view_model_->view_at(i)->Layout(); } tooltip_->Close(); if (overflow_bubble_) overflow_bubble_->Hide(); } void ShelfView::SchedulePaintForAllButtons() { for (int i = 0; i < view_model_->view_size(); ++i) { if (i >= first_visible_index_ && i <= last_visible_index_) view_model_->view_at(i)->SchedulePaint(); } if (overflow_button_ && overflow_button_->visible()) overflow_button_->SchedulePaint(); } gfx::Rect ShelfView::GetIdealBoundsOfItemIcon(LauncherID id) { int index = model_->ItemIndexByID(id); if (index == -1 || (index > last_visible_index_ && index < model_->FirstPanelIndex())) return gfx::Rect(); const gfx::Rect& ideal_bounds(view_model_->ideal_bounds(index)); DCHECK_NE(TYPE_APP_LIST, model_->items()[index].type); ShelfButton* button = static_cast(view_model_->view_at(index)); gfx::Rect icon_bounds = button->GetIconBounds(); return gfx::Rect(GetMirroredXWithWidthInView( ideal_bounds.x() + icon_bounds.x(), icon_bounds.width()), ideal_bounds.y() + icon_bounds.y(), icon_bounds.width(), icon_bounds.height()); } void ShelfView::UpdatePanelIconPosition(LauncherID id, const gfx::Point& midpoint) { int current_index = model_->ItemIndexByID(id); int first_panel_index = model_->FirstPanelIndex(); if (current_index < first_panel_index) return; gfx::Point midpoint_in_view(GetMirroredXInView(midpoint.x()), midpoint.y()); int target_index = current_index; while (target_index > first_panel_index && layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(target_index).x(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(target_index).y()) > layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(midpoint_in_view.x(), midpoint_in_view.y())) { --target_index; } while (target_index < view_model_->view_size() - 1 && layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(target_index).right(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(target_index).bottom()) < layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(midpoint_in_view.x(), midpoint_in_view.y())) { ++target_index; } if (current_index != target_index) model_->Move(current_index, target_index); } bool ShelfView::IsShowingMenu() const { return (launcher_menu_runner_.get() && launcher_menu_runner_->IsRunning()); } bool ShelfView::IsShowingOverflowBubble() const { return overflow_bubble_.get() && overflow_bubble_->IsShowing(); } views::View* ShelfView::GetAppListButtonView() const { for (int i = 0; i < model_->item_count(); ++i) { if (model_->items()[i].type == TYPE_APP_LIST) return view_model_->view_at(i); } NOTREACHED() << "Applist button not found"; return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ShelfView, FocusTraversable implementation: views::FocusSearch* ShelfView::GetFocusSearch() { return focus_search_.get(); } views::FocusTraversable* ShelfView::GetFocusTraversableParent() { return parent()->GetFocusTraversable(); } View* ShelfView::GetFocusTraversableParentView() { return this; } void ShelfView::CreateDragIconProxy( const gfx::Point& location_in_screen_coordinates, const gfx::ImageSkia& icon, views::View* replaced_view, const gfx::Vector2d& cursor_offset_from_center, float scale_factor) { drag_replaced_view_ = replaced_view; drag_image_.reset(new ash::internal::DragImageView( drag_replaced_view_->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow()->GetRootWindow(), ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_EVENT_SOURCE_MOUSE)); drag_image_->SetImage(icon); gfx::Size size = drag_image_->GetPreferredSize(); size.set_width(size.width() * scale_factor); size.set_height(size.height() * scale_factor); drag_image_offset_ = gfx::Vector2d(size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2) + cursor_offset_from_center; gfx::Rect drag_image_bounds( location_in_screen_coordinates - drag_image_offset_, size); drag_image_->SetBoundsInScreen(drag_image_bounds); drag_image_->SetWidgetVisible(true); } void ShelfView::UpdateDragIconProxy( const gfx::Point& location_in_screen_coordinates) { drag_image_->SetScreenPosition( location_in_screen_coordinates - drag_image_offset_); } void ShelfView::DestroyDragIconProxy() { drag_image_.reset(); drag_image_offset_ = gfx::Vector2d(0, 0); } bool ShelfView::StartDrag(const std::string& app_id, const gfx::Point& location_in_screen_coordinates) { // Bail if an operation is already going on - or the cursor is not inside. // This could happen if mouse / touch operations overlap. if (drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ || !GetBoundsInScreen().Contains(location_in_screen_coordinates)) return false; // If the AppsGridView (which was dispatching this event) was opened by our // button, ShelfView dragging operations are locked and we have to unlock. CancelDrag(-1); drag_and_drop_item_pinned_ = false; drag_and_drop_app_id_ = app_id; drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ = delegate_->GetLauncherIDForAppID(drag_and_drop_app_id_); // Check if the application is known and pinned - if not, we have to pin it so // that we can re-arrange the launcher order accordingly. Note that items have // to be pinned to give them the same (order) possibilities as a shortcut. if (!drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ || !delegate_->IsAppPinned(app_id)) { delegate_->PinAppWithID(app_id); drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ = delegate_->GetLauncherIDForAppID(drag_and_drop_app_id_); if (!drag_and_drop_launcher_id_) return false; drag_and_drop_item_pinned_ = true; } views::View* drag_and_drop_view = view_model_->view_at( model_->ItemIndexByID(drag_and_drop_launcher_id_)); DCHECK(drag_and_drop_view); // Since there is already an icon presented by the caller, we hide this item // for now. That has to be done by reducing the size since the visibility will // change once a regrouping animation is performed. pre_drag_and_drop_size_ = drag_and_drop_view->size(); drag_and_drop_view->SetSize(gfx::Size()); // First we have to center the mouse cursor over the item. gfx::Point pt = drag_and_drop_view->GetBoundsInScreen().CenterPoint(); views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(drag_and_drop_view, &pt); gfx::Point point_in_root = location_in_screen_coordinates; ash::wm::ConvertPointFromScreen( ash::wm::GetRootWindowAt(location_in_screen_coordinates), &point_in_root); ui::MouseEvent event(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, pt, point_in_root, 0); PointerPressedOnButton(drag_and_drop_view, ShelfButtonHost::DRAG_AND_DROP, event); // Drag the item where it really belongs. Drag(location_in_screen_coordinates); return true; } bool ShelfView::Drag(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen_coordinates) { if (!drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ || !GetBoundsInScreen().Contains(location_in_screen_coordinates)) return false; gfx::Point pt = location_in_screen_coordinates; views::View* drag_and_drop_view = view_model_->view_at( model_->ItemIndexByID(drag_and_drop_launcher_id_)); ConvertPointFromScreen(drag_and_drop_view, &pt); gfx::Point point_in_root = location_in_screen_coordinates; ash::wm::ConvertPointFromScreen( ash::wm::GetRootWindowAt(location_in_screen_coordinates), &point_in_root); ui::MouseEvent event(ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, pt, point_in_root, 0); PointerDraggedOnButton(drag_and_drop_view, ShelfButtonHost::DRAG_AND_DROP, event); return true; } void ShelfView::EndDrag(bool cancel) { if (!drag_and_drop_launcher_id_) return; views::View* drag_and_drop_view = view_model_->view_at( model_->ItemIndexByID(drag_and_drop_launcher_id_)); PointerReleasedOnButton( drag_and_drop_view, ShelfButtonHost::DRAG_AND_DROP, cancel); // Either destroy the temporarily created item - or - make the item visible. if (drag_and_drop_item_pinned_ && cancel) delegate_->UnpinAppWithID(drag_and_drop_app_id_); else if (drag_and_drop_view) { if (cancel) { // When a hosted drag gets canceled, the item can remain in the same slot // and it might have moved within the bounds. In that case the item need // to animate back to its correct location. AnimateToIdealBounds(); } else { drag_and_drop_view->SetSize(pre_drag_and_drop_size_); } } drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ = 0; } void ShelfView::LayoutToIdealBounds() { if (bounds_animator_->IsAnimating()) { AnimateToIdealBounds(); return; } IdealBounds ideal_bounds; CalculateIdealBounds(&ideal_bounds); views::ViewModelUtils::SetViewBoundsToIdealBounds(*view_model_); overflow_button_->SetBoundsRect(ideal_bounds.overflow_bounds); } void ShelfView::CalculateIdealBounds(IdealBounds* bounds) { int available_size = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(width(), height()); DCHECK(model_->item_count() == view_model_->view_size()); if (!available_size) return; int first_panel_index = model_->FirstPanelIndex(); int last_button_index = first_panel_index - 1; // Initial x,y values account both leading_inset in primary // coordinate and secondary coordinate based on the dynamic edge of the // launcher (eg top edge on bottom-aligned launcher). int inset = ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout() ? 0 : leading_inset_; int x = layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment(inset, 0, 0, inset); int y = layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment(0, inset, inset, 0); int button_size = GetButtonSize(); int button_spacing = GetButtonSpacing(); int w = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(button_size, width()); int h = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(height(), button_size); for (int i = 0; i < view_model_->view_size(); ++i) { if (i < first_visible_index_) { view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(i, gfx::Rect(x, y, 0, 0)); continue; } view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(i, gfx::Rect(x, y, w, h)); if (i != last_button_index) { x = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(x + w + button_spacing, x); y = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(y, y + h + button_spacing); } } if (is_overflow_mode()) { // The overflow button is not shown in overflow mode. overflow_button_->SetVisible(false); DCHECK_LT(last_visible_index_, view_model_->view_size()); for (int i = 0; i < view_model_->view_size(); ++i) { bool visible = i >= first_visible_index_ && i <= last_visible_index_; if (!ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) visible &= i != last_button_index; view_model_->view_at(i)->SetVisible(visible); } return; } // To address Fitt's law, we make the first launcher button include the // leading inset (if there is one). if (!ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { if (view_model_->view_size() > 0) { view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(0, gfx::Rect(gfx::Size( layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(inset + w, w), layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(h, inset + h)))); } } // Right aligned icons. int end_position = available_size - button_spacing; x = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(end_position, 0); y = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(0, end_position); for (int i = view_model_->view_size() - 1; i >= first_panel_index; --i) { x = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(x - w - button_spacing, x); y = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(y, y - h - button_spacing); view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(i, gfx::Rect(x, y, w, h)); end_position = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(x, y); } // Icons on the left / top are guaranteed up to kLeftIconProportion of // the available space. int last_icon_position = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_button_index).right(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_button_index).bottom()) + button_size + inset; if (!ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) last_icon_position += button_size; int reserved_icon_space = available_size * kReservedNonPanelIconProportion; if (last_icon_position < reserved_icon_space) end_position = last_icon_position; else end_position = std::max(end_position, reserved_icon_space); bounds->overflow_bounds.set_size( gfx::Size(layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(w, width()), layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(height(), h))); if (ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { last_visible_index_ = DetermineLastVisibleIndex( end_position - button_size); } else { last_visible_index_ = DetermineLastVisibleIndex( end_position - inset - 2 * button_size); } last_hidden_index_ = DetermineFirstVisiblePanelIndex(end_position) - 1; bool show_overflow = ((ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout() ? 0 : 1) + last_visible_index_ < last_button_index || last_hidden_index_ >= first_panel_index); // Create Space for the overflow button if (show_overflow && ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout() && last_visible_index_ > 0 && last_visible_index_ < last_button_index) --last_visible_index_; for (int i = 0; i < view_model_->view_size(); ++i) { bool visible = i <= last_visible_index_ || i > last_hidden_index_; // Always show the app list. if (!ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) visible |= (i == last_button_index); // To receive drag event continously from |drag_view_| during the dragging // off from the shelf, don't make |drag_view_| invisible. It will be // eventually invisible and removed from the |view_model_| by // FinalizeRipOffDrag(). if (dragged_off_shelf_ && view_model_->view_at(i) == drag_view_) continue; view_model_->view_at(i)->SetVisible(visible); } overflow_button_->SetVisible(show_overflow); if (show_overflow) { DCHECK_NE(0, view_model_->view_size()); if (last_visible_index_ == -1) { x = layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment(inset, 0, 0, inset); y = layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment(0, inset, inset, 0); } else if (last_visible_index_ == last_button_index && !ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { x = view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_visible_index_).x(); y = view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_visible_index_).y(); } else { x = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_visible_index_).right(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_visible_index_).x()); y = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_visible_index_).y(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_visible_index_).bottom()); } // Set all hidden panel icon positions to be on the overflow button. for (int i = first_panel_index; i <= last_hidden_index_; ++i) view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(i, gfx::Rect(x, y, w, h)); // Add more space between last visible item and overflow button. // Without this, two buttons look too close compared with other items. if (ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { x = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(x + button_spacing, x); y = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(y, y + button_spacing); } bounds->overflow_bounds.set_x(x); bounds->overflow_bounds.set_y(y); if (!ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { // Position app list after overflow button. gfx::Rect app_list_bounds = view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_button_index); x = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(x + w + button_spacing, x); y = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(y, y + h + button_spacing); app_list_bounds.set_x(x); app_list_bounds.set_y(y); view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(last_button_index, app_list_bounds); } if (overflow_bubble_.get() && overflow_bubble_->IsShowing()) UpdateOverflowRange(overflow_bubble_->shelf_view()); } else { if (overflow_bubble_) overflow_bubble_->Hide(); } } int ShelfView::DetermineLastVisibleIndex(int max_value) const { int index = model_->FirstPanelIndex() - 1; while (index >= 0 && layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(index).right(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(index).bottom()) > max_value) { index--; } return index; } int ShelfView::DetermineFirstVisiblePanelIndex(int min_value) const { int index = model_->FirstPanelIndex(); while (index < view_model_->view_size() && layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue( view_model_->ideal_bounds(index).right(), view_model_->ideal_bounds(index).bottom()) < min_value) { ++index; } return index; } void ShelfView::AddIconObserver(ShelfIconObserver* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void ShelfView::RemoveIconObserver(ShelfIconObserver* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void ShelfView::AnimateToIdealBounds() { IdealBounds ideal_bounds; CalculateIdealBounds(&ideal_bounds); for (int i = 0; i < view_model_->view_size(); ++i) { View* view = view_model_->view_at(i); bounds_animator_->AnimateViewTo(view, view_model_->ideal_bounds(i)); // Now that the item animation starts, we have to make sure that the // padding of the first gets properly transferred to the new first item. if (i && view->border()) view->set_border(NULL); else if (!i && !view->border()) UpdateFirstButtonPadding(); } overflow_button_->SetBoundsRect(ideal_bounds.overflow_bounds); } views::View* ShelfView::CreateViewForItem(const LauncherItem& item) { views::View* view = NULL; switch (item.type) { case TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT: case TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT: case TYPE_WINDOWED_APP: case TYPE_PLATFORM_APP: case TYPE_APP_PANEL: { ShelfButton* button = ShelfButton::Create(this, this, layout_manager_); button->SetImage(item.image); ReflectItemStatus(item, button); view = button; break; } case TYPE_APP_LIST: { if (ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) { view = new AlternateAppListButton(this, this, layout_manager_->shelf_widget()); } else { // TODO(dave): turn this into a ShelfButton too. AppListButton* button = new AppListButton(this, this); button->SetImageAlignment( layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment( views::ImageButton::ALIGN_CENTER, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_RIGHT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_CENTER), layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment( views::ImageButton::ALIGN_TOP, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_MIDDLE, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_MIDDLE, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM)); view = button; } break; } default: break; } view->set_context_menu_controller(this); DCHECK(view); ConfigureChildView(view); return view; } void ShelfView::FadeIn(views::View* view) { view->SetVisible(true); view->layer()->SetOpacity(0); AnimateToIdealBounds(); bounds_animator_->SetAnimationDelegate( view, new FadeInAnimationDelegate(view), true); } void ShelfView::PrepareForDrag(Pointer pointer, const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { DCHECK(!dragging()); DCHECK(drag_view_); drag_pointer_ = pointer; start_drag_index_ = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_); if (start_drag_index_== -1) { CancelDrag(-1); return; } // If the item is no longer draggable, bail out. ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate( model_->items()[start_drag_index_].id); if (!item_delegate->IsDraggable()) { CancelDrag(-1); return; } // Move the view to the front so that it appears on top of other views. ReorderChildView(drag_view_, -1); bounds_animator_->StopAnimatingView(drag_view_); } void ShelfView::ContinueDrag(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { // Due to a syncing operation the application might have been removed. // Bail if it is gone. int current_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_); DCHECK_NE(-1, current_index); ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate( model_->items()[current_index].id); if (!item_delegate->IsDraggable()) { CancelDrag(-1); return; } // If this is not a drag and drop host operation and not the app list item, // check if the item got ripped off the shelf - if it did we are done. if (!drag_and_drop_launcher_id_ && ash::switches::UseDragOffShelf() && RemovableByRipOff(current_index) != NOT_REMOVABLE) { if (HandleRipOffDrag(event)) return; // The rip off handler could have changed the location of the item. current_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_); } // TODO: I don't think this works correctly with RTL. gfx::Point drag_point(event.location()); ConvertPointToTarget(drag_view_, this, &drag_point); // Constrain the location to the range of valid indices for the type. std::pair indices(GetDragRange(current_index)); int first_drag_index = indices.first; int last_drag_index = indices.second; // If the last index isn't valid, we're overflowing. Constrain to the app list // (which is the last visible item). if (first_drag_index < model_->FirstPanelIndex() && last_drag_index > last_visible_index_) last_drag_index = last_visible_index_; int x = 0, y = 0; if (layout_manager_->IsHorizontalAlignment()) { x = std::max(view_model_->ideal_bounds(indices.first).x(), drag_point.x() - drag_offset_); x = std::min(view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_drag_index).right() - view_model_->ideal_bounds(current_index).width(), x); if (drag_view_->x() == x) return; drag_view_->SetX(x); } else { y = std::max(view_model_->ideal_bounds(indices.first).y(), drag_point.y() - drag_offset_); y = std::min(view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_drag_index).bottom() - view_model_->ideal_bounds(current_index).height(), y); if (drag_view_->y() == y) return; drag_view_->SetY(y); } int target_index = views::ViewModelUtils::DetermineMoveIndex( *view_model_, drag_view_, layout_manager_->IsHorizontalAlignment() ? views::ViewModelUtils::HORIZONTAL : views::ViewModelUtils::VERTICAL, x, y); target_index = std::min(indices.second, std::max(target_index, indices.first)); if (target_index == current_index) return; // Change the model, the LauncherItemMoved() callback will handle the // |view_model_| update. model_->Move(current_index, target_index); bounds_animator_->StopAnimatingView(drag_view_); } bool ShelfView::HandleRipOffDrag(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { int current_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_); DCHECK_NE(-1, current_index); gfx::Point screen_location = event.root_location(); ash::wm::ConvertPointToScreen(GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow()->GetRootWindow(), &screen_location); // To avoid ugly forwards and backwards flipping we use different constants // for ripping off / re-inserting the items. if (dragged_off_shelf_) { // If the shelf/overflow bubble bounds contains |screen_location| we insert // the item back into the shelf. if (GetBoundsForDragInsertInScreen().Contains(screen_location)) { // Destroy our proxy view item. DestroyDragIconProxy(); // Re-insert the item and return simply false since the caller will handle // the move as in any normal case. dragged_off_shelf_ = false; drag_view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f); // Overflow bubble should be enlarged immediately when an item is // re-inserted. if (is_overflow_mode()) PreferredSizeChanged(); return false; } // Move our proxy view item. UpdateDragIconProxy(screen_location); return true; } // Check if we are too far away from the shelf to enter the ripped off state. // Determine the distance to the shelf. int delta = CalculateShelfDistance(event.root_location()); if (delta > kRipOffDistance) { // Create a proxy view item which can be moved anywhere. ShelfButton* button = static_cast(drag_view_); CreateDragIconProxy(event.root_location(), button->GetImage(), drag_view_, gfx::Vector2d(0, 0), kDragAndDropProxyScale); drag_view_->layer()->SetOpacity(0.0f); dragged_off_shelf_ = true; if (RemovableByRipOff(current_index) == REMOVABLE) { // Move the item to the front of the first panel item and hide it. // LauncherItemMoved() callback will handle the |view_model_| update and // call AnimateToIdealBounds(). if (current_index != model_->FirstPanelIndex() - 1) { model_->Move(current_index, model_->FirstPanelIndex() - 1); StartFadeInLastVisibleItem(); } else if (is_overflow_mode()) { // Overflow bubble should be shrunk when an item is ripped off. PreferredSizeChanged(); } // Make the item partially disappear to show that it will get removed if // dropped. drag_image_->SetOpacity(0.5f); } return true; } return false; } void ShelfView::FinalizeRipOffDrag(bool cancel) { if (!dragged_off_shelf_) return; // Make sure we do not come in here again. dragged_off_shelf_ = false; // Coming here we should always have a |drag_view_|. DCHECK(drag_view_); int current_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_); // If the view isn't part of the model anymore (|current_index| == -1), a sync // operation must have removed it. In that case we shouldn't change the model // and only delete the proxy image. if (current_index == -1) { DestroyDragIconProxy(); return; } // Set to true when the animation should snap back to where it was before. bool snap_back = false; // Items which cannot be dragged off will be handled as a cancel. if (!cancel) { // Make sure we do not try to remove un-removable items like items which // were not pinned or have to be always there. if (RemovableByRipOff(current_index) != REMOVABLE) { cancel = true; snap_back = true; } else { // Make sure the item stays invisible upon removal. drag_view_->SetVisible(false); std::string app_id = delegate_->GetAppIDForLauncherID(model_->items()[current_index].id); delegate_->UnpinAppWithID(app_id); } } if (cancel || snap_back) { if (!cancelling_drag_model_changed_) { // Only do something if the change did not come through a model change. gfx::Rect drag_bounds = drag_image_->GetBoundsInScreen(); gfx::Point relative_to = GetBoundsInScreen().origin(); gfx::Rect target( gfx::PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(drag_bounds.origin()- relative_to), drag_bounds.size()); drag_view_->SetBoundsRect(target); // Hide the status from the active item since we snap it back now. Upon // animation end the flag gets cleared if |snap_back_from_rip_off_view_| // is set. snap_back_from_rip_off_view_ = drag_view_; ShelfButton* button = static_cast(drag_view_); button->AddState(ShelfButton::STATE_HIDDEN); // When a canceling drag model is happening, the view model is diverged // from the menu model and movements / animations should not be done. model_->Move(current_index, start_drag_index_); AnimateToIdealBounds(); } drag_view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f); } DestroyDragIconProxy(); } ShelfView::RemovableState ShelfView::RemovableByRipOff(int index) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < model_->item_count()); LauncherItemType type = model_->items()[index].type; if (type == TYPE_APP_LIST || !delegate_->CanPin()) return NOT_REMOVABLE; std::string app_id = delegate_->GetAppIDForLauncherID(model_->items()[index].id); // Note: Only pinned app shortcuts can be removed! return (type == TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT && delegate_->IsAppPinned(app_id)) ? REMOVABLE : DRAGGABLE; } bool ShelfView::SameDragType(LauncherItemType typea, LauncherItemType typeb) const { switch (typea) { case TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT: case TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT: return (typeb == TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT || typeb == TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT); case TYPE_APP_LIST: case TYPE_PLATFORM_APP: case TYPE_WINDOWED_APP: case TYPE_APP_PANEL: return typeb == typea; case TYPE_UNDEFINED: NOTREACHED() << "LauncherItemType must be set."; return false; } NOTREACHED(); return false; } std::pair ShelfView::GetDragRange(int index) { int min_index = -1; int max_index = -1; LauncherItemType type = model_->items()[index].type; for (int i = 0; i < model_->item_count(); ++i) { if (SameDragType(model_->items()[i].type, type)) { if (min_index == -1) min_index = i; max_index = i; } } return std::pair(min_index, max_index); } void ShelfView::ConfigureChildView(views::View* view) { view->SetPaintToLayer(true); view->layer()->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(false); } void ShelfView::ToggleOverflowBubble() { if (IsShowingOverflowBubble()) { overflow_bubble_->Hide(); return; } if (!overflow_bubble_) overflow_bubble_.reset(new OverflowBubble()); ShelfView* overflow_view = new ShelfView(model_, delegate_, layout_manager_); overflow_view->overflow_mode_ = true; overflow_view->Init(); overflow_view->set_owner_overflow_bubble(overflow_bubble_.get()); overflow_view->OnShelfAlignmentChanged(); UpdateOverflowRange(overflow_view); overflow_bubble_->Show(overflow_button_, overflow_view); Shell::GetInstance()->UpdateShelfVisibility(); } void ShelfView::UpdateFirstButtonPadding() { if (ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) return; // Creates an empty border for first launcher button to make included leading // inset act as the button's padding. This is only needed on button creation // and when shelf alignment changes. if (view_model_->view_size() > 0) { view_model_->view_at(0)->set_border(views::Border::CreateEmptyBorder( layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(0, leading_inset_), layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(leading_inset_, 0), 0, 0)); } } void ShelfView::OnFadeOutAnimationEnded() { AnimateToIdealBounds(); StartFadeInLastVisibleItem(); } void ShelfView::StartFadeInLastVisibleItem() { // If overflow button is visible and there is a valid new last item, fading // the new last item in after sliding animation is finished. if (overflow_button_->visible() && last_visible_index_ >= 0) { views::View* last_visible_view = view_model_->view_at(last_visible_index_); last_visible_view->layer()->SetOpacity(0); bounds_animator_->SetAnimationDelegate( last_visible_view, new ShelfView::StartFadeAnimationDelegate(this, last_visible_view), true); } } void ShelfView::UpdateOverflowRange(ShelfView* overflow_view) { const int first_overflow_index = last_visible_index_ + 1; const int last_overflow_index = last_hidden_index_; DCHECK_LE(first_overflow_index, last_overflow_index); DCHECK_LT(last_overflow_index, view_model_->view_size()); overflow_view->first_visible_index_ = first_overflow_index; overflow_view->last_visible_index_ = last_overflow_index; } int ShelfView::GetButtonSize() const { return ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout() ? kButtonSize : kLauncherPreferredSize; } int ShelfView::GetButtonSpacing() const { return ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout() ? kAlternateButtonSpacing : kButtonSpacing; } bool ShelfView::ShouldHideTooltip(const gfx::Point& cursor_location) { gfx::Rect active_bounds; for (int i = 0; i < child_count(); ++i) { views::View* child = child_at(i); if (child == overflow_button_) continue; if (!ShouldShowTooltipForView(child)) continue; gfx::Rect child_bounds = child->GetMirroredBounds(); active_bounds.Union(child_bounds); } return !active_bounds.Contains(cursor_location); } gfx::Rect ShelfView::GetVisibleItemsBoundsInScreen() { gfx::Size preferred_size = GetPreferredSize(); gfx::Point origin(GetMirroredXWithWidthInView(0, preferred_size.width()), 0); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &origin); return gfx::Rect(origin, preferred_size); } gfx::Rect ShelfView::GetBoundsForDragInsertInScreen() { gfx::Size preferred_size; if (is_overflow_mode()) { DCHECK(owner_overflow_bubble_); gfx::Rect bubble_bounds = owner_overflow_bubble_->bubble_view()->GetBubbleBounds(); preferred_size = bubble_bounds.size(); } else { const int preferred_shelf_size = layout_manager_->GetPreferredShelfSize(); const int last_button_index = view_model_->view_size() - 1; gfx::Rect last_button_bounds = view_model_->view_at(last_button_index)->bounds(); if (overflow_button_->visible() && model_->GetItemIndexForType(TYPE_APP_PANEL) == -1) { // When overflow button is visible and shelf has no panel items, // last_button_bounds should be overflow button's bounds. last_button_bounds = overflow_button_->bounds(); } if (layout_manager_->IsHorizontalAlignment()) { preferred_size = gfx::Size(last_button_bounds.right() + leading_inset_, preferred_shelf_size); } else { preferred_size = gfx::Size(preferred_shelf_size, last_button_bounds.bottom() + leading_inset_); } } gfx::Point origin(GetMirroredXWithWidthInView(0, preferred_size.width()), 0); // In overflow mode, we should use OverflowBubbleView as a source for // converting |origin| to screen coordinates. When a scroll operation is // occurred in OverflowBubble, the bounds of ShelfView in OverflowBubble can // be changed. if (is_overflow_mode()) ConvertPointToScreen(owner_overflow_bubble_->bubble_view(), &origin); else ConvertPointToScreen(this, &origin); return gfx::Rect(origin, preferred_size); } int ShelfView::CancelDrag(int modified_index) { FinalizeRipOffDrag(true); if (!drag_view_) return modified_index; bool was_dragging = dragging(); int drag_view_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_); drag_pointer_ = NONE; drag_view_ = NULL; if (drag_view_index == modified_index) { // The view that was being dragged is being modified. Don't do anything. return modified_index; } if (!was_dragging) return modified_index; // Restore previous position, tracking the position of the modified view. bool at_end = modified_index == view_model_->view_size(); views::View* modified_view = (modified_index >= 0 && !at_end) ? view_model_->view_at(modified_index) : NULL; model_->Move(drag_view_index, start_drag_index_); // If the modified view will be at the end of the list, return the new end of // the list. if (at_end) return view_model_->view_size(); return modified_view ? view_model_->GetIndexOfView(modified_view) : -1; } gfx::Size ShelfView::GetPreferredSize() { IdealBounds ideal_bounds; CalculateIdealBounds(&ideal_bounds); const int preferred_size = layout_manager_->GetPreferredShelfSize(); int last_button_index = is_overflow_mode() ? last_visible_index_ : view_model_->view_size() - 1; // When an item is dragged off from the overflow bubble, it is moved to last // position and and changed to invisible. Overflow bubble size should be // shrunk to fit only for visible items. if (is_overflow_mode() && dragged_off_shelf_ && RemovableByRipOff(view_model_->GetIndexOfView(drag_view_)) == REMOVABLE) last_button_index--; const gfx::Rect last_button_bounds = last_button_index >= first_visible_index_ ? view_model_->ideal_bounds(last_button_index) : gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(preferred_size, preferred_size)); if (layout_manager_->IsHorizontalAlignment()) { return gfx::Size(last_button_bounds.right() + leading_inset_, preferred_size); } return gfx::Size(preferred_size, last_button_bounds.bottom() + leading_inset_); } void ShelfView::OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) { LayoutToIdealBounds(); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(ShelfIconObserver, observers_, OnShelfIconPositionsChanged()); if (IsShowingOverflowBubble()) overflow_bubble_->Hide(); } views::FocusTraversable* ShelfView::GetPaneFocusTraversable() { return this; } void ShelfView::GetAccessibleState(ui::AccessibleViewState* state) { state->role = ui::AccessibilityTypes::ROLE_TOOLBAR; state->name = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_ASH_SHELF_ACCESSIBLE_NAME); } void ShelfView::OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) { if (gesture_handler_.ProcessGestureEvent(*event)) event->StopPropagation(); } void ShelfView::ShelfItemAdded(int model_index) { { base::AutoReset cancelling_drag( &cancelling_drag_model_changed_, true); model_index = CancelDrag(model_index); } views::View* view = CreateViewForItem(model_->items()[model_index]); AddChildView(view); // Hide the view, it'll be made visible when the animation is done. Using // opacity 0 here to avoid messing with CalculateIdealBounds which touches // the view's visibility. view->layer()->SetOpacity(0); view_model_->Add(view, model_index); // Give the button its ideal bounds. That way if we end up animating the // button before this animation completes it doesn't appear at some random // spot (because it was in the middle of animating from 0,0 0x0 to its // target). IdealBounds ideal_bounds; CalculateIdealBounds(&ideal_bounds); view->SetBoundsRect(view_model_->ideal_bounds(model_index)); // The first animation moves all the views to their target position. |view| // is hidden, so it visually appears as though we are providing space for // it. When done we'll fade the view in. AnimateToIdealBounds(); if (model_index <= last_visible_index_ || model_index >= model_->FirstPanelIndex()) { bounds_animator_->SetAnimationDelegate( view, new StartFadeAnimationDelegate(this, view), true); } else { // Undo the hiding if animation does not run. view->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f); } } void ShelfView::ShelfItemRemoved(int model_index, LauncherID id) { if (id == context_menu_id_) launcher_menu_runner_.reset(); { base::AutoReset cancelling_drag( &cancelling_drag_model_changed_, true); model_index = CancelDrag(model_index); } views::View* view = view_model_->view_at(model_index); view_model_->Remove(model_index); // When the overflow bubble is visible, the overflow range needs to be set // before CalculateIdealBounds() gets called. Otherwise CalculateIdealBounds() // could trigger a LauncherItemChanged() by hiding the overflow bubble and // since the overflow bubble is not yet synced with the ShelfModel this // could cause a crash. if (overflow_bubble_ && overflow_bubble_->IsShowing()) { last_hidden_index_ = std::min(last_hidden_index_, view_model_->view_size() - 1); UpdateOverflowRange(overflow_bubble_->shelf_view()); } if (view->visible()) { // The first animation fades out the view. When done we'll animate the rest // of the views to their target location. bounds_animator_->AnimateViewTo(view, view->bounds()); bounds_animator_->SetAnimationDelegate( view, new FadeOutAnimationDelegate(this, view), true); } else { // We don't need to show a fade out animation for invisible |view|. When an // item is ripped out from the shelf, its |view| is already invisible. AnimateToIdealBounds(); } // Close the tooltip because it isn't needed any longer and its anchor view // will be deleted soon. if (tooltip_->GetCurrentAnchorView() == view) tooltip_->Close(); } void ShelfView::ShelfItemChanged(int model_index, const LauncherItem& old_item) { const LauncherItem& item(model_->items()[model_index]); if (old_item.type != item.type) { // Type changed, swap the views. model_index = CancelDrag(model_index); scoped_ptr old_view(view_model_->view_at(model_index)); bounds_animator_->StopAnimatingView(old_view.get()); // Removing and re-inserting a view in our view model will strip the ideal // bounds from the item. To avoid recalculation of everything the bounds // get remembered and restored after the insertion to the previous value. gfx::Rect old_ideal_bounds = view_model_->ideal_bounds(model_index); view_model_->Remove(model_index); views::View* new_view = CreateViewForItem(item); AddChildView(new_view); view_model_->Add(new_view, model_index); view_model_->set_ideal_bounds(model_index, old_ideal_bounds); new_view->SetBoundsRect(old_view->bounds()); return; } views::View* view = view_model_->view_at(model_index); switch (item.type) { case TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT: // Fallthrough for the new Shelf since it needs to show the activation // change as well. case TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT: case TYPE_WINDOWED_APP: case TYPE_PLATFORM_APP: case TYPE_APP_PANEL: { ShelfButton* button = static_cast(view); ReflectItemStatus(item, button); // The browser shortcut is currently not a "real" item and as such the // the image is bogous as well. We therefore keep the image as is for it. if (item.type != TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT) button->SetImage(item.image); button->SchedulePaint(); break; } default: break; } } void ShelfView::ShelfItemMoved(int start_index, int target_index) { view_model_->Move(start_index, target_index); // When cancelling a drag due to a launcher item being added, the currently // dragged item is moved back to its initial position. AnimateToIdealBounds // will be called again when the new item is added to the |view_model_| but // at this time the |view_model_| is inconsistent with the |model_|. if (!cancelling_drag_model_changed_) AnimateToIdealBounds(); } void ShelfView::ShelfStatusChanged() { if (ash::switches::UseAlternateShelfLayout()) return; AppListButton* app_list_button = static_cast(GetAppListButtonView()); if (model_->status() == ShelfModel::STATUS_LOADING) app_list_button->StartLoadingAnimation(); else app_list_button->StopLoadingAnimation(); } void ShelfView::PointerPressedOnButton(views::View* view, Pointer pointer, const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { if (drag_view_) return; int index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(view); if (index == -1) return; ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate( model_->items()[index].id); if (view_model_->view_size() <= 1 || !item_delegate->IsDraggable()) return; // View is being deleted or not draggable, ignore request. drag_view_ = view; drag_offset_ = layout_manager_->PrimaryAxisValue(event.x(), event.y()); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Ash.ShelfAlignmentUsage", layout_manager_->SelectValueForShelfAlignment( SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_BOTTOM, SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_LEFT, SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_RIGHT, -1), SHELF_ALIGNMENT_UMA_ENUM_VALUE_COUNT); } void ShelfView::PointerDraggedOnButton(views::View* view, Pointer pointer, const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { // To prepare all drag types (moving an item in the shelf and dragging off), // we should check the x-axis and y-axis offset. if (!dragging() && drag_view_ && ((abs(event.x() - drag_offset_) >= kMinimumDragDistance) || (abs(event.y() - drag_offset_) >= kMinimumDragDistance))) { PrepareForDrag(pointer, event); } if (drag_pointer_ == pointer) ContinueDrag(event); } void ShelfView::PointerReleasedOnButton(views::View* view, Pointer pointer, bool canceled) { if (canceled) { CancelDrag(-1); } else if (drag_pointer_ == pointer) { FinalizeRipOffDrag(false); drag_pointer_ = NONE; AnimateToIdealBounds(); } // If the drag pointer is NONE, no drag operation is going on and the // drag_view can be released. if (drag_pointer_ == NONE) drag_view_ = NULL; } void ShelfView::MouseMovedOverButton(views::View* view) { if (!ShouldShowTooltipForView(view)) return; if (!tooltip_->IsVisible()) tooltip_->ResetTimer(); } void ShelfView::MouseEnteredButton(views::View* view) { if (!ShouldShowTooltipForView(view)) return; if (tooltip_->IsVisible()) { tooltip_->ShowImmediately(view, GetAccessibleName(view)); } else { tooltip_->ShowDelayed(view, GetAccessibleName(view)); } } void ShelfView::MouseExitedButton(views::View* view) { if (!tooltip_->IsVisible()) tooltip_->StopTimer(); } base::string16 ShelfView::GetAccessibleName(const views::View* view) { int view_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(view); // May be -1 while in the process of animating closed. if (view_index == -1) return base::string16(); ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate( model_->items()[view_index].id); return item_delegate->GetTitle(); } void ShelfView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const ui::Event& event) { // Do not handle mouse release during drag. if (dragging()) return; if (sender == overflow_button_) { ToggleOverflowBubble(); return; } int view_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(sender); // May be -1 while in the process of animating closed. if (view_index == -1) return; // If the previous menu was closed by the same event as this one, we ignore // the call. if (!IsUsableEvent(event)) return; { ScopedTargetRootWindow scoped_target( sender->GetWidget()->GetNativeView()->GetRootWindow()); // Slow down activation animations if shift key is pressed. scoped_ptr slowing_animations; if (event.IsShiftDown()) { slowing_animations.reset(new ui::ScopedAnimationDurationScaleMode( ui::ScopedAnimationDurationScaleMode::SLOW_DURATION)); } // Collect usage statistics before we decide what to do with the click. switch (model_->items()[view_index].type) { case TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT: case TYPE_WINDOWED_APP: case TYPE_PLATFORM_APP: case TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT: Shell::GetInstance()->delegate()->RecordUserMetricsAction( UMA_LAUNCHER_CLICK_ON_APP); break; case TYPE_APP_LIST: Shell::GetInstance()->delegate()->RecordUserMetricsAction( UMA_LAUNCHER_CLICK_ON_APPLIST_BUTTON); break; case TYPE_APP_PANEL: break; case TYPE_UNDEFINED: NOTREACHED() << "LauncherItemType must be set."; break; } ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate(model_->items()[view_index].id); if (!item_delegate->ItemSelected(event)) ShowListMenuForView(model_->items()[view_index], sender, event); } } bool ShelfView::ShowListMenuForView(const LauncherItem& item, views::View* source, const ui::Event& event) { scoped_ptr menu_model; ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate(item.id); menu_model.reset(item_delegate->CreateApplicationMenu(event.flags())); // Make sure we have a menu and it has at least two items in addition to the // application title and the 3 spacing separators. if (!menu_model.get() || menu_model->GetItemCount() <= 5) return false; ShowMenu(scoped_ptr( new ShelfMenuModelAdapter(menu_model.get())), source, gfx::Point(), false, ui::GetMenuSourceTypeForEvent(event)); return true; } void ShelfView::ShowContextMenuForView(views::View* source, const gfx::Point& point, ui::MenuSourceType source_type) { int view_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(source); // TODO(simon.hong81): Create LauncherContextMenu for applist in its // ShelfItemDelegate. if (view_index != -1 && model_->items()[view_index].type == TYPE_APP_LIST) { view_index = -1; } if (view_index == -1) { Shell::GetInstance()->ShowContextMenu(point, source_type); return; } scoped_ptr menu_model; ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate( model_->items()[view_index].id); menu_model.reset(item_delegate->CreateContextMenu( source->GetWidget()->GetNativeView()->GetRootWindow())); if (!menu_model) return; base::AutoReset reseter( &context_menu_id_, view_index == -1 ? 0 : model_->items()[view_index].id); ShowMenu(scoped_ptr( new views::MenuModelAdapter(menu_model.get())), source, point, true, source_type); } void ShelfView::ShowMenu(scoped_ptr menu_model_adapter, views::View* source, const gfx::Point& click_point, bool context_menu, ui::MenuSourceType source_type) { closing_event_time_ = base::TimeDelta(); launcher_menu_runner_.reset( new views::MenuRunner(menu_model_adapter->CreateMenu())); ScopedTargetRootWindow scoped_target( source->GetWidget()->GetNativeView()->GetRootWindow()); // Determine the menu alignment dependent on the shelf. views::MenuItemView::AnchorPosition menu_alignment = views::MenuItemView::TOPLEFT; gfx::Rect anchor_point = gfx::Rect(click_point, gfx::Size()); ShelfWidget* shelf = RootWindowController::ForLauncher( GetWidget()->GetNativeView())->shelf(); if (!context_menu) { // Application lists use a bubble. ash::ShelfAlignment align = shelf->GetAlignment(); anchor_point = source->GetBoundsInScreen(); // It is possible to invoke the menu while it is sliding into view. To cover // that case, the screen coordinates are offsetted by the animation delta. gfx::Vector2d offset = source->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow()->bounds().origin() - source->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow()->GetTargetBounds().origin(); anchor_point.set_x(anchor_point.x() - offset.x()); anchor_point.set_y(anchor_point.y() - offset.y()); // Shelf items can have an asymmetrical border for spacing reasons. // Adjust anchor location for this. if (source->border()) anchor_point.Inset(source->border()->GetInsets()); switch (align) { case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM: menu_alignment = views::MenuItemView::BUBBLE_ABOVE; break; case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: menu_alignment = views::MenuItemView::BUBBLE_RIGHT; break; case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: menu_alignment = views::MenuItemView::BUBBLE_LEFT; break; case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_TOP: menu_alignment = views::MenuItemView::BUBBLE_BELOW; break; } } // If this gets deleted while we are in the menu, the launcher will be gone // as well. bool got_deleted = false; got_deleted_ = &got_deleted; shelf->ForceUndimming(true); // NOTE: if you convert to HAS_MNEMONICS be sure and update menu building // code. if (launcher_menu_runner_->RunMenuAt( source->GetWidget(), NULL, anchor_point, menu_alignment, source_type, context_menu ? views::MenuRunner::CONTEXT_MENU : 0) == views::MenuRunner::MENU_DELETED) { if (!got_deleted) { got_deleted_ = NULL; shelf->ForceUndimming(false); } return; } got_deleted_ = NULL; shelf->ForceUndimming(false); // If it is a context menu and we are showing overflow bubble // we want to hide overflow bubble. if (owner_overflow_bubble_) owner_overflow_bubble_->HideBubbleAndRefreshButton(); // Unpinning an item will reset the |launcher_menu_runner_| before coming // here. if (launcher_menu_runner_) closing_event_time_ = launcher_menu_runner_->closing_event_time(); Shell::GetInstance()->UpdateShelfVisibility(); } void ShelfView::OnBoundsAnimatorProgressed(views::BoundsAnimator* animator) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(ShelfIconObserver, observers_, OnShelfIconPositionsChanged()); PreferredSizeChanged(); } void ShelfView::OnBoundsAnimatorDone(views::BoundsAnimator* animator) { if (snap_back_from_rip_off_view_ && animator == bounds_animator_) { if (!animator->IsAnimating(snap_back_from_rip_off_view_)) { // Coming here the animation of the ShelfButton is finished and the // previously hidden status can be shown again. Since the button itself // might have gone away or changed locations we check that the button // is still in the shelf and show its status again. for (int index = 0; index < view_model_->view_size(); index++) { views::View* view = view_model_->view_at(index); if (view == snap_back_from_rip_off_view_) { ShelfButton* button = static_cast(view); button->ClearState(ShelfButton::STATE_HIDDEN); break; } } snap_back_from_rip_off_view_ = NULL; } } } bool ShelfView::IsUsableEvent(const ui::Event& event) { if (closing_event_time_ == base::TimeDelta()) return true; base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeDelta(event.time_stamp() - closing_event_time_); closing_event_time_ = base::TimeDelta(); // TODO(skuhne): This time seems excessive, but it appears that the reposting // takes that long. Need to come up with a better way of doing this. return (delta.InMilliseconds() < 0 || delta.InMilliseconds() > 130); } const LauncherItem* ShelfView::LauncherItemForView( const views::View* view) const { int view_index = view_model_->GetIndexOfView(view); if (view_index == -1) return NULL; return &(model_->items()[view_index]); } bool ShelfView::ShouldShowTooltipForView(const views::View* view) const { if (view == GetAppListButtonView() && Shell::GetInstance()->GetAppListWindow()) return false; const LauncherItem* item = LauncherItemForView(view); if (!item) return true; ShelfItemDelegate* item_delegate = item_manager_->GetShelfItemDelegate(item->id); return item_delegate->ShouldShowTooltip(); } int ShelfView::CalculateShelfDistance(const gfx::Point& coordinate) const { ShelfWidget* shelf = RootWindowController::ForLauncher( GetWidget()->GetNativeView())->shelf(); ash::ShelfAlignment align = shelf->GetAlignment(); const gfx::Rect bounds = GetBoundsInScreen(); int distance = 0; switch (align) { case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM: distance = bounds.y() - coordinate.y(); break; case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: distance = coordinate.x() - bounds.right(); break; case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: distance = bounds.x() - coordinate.x(); break; case ash::SHELF_ALIGNMENT_TOP: distance = coordinate.y() - bounds.bottom(); break; } return distance > 0 ? distance : 0; } } // namespace internal } // namespace ash